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Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net


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Cinnabaris (Cinnb)<br />

Tema: 1 + 1;<br />

Solutia: positiv: comportament elegant, demn, miscator. Să lase să se nasca ceva nou, dezvoltare spirituala.<br />

Negativ: cearta/a se vedea invincibil/ a simti o pierdere/<br />

Negativ: A. Coloratie rosie (Fata/ulcere),<br />

Vrea să fie lasat in pcae/enervat usor/morocanos, suspecta pe toti/depresiv # veselie falsa(jucata) / slabirea<br />

memoriei/ doreste putere.<br />

Afectiuni + inrosit. Fără somn. Nu este inclinat catre efort cerebral. Memorie SLABA + lenes/epuizat cerebral<br />

inainte de ciclu. Dureri de cap. Apetit. Arsura. Saliva multa. Sudoare nu amelioreaza.<br />

< seara/ noaptea, stat intins, partea dreapta. dupa dormit, Atingere/lumina/umezeala<br />

> Caldura/aer curat/dupa cina/la soare/atungere/miscare<br />

Afectiuni : Mucoare, ulcere, oase, sinuzita Open air; rest. - - < NIGHT; summer; walking. - - While lying on right side.<br />

feels as if contents of body were being dragged to that side.<br />

HEAD: - - Congestion to vertex and forehead. fullness. < after eating.<br />

- Intense headache. cannot raise head from pillow. > pressure.<br />

EYE: - - Shooting pains in orbital bones. esp. from inner to outer cantus.<br />

- Pains from lachrymal duct around eye to temple. from inner cantus acoß brows to ear.<br />

- Redness of whole eye.<br />

NOSE: - - Pain like a saddle at root. < pressure of glasses. - - SINUSITIS.<br />

- Nasopharyngeal catarrh. Stringy mucus from posterior nares to throat.<br />

FACE - - Hot and swollen. esp. about eyes. MOUTH - - Fiery looking ulcers.<br />

THROAT - - Dryness and irritation - - Fiery looking ulcers.<br />

- Disposition to swallow from fullness.<br />

STOMACH: - - Heat ext. to neck/head. < night. > rising up in bed. - - Appetite increased.<br />

ABDOMEN - - Flashes of heat with great flatulence. - - Swelling inguinal glands.<br />

RECTUM: - - CONDYLOMATA. - - Bloody stools<br />

MALE GENITALIA: - - CondylomATA on prepuce (fan shaped). easliy bleeding on touch. - - - Excoriation of<br />

penis. - - Inflammation of glans and prepuce with redness. violent itching with profuse secretion of pus.<br />

- Small red pimples on glans. Ulcers on penis. Chancres. - - Phimosis.<br />

- Offensive. acrid perspiration between Skrotum and thighs.<br />

EXTREMITIES: - - Pain in long bones when barometer lowers.<br />

- Pain from hip-joint downward. < night.<br />

SKIN: - - FIERY RED ULCERS. - - Itching as if pimples were coming out.<br />

- Condylomata. easily bleeding.<br />

SLEEP: - - Sleepy during daytime. sleepless at night (Staph.).<br />

Cocculus indicus (Cocc)<br />

Cauza: Griji/Efort/Furie;<br />

Complementar: Carb-v. Caus. Ip. Petr. *Caus - Cocc - Staph*<br />

Urmeaza bine: Acon. Calc. Cham. Colch. Dros. Hep. Ign. Nux-v. Olnd.<br />

Urmat bine de: Ant-t. Ars. Bell. Con. Euph-c. Glon. Hep. Ign. Lyc. Nux v. Op. Picro. Puls. Rhus-t. Staph. Sulph.<br />

Intermediar: Nux-v.<br />

Incompatibil cu: Caus. Coff./ Cafea/Fumat.<br />

Antidoteaza: Ant-t. Aur. Cham. Colch. Cupr. Ign. Jug-c. Nux-v. Petr. Plb. Spig. Spong. Thuj (febra). Vac.<br />

Yuc./Alcool. Tutun. Musetel.<br />

Antidotat de: Acon. Arn. Bism. Camph. Caps. Cham. Coff. Coloc. Cupr. Gels. Ign. Iod. Lach. Merc. Nux-v. Olnd.<br />

Ph-ac. Sep. Staph. Tab. Alcool/Tutun<br />


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