Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net


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Urmeaza bine: Bell. Carb-an. Chin. Coff. Con. Merc-c. Puls.<br />

Urmat bine de: Acon. Bell. Calc. Chin. Lyc. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil.<br />

Intermediar: Stront (Osteoporoza)<br />

Incompatibil cu: Calc. Sil. Sulph. (entorse).<br />

Apa din surse sulfuroase.<br />

Antidoteaza: Cinnb. Cupr. Kali-i. Lach. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-if. Plb. Spig. Alcool, tutun (Copiii care au<br />

fumat). Mercur.<br />

Antidotat de: Bell. Camph. Chin. Cinnb. Cocc. Coff. Cupr. Hep. Merc. Mill. Puls. Sol-n. Spig.<br />

Efect: 50 - 60 zile, pe partea dreapta sclerotic/limfatic/sanguinic/melancolic/tifoid/psoric/sicotic/tuberculin<br />



MIND: - - Introverted. Serious with a touch of sadness. - - Sensibil. Refined. Easily hurt.<br />

- Sensibil to any criticism.- - Don't share emotions. Outbursts of temper.<br />

- Emotoinal weakness, mentally strong. - - Correct. Well educated. Conscientious.<br />

- Responsible/disciplined/(highly ambitionous. Convicted to be more capable than others.<br />

- WORKAHOLIC. Attain high position in society.<br />

- Ailments from grief, humiliation, from business reversal.<br />

- Self-reproach. Feels worthless, incapable. Fear of failure.<br />

- FORSAKEN FEELING. Delusion lost affection of friends.<br />

- Strong sobbing at night during sleep. Moaning during sleep.<br />

- ANXIETY OF CONSCIENCE. Delusion neglected his duty, has done wrong everything will fail, he is unfit<br />

for the world. - - PRAYING with weeping. Despair of salvation.<br />

- Emotions become still, cool, hard. - - Fear heart disease, high places, in crowd.<br />

- SUICIDAL IMPULSES; esp. JUMPING FROM HIGH PLACES. Suicidal from pain.<br />

- Desires death. The idea of dying brings relief, almost joy.<br />

GENERALITIES: - - >> evening. Moonlight -<br />

- Warmblooded, > open air, cold applications.- - >> Music (religious/classical/soft).<br />

- Pains < noaptea.- - Syphilitic miasm - - Swelling glands. Indurations. Malignancies.<br />

- Bone pains.- - Emaciation in pining boys; obesity in old people.<br />

FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Alcohol, milk, bread, sweets.- - Aversiune: meat.<br />

HEAD: - - Headache < blowing nose.- - Falling of hair.- - Exostoses of skull.<br />

- Violent headache with suicidal thoughts.- - Boring pain, l. or r. side of root of nose.<br />

EYE: - - Inflammations, ulcerations. - - Horizontal hemiopia - - Moonlight > vision.<br />

EAR: - - Mastioditis. Karies. Obstinate offensive discharge.<br />

NOSE: - - Carcinoma.- - Kareis.<br />

- Chronic nasal obstruction.Sinusitis.- -

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