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Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net


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intens, însă cu nevoie de aer proaspăt.<br />

Coriză: secreţii foarte iritante şi cu senzaţie de arsură. Ameliorare la căldură.<br />

Otite: dureri arzătoare.<br />

Tulburări digestive: Gastro-enterite acute: diaree maronie, cu senzaţie de arsură, cu stare de greaţă, în legătură cu<br />

o intoxicaţie alimentară.<br />

Dezgust faţă de carne, intoleranţa la băuturi de la gheaţă şi la îngheţată, la fructe, apetit pentru băuturi calde.<br />

Tulburări cutanate: Urticarie, zona zoster, eczemă cu descuamare fină, cu aspect de praf de orez sau de tărâţe,<br />

ameliorate la aplicarea căldurii. Degerături cu dureri arzătoare intense.<br />

Ochi: pleoapă uşor zgâriată (jupuită), arzătoare.<br />

Nevralgii arzătoare, ameliorate la căldură.<br />

Ameliorare: la căldură şi la aplicarea căldurii, la schimbarea poziţiei.<br />

Agravare: între orele 1 şi 3 dimineaţa, la frig, la fructe.<br />

Symptoms:<br />

1. Mind.─Melancholy, sometimes of a religious character, sadness, care, chagrin, cries and complaints.─Anguish,<br />

driving one out of bed at night, and from one place to another in the daytime.─Restlessness.─Great fear of being<br />

left alone.─Anger, with anxiety, restlessness and sensation of coldness.─Anxiety, restlessness, and excessive<br />

anguish which allows no rest, principally in the evening in bed, or in the dimineata on waking, and often with<br />

trembling, cold sweat, oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing, and fainting fits.─Anxiety of conscience, as<br />

if a crime had been committed.─Inconsolable anguish, with complaints and lamentation.─Hypochondriacal<br />

humour, with restlessness and anxiety.─Fear of solitude, of spectres, and of robbers, with desire to hide<br />

oneself.─Indecision and changeable humour, which demands this at one time, that at another, and rejects<br />

everything after having obtained it.─Despair; he finds no rest, esp. at night, with anguish.─Despondency, despair,<br />

weariness of life, inclination to suicide, or excessive fear of death, which is sometimes believed to be very<br />

near.─Too great sensibility and scrupulousness of conscience, with gloomy ideas, as if one had offended all the<br />

world.─Ill-humour, impatience, vexation, inclination to be angry, repugnance to conversation, inclination to<br />

criticise, and great susceptibility.─Caustic and jesting spirit.─Extreme sensibility of all the organs; all noise,<br />

conversation, and clear lights are insupportable.─Great apathy and indifference.─Great weakness of<br />

memory.─Stupidity and dulness.─Delirium.─Delirium, with great flow of ideas.─Loss of consciousness, and of<br />

sensation; dotage; maniacal actions and frenzy.─Madness; loss of mind (from the abuse of alcoholic drinks).<br />

ARSENICUM ALBUM (ars.)<br />

* A deep seated INSECURITY.<br />

MIND: - - - Feels vulnerable and defenseless esp. concerning disease and death.<br />

- Needs company for reassurance and support. Demanding and clinging.- - Selfish.<br />

- Possessive. Greedy.- - FASTIDIOUS. Orderly.- - Critical. Perfectionism.<br />

- RestlessNESS with anxieTY and or weakNESS. Nervous.<br />

- FEARS: being alone/disease/death, robbers, poverty.<br />

- Anxiety attacks, < 12 - 3 h. Anxiety neurosis. - - Anorexia nervosa.<br />

- Suicidal. Impulse to kill, fear of killing.<br />


- CHILLY, < cold, > heat (except headache). - - > heat - - Discharges: Acrid, scanty, thin, offensive. - - Right sided.<br />

- Periodicity. - - WeakNESS - - Alternating complaints.- - TendenCY to malignacy.<br />

- Apyrexia, patients who seldom or never develop fever.- - Edema, ascites.<br />


- Desire: FAT/lard/olive oil/sour things (lemon)/alcohol (whiskey/wine)/bread.<br />

- Aversiune: Farinaceous food, beans and peas, meat, sweets. - - > Milk, warm drinks.<br />

HEAD: - - - HOT head with COLD body - - Headache: Congestive, burning; periodical; # arthritis, stomach<br />

pain; > cold applications.Headache after eating ice-cream (Puls.).<br />

EYE: - - - Conjunctivitis. Acrid, burning discharge. Keratitis. Iritis.- - Photophobia.<br />

- Swelling of the lids.<br />

NOSE: - - - CORYZA, HAY FEVER: Acrid watery discharge. Violent sneezing < waking in the dimineata. - -<br />

warm drinks.<br />

THROAT: - - - Inflammation, ulceration: burning pains, > warm drinks.<br />

STOMACH: - - THIRST for SMALL quantities frequentLY.- - Anxiety felt in pit of stomach.<br />

- Affections with BURNING :Gastritis, ulcer, malignancy.<br />

- Pain > (sweet) milk, < cold food/drinks, 2 h. - - Vomiting after cold food or drinks.<br />

ABDOMEN: - - Food poisoning: DIAREE and VOMITING simultaneousLY (Verat.), with restlessness,<br />


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