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Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net


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Sabina (Sabin)<br />

Complementar: Act-sp. Bell. Cars. Nit-ac. Rhus-t. Sep. Spong. Sulph. Thlas. Thuj (= C).<br />

Urmeaza bine: Ars. Bry. Puls. Ran-b. Urmat bine de: Ars. Cupre-i. Phos. Med. Nux-v. Puls.<br />

Antidoteaza: Thuj. Antidotat de: Camph. Con. Lach. Lyc. Puls.<br />

Efect: 20 - 30 zile /limfatic/sclerotisch/plethorisch/flegmatic/psoric/sicotic/avortiv/avortiv/sal<br />

SABINA (sabin.)<br />

* Mainly known for complaints of female sexual organs.<br />

MIND: - - Music is intolerable, produces nervousness and sadness.<br />

- Sensibil to the slightest noise. - - Anxiety about losing the baby when pregnant.<br />

- Screaming with pain during dysmenorrhea.<br />

- Sensation of something alive in Bauch.<br />

GENERALITIES: >> open air walking (menses only when lying<br />

down). - - Menorrhagia between menses.<br />

- UTERINE PAINS: PAIN lower back ext to pubis and thighs<br />

Pain shooting up vagina. Arching of back because of pain.<br />

Pain pubis as if bone would break open.<br />

- Bleeding and contractions, > lying flat on back.<br />

- Sexual desire increased, < during flow or hemorrhage.<br />

- Recurrent abortions, esp. in first trimester. - - Retained placenta. Intens after-pains.<br />

- Inflammation of ovaries and uterus after abortion.<br />

- Leucorrhea, offensive, corrosive, < after menses.<br />

- Condylomata, may be right on uterus.<br />

BACK: - - Pain with menses, labor, uterine complaints.<br />

EXTREMITIES: - - Arthritic pains in joints. Rheumatic pain in heels and metatarsal bones.<br />

- Bruised pains in anterior part of thighs. - - Gout < warm room.<br />

SLEEP: - - Position: Left side SKIN - - Itching, moist figwarts.<br />

Sanguinaria canadensis (Sang)<br />

Complementar: Bell (Sang = C). Ant-t. Iris. Lach. Phos. Sars. Spig. Sulph. Tub.<br />

Urmeaza bine: Arg-n. Glon. Verat-v. Urmat bine de: Pent.<br />

Antidoteaza: Bapt. Iodof. Op. Rhus-t. Antidotat de: Op.(Narcoza) Rhus-t.<br />

Efect: scurt /alternari neregulate cu alte remedii<br />

Coleric/malarial/limfatic/tuberculin/sifilitic/psoric/sicotic<br />


MIND: - - Desires to be held, which ameliorates. - - Sensibil to light, noise, odors.<br />

- Delusion is on a journey/were in some vehicle which was moving and jarringher.<br />

She is in a railway car and begs other to hold her.<br />

- Cloudy, damp weather < mind symptoms. - - Confusion > eructation.<br />

GENERALITIES: > eructations, flatus, vomiting - - < Sun/Climaxis.<br />

- FLUSHES of heat, CONGESTION and BURNING.<br />

- Respiratory complaints alternating with Diaree (Dulc).<br />

FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SPICY (Chin, Lac-c, Phos, Sulph).<br />

- Aversiune: Butter (Puls). - - < Sweets. - - > Acids.<br />

HEAD: - - PAIN:right side, from occiput or neck ext. upward to forehead and right eye<br />

With congestion, pulsation. With nausea and vomiting.<br />

>> vomiting/passing flatus or eructation > Lying/sleep/dark.<br />

< Light/noise/jar/fasting/climaxis. Periodicity, 7 days.<br />

FACE: - - Facial neuralgia. Pain extends from upper jaw in all directions.<br />

- Flushing. Redness and burning. - - Circumscribed red circles on cheek.<br />

NOSE: - - HAY FEVER, < odor of flowers. - - Coryza or obstruction, < right side (Ars).<br />


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