SMT 1-2005 - Sveriges Mykologiska Förening

SMT 1-2005 - Sveriges Mykologiska Förening

SMT 1-2005 - Sveriges Mykologiska Förening


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DNA<br />

Line 3. Lecanoromycetes contains the majority of the<br />

lichens. The asci have a layered wall, often with parts<br />

of the ascus staining blue in Melzer´s Reagent. The<br />

ascus in discolichens was referred to as of "type bitunique-archaeasce´"<br />

by Chadefaud (1960, 1973) and<br />

his co-workers. It was interpreted as an archaic type<br />

of ascus, that evolved from the "préarchaeascé" type,<br />

and from which other types of asci in ascomycetes<br />

producing fruit bodies were derived. This has been<br />

much debated (see Hohnegger 1978) and the<br />

question has not yet been settled. It is probable,<br />

however, that the different ascus types seen in lichens<br />

developed during a long period and that the group is<br />

old.<br />

Two groups sometimes cluster with the<br />

Lecanoromycetes in phylogenetic analyses. They<br />

have been treated as the classes Chaetothyriomycetes<br />

and Eurotiomycetes (Eriksson & Winka 1997), but<br />

there is weak support for a close relationship with<br />

Lecanoromycetes in some analyses (e.g. Lumbsch et<br />

al. 2004). There is, on the other hand, a stronger<br />

support for a close relationship between Chaetothyriomycetes<br />

and Eurotiomycetes (Winka 2000,<br />

Lindemuth et al. 2001) and they are merged in some<br />

classifications and treated as subclasses of<br />

Eurotiomycetes (Lutzoni et al. 2004, Eriksson <strong>2005</strong>).<br />

Chaetothyriomycetidae. This subclass has perithecialike<br />

fruit bodies. The wall of the asci consists of two<br />

layers and is amyloid (I+ = blue reaction with<br />

Melzer´s reagent) in some species. Some have conidial<br />

states that are harmful to humans (dermatophytes<br />

etc.). Two large orders contain lichens,<br />

Pyrenulales and Verrucariales. Sequences from many<br />

families temporarily listed under Dothideomycetes<br />

are not yet available and they may turn out to belong<br />

in Chaetothyriomycetidae.<br />

Eurotiomycetidae. This subclass has cleistothecia<br />

with walls breaking up at maturity. The asci are globose,<br />

lack opening mechanism and are scattered in<br />

the inner parts of the fruit bodies (Currah 1985).<br />

Many members of the class have conidial states<br />

(Penicillium, Aspergillus, etc.) that are of positive<br />

(penicillium, green cheese, etc.) or negative (cancerogenous<br />

metabolites, destruction of food, etc.) economic<br />

importance to humans. There are no lichenized<br />

species. This subclass probably evolved from<br />

some member(s) of the Chaetothyriomycetidae by<br />

paedomorphosis.<br />

Line 4. Lichinomycetes (Reeb et al. 2004) is a small<br />

group with aberrant apothecia (perithecia-like) and<br />

asci with very simple walls. Almost all are stone-<br />

inhabiting lichens. They live in symbiosis with<br />

cyanobacteria. Molecular data do not place this<br />

group close to any other class and it may have evolved<br />

directly from "protolichens".<br />

Line 5. Leotiomycetes are non-lichenized discomycetes.<br />

The apothecia have asci with thin walls, open by<br />

a pore and often have an apical amyloid ring. Most<br />

species in this large group are saprobes on herbs,<br />

shrubs and trees, but there are some parasites as well.<br />

One order (Erysiphales, powdery mildews) has<br />

cleistothecia that probably evolved by paedomorphosis<br />

from ancestors with apothecia. In some analyses<br />

this class comes close to the next one, but more<br />

molecular data are required to clarify this.<br />

Line 6. Sordariomycetes have perithecia with thinwalled<br />

asci, and many have an amyloid, apical ring.<br />

This is a very large and diversified group of saprobes<br />

and parasites on various plants, animals and other<br />

organic substrates. There are no lichenized species.<br />

Dothideomycetes have perithecia-like fruit bodies,<br />

asci with double wall layers, very seldom with amyloid<br />

reaction. Upon spore discharge the inner layer<br />

streches like a "Jack-in-the-box" to the opening of<br />

the fruit body and the spores are ejected. This is a<br />

very large group of mainly saprobes on old leaves,<br />

stems etc, and only a few species are lichens.<br />

Arthoniomycetes have apothecia with very simple<br />

wall structures, asci with double wall layers and often<br />

with amyloid structures; most of the species are<br />

lichens.<br />

Were the Arthoniomycetes and Dothideomycetes<br />

close to the early Sordariomycetes? And did the two<br />

classes diverge from the main line with true perithecia<br />

by arrested development of the early perithecial<br />

cells to form stromata? Then one line resulted<br />

in apothecia-like fruit bodies (Arthoniomycetes) and<br />

the other one perithecia-like fruit bodies (stromatic<br />

and named pseudothecia in Dothideomycetes; however,<br />

apothecia-like in one order, the Patellariales). The<br />

Arthoniomycetes kept the lichen life style, while in<br />

Dothideomycetes only a few are lichenized. The<br />

Arthoniomycetes kept the amyloid reaction of the<br />

asci, whereas few in Dothideomycetes show this<br />

reaction. The three classes are sometimes merged, but<br />

too much is still unknown about the position of many<br />

Dothideomycetes and the statistical support in phylogenetic<br />

analyses is not strong.<br />

32 SVENSK MYKOLOGISK TIDSKRIFT 26:1 (<strong>2005</strong>)

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