Najnoviji broj časopisa - inmesbgd.com

Najnoviji broj časopisa - inmesbgd.com

Najnoviji broj časopisa - inmesbgd.com


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Tehnologija mesa 53 (2012) 2, 181<br />

„Meat Technology” is a scientific journal which<br />

publishes:<br />

1. Original scientific papers (papers which present<br />

previously unpublished results of authors’ own investigations<br />

using scientific methodology);<br />

2. Review papers (papers which include original, detailed<br />

and critical overview of a research problem<br />

or an area to which the author has significantly<br />

contributed, as evidenced by auto citations);<br />

3. Brief or preliminary papers (full-format original<br />

scientific papers or of preliminary character);<br />

4. Reviews (of books, scientific conferences etc.)<br />

Papers will be published from the following scientific<br />

disciplines: meat hygiene and technology, technology<br />

of by-products in meat industry, hygiene and<br />

technology of animal originating foodstuffs, technological<br />

microbiology, methods of food preservation,<br />

microbiology of animal originating foodstuffs,<br />

chemistry of animal originating foodstuffs, quality<br />

and safety of animal originating foodstuffs, quality<br />

and safety of feedingstuffs, et sim.<br />

Eligible for publishing are those papers, which<br />

have not been previously published, presented or<br />

considered for publication in another journal, except<br />

as abstracts presented at scientific conferences. The<br />

first author is both responsible for meeting these criteria<br />

and for obtaining agreement to publish from all<br />

of the co-authors.<br />

Procedure<br />

Papers are subject to anonymous reviews (two<br />

at least), while the decision to accept the paper for<br />

publishing is reached by the editor-in-chief, together<br />

with the members of the editorial board.<br />

Accepted papers are subject to proofreading. The<br />

editorial board reserves the right to minor corrections<br />

of the manuscript. Where major corrections are<br />

necessary, the first author will be notified, and the<br />

paper sent for revision, with a set deadline.<br />

Language<br />

Papers are published in Serbian or bilingually –<br />

in Serbian and in one of the second languages (English,<br />

German, Russian or French). If the papers are<br />

printed in Serbian, their summaries (1/10 of the paper<br />

length) are published in English. If the papers<br />

are printed in English or another language other than<br />

Serbian, their abstracts are printed in Serbian and<br />

English.<br />

Editing of the manuscripts<br />

The paper should be edited in Microsoft Word<br />

software, using Times New Roman font, size 12 pt,<br />

paragraph spacing 1.5 and margins of 2cm. Papers<br />

are submitted on CD or in other electronic form. The<br />

text should be clear, concise, grammatically correct<br />

and should contain the following sections:<br />

The title (lowercase, bold, font size 14 pt). Below<br />

the title, names of the authors (last, first, lowercase,<br />

italic, font size 12 pt). Numbers following<br />

names in superscript refer to the authors’ institution.<br />

At the bottom of the first page, according to<br />

the number in superscript, name and address of the<br />

institutions authors are employed in should be given<br />

(italic, font size 10 pt). In the new line, the name<br />

and e-mail of the corresponding author should be<br />

provided.<br />

Abstract, which gives short review of paper,<br />

should contain 150-250 words with key words in<br />

Serbian or the language of the paper. The abstract<br />

should be typed below the title and names of the authors.<br />

Summary represents short, informative description<br />

of the paper content written in Serbian and/or<br />

English, depending on the language of the paper.<br />

Summary enables insight in the aim of the investigations,<br />

methods, results and conclusion. It should<br />

contain up to 500 words (italic, font size 12 pt) and<br />

should be placed at the end of the paper, after references.<br />

Key words are terms that best describe the content<br />

of the paper. Maximal number of key words is<br />

10. They should be given in the same languages as<br />

summaries, below the summary text (italic, font size<br />

12 pt).<br />

Abstract and summary must not contain abbreviations.<br />

If the abbreviation is used for the first time<br />

in the text, full name should also be provided. In the<br />

latter text, the abbreviation can be used alone.<br />

The original scientific paper should contain the<br />

following chapters: introduction, material and methods,<br />

results and discussion (<strong>com</strong>bined or separate),<br />

conclusion, notes (optional) and references. Chapter<br />

names are typed in lowercase, font size 12, bold.<br />

1. Introduction: should contain clear description of<br />

the investigated subject and aim of the research<br />

with the short citations of the relevant literature<br />

(not more than 10 years old);<br />

2. Material and methods: this chapter describes material<br />

and methods used and outlines the design of<br />

the experiment;<br />


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