01.10.2012 Aufrufe

Verlag Walthe Herb - Buchhandlung Walther König

Verlag Walthe Herb - Buchhandlung Walther König

Verlag Walthe Herb - Buchhandlung Walther König


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Ω „Ich verfalle im Moment zurück in die<br />

,Kindheit des Gestaltens‘ – in eine Art<br />

Dilettantismus des Herumprobierens …<br />

Bei dem Buchprojekt geht’s mehrspurig<br />

zu … die Konstruktion / der Zusammenbau<br />

der Architektur ist das Zentrale an<br />

diesem Monstrum. Es repräsentiert die<br />

Schönheit / Offenheit aller Baustellen,<br />

bevor sie – zu 90% – durch Fertigstellung<br />

langweilig werden … Die vielleicht 10%<br />

über dieses Zusammenbauen hinaus<br />

machen allerdings die Stimmung in<br />

diesem Parkhaus aus … Alla … Polizei! ...<br />

was machen Sie denn hier? … Zeigen Sie<br />

mal ihre Ausweise! Eine Spur – hinein in<br />

diese Architektur – ist der Siebdruck, sind<br />

die Bilder, die wie eingefärbter Beton …<br />

in dieser ,Masse Stadt Köln‘ liegen … eine<br />

andere, sehr wichtige, sind die kleinen<br />

Doku-Heftchen von Harald Pridgar, 4I<br />

dokumentieren … dazu kommen<br />

Autochen, ausgeschnittene Werbeschnipsel<br />

– and whatever.“<br />

(Thomas Bayrle)<br />

32 herbst / fall 2009<br />

Parkhaus Köln is a truly three-dimensional book, fi nished with beech inlay, silvery grey<br />

card and birch plywood. It is made up of eight pages: two covers and two 7 cm thick<br />

‘leaves’. The doubled-sided pages, attached to the 25 cm wide spine with an aluminium<br />

hinge, are made up of ‘loopings’—curving, bending roads, with a faded out broken<br />

white line. All the pages have Cologne motifs silk-screened on them. More than 430<br />

slots in the streets and a further cut-out pattern, which guarantee stability with the<br />

help of wooden brackets, give the book a mysterious, Piranesi-esque shape, similar to<br />

that of a multi-storey car-park. There are coloured cars on the roads or parked up. In<br />

four of the parking bays there are books, mostly leporellos, that are attached to the<br />

book, but which can be ‘backed-out’ by the reader. The books present the entire process<br />

of the installation of the exhibition 40 Jahre Looping in Museum Ludwig, Cologne in<br />

2008, the numerous drafts and models for the production of the book, written pieces by<br />

the artists, Cologne souvenirs, etc.<br />

Each copy is unique—every page has been worked with in a different way by Thomas<br />

Bayrle, using watercolours and collages. The book is protected by a wooden slipcase<br />

with recessed grips.<br />

Bayrle’s long lasting interest in and experimentation with patterns and modules,<br />

building blocks, which he constantly repeats, reaches new heights in the threedimensionality<br />

of Parkhaus Köln. The streets form a hybrid between architecture and<br />

machine, a ‘monster’, as Thomas Bayrle himself calls it.<br />

verlag der buchhandlung walther könig, köln

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