03.08.2013 Aufrufe

komplette Reglement 2013 zum Download! - Kitzbüheler Alpenrallye

komplette Reglement 2013 zum Download! - Kitzbüheler Alpenrallye

komplette Reglement 2013 zum Download! - Kitzbüheler Alpenrallye


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Art. 12: Traffic rules / repairs<br />

12.1 - During the event, the crews must strictly observe the road<br />

traffic regulations of the countries the rally passes through. Any crew<br />

which does not comply with these road traffic regulations shall be subject<br />

to penalties at the discretion of the stewards as follows:<br />

a) 1st infringement: 100 seconds penalty<br />

b) 2nd infringement: 300 seconds penalty<br />

c) 3rd infringement: disqualification<br />

Exceeding the permitted maximum speed stated in the road traffic<br />

regulations by more than 50% may also result in disqualification.<br />

In the case of any infringement of the road traffic regulations by a participating<br />

rally crew, the police force which notes this infringement will<br />

penalise the offender like any other normal road user.<br />

12.2 - Repairs and refuelling are permitted anywhere throughout<br />

event, except at points expressly forbidden in the road book. Service<br />

is only allowed at points where no other rally participants or normal<br />

drivers will be hindered.<br />

12.3 - The following is forbitten under pain of penalty which<br />

may go as far as exclusion:<br />

a) to deliberately block the route,<br />

b) to prevent other vehicles from overtaking,<br />

c) to behave in an unsportsmanlike manner.<br />

Art. 13: Advertising<br />

The advertising provisions specified in the FIA/FIVA/OSK regulations<br />

must be respected. A copy of these provisions is available from the<br />

organiser, if required.<br />

The event organiser‘s obligatory advertising shall be as follows:<br />

a) Start numbers 2x round on top, straight at bottom, Ø 16 inch (40 cm)<br />

colour white/blue, with sponsor advertisings.<br />

b) Rally plates 2x with original organiser‘s label and start number,<br />

colour blue with white letters.<br />

c) Name stickers 2x with the driver‘s names must be displayed on<br />

left and right in white with sponsor‘s advertising.<br />

d) Scrutineers 1x transparent sticker with white font on the front<br />

window (windscreen).<br />

All other stickers (e.g. competitor sponsor advertising) must be<br />

blanked out with tape or completely removed; also any competition<br />

numbers from former events must be clearly blanked out in an X-form<br />

with tape or else be completely removed.<br />

Vehicles not conforming to these regulations may not pass the technical<br />

inspection or might be penalised under Art. 22.<br />


Art. 14: Start<br />

14.1 - The starting interval between the vehicles will be 1 minute or<br />

30 seconds, at the discretion of the organiser.<br />

The start shall take place in accordance with the programme schedule.<br />

Crews must have their passage checked at all points mentioned on<br />

their time card, in the correct order and at the correct time, otherwise<br />

a time penalty will be incurred.<br />

The target time for covering the distance between two time controls is<br />

listed on the time cards and in the road book.<br />

14.2 - All the teams will receive full documentation with all the information<br />

they require to complete the route correctly.<br />

All listed distances are obtained using a tripmaster with an accuracy of<br />

10 meters and correspond to the actual distances. The road book features<br />

kilometre and mile distance details and is available in the German<br />

and English language.<br />

A reference route is arranged to align your tripmaster. You will receive<br />

route documentation about this after the documents check.<br />

Art. 15: Controls - General provisions<br />

15.1 - All controls, e.g. passage and time controls, the start and the<br />

end of regularity tests, are indicated by FIA approved standardised<br />

signs (see Appendix 1).<br />

The finish line for the regularity tests may or may not be labelled.<br />

(pls. see more about this under Art. 17.1)<br />

Any intermediate time checks on the regularity test sections are secret<br />

and will not be indicated. It will be down to the discretion of the organiser<br />

whether or not to install one or more intermediate time controls<br />

within an regularity test section (Sport Trophy only).<br />

15.2 - The beginning of the control area is to be marked by a yellow<br />

FIA indication sign showing the corresponding symbol. At a distance<br />

of about 20-30 m, the position of the control posts will be indicated<br />

by an identical sign on a red background. The end of the control area<br />

approximately 25 m further on may or may not be indicated. After the<br />

indication, there will be a final sign on a beige coloured background<br />

with three black horizontal stripes. All control areas (e.g. all the areas<br />

between the first yellow indication sign and the final sign on a red<br />

background or on a beige background with three horizontal stripes)<br />

are to be regarded as a closed parking area (Parc Fermé).<br />

15.3 - The official functionary is the only person allowed to fill out any<br />

details on the time card either in the “Time entry” or “Stamp” section.<br />

This excludes special labelled fields to be used for participant notices.<br />

15.4 - Arrival at a time or passage control area from the wrong direction,<br />

or failure to report at a time or a passage control shall result in a<br />

time penalty (see Art. 22).<br />

15.5 - Control posts will be ready to function at least 15 minutes before<br />

the target time for the passage of the first crew and will be closed<br />

30 minutes after the theoretical arrival time of the last crew. The event<br />

manager or race manager will decide in any other cases.<br />

15.6 - The crews must follow the instructions of the marshal in charge<br />

at the control posts.<br />

Art. 16: Time Controls (TC) and Passage Controls (PC)<br />

16.1 - Time controls (TC)<br />

In order to check the equalised driving and maintain the organisational<br />

procedure as well as at the start and end of a leg, time controls (TC) will<br />

be established at different points on the route.<br />

Drivers are informed of the exact positions of all TCs and the<br />

required leg times in the race documents.<br />

At the TC, the official marshal indicates the actual time on the time card,<br />

i.e. the actual hour and minute at the moment the driver hands over the<br />

time card to the official. For this purpose, the car and both drivers must<br />

be within the control area (between yellow and red FIA sign).<br />

Each team must pass the respective TC at a precisely defined time. This<br />

time is based on adding the required driving time for the leg and the<br />

start time for this leg.<br />

Example:<br />

Start for the leg ........................................ 09:11 h<br />

Required driving time for the leg ......................39 minutes<br />

Required arrival time for the leg TC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09:50 h<br />

Each rally car must wait in front of the FIA sign with a „clock on yellow<br />

background“ in the event of an earlier arrival until one minute before<br />

the required time. The drivers can enter the control area during the<br />

waiting time but the car cannot. During this required minute or the<br />

minute beforehand, the team drive may into the control area. If the car<br />

enters the control area too early and stops in the control area to wait<br />

for the correct time for more than one minute, the team will receive a<br />

penalty of 20 seconds.<br />

Any time entry on the time card by the official marshal will be made<br />

immediately when the driver hands over the time card to the marshal.<br />

He immediately indicates the actual minute on the time card.<br />

Example:<br />

Default required time for TC ............................09:50.00 h<br />

Entry into the control area with the car, earliest ...........09:49.01 h<br />

Handover of the time card to the marshal between ...... 09:50.00 h -<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and 09:50.59 h<br />

Any deviation of the actual time stamp from the required time<br />

will be penalised as follows:<br />

a) for lateness .......................1 penalty sec. / comm. min.<br />

b) for arriving too early arrival ....... 2 penalty sec. / comm min.<br />

c) missed time entry or reporting outside<br />

of the max. allowed time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 penalty sec.<br />

d) entry into the control area from the wrong direction ..20 penalty sec.<br />

No penalty for the earlier arrival (abortive entry) at<br />

the TC at the end of the day legs! (1 st and 2 nd day)<br />

9<br />

16.2 - Passage controls (PC)<br />

By means of the passage controls (PC), the organiser checks that the<br />

teams adhere precisely to the specified rally route.<br />

The positions of the PCs are indicated in the road book and are therefore<br />

familiar to all drivers.<br />

The PCs are indicated by the FIA sign with a „stamp on a red background“.<br />

After arriving the PC point, the driver hands over the time<br />

card to the marshal who confirms the passage with a stamp or handwritten<br />

entry in the special stamp field on the time card.<br />

No time entry is made here. (Attention: no yellow FIA sign before, no<br />

waiting zone). For those taking part in the Sport Trophy, private PTs<br />

can also be set up via GPS. For those taking part in the Classic Trophy,<br />

unallocated PTs can also be set up on the routes; the participants themselves<br />

are to make the requisite entry in the time card so the correct<br />

route can be monitored.<br />

Missing out a PC will be penalised with 100 seconds and arriving<br />

from the wrong direction with 20 penalty seconds.<br />

(see Art.22)<br />

16.3 - Start Time at TCs - Regularity test sections:<br />

At some TC points, timing test sections will take place directly after the<br />

start. The post marshal here enters the start time for the following timing<br />

test section and the start time for the following leg on the time<br />

card. The crew will start at the specified time from the TC posts at the<br />

top of every minute.<br />

Other regularity tests will be started independently by the driver himself<br />

at a point specifically identified along the route, sometimes at a<br />

precisely defined start time, sometimes without a prescribed start<br />

time, but directly after arrival. There are no posts here. The strict adherence<br />

to the self start time and the required average speed can be<br />

checked using the reflective photoelectric sensors / air tubes and/or<br />

GPS time controls (Sport-Trophy only).<br />

The regularity test sheets, if available, form an integral part of the time<br />

card.<br />

Penalty seconds will be given for any test section which the<br />

crew does not start or has not completed. (see Art. 22)<br />

16.4 - Catching up<br />

Any driver missing an regularity test section or unable to complete an<br />

regularity test due to technical problems with the car may rejoin the<br />

rally and be readmitted to the evaluation process.<br />

The crew may be readmitted to the following leg if they inform the<br />

event manager in writing of their intention to continue the event<br />

within 30 minutes after posting the results for that leg.<br />

In this case the crew must arrive 30 minutes before start for the next<br />

leg at the closed car park. Each case will be decided by the chief steward<br />

who may also order that the car must undergo another technical<br />

check (penalities: Art.22 / 16.4).<br />

This catching up is not applicable for the last leg<br />

of the event!<br />

Any test not completed will result in a time penalty of max. 10 seconds<br />

for each time measurement omitted and for every test not started,<br />

the team in question will be penalised with a time penalty of max.<br />

10 seconds for each omitted time measurement and a penalty of 100<br />

seconds. In this case, there are no additional penalties for omitting the<br />

TC before the start of a test section (Art. 22).<br />

The starting order for the readmitted vehicles will be decided by the<br />

event manager.<br />

In order to be classified, the vehicle must have passed<br />

the event‘s last time TC.<br />

Art. 17: Test Sections<br />

17.1 - Special test sections<br />

Three kinds of special tests always have to be passed:<br />

a) Regularity tests (RTs) ................measurement 1/10 seconds<br />

b) Timing tests (TTs) ...................measurement 1/10 seconds<br />

c) Sprint tests (STs) ...................measurement 1/100 seconds<br />

In the regularity tests (RT) and timing tests (TT), the participants have<br />

to drive through the prescribed test section with at a specified speed<br />

average (km/h, mls/h) adhering to the valid road traffic regulations.<br />

The maximum speed average in accordance with the FIA/FIVA rules<br />

will never be higher than 31 mls/h (50 km/h).

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