13.05.2014 Aufrufe

Bericht “Lehrlingsausbildung: Angebot und Nachfrage. Entwicklung

Bericht “Lehrlingsausbildung: Angebot und Nachfrage. Entwicklung

Bericht “Lehrlingsausbildung: Angebot und Nachfrage. Entwicklung


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Apprenticeship training: supply and demand<br />

Public Employment<br />

Service: number of<br />

apprenticeship seekers<br />

exceeds the number of<br />

registered places for<br />

apprentices – but not<br />

all vacancies can be<br />

filled<br />

The number of (immediately available) apprenticeship<br />

seekers registered with the Public Employment Service<br />

totalled 5,500 in 2011. The annual average number of<br />

(immediately available) openings for apprentices amounted<br />

to 3,650. Although the number of apprenticeship seekers<br />

exceeds the number of apprenticeship places, it is impossible<br />

to fill all vacancies. No less than1,600 positions for<br />

apprentices were vacant in »accommodation/food service<br />

activities« but only an average about 400 apprenticeship<br />

seekers were interested in training in this economic sector.<br />

Outlook for 2012–2016<br />

Overall number of<br />

apprenticeships is<br />

expected to decrease<br />

Sharp decline in the<br />

number of young<br />

people / enterprises<br />

reduce apprenticeship<br />

training activities<br />

Growing demand for<br />

skilled labour<br />

Vacancies for<br />

apprentices are<br />

registered more<br />

frequently with Public<br />

Employment Service…<br />

... The involvement of<br />

the Public Employment<br />

Service will grow<br />

considerably<br />

In the next years the number of (standard) jobs will increase<br />

by +106,500. The overall number of apprenticeships will,<br />

however, decrease by –6,970. New apprenticeships started<br />

will shrink by –1,870 in the period until 2016.<br />

This development is due to the fact that<br />

• the number of persons aged 15-19 living in Austria will<br />

decline sharply annually (–9.2%), and that<br />

• the share of enterprises active in apprenticeship<br />

training will continue to decrease.<br />

The decline in apprenticeship training activities of enterprises<br />

may not be explained by a decreasing demand for personnel<br />

having acquired special skills. On the contrary, the demand<br />

for skilled workers will grow sizeably (by about 3% to<br />

836,290).<br />

The search for apprentices will become more complex for<br />

enterprises (continuing to be) active in the dual vocational<br />

training system. They will therefore notify the Public<br />

Employment Service more frequently of openings for<br />

apprenticeship seekers.<br />

The involvement of the Public Employment Service (ratio of<br />

incoming vacancies to new apprenticeships started) will<br />

increase significantly (from 61.3% in 2011 to 71.6% in<br />


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