13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Procigar Festival Lifestyle & Shopping Magazin - Zurich Airport

Procigar Festival Lifestyle & Shopping Magazin - Zurich Airport

Procigar Festival Lifestyle & Shopping Magazin - Zurich Airport


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Platzsparender Bob zusammenrollbarerNylonhut, in Beige und in Olive, CHF 22.90Very light, foldable and space-savingnylon cap, in off-white and olive, CHF 22.90ELEGANTE WINDDICHTE WACHSJACKESWISS MADE UHR 30 m wasserdicht,mit Superluminova-Zeigern und -Ziffern,CHF 99.00SWISS MADE WATCH30 m water-resistant, with superluminovahands and numbers, CHF 99.00Gefütterte, atmungsaktive und wasserabstossendeJacke mit vielen praktischen Taschen, CHF 199.00ELEGANT WINDPROOF WAXED COT-TON JACKET Lined, breathable and water-repellentjacket with various practical pockets, CHF 199.00This was the goal that Jean-Luc Bögli, afisherman and enthusiast of diverse outdooractivities, set himself when he launched hisline of outdoor clothing. He took values suchas reliability, quality, innovation and sustainability– which characterise Switzerland – ashis yardstick for a collection that aspires tostand out from other mass-produced clothingwhile remaining affordable, and gave it thename Alpine Club ® Switzerland.Sophisticated details, clear lines and coloursas well as careful selection and manufacturingof the materials were the requirements thatAlpine Club ® was committed to from the outset.The pioneering spirit of the first hour gaverise not only to a philosophy which challengesthe Alpine Club ® team anew every day, butalso – since 2005 – to an officially registeredclub where outdoor aficionados can exchangetheir experiences.»Alpine Club ® aimed to live up to theserequirements with their deeply rooted valuesfrom the beginning. For many years wehave been providing a wide range of outdoorproducts so that the company has developedin just a few years from a small one-man businessto one of the biggest brands in the globaloutdoor market.«Today, Alpine Club ® is an internationalbrand that is loved by people who attach greatimportance not only to the excellent quality ofthe materials but also to a trendy outfit.All products are developed and produced byJean-Luc Bögli or by well-known designersaccording to high-quality features. The sameapplies to the ›Swiss Made‹ watches whichare produced in a family-owned factory. The›Swiss Made‹ quality seal stands for theexcellent quality of Swiss products. A specialoutdoor collection was designed in collaborationwith an innovative team of designersand dedicated watchmakers. »Our customersappreciate the high-quality, reasonably-pricedproducts and consistently place their trust inAlpine Club ® watches.«The same quality requirements apply toproducts which cannot be produced entirelyin Switzerland because, for instance, thereare no suppliers with the equipment needed toprovide the quality and quantity required byAlpine Club ® .Items such as sunglasses and luggageranges, which have to be partly producedab road, are likewise finished in Switzerlandand are meticulously inspected piece by pieceat the Swiss headquarters to ensure that thestringent quality requirements are met, oftenby the CEO himself, even though the companyhas now attained a respectable size.»Another way of ensuring consistent qualityis not to grant worldwide licences, despitenumerous requests. In this way we can retaincontrol over the brand so that you can alwaysbe sure that you have purchased top-class quality.The Swiss head office is solely responsiblefor development, manufacturing and distribution,and the collections are sold in over 500exclusive speciality shops worldwide.It is our intention to distribute our AlpineClub ® ranges around the world so that youcan use them. Maximum functionality andan appreciation of the simple life are alwaysat the heart of the distinctive style! It isimportant to us to provide you with productsyou like to be seen with and that you enjoyusing so that you can feel at home during youroutdoor activities.We’d like to become a part of your life. Thesuccess story continues… we look forward tothe future with you.«www.alpineclub.ch

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