18.12.2016 Aufrufe

Strolz Katalog 2016/2017

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E<br />


Walking across crunching snow on an ice-cold morning, breathing in the crisp, clear<br />

air, gazing out at snow-capped peaks, seeing everything around you quiet and still, and<br />

returning to your cosy room after your walk to warm up by the wood burner – does any of this<br />

sound familiar? These are the things that remind me, time and time again, that we live in one<br />

of the most beautiful places in the world.<br />

Taking the cable car up the mountain, being the first one out on a slope freshly carpeted with<br />

snow, then the descent, and that floating feeling – somewhere between control and surrender<br />

to the snow and the slopes – the feeling of speed... Then gazing back up at the slopes and<br />

looking forward to the next descent. There is no sport quite like skiing!<br />

We bring together nature, sport, luxury and technology, combining architecture, art and light<br />

in a beautifully designed ensemble to ensure maximum comfort for our guests. Our staff – the<br />

very best specialists in the business and welcoming hosts to boot – provide our guests with<br />

perfect <strong>Strolz</strong> service each and every day. But most importantly of all: they make time for you.<br />

In their constant quest for new products, innovations and the unexpected, our team travels<br />

the world in search of valuable experiences and insights to help us improve our service to<br />

you. Building on our long-standing traditions and tried-and-tested methods, we continue to<br />

develop and create new experiences, and we look forward to surprising you once more!<br />

Yours, Stefan Maierhofer

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