23.04.2018 Aufrufe

»feine adressen – finest« – Stuttgart 1 18

Society: Sage's Business Lounge · Automobile: Best Cars · Event: Concorso d' Eleganza · Travel: Barcelona

Society: Sage's Business Lounge · Automobile: Best Cars · Event: Concorso d' Eleganza · Travel: Barcelona


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46 b | finest health<br />

übergroßer Druck sorgen dafür, dass<br />

aus Anspannung Verspannung wird.<br />

Welche Sportarten empfehlen Sie<br />

speziell Menschen mit chronischen<br />

Rückenbeschwerden?<br />

Walking ist z.B. eine ideale Form des<br />

Ausdauertrainings, das sowohl Beinals<br />

auch Rumpfmuskulatur stärkt.<br />

Empfehlenswert unter dem Aspekt<br />

der gelenkschonenden Bewegung ist<br />

der Schwimmsport und die Wassergymnastik<br />

anzusehen. Unter psychosozialen<br />

Gesichtspunkten empfehle<br />

ich das Tanzen, denn neben dem Training<br />

verschiedenster Muskelgruppen<br />

und von Herz und Kreislauf, wird<br />

durch den Paarsport auch die direkte<br />

zwischenmenschliche Interaktion<br />

älterer Menschen gefördert.<br />

Was sollte bei der Ernährung beachtet<br />

werden?<br />

Die Wirbelsäule muss stabil bleiben<br />

und braucht dafür Mineralien. Übergewicht<br />

bedeutet eine zusätzliche<br />

Belastung für Rücken und Gelenke.<br />

Kaufen Sie möglichst frische und<br />

naturbelassene Lebensmittel, am<br />

besten aus biologischer Produktion,<br />

kochen Sie selbst, genießen Sie <strong>–</strong> mit<br />

Freunden und Familie.<br />

www.groenemeyer-institut.com<br />

The back bears<br />

a lot of burdens<br />

<strong>»feine</strong> <strong>adressen</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>finest«</strong> in conversation<br />

with Prof. Dietrich Grönemeyer<br />

from the Grönemeyer Institute for<br />

Microtherapy<br />

Why are our backs so prone to pain?<br />

Nowadays our lives are too sedentary, we<br />

move too little and do not eat a balanced<br />

diet. A majority of back problems can be<br />

traced back to a lack of exercise. Another<br />

factor is stress that causes physical tension,<br />

intended by your body to help you to cope<br />

with upcoming tasks.<br />

What types of back pain are most<br />

common today?<br />

The most frequent is localised pain accompanied<br />

by tension. This is often a sign that<br />

musculature is strained on one side, caused<br />

for example by sitting down for too long. A<br />

strong, sudden pain in the area of the lumbar<br />

spine, limited mobility and hardened<br />

muscles are often signs of lumbago.<br />

Which first aid measures do you recommend<br />

for acute back pain?<br />

Cold is the best cure for acute pain. For<br />

example, you can wrap small ice cubes in a<br />

damp cloth to make a kind of cold pack<br />

and place it on the painful area for ten<br />

minutes. Some people may tolerate heat<br />

better, which can have a similar effect.<br />

When trying to eliminate back pain,<br />

patients are quick to reach for the<br />

painkillers. Is that a good idea?<br />

Light painkillers can be useful at the<br />

beginning of a pain phase, because they<br />

help the patient to remain flexible. The<br />

medication should not be taken for more<br />

than a few days, however.<br />

How can the causes of back pain be<br />

identified and treated?<br />

First of all, it is important to find out<br />

about the otherwise generally harmless<br />

causes of back pain. The majority of acute<br />

back pain is caused by muscular tension. In<br />

such cases, patients should be motivated to<br />

exercise despite being impaired. When it<br />

comes to chronic back pain, an examination<br />

by an interdisciplinary team of doctors<br />

is very important due to the various possible<br />

causes. There are a variety of treatment<br />

options available.<br />

How does our state of mind affect our<br />

spine?<br />

The back carries a lot of burdens, both<br />

physical and mental. As is so often the<br />

case, the body and the soul are inextricably<br />

linked.<br />


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