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A place where she

can shine like the sun.

Erin Williams

It’s long been said that learning

to garden can grow more than

vegetables, flowers, herbs, and

spices. In fact, as someone who is an avid

gardener herself, I’d venture to say that the

fruits from a garden go much further than

the tangible fruits you can see, eat, and

cook with. The internal fruits that come

from cultivating your own garden - things

like patience, relaxation, hard work, and

physical labor, to name a few - become just

as apparent as the edible fruits themselves.

11-year-old Brinley Walker of Flora is a

testament to this. One day during the

quarantine this spring, Brinley and her

mother Susan were talking about how they

thought they would enjoy doing a garden

together. Though they had created a “stone

soup” garden when Brinley was six and

enjoyed it, they now had more space for a

bigger garden after their family moved to the

country in Flora and had room to spread out.

“We ended up getting all of the supplies

we needed for two raised beds, as well as

rock and lights for our pathway,” said Susan.

“We wanted the garden to feel like a tranquil

space day and night, and once we got

started, we didn’t stop until it felt as magical

as we had envisioned. We worked hard

together and felt excited when we were

done, and now we are seeing the results of

all of our efforts.”

From the building of the garden boxes

to the organizing of the stones, watering the

garden, pulling the weeds, and harvesting

the ripe vegetables, Brinley has been at the

helm of it all.

“I thought it would be a fun project to

start a garden, and I have enjoyed watching

the plants go through different stages of

growth from planting the seed to seeing the

plant pop up through the soil,” said Brinley.

Brinley has also enjoyed turning her

garden into a hands-on learning environment.

“I learned how fast certain plants grow

compared to others and I have enjoyed

watching the process,” said Brinley. “My

mom and I made identification stakes for

each plant and we put pictures of the fruit

and vegetables on each tag. I want to harvest

the seed from this year to use next year.”

Her work in her garden has also taken

root in her kitchen where she’s created

several kid-friendly recipes that utilize fresh

produce and can be made with little-to-no

assistance from a parent. Her recipes were

even included in a kids section of Susan’s

recent cookbook. Today, Brinley is working

on her own cookbook that will be ready for

purchase in September and will feature only

her recipes, including tasty meals and treats,

that kids can prepare all by themselves.

“Brinley has always been motivated to

finish any task that she starts. She built the

garden, maintains it, and even makes sure

that bugs aren’t eating the plants,” said

Susan. “It’s been exciting to see what new

things she discovers each day and how she

is growing just like her garden is. I’ve seen

her eagerness while waiting for some of the

vegetables to ripen and how she has had to

learn patience. It’s been something where

we are all really building memories together

and we are so glad we did it.”

14 • JULY 2020

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