16.07.2020 Aufrufe


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such a special family. They love Madison.

Warren is a generous, real, wonderful person and

everyone who knows him loves him. Madison is

a big family, and when one of us hurts, we all hurt.

We want to make this go away, but we can’t.

What we do know is that God’s plan is not our

plan. His plan is perfect. He hears and answers

our prayers in His own time. We hold to that.

Sandra is holding to that. She is living her faith.”

Sandra says her brother, Sam, has been

extremely helpful in helping her understand

what’s happening with Warren’s condition.

“Since he’s a doctor who practices internal

medicine, he has the knowledge to help me

understand,” Sandra says. “And his wife, Dana,

has stayed by my side.” Sandra says that her

parents, children and other family members

and friends have sustained her throughout.

Warren is currently an in-patient at the

Shepherd Center in Atlanta

where he is participating in their

brain injury rehabilitation

program. Family support is a large

part of the therapy, but due to

COVID, Sandra is unable to be

there with him. She has found

some work-arounds that help.

“We Facetime every day,” she says.

“I always try to put on a happy

face, and I’m sure the nurses there

think I’m nuts because I am

having basically a one-sided

conversation. But I know that on

good days, Warren is responding and remembering

and reconnecting. The brain is an amazing

thing. It can create new pathways, so I have to

trust that is happening with Warren.”

“I look forward to the day when I can have

him back at home. God has allowed us the

opportunity to make it this far. I’m convinced

God has great plans for us. I had someone tell

me recently that in order to have a testimony,

you must first pass the test. We got a really hard

test, but we are working through it every day!”

Hometown MADISON • 9

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