16.07.2020 Aufrufe


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Best Kept Secret in

Madison County

There’s Merit in


Conveniently located in the heart of Madison County, Merit Health

Madison is close by when you have a healthcare need.

The hospital’s services include: 24/7 Emergency Department; Imaging

Services (new 4D Ultrasound, Bone Density and 3D Mammography);

Surgery; Orthopedics; Intensive Care Unit and a wide array of

outpatient procedures. The new, on-campus Medical Office Building

offers clinical specialties and outpatient rehabilitative services.

Our dedicated medical professionals take pride in offering care in a

soothing, comfortable setting. Make your first choice for healthcare

Merit Health Madison—the best kept secret in Madison County.

To learn more about all of our services, call

601-855-4000 or visit


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