16.07.2020 Aufrufe


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& Pa s

Mistie Desper

Animals have a way of instantly putting us

at ease. Most of us can recall a fond memory

of a pet that brought us joy and happiness.

One local woman has turned this gift of

animals into an integral part of recovery

and rehabilitation efforts for local patients.

Katrinna Miller, executive director of

Mississippi Therapy Canines, created this

extraordinary program in 2019. The

non-profit assists local patients with healing

and recovery. They also work closely with

recipients eligible for service dogs and so

much more. Katrinna’s extensive variety of

animals aid in crisis and disaster response,

as well. She explains, “We are currently

assisting many assault victims, veterans,

military frontline workers and more

through animal assisted therapy.”

From knowing, firsthand, the strength

and comfort that an animal can bring

someone, Katrinna was led to create the

canine therapy program to help others.

Losing her mother at a young age and

growing up in a physically and emotionally

abusive situation at the hands of her adoptive

father, she overcame her traumatic past with

the help of her animals. She admitted her

animals helped her in her darkest times as

she clung to them for daily strength. Years

later, she would finally be able to get out of

her dangerous situation with the intuitive

help of her school counselor and school

nurse who sensed something was wrong.

While her love for animals continued to

grow, she credits having them and her two

human “heroes” for changing the course of

her life which, in turn, opened her heart to

a desire for helping others.

Katrinna has become an incredibly

inspiring and positive mentor in the

community as she strives to help others in

need overcome a variety of experiences with

the help of her highly trained service animals.

The program officially began in 2008

under a different name with her vision,

and her two amazing Australian Shepherds

and one rescue canine. From there, it has

grown to 23 animals that are on site, not to

mention the animals she trains for others

in the community.

Hometown MADISON • 37

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