16.07.2020 Aufrufe


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Mission Cinderella

Because life is not always a fairy tale.

Melanie McMillan

Emma Suggs’ introduction to the Future

Problem Solving Program International

(FPSPI) came when she was a seventh grade

student in Deborah Morali’s Pathways class at

Germantown Middle School. The program’s

mission statement, according to their website,

is “To develop the ability of young people

globally to design and achieve positive futures

through problem solving using critical and

creative thinking.” Emma was a natural fit for

the program and has been involved ever since

that first encounter. FPSPI gives students the

opportunity to participate in global problem

solving and community solving projects, among

others, and Emma has participated in both, as

an individual and in a group. Her achievements

have taken her to multiple state, national and

international competitions, where she has won

numerous awards. Her highest honor to date

came at this year’s international competition

where she competed against students from

the U.S., New Zealand, Singapore, China,

and Turkey, and was crowned grand champion

for her project, Mission Cinderella.

Emma’s idea for Mission Cinderella came

last summer after she attended the FPSPI

national conference. She and her mom began

brainstorming ideas for a community

problem-solving project in which women

could help women. Emma had recently read

an article about the need for hygiene products

among homeless women and decided to meet

with Sandy Middleton and Kristina McCool

Hometown MADISON • 23

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