Specialist magazine of the CWE Chemnitz in English
Specialist magazine of the CWE Chemnitz in English
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CZA<br />
AN.!de<br />
LIVING<br />
International specialists<br />
in the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> economy<br />
Due to demographic ch<strong>an</strong>ge,<br />
skilled workers are in short<br />
supply in some sectors <strong>an</strong>d<br />
regions in Germ<strong>an</strong>y, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
jobs are not being filled. This<br />
me<strong>an</strong>s that some projects<br />
are not being realised or that<br />
the bakery next door has to<br />
close. The increasing shortage<br />
of skilled labour is now<br />
the biggest business risk for<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>ies. Every comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
c<strong>an</strong> tackle this development<br />
by making the right<br />
decisions in its HR policy<br />
<strong>an</strong>d taking the initiative to<br />
harness previously untapped<br />
potential for skilled labour.<br />
Recruiting foreign skilled<br />
workers not only meets the<br />
need for trained personnel<br />
– it also enriches every org<strong>an</strong>isation.<br />
Cultural diversity<br />
makes a comp<strong>an</strong>y more<br />
attractive both internally <strong>an</strong>d<br />
externally – for example, by<br />
strengthening its image as a<br />
modern, open <strong>an</strong>d internationally<br />
oriented comp<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
What’s more, considering<br />
foreign skilled workers widens<br />
the pool of applic<strong>an</strong>ts<br />
<strong>an</strong>d increases the ch<strong>an</strong>ce of<br />
finding a suitable c<strong>an</strong>didate.<br />
Robert Czajkowski, Vorst<strong>an</strong>dsmitglied im Verein<br />
Wirtschaft für ein Weltoffenes Sachsen e.V.<br />
The stories from <strong>Chemnitz</strong> comp<strong>an</strong>ies in this<br />
magazine all reveal one thing: if you are looking<br />
to recruit skilled workers from abroad, you<br />
also need to focus on integration <strong>an</strong>d on fostering<br />
a culture of welcome within your comp<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
Because foreign skilled workers will stay with<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>y in the long term only if they settle<br />
into their new environment – both professionally<br />
<strong>an</strong>d personally – <strong>an</strong>d if they participate<br />
in society. This may involve a certain amount<br />
of effort, but it ultimately pays dividends <strong>an</strong>d<br />
will secure your comp<strong>an</strong>y’s future. Successful<br />
welcome <strong>an</strong>d diversity m<strong>an</strong>agement creates<br />
<strong>an</strong> image of <strong>an</strong> open-minded org<strong>an</strong>isation <strong>an</strong>d<br />
increases the attractiveness of your employer<br />
br<strong>an</strong>d. Establishing a welcoming culture signals<br />
to international specialists that your comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
values them <strong>an</strong>d is happy to provide support.<br />
This me<strong>an</strong>s that, if your preferred c<strong>an</strong>didate receives<br />
several job offers, they will choose you.<br />
Our association, Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes<br />
Sachsen e.V., will be happy to advise you on<br />
how you c<strong>an</strong> practise diversity <strong>an</strong>d openness to<br />
other cultures in your comp<strong>an</strong>y <strong>an</strong>d integrate<br />
skilled workers in the long term. We’re here to<br />
help you!<br />
Get involved in promoting<br />
cultural diversity in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>,<br />
living Europe<strong>an</strong> values, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
strengthening a creative <strong>an</strong>d<br />
open urb<strong>an</strong> society in <strong>an</strong> international<br />
dialogue. It’s your<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y, your city <strong>an</strong>d your<br />
federal state. A democracy is<br />
not something you have, but<br />
something you have to work<br />
for. Let’s look in the mirror<br />
<strong>an</strong>d repeat John F. Kennedy’s<br />
words: “Ask not what your<br />
country c<strong>an</strong> do for you – ask<br />
what you c<strong>an</strong> do for your<br />
country.” Each <strong>an</strong>d every individual<br />
c<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d should help,<br />
for example, by doing their<br />
bit to make <strong>Chemnitz</strong> the<br />
Europe<strong>an</strong> Capital of Culture<br />
a success. A just society, a<br />
strong <strong>an</strong>d resilient democracy,<br />
sustainable prosperity – you<br />
c<strong>an</strong> shape the future! Make<br />
your decision on m<strong>an</strong>y future<br />
issues that will affect our lives<br />
tomorrow by casting your vote<br />
on 9 June <strong>2024</strong> in the <strong>2024</strong><br />
Europe<strong>an</strong> elections <strong>an</strong>d on 1<br />
September <strong>2024</strong> in the election<br />
of the eighth Saxon State<br />
Parliament!<br />
ZEFAS<br />
FIZU NDC<br />
CWE<br />
Grafik: shutterstock<br />
There c<strong>an</strong> be no doubt that integrating employees<br />
from abroad into a comp<strong>an</strong>y involves a<br />
certain amount of effort. But nobody should let<br />
that stop them. After all, workers <strong>an</strong>d specialists<br />
from abroad not only help to fill vac<strong>an</strong>cies,<br />
but also contribute to a more diverse corporate<br />
culture <strong>an</strong>d c<strong>an</strong> bring fresh impetus to the workplace.<br />
Whether your comp<strong>an</strong>y is recruiting or needs help dealing<br />
with the authorities or looking for l<strong>an</strong>guage courses,<br />
employee workshops or integration measures, local <strong>an</strong>d<br />
regional points of contact provide services to make the<br />
start easier for everyone involved:<br />
LABOUR<br />
ZEFAS, the Zentrum für Fachkräftesicherung<br />
und Gute Arbeit Sachsen<br />
(Centre for Securing Skilled Labour <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Good Work in <strong>an</strong>d for Saxony), acts as a<br />
guide to help comp<strong>an</strong>ies find, retain <strong>an</strong>d<br />
develop employees. Its extensive r<strong>an</strong>ge of<br />
online information ensures a structured<br />
introduction to this topic <strong>an</strong>d provides a<br />
practical overview. ZEFAS offers a wide<br />
r<strong>an</strong>ge of information <strong>an</strong>d assist<strong>an</strong>ce,<br />
particularly in the area of labour marketrelated<br />
immigration. It provides concrete<br />
support for comp<strong>an</strong>ies by listing recruitment<br />
service providers that have made<br />
a commitment to the fair recruitment<br />
of international specialists <strong>an</strong>d workers.<br />
Saxon comp<strong>an</strong>ies c<strong>an</strong> also actively participate<br />
in projects, including the ZEFAS<br />
project to promote the professional<br />
integration of Kyrgyz trainees <strong>an</strong>d skilled<br />
workers <strong>an</strong>d the Arbeitsmarktmentoren<br />
Sachsen (Saxony Labour Market Mentor<br />
Programme). This programme aims to<br />
support people with a migration background<br />
in successfully integrating into<br />
the Saxon labour market.<br /><br />
The increasing dem<strong>an</strong>d for skilled workers<br />
from abroad c<strong>an</strong> be seen, among other<br />
things, in the number of comp<strong>an</strong>ies that<br />
have registered with the Fachinformationszentren<br />
Zuw<strong>an</strong>derung (Immigration Information<br />
Centres [FIZU]) in Saxony over the<br />
past four years. In 2022, there were already<br />
more th<strong>an</strong> 400 at the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> contact<br />
point alone – <strong>an</strong>d that figure is rising. The<br />
FIZU centres in Saxony are key points of<br />
contact for all target groups in the area of<br />
labour market immigration. The centres<br />
aim to involve all stakeholders in the process<br />
throughout Saxony in order to act successfully<br />
on behalf of local people. The FIZU<br />
centres in Leipzig, Dresden <strong>an</strong>d <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
mediate between immigr<strong>an</strong>ts, employers<br />
<strong>an</strong>d staff of the Federal Employment Agency,<br />
the Job Center <strong>an</strong>d other authorities.<br />
“Comp<strong>an</strong>ies that take adv<strong>an</strong>tage of our advice<br />
come from very different backgrounds.<br />
We support them on their individual path<br />
to integrating immigr<strong>an</strong>ts into their specific<br />
labour market by putting them in touch with<br />
all the necessary contacts <strong>an</strong>d providing<br />
the required documents,” says Antje Pfeifer.<br />
In the case of skilled workers from abroad, it<br />
is particularly import<strong>an</strong>t to compensate for<br />
migr<strong>an</strong>ts’ lack of knowledge of the systems<br />
in Germ<strong>an</strong>y. “Entering Germ<strong>an</strong>y is a very<br />
bureaucratic process: everyday things that<br />
we take for gr<strong>an</strong>ted initially pose major<br />
hurdles.”<br />
Appointments for free advice c<strong>an</strong> be made<br />
by calling +49 (0)371 520 271 74 or emailing<br /><br /><strong>an</strong>derung/<br />
NDC SAXONY –<br />
Integration is a learning process. This<br />
applies not only to the m<strong>an</strong>agement of<br />
a comp<strong>an</strong>y, but to the entire workforce.<br />
Foreign cultures, differences in communication<br />
styles or different approaches<br />
to work c<strong>an</strong> prove to be a challenge.<br />
Comp<strong>an</strong>ies are therefore well advised<br />
to inform their employees of their pl<strong>an</strong>s<br />
for internationalisation at <strong>an</strong> early stage<br />
<strong>an</strong>d to offer training on the topic if necessary.<br />
This is where the Netzwerk für<br />
Demokratie und Courage (Network for<br />
Democracy <strong>an</strong>d Courage [NDC]) Saxony<br />
comes in: “We work preventively, uncover<br />
prejudices <strong>an</strong>d stereotypes in workshops<br />
<strong>an</strong>d explain how the mech<strong>an</strong>isms<br />
of discrimination work. We also advise<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>ies when integration poses<br />
greater challenges th<strong>an</strong> initially thought,”<br />
explain Education <strong>an</strong>d Network Officers<br />
Sylke Fritzsche <strong>an</strong>d Heiko Weigel. Their<br />
aim is to see diversity in the workforce as<br />
<strong>an</strong> opportunity rather th<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong> obstacle.<br />
“Everyone ultimately benefits from the<br />
strategic inclusion of cultural diversity<br />
in a comp<strong>an</strong>y’s HR development.” This<br />
point of contact, which is free of charge<br />
for comp<strong>an</strong>ies, is funded by the state<br />
programme Weltoffenes Sachsen (Cosmopolit<strong>an</strong><br />
Saxony). More information is<br />
available at:<br />
sachsen.<br /><br /><br />
fachinformationszentrumzuw<strong>an</strong>derung/<br />
TANDEM<br />
Quite a few shared kitchens turn into magical meeting<br />
places over time. People cook, drink, chill, philosophize <strong>an</strong>d<br />
discuss together <strong>an</strong>d sometimes <strong>an</strong> inspiring idea is born<br />
that gives hope <strong>an</strong>d makes the world a little more hum<strong>an</strong>.<br />
The idea for “Start with a Friend”, a project that brings immigr<strong>an</strong>ts<br />
<strong>an</strong>d locals together as equals, was born in one such<br />
shared kitchen in the middle of Berlin a good nine years ago.<br />
To date, the idea has spread to 27 cities across Germ<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> has been one of them since 2022.<br />
Fotos: Thomas Höppner<br />
It’s a rather rainy evening in <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
as the members <strong>an</strong>d friends of the Start<br />
with a Friend association meet for their<br />
regular get-together. The atmosphere<br />
is good, as is the pizza. There is a lot of<br />
joking <strong>an</strong>d everyone is visibly enjoying<br />
being together. You wouldn’t know that<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y of them have experienced the<br />
unimaginable. It is only when they are<br />
asked about the past that the sorrow<br />
becomes evident on their faces. It soon<br />
clicks that they prefer to live in the<br />
here <strong>an</strong>d now, to appreciate the security,<br />
make pl<strong>an</strong>s <strong>an</strong>d enjoy the new<br />
perspectives. But not all guests with a<br />
migration background have fled their<br />
homel<strong>an</strong>d at some point. Students from<br />
other countries <strong>an</strong>d locals also join the<br />
group, which gets bigger <strong>an</strong>d bigger as<br />
the evening progresses. What we w<strong>an</strong>t<br />
so much for the big picture is happening<br />
here on a small scale – multicultural<br />
coexistence with mutual respect. In the<br />
middle of it all: Thomas Höppner, who<br />
until a few years ago had hardly had <strong>an</strong>y<br />
contact with other cultures. Then came<br />
the wave of refugees in 2015. “The media<br />
images burned themselves into my<br />
mind – especially the Syri<strong>an</strong> boy who<br />
was washed up on the Turkish coast,”<br />
he says. “That’s when it started rattling<br />
around inside my head: we should...” Yes,<br />
we should, but what? How c<strong>an</strong> you help?<br />
Donate money, perhaps. But where? And<br />
will it get to where it is needed?<br />
The film producer, who produces videos<br />
for the Niners basketball team in<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> among other things, finally<br />
met Muhammad Ahmad, also known as<br />
Moe. The two got to know each other<br />
in the “Unknown Baskets” recreational<br />
team, met up at Niners f<strong>an</strong> events <strong>an</strong>d<br />
beg<strong>an</strong> spending more <strong>an</strong>d more time<br />
together. Start with a Friend also pursues<br />
this goal – just with a little help to<br />
get started. The non-profit association<br />
creates personal encounters between<br />
people with <strong>an</strong>d without a history of immigration<br />
in the spirit of living diversity.<br />
The vision: to break down prejudices,<br />
provide support through friendships <strong>an</strong>d<br />
build networks. This happens in so-called<br />
“t<strong>an</strong>dems”. The principle: based on<br />
shared interests, living conditions <strong>an</strong>d,<br />
last but not least, the gut feeling of the<br />
org<strong>an</strong>izing team, each “newcomer” is<br />
assigned a “local”. This is not to be confused<br />
with a mentoring program, where,<br />
for example, visits to the authorities<br />
are taken care of. There are no obligations<br />
<strong>an</strong>d no pressure to succeed. “It’s<br />
primarily about spending quality time<br />
together as equals <strong>an</strong>d making it easier<br />
to settle in,” explain Thomas <strong>an</strong>d Moe,<br />
who found out about the initiative from<br />
a co-founder of the association. The two<br />
didn’t h<strong>an</strong>g about, <strong>an</strong>d in summer 2021<br />
they used <strong>an</strong> online ch<strong>an</strong>nel to convince<br />
the association’s Berlin headquarters<br />
that <strong>Chemnitz</strong> in particular needed the<br />
Start with a Friend – SwaF for short –<br />
program.<br />
“They’re a real dream team. They were<br />
<strong>an</strong>d are highly motivated,” enthuses Josef<br />
Al-Khalili. The association’s Regional<br />
Coordinator East visits each location<br />
twice a year to check on the status of<br />
the charitable work. Today, he stops off<br />
in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> by ch<strong>an</strong>ce, mingles with the<br />
newcomers, talks to locals <strong>an</strong>d clearly<br />
feels at home. “We had a good feeling<br />
about <strong>Chemnitz</strong> right from the start,<br />
especially in light of the riots in 2018.<br />
Thomas <strong>an</strong>d Moe were very well prepared<br />
<strong>an</strong>d had already established good<br />
contacts <strong>an</strong>d a network in the city.” Such<br />
criteria are import<strong>an</strong>t for establishing<br />
new locations – after all, the association<br />
is fin<strong>an</strong>ced with the help of public<br />
funding. Although the placement of<br />
t<strong>an</strong>dems in the city could be exp<strong>an</strong>ded<br />
– a good 20 have been formed so far –<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> has a very lively community.<br />
They meet at least twice a month for<br />
joint activities. The first Monday of the<br />
month is a fixed date for the regulars’<br />
table at Weltecho. Up to 35 people from<br />
15 nations come along. In addition, bowling<br />
evenings, paddle boat trips <strong>an</strong>d joint<br />
visits to the Niners bring the community<br />
together.<br />
Thomas has a family <strong>an</strong>d a busy job.<br />
Logically, the question often comes from<br />
those around him: Why are you taking<br />
on all of this? “I appreciate the international<br />
exch<strong>an</strong>ge, I’m interested in their life<br />
stories <strong>an</strong>d their journey to <strong>Chemnitz</strong>. I<br />
w<strong>an</strong>t to know what problems they have,<br />
whether they are happy,” explains the<br />
39-year-old, who next moment grows<br />
very thoughtful: “The work does something<br />
to you. I’m white, I have two children<br />
who c<strong>an</strong> grow up in safety – you realize<br />
how privileged you are to live here. This<br />
really hit home when I went to the association’s<br />
national meeting in Cologne in<br />
2022.”<br />
Thomas <strong>an</strong>d Moe are two of six org<strong>an</strong>izers<br />
in the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> team. Across<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, up to 350 dedicated members<br />
are involved in connecting people with<br />
<strong>an</strong>d without a history of immigration.<br />
Since the association was founded in<br />
2014, more th<strong>an</strong> 8,000 t<strong>an</strong>dems have<br />
come together. If you would like to get to<br />
know <strong>an</strong>d support the association, click<br />
online at<br /><br />
IN 17 HOURS<br />
Foto: Ernesto Uhlm<strong>an</strong>n<br />
Jelena Blagojevic’s story c<strong>an</strong> basically<br />
be summed up in one word: ambition.<br />
After all, <strong>an</strong>yone who sets out on a<br />
1,300-kilometre drive to get to a job<br />
interview in 17 hours must have a clear<br />
goal in mind. In April 2015, that goal<br />
was <strong>Chemnitz</strong>, where Jelena, who<br />
comes from Serbia, introduced herself<br />
at the occupational medicine consult<strong>an</strong>cy<br />
Arbeitsmedizinischer Dienst<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> ADC Dr. Grube GmbH, or<br />
ADC for short. Today, she is not only a<br />
perm<strong>an</strong>ent member of the team; she is<br />
also part of the m<strong>an</strong>agement <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
owner, having taken over the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
from its founder, Dr Grube, at the end<br />
of 2022. A success story, that much is<br />
certain. But the road there involved a<br />
lot of work <strong>an</strong>d a lot of persistence.<br />
Jelena Blagojevic had already decided<br />
on Germ<strong>an</strong>y as her destination in 2014: “I<br />
studied medicine in Serbia, but I couldn’t get<br />
a job through the normal ch<strong>an</strong>nels. To gain<br />
experience <strong>an</strong>d stay in touch with the subject<br />
matter, I sometimes worked without a salary.<br />
In between, I even worked as a teacher for<br />
two years.” So had it been a lot of effort for<br />
nothing? She didn’t w<strong>an</strong>t to resign herself to<br />
that. Together with her husb<strong>an</strong>d, she made<br />
the decision to turn her back on Serbia in<br />
order to gain a foothold in Germ<strong>an</strong>y. “M<strong>an</strong>y<br />
of my fellow students also dared to make<br />
the move <strong>an</strong>d emigrated to Norway, Austria<br />
or the Czech Republic.” Jelena Blagojevic<br />
speaks fluent Germ<strong>an</strong> today, with no sign of<br />
difficulties with the grammar. Just nine years<br />
ago she didn’t know a single word of Germ<strong>an</strong>.<br />
“I attended a l<strong>an</strong>guage school for a year <strong>an</strong>d<br />
finally passed the B2 level exam.” With this<br />
certificate, Germ<strong>an</strong> learners document that<br />
they c<strong>an</strong> communicate confidently in the<br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage in almost all situations in everyday<br />
life <strong>an</strong>d the world of work. Now she says she<br />
is much more confident in Germ<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
proud holder of a C1 l<strong>an</strong>guage certificate,<br />
which attests to her l<strong>an</strong>guage skills at a<br />
far more adv<strong>an</strong>ced level. So the l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />
barrier had been overcome, but <strong>an</strong>other big<br />
hurdle awaits skilled workers from abroad:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong> bureaucracy. This is where ADC<br />
Dr. Grube stepped in because, for Jelena<br />
Blagojevic, this hurdle was almost impossible<br />
to overcome on her own: getting a work<br />
permit, dealing with the authorities, renting<br />
a flat, opening a b<strong>an</strong>k account, finding a daycare<br />
place <strong>an</strong>d school for her two sons, who<br />
were 5 <strong>an</strong>d 16 years old at the time. “Most<br />
of the support came from my employer – it<br />
was a real culture of welcome,” she says.<br />
Would she dare to take this step again? “Yes,<br />
even though the first time was very stressful.<br />
Everything was different, the culture, the<br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage. My sons didn’t know a word of<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>. It was <strong>an</strong> extraordinary situation<br />
for all of us.” Today, Jelena Blagojevic feels<br />
she has arrived <strong>an</strong>d still works for one of the<br />
largest Germ<strong>an</strong> private service providers in<br />
the fields of occupational medicine, occupational<br />
safety, traffic medicine, <strong>an</strong>d travel <strong>an</strong>d<br />
tropical medicine.<br />
then head of a polyclinic in Otto-Schmerbach-<br />
Straße recognised the import<strong>an</strong>ce of a healthy<br />
workforce for perform<strong>an</strong>ce, well-being,<br />
motivation <strong>an</strong>d productivity. Today, people<br />
are still the focus for ADC. Its mission is to<br />
help protect them from negative influences<br />
that may arise from their working conditions<br />
through occupational health screening,<br />
aptitude tests <strong>an</strong>d recruitment examinations.<br />
Incidentally, this duty of care is a m<strong>an</strong>datory<br />
obligation for employers. Comprehensive<br />
examinations under the Germ<strong>an</strong> Driving<br />
Licence Ordin<strong>an</strong>ce for lorries, buses, taxis<br />
<strong>an</strong>d passenger tr<strong>an</strong>sport, travel medicine<br />
consultations <strong>an</strong>d vaccinations for professional<br />
<strong>an</strong>d private stays abroad, as well as<br />
occupational integration m<strong>an</strong>agement <strong>an</strong>d<br />
health m<strong>an</strong>agement or safety-related advice<br />
– all with the latest digital technology – are<br />
part of the daily routine for the occupational<br />
medicine consult<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d specialists at ADC.<br />
“Our team has m<strong>an</strong>y years of experience<br />
<strong>an</strong>d offers individual solutions tailored to<br />
the specific comp<strong>an</strong>y’s requirements. We<br />
provide advice <strong>an</strong>d support with all questions<br />
relating to occupational health <strong>an</strong>d safety<br />
<strong>an</strong>d health protection. Employers also like<br />
to take adv<strong>an</strong>tage of our additional benefits<br />
<strong>an</strong>d services such as flu vaccinations or<br />
examinations at their premises. This me<strong>an</strong>s<br />
that employees don’t have to travel <strong>an</strong>d c<strong>an</strong><br />
return to their work after the examination,”<br />
explains M<strong>an</strong>aging Director Felix Ritter. Eight<br />
years after her arrival in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>, Jelena<br />
Blagojevic is also part of the m<strong>an</strong>agement<br />
team, which w<strong>an</strong>ts to exp<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d strengthen<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>y to meet future challenges. They<br />
are looking for specialists in occupational<br />
safety <strong>an</strong>d occupational health, medical<br />
assist<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d resident physici<strong>an</strong>s who are<br />
completing their specialist training – <strong>an</strong>d<br />
international specialists are also welcome.<br />
“After all, we have had very good experiences<br />
with motivated people from abroad.”<br />
Arbeitsmedizinischer Dienst<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong><br /><br />
4<br />
ADC, which operates regionally <strong>an</strong>d nationwide,<br />
was founded as <strong>an</strong> occupational medicine<br />
consult<strong>an</strong>cy by Dr Grube after the fall of the<br />
Wall. Even back in the days of the GDR, the<br />
Our employees come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Serbia, Slovakia, Pol<strong>an</strong>d<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d English to:<br /><br />
Photos: Heitec AG<br />
Mr Krübel, in addition to its nine locations<br />
across Germ<strong>an</strong>y, HEITEC AG is<br />
also represented abroad – including in<br />
Austria, Slovakia, Hungary <strong>an</strong>d China.<br />
So having international specialists<br />
here at the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> site isn’t new<br />
territory for you?<br />
That’s right. To give one example, we<br />
are currently training two specialists<br />
from China here at the site so that we<br />
c<strong>an</strong> implement our customer st<strong>an</strong>dards<br />
locally in Sh<strong>an</strong>ghai. Among<br />
other things, this includes certified<br />
safety programming, which plays<br />
a major role in the development of<br />
safe production machinery. We also<br />
train skilled workers in cooperation<br />
with our br<strong>an</strong>ches in Hungary <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Rom<strong>an</strong>ia. We’ve had employees from<br />
India, Azerbaij<strong>an</strong>, Ir<strong>an</strong>, Russia, Belarus,<br />
Pol<strong>an</strong>d, the Czech Republic, Greece,<br />
Spain <strong>an</strong>d the USA. The proportion<br />
of international skilled workers from<br />
abroad in our workforce is currently<br />
around ten per cent.<br />
How signific<strong>an</strong>t is having a cultural<br />
background from all over the world for<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>y’s success?<br />
Having different perspectives as a result<br />
of different cultural mentalities is clearly<br />
<strong>an</strong> asset for every comp<strong>an</strong>y. However, I<br />
would attach less import<strong>an</strong>ce to our employees’<br />
nationalities. What counts first<br />
<strong>an</strong>d foremost for us is their attitude <strong>an</strong>d<br />
their drive to achieve something together.<br />
We also see this as very import<strong>an</strong>t with our<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong> applic<strong>an</strong>ts. Just yesterday I had<br />
<strong>an</strong> interesting telephone conversation with<br />
a young m<strong>an</strong> from Syria who is studying in<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> <strong>an</strong>d made a very good impression<br />
on me. Right from the start, I could tell<br />
that he w<strong>an</strong>ts to integrate professionally<br />
<strong>an</strong>d personally here. In contrast, there are,<br />
The interaction of software, mech<strong>an</strong>ics <strong>an</strong>d<br />
electronics has been the flagship of HEITEC<br />
AG for four decades. With its technologically<br />
high-quality <strong>an</strong>d economical solutions, the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y helps more th<strong>an</strong> 2,000 customers<br />
worldwide increase their productivity<br />
<strong>an</strong>d optimise their products. The comp<strong>an</strong>y’s<br />
roughly 1,200 employees at numerous<br />
locations in Germ<strong>an</strong>y <strong>an</strong>d abroad have <strong>an</strong><br />
in-depth technical knowledge of sectors<br />
including the automotive industry, packaging<br />
technology, energy, medicine, food <strong>an</strong>d beverages,<br />
shipbuilding, aerospace <strong>an</strong>d logistics. In<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y alone, the comp<strong>an</strong>y has nine locations,<br />
including its headquarters in Erl<strong>an</strong>gen. These<br />
sites both operate independently <strong>an</strong>d cooperate<br />
across projects. In <strong>Chemnitz</strong>, HEITEC employs<br />
more th<strong>an</strong> 80 people, m<strong>an</strong>y of<br />
whom come from other countries<br />
to join the comp<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
We w<strong>an</strong>ted to know more<br />
<strong>an</strong>d asked site m<strong>an</strong>ager<br />
Holger Krübel.<br />
unfortunately, other applic<strong>an</strong>ts who are<br />
arrog<strong>an</strong>t rather th<strong>an</strong> polite.<br />
Let’s talk about the keyword integration:<br />
what is HEITEC AG’s strategy for<br />
the long-term retention of international<br />
specialists?<br />
Of course, it’s a big adv<strong>an</strong>tage for the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y if <strong>Chemnitz</strong> or the region is the<br />
centre of international employees’ lives.<br />
Due to the lack of family ties, skilled workers<br />
from other countries are naturally<br />
more inclined to ch<strong>an</strong>ge jobs again or to<br />
turn their backs on Germ<strong>an</strong>y. To address<br />
this, we uphold a corporate culture that<br />
appeals equally to all employees. This<br />
includes team sporting events, such as<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>y run <strong>an</strong>d group hiking tours,<br />
as well as barbecue afternoons <strong>an</strong>d visits<br />
to the local wine festival. As a sponsor of<br />
the Niners, <strong>Chemnitz</strong>’s basketball team,<br />
we also follow their games together.<br />
They clearly set <strong>an</strong> example in terms of<br />
integration that shows quite vividly how a<br />
team of international players is capable<br />
of top perform<strong>an</strong>ces. We always like to<br />
take this spirit back to the comp<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
What about Germ<strong>an</strong> l<strong>an</strong>guage skills?<br />
Are they essential for gaining a<br />
foothold here at HEITEC’s location in<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong>?<br />
Even though we are a comp<strong>an</strong>y that<br />
operates internationally, it is <strong>an</strong> adv<strong>an</strong>tage<br />
to either have good Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage skills already or acquire them<br />
over time. Our work in the region <strong>an</strong>d<br />
on a nationwide level involves a lot of<br />
customer care. Customer contact <strong>an</strong>d<br />
meetings are part of our daily business.<br />
Sometimes our Germ<strong>an</strong> employees find<br />
it difficult to keep <strong>an</strong> import<strong>an</strong>t appointment.<br />
Now imagine that you don’t speak<br />
the customers’ l<strong>an</strong>guage <strong>an</strong>d are asked<br />
to clarify complex issues. Of course,<br />
you c<strong>an</strong> usually talk to our customers<br />
in English. But then misunderst<strong>an</strong>dings<br />
c<strong>an</strong>’t be ruled out. Incidentally, there are<br />
also challenges over which we have no<br />
influence – for example, US laws that<br />
apply worldwide. The background to this<br />
is the s<strong>an</strong>ctions against certain states<br />
adopted by Congress in Washington. For<br />
example, it’s much more difficult to hire<br />
skilled personnel from Ir<strong>an</strong> in Germ<strong>an</strong>y<br />
because of the embargo.<br />
Th<strong>an</strong>k you very much for the interesting<br />
insights.<br />
You’re most welcome.<br />
HEITEC<br /><br />
People from nine different<br />
nations work at the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> site:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, China, India, Spain, Switzerl<strong>an</strong>d, USA<br />
Applic<strong>an</strong>ts c<strong>an</strong> apply in Germ<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d English.<br />
Contact: Steph<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d<br /><br />
6<br />
LEVELS“<br />
On the grounds of the Europark business park<br />
in the south of <strong>Chemnitz</strong>, where iFD GmbH has<br />
its headquarters, several signs read “Parking<br />
regulations” – at first, nothing unusual. It’s only<br />
after talking to the comp<strong>an</strong>y’s international<br />
specialists that you realise that, yes, somehow<br />
it’s typically Germ<strong>an</strong> after all. In our country,<br />
everything is regulated, even in duplicate <strong>an</strong>d<br />
triplicate. Nothing is left to ch<strong>an</strong>ce. Hossam, Ashfag<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Nikunj told us why this does not scare<br />
off skilled workers from abroad.<br />
Nikunj<br />
Ashfaq<br />
Hossam<br />
Photos: iFD GmbH<br />
Founded in 1990 as a development<br />
service provider for intralogistics, the iFD<br />
Group is now a force to be reckoned with<br />
in the field of logistics software. Covering<br />
everything from systems for warehouse<br />
m<strong>an</strong>agement to material flow control<br />
<strong>an</strong>d forklift control, the comp<strong>an</strong>y develops<br />
modular applications for automated<br />
<strong>an</strong>d m<strong>an</strong>ual intralogistics in industry<br />
<strong>an</strong>d commerce. These solutions c<strong>an</strong> be<br />
integrated into almost <strong>an</strong>y logistics environment<br />
<strong>an</strong>d are highly intuitive to use.<br />
Comp<strong>an</strong>ies such as BMW, Audi, Komsa,<br />
Siemens <strong>an</strong>d Schnellecke Logistics rely<br />
on the expertise of the more th<strong>an</strong> 100<br />
employees of the iFD Group, which has<br />
its headquarters in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>. And ten<br />
per cent of this expertise is embodied by<br />
international specialists who find their<br />
way to the comp<strong>an</strong>y in very different<br />
ways.<br />
For example, Hossam, a student trainee<br />
from Egypt, was recommended by a<br />
technical partner of the comp<strong>an</strong>y from<br />
Karlsruhe, who had first met the now<br />
45-year-old when he introduced himself<br />
at a careers fair. “This is already my<br />
second stay in Germ<strong>an</strong>y. The first time I<br />
came here was in 2012 as a scholarship<br />
holder as part of a cooperation between<br />
Egypt <strong>an</strong>d Germ<strong>an</strong>y.” After completing<br />
his master’s degree in Kassel, he was<br />
initially drawn back to his home country,<br />
where he worked for several years as a<br />
project m<strong>an</strong>ager. But Germ<strong>an</strong>y, the “l<strong>an</strong>d<br />
of ideas”, never completely let go of him.<br />
“I was always impressed by the way that<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong> comp<strong>an</strong>ies think into the future<br />
<strong>an</strong>d don’t rest on their laurels.” This is a<br />
quality that Hossam also has. His interest<br />
in the future topics of big data <strong>an</strong>d<br />
artificial intelligence eventually led him<br />
to the Faculty of Business Information<br />
Systems at Furtw<strong>an</strong>gen University. He<br />
beg<strong>an</strong> writing his bachelor’s dissertation<br />
at iFD GmbH one year ago in summer<br />
2023. For Hossam, one thing is certain:<br />
“My future lies in Germ<strong>an</strong>y. I still have to<br />
improve my Germ<strong>an</strong> to achieve that,” he<br />
smiles, almost apologetically, from under<br />
his baseball cap.<br />
“The reverse is also true for us,” adds<br />
authorised signatory Sus<strong>an</strong>n Erkm<strong>an</strong>n.<br />
“We recently took the arrival of our<br />
student trainees as <strong>an</strong> opportunity to<br />
introduce English Days – three days a<br />
month on which only English is spoken in<br />
our comp<strong>an</strong>y. We also org<strong>an</strong>ise regular<br />
English courses through the adult education<br />
centre to improve or refresh our<br />
employees’ knowledge.” This is import<strong>an</strong>t<br />
in order to be able to open up international<br />
markets in the future. A multicultural<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y that employs people<br />
from all over the world also has <strong>an</strong>other<br />
competitive adv<strong>an</strong>tage: “In discussions<br />
with customers – in the Arab world, for<br />
example – it’s always different when<br />
native speakers communicate with each<br />
other. That creates a foundation of trust<br />
right away.”<br />
However, this enormous value that<br />
international skilled workers offer is<br />
something that m<strong>an</strong>y people still haven’t<br />
grasped, says Hossam: “Lots of qualified<br />
people with a real determination to<br />
develop move on because they don’t feel<br />
they have found their place here. That<br />
absolutely has to ch<strong>an</strong>ge.” What’s more,<br />
he adds, Germ<strong>an</strong>y is more inflexible <strong>an</strong>d<br />
complicated th<strong>an</strong> other countries. “M<strong>an</strong>y<br />
things could be quicker <strong>an</strong>d simpler. The<br />
country is overly org<strong>an</strong>ised <strong>an</strong>d systematic,”<br />
says Hossam, who backs this up<br />
with <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>ecdote about his broken fridge.<br />
“It was inspected by two people before a<br />
third person finally fixed it. I guess it had<br />
to do with responsibilities.”<br />
Ashfag has to laugh <strong>an</strong>d nods in agreement.<br />
Hossam’s 22-year-old roommate is<br />
from India <strong>an</strong>d has also been working as<br />
a student trainee at iFD GmbH since July<br />
2023. In addition to writing his bachelor’s<br />
thesis, he is getting to know the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
<strong>an</strong>d its software through m<strong>an</strong>y small<br />
projects. The quality of Germ<strong>an</strong> work,<br />
especially in the software sector, attracted<br />
him to Germ<strong>an</strong>y. India is catching up<br />
in this field, but finding a job <strong>an</strong>d earning<br />
money is much more difficult in his home<br />
country. What does he appreciate about<br />
his current workplace? “The good environment<br />
<strong>an</strong>d open communication. I’ve<br />
received support with all my questions<br />
from the very beginning. Unfortunately, I<br />
haven’t seen much of the city yet because<br />
I’ve been busy setting up our flat.”<br />
Nikunj steps in for Ashfag <strong>an</strong>d describes<br />
the city as remarkably green <strong>an</strong>d not too<br />
big or too small. “It’s just the right size,”<br />
says the 30-year-old. He should know;<br />
after all, he has already stayed in several<br />
cities during his studies. After graduating<br />
in India, he went on to study for a master’s<br />
degree in Germ<strong>an</strong>y in 2015. During<br />
this time, he completed <strong>an</strong> internship<br />
in Fr<strong>an</strong>kfurt, wrote his dissertation in<br />
Augsburg <strong>an</strong>d then worked at Siemens in<br />
Stuttgart. He signed a perm<strong>an</strong>ent employment<br />
contract with iFD two years ago<br />
<strong>an</strong>d gained a foothold in simulation. Currently,<br />
Nikunj is continuing his education<br />
in the field of software development.<br />
Sus<strong>an</strong>n Erkm<strong>an</strong>n sees the international<br />
specialists has having much more th<strong>an</strong><br />
“just” economic added value for the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y. “With their very different mentalities<br />
<strong>an</strong>d religious <strong>an</strong>d cultural backgrounds,<br />
they have a positive influence on<br />
our employees’ mindset,” she says, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
she c<strong>an</strong> speak from experience. “Having<br />
diverse perspectives broadens our own<br />
horizons of experience, <strong>an</strong>d we have even<br />
been served one or two typical delicacies<br />
from their home countries,” Sus<strong>an</strong>n Erkm<strong>an</strong>n<br />
recalls with a smile. “Professionals<br />
from abroad are simply <strong>an</strong> asset on so<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y levels.”<br />
iFD GmbH<br /><br />
People from nine different<br />
nations work at the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> site:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Russia, India, Syria, Egypt, Ukraine,<br />
Bulgaria, USA, Moldova.<br />
Applications c<strong>an</strong> be submitted in Germ<strong>an</strong>, English or<br />
Arabic. Send applications to:<br />
9<br />
Fotos: Scia Systems GmbH<br />
If there’s <strong>an</strong>ywhere that things go really smoothly, it’s at scia Systems GmbH – literally! Because the flagship of the comp<strong>an</strong>y with more th<strong>an</strong> 200<br />
employees is a surface treatment so precise that the surface of highly polished stainless steel resembles <strong>an</strong> Alpine p<strong>an</strong>orama in close-up. For<br />
comparison: this type of stainless steel has what is known as a roughness value of between 0.1 <strong>an</strong>d 0.5 micrometres. When processing ultra-thin<br />
layers on silicon wafers, which are needed for devices such as smartphones, scia Systems creates smooth surfaces with a height difference of just<br />
0.001 micrometres. That’s one n<strong>an</strong>ometre or one millionth of a millimetre!<br />
scia Systems GmbH<br /><br />
Contact for applic<strong>an</strong>ts:<br />
Sus<strong>an</strong> Förster, +49 (0)371 33561-285<br /><br />
It’s no wonder that these systems for<br />
precise surface processing are in<br />
dem<strong>an</strong>d worldwide – from the USA to<br />
China. Based on ion beam <strong>an</strong>d plasma<br />
technologies, they are used for various<br />
coating, etching <strong>an</strong>d cle<strong>an</strong>ing processes,<br />
including in the microelectronics<br />
<strong>an</strong>d precision optics industries. “You<br />
c<strong>an</strong> think of it as s<strong>an</strong>dblasting on the<br />
n<strong>an</strong>ometre scale,” explains Marketing<br />
M<strong>an</strong>ager M<strong>an</strong>dy Eckert. To give just<br />
a few examples, all 798 segments of<br />
the main mirror in the world’s largest<br />
telescope in Chile have been processed<br />
with equipment from scia Systems. For<br />
the production of augmented reality<br />
glasses, the comp<strong>an</strong>y’s machines etch<br />
the finest optical gratings into the glass,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d its expertise also comes into play<br />
in medicine – including in the coating of<br />
stents, medical impl<strong>an</strong>ts made of metal.<br />
“We even claim that 99.9 per cent of<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> residents have already held<br />
in their h<strong>an</strong>ds a smartphone whose<br />
components have passed through our<br />
machines,” says M<strong>an</strong>dy Eckert confidently.<br />
These machines, which go by<br />
the name of scia Trim 200, ensure a<br />
greater yield of base plates (wafers)<br />
in semiconductor production <strong>an</strong>d are<br />
also the comp<strong>an</strong>y’s best seller. For<br />
other industries, scia Systems machines<br />
c<strong>an</strong> easily be up to 15 metres long<br />
<strong>an</strong>d weigh 60 tonnes. On average, 40<br />
machines leave the production line<br />
every year. On site at its location in Clemens-Winkler-Straße<br />
in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>, the<br />
comparatively young comp<strong>an</strong>y is not<br />
yet dependent on international specialists,<br />
but its cooperation with comp<strong>an</strong>ies<br />
from other countries is decisive in its<br />
success: “Worldwide, 17 sales partners<br />
take care of sales, represent us at trade<br />
fairs <strong>an</strong>d also oversee international<br />
projects with service staff.” Working<br />
with them has a clear adv<strong>an</strong>tage: “Our<br />
partners know the regional <strong>an</strong>d local<br />
customs on the ground. A sales talk in<br />
China, for example, differs enormously<br />
from a comp<strong>an</strong>y presentation in Turkey.”<br />
But even though its cooperation<br />
with international skilled workers is currently<br />
still limited to its overseas business,<br />
scia Systems is watching the local<br />
labour market very closely. There could<br />
be more new recruits, in particular<br />
from the skilled trades <strong>an</strong>d the IT sector.<br />
M<strong>an</strong>dy Eckert emphasises that the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y c<strong>an</strong>’t rule out hiring skilled<br />
workers from abroad to fill vac<strong>an</strong>cies at<br />
the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> site in the future. “We see<br />
qualifications <strong>an</strong>d l<strong>an</strong>guage barriers as<br />
the biggest challenges. Good Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage skills are absolutely essential<br />
for communication within our team<br />
<strong>an</strong>d with customers.” In order to meet<br />
the future dem<strong>an</strong>d for skilled workers,<br />
scia Systems is also training future<br />
industrial mech<strong>an</strong>ics <strong>an</strong>d mechatronics<br />
engineers itself. This will be exp<strong>an</strong>ded<br />
with trainees specialising in warehouse<br />
logistics from the <strong>2024</strong> training year.<br />
And those who gain a foothold in the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y are very likely to stay for a<br />
long time: “We have little fluctuation<br />
in our workforce,” says M<strong>an</strong>dy Eckert<br />
proudly. “This is down to good teamwork<br />
<strong>an</strong>d our low-hierarchy structures<br />
<strong>an</strong>d short communication ch<strong>an</strong>nels.<br />
Holiday <strong>an</strong>d Christmas bonuses, our<br />
own c<strong>an</strong>teen <strong>an</strong>d family-friendly, flexible<br />
working hours also contribute to<br />
the satisfaction of our employees.” And<br />
when the opportunity arises, they also<br />
celebrate together. And, without giving<br />
too much away, we c<strong>an</strong> reveal this:<br />
there are plenty of such opportunities<br />
at scia Systems.<br />
Fotos: Joh<strong>an</strong>nes Richter, AWO <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
Training as a carer is versatile, varied <strong>an</strong>d requires a great deal of dedication to the<br />
job. The ongoing shortage of skilled workers in the care sector makes people who<br />
have completed their training the saviours of the hour – after all, there’s no stopping<br />
demographic ch<strong>an</strong>ge. International trainee Visel Bozhigi completed his training<br />
at AWO <strong>Chemnitz</strong> in March 2023 <strong>an</strong>d talks about his career in our interview.<br />
AWO - Arbeiterwohlfahrt<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong><br /><br />
Our international specialists<br />
come from:<br />
Bulgaria, Tunisia, Iraq, Greece, Ir<strong>an</strong>, Syria, Brazil,<br />
Turkey, the Russi<strong>an</strong> Federation, Vietnam, Pol<strong>an</strong>d,<br />
Cuba, Senegal, India<br />
Email applications to:<br />
Please apply in Germ<strong>an</strong> (minimum requirement: B2 level)<br />
work to extend his residence permit.<br />
Hardly <strong>an</strong>y other profession is as me<strong>an</strong>ingful<br />
as being a carer. And above all,<br />
when your profession <strong>an</strong>d your vocation<br />
go h<strong>an</strong>d in h<strong>an</strong>d, you work like Visel –<br />
with all your heart.<br />
14<br />
Visel Bozhigi is 31 years old, a father of<br />
three <strong>an</strong>d a carer with heart <strong>an</strong>d soul. He<br />
wears a red nursing blouse, white trousers<br />
<strong>an</strong>d square glasses. He got up at<br />
four o’clock this morning. He comes from<br />
Alb<strong>an</strong>ia, where he played one season for<br />
the third-division football club Sopoti Librazhd.<br />
After <strong>an</strong> injury, he tried his h<strong>an</strong>d<br />
at coaching for around a year <strong>an</strong>d came<br />
to Germ<strong>an</strong>y in 2018. He worked here for<br />
about two years on <strong>an</strong> assembly line. To<br />
have more time to spend with his family,<br />
he decided to train with AWO in 2020. He<br />
is the epitome of a family m<strong>an</strong>: he loves<br />
his wife <strong>an</strong>d children, <strong>an</strong>d their well-being<br />
is what is most precious to Visel. But the<br />
same also applies to his residents.<br />
“When I’m at work, I feel like I’m in my<br />
own home with my residents. I feel like<br />
I’m part of a family here <strong>an</strong>d try to make<br />
the lives of all the residents better,” says<br />
Visel Bozhigi. The atmosphere on the<br />
short-term care ward is very pleas<strong>an</strong>t:<br />
there are lots of jokes, just earlier he was<br />
singing with the residents, <strong>an</strong>d after a<br />
long period of sick leave, he was missed<br />
by m<strong>an</strong>y. The residents like Visel because<br />
he makes them feel that they are not<br />
alone. He casually says with a likeable<br />
matter-of-factness: “I don’t see it just as a<br />
job – I work with my whole heart.”<br />
When he looks back, Visel Bozhigi speaks<br />
very favourably about his successful<br />
training. As the only international trainee<br />
in his year, he always received a lot of<br />
support from his colleagues <strong>an</strong>d fellow<br />
trainees <strong>an</strong>d the AWO practical training<br />
supervisor. While the other trainees only<br />
had to worry about passing their exams,<br />
Visel was also taking care of the paper-<br />
Fotos: Joh<strong>an</strong>nes Richter<br />
“I had to explain again <strong>an</strong>d again that you eat p<strong>an</strong>i puri<br />
with your h<strong>an</strong>ds. You have to fill the dough balls with the<br />
sauces <strong>an</strong>d then bite into them quickly,” laughs Priyal<br />
Narola. “When I told my dad back home that nobody knew<br />
this, he couldn’t even imagine it.” When his comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
hosted a culinary get-together, the process development<br />
engineer prepared his favourite Indi<strong>an</strong> street food: crispy,<br />
deep-fried dough balls made from wheat flour, cornflour<br />
<strong>an</strong>d semolina (p<strong>an</strong>i), which are filled with a more or less<br />
liquid curry (puri).<br />
the l<strong>an</strong>guage to be able to communicate<br />
fully in every situation. “Then it’s helpful<br />
if you know a little English.”<br />
She is already pl<strong>an</strong>ning the next culinary<br />
get-together <strong>an</strong>d gathering ideas<br />
– “After all, we c<strong>an</strong>’t have our international<br />
colleagues cook every time now.”<br />
Even if there are certainly some who<br />
would like to try <strong>an</strong>other dish prepared<br />
by Priyal Narola. “Maybe next time we’ll<br />
let our colleagues from Bavaria do the<br />
cooking.” (laughs)<br />
YOUR MEAL!]<br />
It was the first event of its kind org<strong>an</strong>ised<br />
by 3D-Micromac: international<br />
specialities instead of the usual grilled<br />
sausage. All the international employees<br />
who w<strong>an</strong>ted to take part were given time<br />
off work <strong>an</strong>d a small budget to either<br />
cook or source a favourite meal from<br />
a restaur<strong>an</strong>t. “We have to bear in mind<br />
that not everyone likes to cook,” says<br />
HR officer Maria Göbel. Since 2022, she<br />
has prioritised intercultural encounters<br />
<strong>an</strong>d integrating international employees<br />
– after all, there are quite a few of them<br />
at 3D-Micromac: in total, 21 of its 197<br />
employees come from abroad.<br />
Together, they develop laser systems<br />
that cut photovoltaic cells for satellites<br />
or lenses for AR glasses, drill microfine<br />
holes in filters <strong>an</strong>d perform <strong>an</strong>y other<br />
tasks that defeat conventional tools due<br />
to their lack of precision. “The machines<br />
we develop are generally used to m<strong>an</strong>ufacture<br />
products <strong>an</strong>d technologies that<br />
won’t come on to the market until 2030,<br />
2035 or 2040,” adds Maria Göbel with<br />
obvious pride.<br />
To make sure that the comp<strong>an</strong>y remains<br />
as future-proof as its technologies,<br />
3D-Micromac has long recognised<br />
internationalisation as <strong>an</strong> opportunity<br />
in the pervasive struggle against the<br />
shortage of skilled workers – which also<br />
me<strong>an</strong>s creating a work culture in which<br />
employees from all backgrounds feel<br />
comfortable. According to Priyal Narola,<br />
3D-Micromac is already doing a lot of<br />
things right here: “The style of work<br />
is different from India. There is a flat<br />
hierarchy here. I have more freedom to<br />
contribute my ideas <strong>an</strong>d suggestions.<br />
This also makes for a friendly <strong>an</strong>d<br />
supportive working environment <strong>an</strong>d<br />
a relaxed working atmosphere.” At the<br />
same time, Maria Göbel makes sure that<br />
new recruits have a few basic English<br />
skills if possible. Although the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage is still Germ<strong>an</strong>, not all foreign<br />
employees are proficient enough yet in<br />
3D‐Micromac AG<br /><br />
Our specialists come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, China, India, Ir<strong>an</strong>, Kazakhst<strong>an</strong>, Russia,<br />
Ukraine, Syria, the Czech Republic, Tunisia, Turkey<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the USA<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
Fotos: Joh<strong>an</strong>nes Richter<br />
12<br />
18<br />
Fotos: Staffbade<br />
did some import<strong>an</strong>t educational work<br />
in the comp<strong>an</strong>y,” laughs Marie Friedrich,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d she adds: “Having office events<br />
for the whole team also helps people to<br />
get to know each other <strong>an</strong>d to network<br />
– sometimes at the soft-serve ice-cream<br />
machine, sometimes over a bag of<br />
popcorn or at a big Halloween party.” The<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y does not hold Christmas parties<br />
in the traditional sense, however, out<br />
of respect for all the employees’ religious<br />
backgrounds. “Instead, we have a holiday<br />
party that is not linked to <strong>an</strong>y religion or<br />
customs.” She has some tips for comp<strong>an</strong>ies<br />
that w<strong>an</strong>t to position themselves<br />
as attractive employers internationally:<br />
“Just do it <strong>an</strong>d don’t hope for groundbreaking<br />
political ch<strong>an</strong>ges. Diversity in<br />
the workforce brings m<strong>an</strong>y different perspectives,<br />
skills <strong>an</strong>d cultural influences<br />
that foster creativity <strong>an</strong>d innovation.”<br />
This is in the nature of the comp<strong>an</strong>y,<br />
which will be just ten years old in <strong>2024</strong>,<br />
but is already represented in seven<br />
other countries besides Germ<strong>an</strong>y – in<br />
the Netherl<strong>an</strong>ds, the UK, Finl<strong>an</strong>d, Sweden,<br />
the USA, C<strong>an</strong>ada <strong>an</strong>d Australia. More<br />
th<strong>an</strong> 700 employees worldwide work on<br />
the Staffbase communications platform,<br />
which connects comp<strong>an</strong>ies <strong>an</strong>d their<br />
employees – on desktop computers,<br />
via email, chat or <strong>an</strong> app. The <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
location alone has 165 employees, including<br />
international professionals from 14<br />
nations. Marie Friedrich, Vice President<br />
of People Experience, is therefore very<br />
familiar with terms such as residence<br />
<strong>an</strong>d settlement permit, EU Blue Card <strong>an</strong>d<br />
visa. “Nevertheless, integration into the<br />
local world of work is always a tough <strong>an</strong>d<br />
gruelling process. Waiting months for a<br />
work permit is not the exception but the<br />
rule.” She knows something else, too: “However,<br />
that isn’t the end of it. Our culture<br />
of welcome doesn’t stop in the workplace<br />
but extends beyond it. That me<strong>an</strong>s that<br />
we offer a relocation service <strong>an</strong>d put<br />
together individual packages that include<br />
things such as help with moving or with<br />
finding day-care <strong>an</strong>d school places for<br />
the children. Our packages also cover<br />
issues such as health insur<strong>an</strong>ce, other<br />
types of insur<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />
acquisition. Involvement in everyday life<br />
is <strong>an</strong> essential step towards full integration.”<br />
Staffbase also leaves nothing to<br />
ch<strong>an</strong>ce when it comes to onboarding, the<br />
pl<strong>an</strong>ned integration of new employees<br />
into the comp<strong>an</strong>y. Buddies support the<br />
new team members as direct points of<br />
contact <strong>an</strong>d make sure they are familiar<br />
with all the import<strong>an</strong>t information. They<br />
act like mentors – with the difference that<br />
they are on <strong>an</strong> equal footing. Staffbase<br />
distinguishes between two types of<br />
buddies: Role Buddies usually come<br />
from the same team or similar functions<br />
<strong>an</strong>d explain the employee’s immediate<br />
working environment. Culture Buddies,<br />
on the other h<strong>an</strong>d, help new employees<br />
underst<strong>an</strong>d the comp<strong>an</strong>y’s vision, culture<br />
<strong>an</strong>d strategy. It’s not uncommon for Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
cultural peculiarities to need some<br />
explaining, according to Marie Friedrich:<br />
“An Indi<strong>an</strong> employee whose daughter<br />
was about to start school had no idea<br />
what the custom of giving children a<br />
‘school cone’ on their first day of school<br />
was. To make sure her little girl wasn’t<br />
the only child without a school cone filled<br />
with goodies on her first day, our parents<br />
Our employees come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Alb<strong>an</strong>ia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Fr<strong>an</strong>ce,<br />
India, Indonesia, Kazakhst<strong>an</strong>, Kyrgyzst<strong>an</strong>, Latvia,<br />
Morocco, Pakist<strong>an</strong>, Rom<strong>an</strong>ia, Russi<strong>an</strong> Federation, USA<br />
All the information on how to apply is available at:<br /><br />
Applications are welcome in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English.<br />
Staffbase<br /><br />
16<br />
A personal conversation with a m<strong>an</strong>aging director sometimes reveals more th<strong>an</strong> just information about the comp<strong>an</strong>y’s philosophy.<br />
It c<strong>an</strong> also solve m<strong>an</strong>y a mystery. Such as why there is a huge basket filled with nashi pears in the reception of DELTA<br />
BARTH Systemhaus GmbH in Limbach-Oberfrohna, for example. “Quite simply, I’m a part-time farmer, <strong>an</strong>d I like to share,”<br />
laughs Annett Barth, whose main job is serving as m<strong>an</strong>aging director of the IT comp<strong>an</strong>y founded by her father in 2011.<br />
What beg<strong>an</strong> in 1990 as a computer<br />
technology distributor now supports<br />
org<strong>an</strong>isations with optimising their<br />
internal digital processes – starting with<br />
PC workstations <strong>an</strong>d going all the way<br />
through to the construction of complex<br />
networks. DELTA BARTH’s proprietary<br />
core software DELECO® connects all the<br />
departments of a comp<strong>an</strong>y – especially<br />
in the mech<strong>an</strong>ical <strong>an</strong>d pl<strong>an</strong>t engineering<br />
sectors – <strong>an</strong>d networks data, information<br />
<strong>an</strong>d work processes, with lucrative<br />
results. Behind the industry-specific<br />
solutions are 65 clever minds who enrich<br />
DELTA BARTH not only with their labour,<br />
but above all with their individual personalities.<br />
We w<strong>an</strong>ted to know more <strong>an</strong>d<br />
met Annett Barth for <strong>an</strong> interview.<br />
The dem<strong>an</strong>d for DELTA BARTH’s expertise<br />
c<strong>an</strong> be seen not least in your employee<br />
numbers: since 2011, your headcount has<br />
more th<strong>an</strong> doubled from 30 to 65. Against<br />
the backdrop of the increasing shortage<br />
of skilled workers, this c<strong>an</strong>not be taken for<br />
gr<strong>an</strong>ted.<br />
M<strong>an</strong>y comp<strong>an</strong>ies are clearly feeling the<br />
lack of skilled staff. We feel it, too, but<br />
we’re fortunate that numerous employees<br />
have heard of us through earlier<br />
recommendations. This makes us proud<br />
<strong>an</strong>d speaks for our corporate culture.<br />
Fotos: DELTA GmbH<br />
Employees particularly appreciate the<br />
fact that our family business is steady<br />
<strong>an</strong>d consistent in a time of ch<strong>an</strong>ge. Ultimately,<br />
this consistency also includes the<br />
special features that our developers are<br />
involved in creating: they shape the entire<br />
process chain up to the roll-out of the<br />
software, which is adapted to the client’s<br />
preferences. You won’t find a platform<br />
like this, one that allows client requirements<br />
to be implemented systematically,<br />
everywhere.<br />
Is that why your employees remain loyal<br />
to the comp<strong>an</strong>y for years <strong>an</strong>d even decades?<br />
(laughs) That <strong>an</strong>d our comp<strong>an</strong>y chef<br />
“Goldi”, who has been conjuring up the<br />
most delicious menus for 25 years. An<br />
internal comp<strong>an</strong>y survey really showed<br />
that our in-house kitchen is at the top of<br />
the list of the most popular benefits. So<br />
no one has to worry about lunch. But our<br />
e-bike leasing scheme <strong>an</strong>d subsidies for<br />
public tr<strong>an</strong>sport <strong>an</strong>d day care also contribute<br />
to the satisfaction of our employees.<br />
And on Thursdays we generally have<br />
a home office day. That’s <strong>an</strong> additional<br />
relief for colleagues who sometimes have<br />
to commute up to 50 kilometres to work.<br />
Working from home is also possible more<br />
often. However, it is import<strong>an</strong>t to us that<br />
more th<strong>an</strong> 50 per cent of <strong>an</strong> employee’s<br />
working time is spent in the comp<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
Because if employees exch<strong>an</strong>ge information<br />
only via online meetings <strong>an</strong>d<br />
don’t experience our corporate culture<br />
first-h<strong>an</strong>d, the workplace will eventually<br />
become indistinguishable from <strong>an</strong>y other<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
To what extent are young trainees part of<br />
this corporate culture?<br />
Supporting young talent is <strong>an</strong> integral<br />
part of our philosophy. Every year, we<br />
offer apprenticeships for IT specialists<br />
in application development <strong>an</strong>d system<br />
integration. We’ve also been a training<br />
partner for the local university of cooperative<br />
education, the Berufsakademie<br />
Glauchau, from the very beginning. The<br />
professors know <strong>an</strong>d appreciate us because<br />
they c<strong>an</strong> be sure that new team<br />
members will receive practical support,<br />
true to the spirit of a family business.<br />
They’re involved in all the work processes<br />
right from the start of their<br />
dual study programme. In addition to a<br />
person responsible for training, we also<br />
have <strong>an</strong> org<strong>an</strong>isational contact person<br />
<strong>an</strong>d professional mentors – this combination<br />
has established itself excellently<br />
over the years. .<br />
DELTA BARTH Systemhaus GmbH serves<br />
around 300 comp<strong>an</strong>ies nationwide. Do<br />
you sometimes consider putting out feelers<br />
beyond Germ<strong>an</strong>y’s borders?<br />
Indeed, we’ve thought about it from time<br />
to time. I c<strong>an</strong>’t rule it out in the future, but<br />
at the moment, it doesn’t make sense for<br />
us to exp<strong>an</strong>d. We are a h<strong>an</strong>ds-on comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
<strong>an</strong>d w<strong>an</strong>t to remain that way. That<br />
me<strong>an</strong>s that we don’t just look after our<br />
users over the phone – we usually also<br />
visit them on-site to provide technical<br />
support.<br />
Does that also me<strong>an</strong> that international<br />
specialists are not yet <strong>an</strong> issue for DELTA<br />
BARTH?<br />
We do employ some people with<br />
foreign roots, but that came about<br />
through the recommendations that I<br />
mentioned at the beginning. We haven’t<br />
looked for them actively yet. Our<br />
international professionals come from<br />
Bulgaria <strong>an</strong>d India, but they have been<br />
settled in the region for years <strong>an</strong>d feel<br />
like they’ve found their place here.<br />
They value having a long-term employment<br />
relationship <strong>an</strong>d appreciate the<br />
family environment in our comp<strong>an</strong>y. In<br />
addition, they have convinced us with<br />
their expertise, <strong>an</strong>d they contribute as<br />
team players. Incidentally, we also attach<br />
great import<strong>an</strong>ce to this with our<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong> employees. If you c<strong>an</strong> communicate<br />
with each other directly <strong>an</strong>d on<br />
<strong>an</strong> equal footing, you’ll feel at home in<br />
our comp<strong>an</strong>y. That’s also why I have a<br />
hard time when it comes to advertising<br />
vac<strong>an</strong>cies. Just checking off qualifications<br />
says nothing about applic<strong>an</strong>ts. I<br />
prefer to meet face to face <strong>an</strong>d get a<br />
feel for the positions in our comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
where they c<strong>an</strong> develop best.<br />
It’s been a pleasure talking to you.<br />
You’re welcome.<br />
DELTA BARTH has international<br />
employees from two countries<br />
on its team:<br />
Bulgaria; India<br />
Applications to:<br />
Annett Barth, M<strong>an</strong>aging Director<br /><br />
DELTA BARTH Sytemhaus GmbH<br /><br />
2<br />
The Business Village at Beckerstraße 13<br />
brings together everything that needs to<br />
come together in a sharing economy: ultra-modern<br />
office <strong>an</strong>d conference rooms<br />
for comp<strong>an</strong>ies, start-ups <strong>an</strong>d co-workers,<br />
designed <strong>an</strong>d created by Bürol<strong>an</strong>d GmbH,<br />
meet digital workplace solutions developed<br />
by e-dox GmbH. The one thing the<br />
Business Village shouldn’t be short of is<br />
the right hum<strong>an</strong> resources to fill it with<br />
life. But App Concept didn’t just w<strong>an</strong>t to<br />
develop the next job portal...<br />
What do recruiting <strong>an</strong>d online dating<br />
have in common? The search for the<br />
perfect match! With JobsNavi, App<br />
Concept has not only succeeded in<br />
revolutionising the application process,<br />
but has also made itself a best<br />
case. Based on AI, JobsNavi works like<br />
a dating app – it’s multilingual <strong>an</strong>d<br />
therefore international. Its prime focus<br />
is on IT specialists for SMEs. There are<br />
currently around 400 professionals registered<br />
in B<strong>an</strong>gladesh alone who are<br />
actively looking for jobs in Europe <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y. This is also how App Concept<br />
finds its own employees – including Alif<br />
Kh<strong>an</strong> from Dhaka. After completing his<br />
bachelor’s degree in B<strong>an</strong>gladesh, he<br />
researched universities offering Master’s<br />
degrees in Automotive Software<br />
Engineering <strong>an</strong>d came across <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
University of Technology. At the<br />
end of his studies, he started looking<br />
for jobs <strong>an</strong>d came across JobsNavi: “It<br />
was a lucky coincidence that we met!”<br />
he says.<br />
To open up prospects for Alif Kh<strong>an</strong> in<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>y <strong>an</strong>d make it easier for<br />
him to stay, Founder <strong>an</strong>d M<strong>an</strong>aging<br />
Director Uwe Thuß is also happy to<br />
lend a h<strong>an</strong>d personally: he not only<br />
accomp<strong>an</strong>ied his new employee to<br />
the immigration office to apply for his<br />
Blue Card, but also helped him find<br />
a suitable flat <strong>an</strong>d finally move his<br />
furniture. Today, almost a year later,<br />
Uwe Thuß is already talking about Alif<br />
Kh<strong>an</strong> becoming one of the comp<strong>an</strong>y’s<br />
registered partners in the future. The<br />
last hurdle to overcome is the Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage: only B1 level will guar<strong>an</strong>tee<br />
the B<strong>an</strong>gladeshi perm<strong>an</strong>ent residence<br />
in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>. But Alif Kh<strong>an</strong> laughs: Bengali,<br />
Hindi, Arabic – those are difficult<br />
l<strong>an</strong>guages. But Germ<strong>an</strong>, with its Latin<br />
alphabet, is comparatively easy.<br />
Having its own corporate l<strong>an</strong>guage is<br />
therefore just one of m<strong>an</strong>y things App<br />
Concept sees as only natural in its<br />
efforts to make working with its international<br />
employees easier <strong>an</strong>d, above<br />
all, more fun. The list also includes<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y events, group visits to the<br />
Christmas market <strong>an</strong>d wine festival,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the option to work remotely at <strong>an</strong>y<br />
time. But as much as Alif Kh<strong>an</strong> enjoys<br />
returning home to Dhaka to visit his<br />
family for a while, he also appreciates<br />
the office atmosphere in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>.<br />
Although he has the freedom to work<br />
from home, he comes to the Business<br />
Village every day: “I c<strong>an</strong>’t create this<br />
atmosphere at home. Working from <strong>an</strong><br />
office like this is extraordinary!” – that’s<br />
<strong>an</strong>other compliment for Bürol<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d<br />
the (international) success of the Business<br />
Village.<br />
Fotos: Joh<strong>an</strong>nes Richter<br />
WEITERE INFOS:<br /> GmbH<br /><strong>an</strong>d<br />
Our specialists come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, B<strong>an</strong>gladesh, Ukraine <strong>an</strong>d Morocco<br />
4<br />
Applications in English or Germ<strong>an</strong> to:<br /><br />
Fotos: Stadler <strong>Chemnitz</strong> GmbH<br />
As Aliaks<strong>an</strong>tr Filipavets – we’re allowed to call him Alex<strong>an</strong>der from now on – waits for his interview<br />
in the conference room of Stadler <strong>Chemnitz</strong> GmbH, his nervousness increases. His Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
is not yet as good as he would like it to be after more th<strong>an</strong> two years of l<strong>an</strong>guage lessons.<br />
However, his concerns that he won’t underst<strong>an</strong>d everything evaporate within a few minutes, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
we have before us a m<strong>an</strong> bursting with hope, joie de vivre <strong>an</strong>d a good dose of self-deprecating<br />
humour. Maybe it’s the <strong>an</strong>ticipation of his mother’s visit this week. Or maybe the 36-year-old is<br />
just happy that he has been able to overcome the hardships of the past years together with his<br />
wife <strong>an</strong>d their little daughter. Alex<strong>an</strong>der comes from Belarus, a country that has ch<strong>an</strong>ged a lot<br />
since the controversial presidential election in 2020, as he explains.<br />
ECONOMY.“<br />
He is one of around 300,000 people who<br />
have turned their backs on the country<br />
since then, he says. “The political situation,<br />
exorbit<strong>an</strong>t prices, hardly <strong>an</strong>y jobs<br />
<strong>an</strong>d corruption – the desire for ch<strong>an</strong>ge<br />
grows automatically.” Yet the mech<strong>an</strong>ical<br />
engineer had a reasonably secure job at<br />
Stadler’s location in Minsk: “However, the<br />
number of employees there has more<br />
th<strong>an</strong> halved since the war in Ukraine<br />
beg<strong>an</strong>, from 1,500 to 600.” Alex<strong>an</strong>der<br />
finally took the initiative <strong>an</strong>d w<strong>an</strong>ted to<br />
make a new start in Germ<strong>an</strong>y. Why here<br />
of all places? “My wife’s sister has been<br />
working as a doctor in Germ<strong>an</strong>y for<br />
some time. We visited often <strong>an</strong>d got to<br />
know <strong>an</strong>d love the country on numerous<br />
city tours.” But instead of simply moving<br />
to one of the Stadler Group’s Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
locations, Alex<strong>an</strong>der initially made about<br />
300 applications – without success. “In<br />
most cases, my lack of Germ<strong>an</strong> l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />
skills was <strong>an</strong> obstacle,” he says.<br />
Then, in the summer of 2022, he got the<br />
ch<strong>an</strong>ce to move to the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> location,<br />
where the l<strong>an</strong>guage barrier didn’t<br />
matter much. “We work with the same<br />
system worldwide. This makes integration<br />
much easier for specialists from<br />
other international Stadler locations,”<br />
explains HR M<strong>an</strong>ager Christin Walther.<br />
“To break down the l<strong>an</strong>guage barrier<br />
over time, there is a free in-house<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong> course once a week. On the<br />
other h<strong>an</strong>d, our Germ<strong>an</strong> employees get<br />
the opportunity to develop their English<br />
skills.” In this way, internationalisation<br />
at the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> location is gradually<br />
progressing, which naturally makes<br />
sense given the worldwide success of<br />
the Stadler Group. The comp<strong>an</strong>y has<br />
been building rail vehicles for customers<br />
all over the world for over 80 years <strong>an</strong>d<br />
has been the market leader in the field<br />
of alternative drive technologies such as<br />
electric <strong>an</strong>d hydrogen drives for some<br />
years now. This year alone, orders have<br />
come from the USA, Italy, Lithu<strong>an</strong>ia <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Norway, among other countries. Stadler<br />
maintains a flexible team of around 180<br />
engineers <strong>an</strong>d developers at its <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
location. Its employees provide engineering<br />
services to the Stadler Group<br />
in the areas of construction, calculations,<br />
electronics, pneumatics <strong>an</strong>d multi-body<br />
simulation. Alex<strong>an</strong>der works as <strong>an</strong><br />
installation pl<strong>an</strong>ner <strong>an</strong>d is responsible<br />
for the electrical cabling inside the rail<br />
vehicles. His <strong>Chemnitz</strong> colleagues have<br />
always been very helpful right from the<br />
start. “We even received a washing machine<br />
from a colleague. We were quite<br />
surprised that flats in Germ<strong>an</strong>y are usually<br />
let unfurnished. In Belarus, it’s the<br />
other way around,” laughs Alex<strong>an</strong>der.<br />
To further strengthen the international<br />
team’s cohesion, monthly get-togethers<br />
such as outdoor outings, picnics or rubber<br />
dinghy tours are regular<br />
fixtures on the calendar.<br />
In the me<strong>an</strong>time, Alex<strong>an</strong>der<br />
feels he has found his place<br />
<strong>an</strong>d now hopes that his wife<br />
will also soon find a job as<br />
a civil engineer. “It’ll work<br />
out,” he says confidently<br />
because he has had a lot<br />
of practice in waiting. In<br />
Belarus, he waited weeks<br />
for a positive decision from<br />
the Germ<strong>an</strong> embassy. In<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, it took <strong>an</strong>other<br />
five months for his studies to be recognised<br />
<strong>an</strong>d a further six months to find a<br />
suitable day-care place for his daughter.<br />
Opening a b<strong>an</strong>k account also proved to<br />
be extremely complicated due to the<br />
international s<strong>an</strong>ctions against Belarus.<br />
However, Alex<strong>an</strong>der is not somebody<br />
who has regrets about his past. On the<br />
contrary, he prefers to look ahead: “I<br />
w<strong>an</strong>t to grow old here,” he says with<br />
assur<strong>an</strong>ce, <strong>an</strong>d he adds: “But above<br />
all, I w<strong>an</strong>t to make my contribution to<br />
the Germ<strong>an</strong> economy. I w<strong>an</strong>t to give<br />
something back.” Christin Walther has<br />
some advice for comp<strong>an</strong>ies that w<strong>an</strong>t to<br />
improve their efforts to hire skilled workers<br />
from abroad: “Be open about it <strong>an</strong>d<br />
put your fear of trying something new<br />
to one side. There are numerous points<br />
of contact who support comp<strong>an</strong>ies in<br />
this area. In <strong>an</strong>y case, we have had very<br />
good experiences with international<br />
skilled workers.”<br />
Stadler <strong>Chemnitz</strong> GmbH<br /><br />
Our international skilled workers<br />
come from:<br />
Deutschl<strong>an</strong>d, Belarus, Spain, India, Ir<strong>an</strong>, Morocco, Syria,<br />
Tunisia, Ukraine <strong>an</strong>d the USA.<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong>, English or Russi<strong>an</strong> to:<br /><br />
10<br />
“MY WORK IS<br />
Fotos: Vektor Informatik GmbH<br />
The 64,000-dollar question: how does a comp<strong>an</strong>y m<strong>an</strong>age to grow from just under 50 employees to<br />
more th<strong>an</strong> 4,000 overnight? The <strong>an</strong>swer is simple: it becomes part of a much larger comp<strong>an</strong>y that is<br />
represented at more th<strong>an</strong> 33 locations worldwide. This is what happened in May 2023, when Vector<br />
Informatik GmbH took over <strong>Chemnitz</strong>-based BASELABS GmbH – a software comp<strong>an</strong>y specialising in<br />
sensor data fusion for automated driving – in its entirety. BASELABS was launched in spring 2012 as<br />
a technology tr<strong>an</strong>sfer project at <strong>Chemnitz</strong> University of Technology. Just two years later, Vector, the<br />
world’s leading specialist in the development of automotive electronics, became a strategic investor.<br />
“During this time, we were able to find out how well our individual corporate cultures fit together,”<br />
explains Robin Schubert, M<strong>an</strong>aging Director of BASELABS. “From our perspective as founders, it is<br />
<strong>an</strong> absolute win for <strong>Chemnitz</strong> that a comp<strong>an</strong>y like Vector w<strong>an</strong>ts to establish a major location here<br />
for the rapidly growing field of vehicle software,” Schubert adds.<br />
Pratham Arora<br />
Customers from the automotive, commercial<br />
vehicle, aeronautical, tr<strong>an</strong>sport <strong>an</strong>d<br />
control engineering sectors worldwide<br />
rely on the solutions <strong>an</strong>d products of the<br />
independent Vector Group, which has been<br />
working on tomorrow’s electronic technologies<br />
for more th<strong>an</strong> 35 years. Vector’s<br />
new site in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> will also contribute<br />
signific<strong>an</strong>tly to the development of future<br />
generations of automotive software. “Our<br />
work in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> will focus on various<br />
aspects of the software-defined vehicle.<br />
To achieve this, we will continue to exp<strong>an</strong>d<br />
the site,” explains Thomas Beck, M<strong>an</strong>aging<br />
Director of Vector Informatik. In the future,<br />
the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> site is set grow to around 150<br />
employees <strong>an</strong>d will increasingly employ<br />
international specialists.<br />
Looking at the comp<strong>an</strong>y headquarters in<br />
Stuttgart shows that cooperation between<br />
different nationalities c<strong>an</strong> greatly enrich <strong>an</strong><br />
org<strong>an</strong>isation. Here, people from 64 nations<br />
work together in teams, some large, some<br />
small. “My work is diversity through <strong>an</strong>d<br />
through,” says Thomas Stolz, who has been<br />
part of the Vector family for eight years.<br />
For the past year, he has headed a team of<br />
14 in the Embedded Software Department,<br />
which acts as a point of contact for customers<br />
<strong>an</strong>d aims to ensure that the products<br />
developed by Vector are ultimately used<br />
successfully. His team members mostly<br />
work on front-line customer support, coaching<br />
or software deliveries. Thomas’s role<br />
as the first level of escalation is to make<br />
sure that problems <strong>an</strong>d conflicts are dealt<br />
with effectively <strong>an</strong>d swiftly in order to maintain<br />
customer or employee satisfaction.<br />
“That tr<strong>an</strong>slates as: if there’s a fire,<br />
we’re there,” laughs Thomas Stolz,<br />
who also acts as a mediator between<br />
cultures. “Every cultural group brings<br />
a different approach, different learning<br />
processes <strong>an</strong>d different ideas to<br />
our work. This is also personally enriching<br />
<strong>an</strong>d something I don’t have in<br />
my private life. One of my tasks is to<br />
create <strong>an</strong> awareness of the idiosyncrasies<br />
of other cultures. Incidentally,<br />
we Germ<strong>an</strong>s have our idiosyncrasies,<br />
too,” says Thomas Stolz.<br />
Team member Essam Rizk c<strong>an</strong> list<br />
some of these idiosyncrasies: “Germ<strong>an</strong>s<br />
work close to perfection. They have a<br />
fondness for details <strong>an</strong>d obviously love<br />
hiking,” smiles the 31-year-old Egypti<strong>an</strong>.<br />
The electrical engineering graduate was<br />
looking for a new personal challenge <strong>an</strong>d<br />
found it at Vector in March 2022. The<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y’s welcoming culture is one of the<br />
best he has ever experienced. He got to<br />
grips with its specialist topics with the aid<br />
of a mentor, <strong>an</strong>d his colleagues are still a<br />
great source of support with <strong>an</strong>y questions<br />
he has. He shares his tips for international<br />
specialists who w<strong>an</strong>t to follow the same<br />
path as him: “Make sure you learn Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
before you arrive. At work, communication<br />
isn’t a problem because everyone speaks<br />
English. It’s a different story in your free<br />
time. Good Germ<strong>an</strong> really helps in being<br />
able to participate fully in social <strong>an</strong>d cultural<br />
life.” Essam certainly has enough time<br />
to improve his Germ<strong>an</strong>. He would like to<br />
return to his home country in ten years at<br />
the earliest. And so that he doesn’t always<br />
have to wait until his <strong>an</strong>nual holiday to<br />
satisfy his longing to see family <strong>an</strong>d friends,<br />
Vector allows its employees to work from<br />
home for 30 days a year. On top of this, <strong>an</strong><br />
additional 28 days per year c<strong>an</strong> be spent<br />
working abroad. Essam also prefers to use<br />
these days to extend his stays in Egypt.<br />
Pratham Arora, <strong>an</strong>other member of<br />
Thomas Stolz’s team, also has no pl<strong>an</strong>s to<br />
return to his home country of India <strong>an</strong>y<br />
time soon. In September 2015, the 33-year-old<br />
moved to Germ<strong>an</strong>y to complete his<br />
Master’s degree in Automotive Software<br />
Engineering at <strong>Chemnitz</strong> University of<br />
Technology. “In 2017, I moved from <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
to Stuttgart to do <strong>an</strong> internship at Vector<br />
<strong>an</strong>d then write my master’s dissertation.<br />
A year later, I was offered a full-time job.”<br />
He has m<strong>an</strong>y more job opportunities in his<br />
field here in Germ<strong>an</strong>y, says Pratham, who<br />
clearly feels at home in the Vector family.<br />
“Internal <strong>an</strong>d cross-team events – from<br />
cinema trips to laser tag – make integration<br />
easier. Twice a week after work, there’s<br />
the opportunity to socialise with others<br />
over free drinks <strong>an</strong>d make new friends,”<br />
he explains. In addition, regular meetups<br />
are occasions for employees from the<br />
same home country to get together. The<br />
programmes offered by the Vector fitness<br />
studio, such as Zumba classes or yoga, are<br />
interesting, but unfortunately not in English.<br />
“If I were to improve <strong>an</strong>ything, it would be<br />
that,” says Pratham. Incidentally, Essam <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Pratham believe that the biggest challenge<br />
in Germ<strong>an</strong>y by far is the local bureaucracy.<br />
The fact that they c<strong>an</strong> pronounce words<br />
such as Ausländerbehörde (immigration<br />
office), Aufenthaltsgenehmigung (residence<br />
permit) <strong>an</strong>d Niederlassungserlaubnis<br />
(settlement permit) in perfect Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
shows that they have already had plenty of<br />
experience with the Germ<strong>an</strong> authorities.<br />
“If you go to the immigration office without<br />
<strong>an</strong> appointment, you should definitely allow<br />
plenty of time. Some people sleep on the<br />
street just to be at the front of the queue<br />
the next morning. The situation is horrendous,”<br />
says Pratham, speaking from experience.<br />
This is also why he does not w<strong>an</strong>t to<br />
apply for Germ<strong>an</strong> citizenship. “The process<br />
simply takes too long.”<br />
Vector Informatik GmbH<br /><br />
People from 64 nations work<br />
at Vector Informatik GmbH.<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
64<br />
Bettina Helgenlechner, born in Innsbruck, has been working as a web developer for chemmedia AG, one of<br />
Europe’s leading specialists in digital learning solutions <strong>an</strong>d services, since 2017. During the six years she<br />
spent studying <strong>an</strong>d working in the USA, she met her husb<strong>an</strong>d. He w<strong>an</strong>ted to do his master’s degree in Germ<strong>an</strong>y,<br />
so they moved to Dresden. While looking for a new job, she became aware of chemmedia AG, which<br />
had its then second office in the state capital. However, when she moved back to her hometown of Innsbruck<br />
after her husb<strong>an</strong>d’s graduation, the question arose as to whether she could take her work with her, <strong>an</strong>d she<br />
got a clear <strong>an</strong>swer from both herself <strong>an</strong>d chemmedia AG. In our interview, Bettina Helgenlechner takes<br />
stock of her experiences <strong>an</strong>d tells us about cross-border remote working.<br />
How is work org<strong>an</strong>ised in the comp<strong>an</strong>y?<br />
Work is distributed via a ticket system<br />
<strong>an</strong>d assigned directly by Customer<br />
Support, Product Development <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Product M<strong>an</strong>agement. Sometimes,<br />
however, the tickets are simply in the<br />
pile, <strong>an</strong>d we take them as soon as we<br />
have capacity. Communication then<br />
usually takes place via video meetings<br />
or internal chat.<br />
Doesn’t the dist<strong>an</strong>ce sometimes have a<br />
negative effect on your sense of belonging?<br />
No, not really. After six years of working<br />
remotely, I’m just used to it. But I could<br />
imagine that it might be more difficult<br />
for extroverts. However, the p<strong>an</strong>demic<br />
also had a positive side effect in this respect:<br />
because everyone was suddenly<br />
Chemmedia AG<br /><br />
Our international specialists<br />
come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, The Netherl<strong>an</strong>ds, Austria, the USA,<br />
B<strong>an</strong>gladesh, Pakist<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d Portugal<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /> or directly via:<br /><br />
7<br />
What about small talk in between tasks?<br />
Asking what you’re having for lunch or<br />
about the great new shirt your colleague<br />
is wearing today?<br />
You have to devote a little more attention<br />
to small talk because it doesn’t<br />
happen as spont<strong>an</strong>eously as it does<br />
in the office. However, we do see each<br />
other at the daily st<strong>an</strong>d-up – even the<br />
colleagues we don’t work with directly.<br />
Once a week, we also have a team day<br />
where the whole team works together<br />
on a specific ticket or project via video<br />
conference. We c<strong>an</strong> also just chat about<br />
things in between that might not be<br />
directly related to work – just like you<br />
would in the office. Social b<strong>an</strong>ter, so to<br />
speak.<br />
working remotely, we learnt to chat to<br />
each other from time to time.<br />
That leads perfectly into my next question:<br />
what qualities do you think are<br />
needed for remote working to work?<br />
You need a bit of discipline <strong>an</strong>d sufficient<br />
intrinsic motivation; by that I<br />
me<strong>an</strong> that you do the work because it<br />
really interests you. And it’s definitely<br />
<strong>an</strong> adv<strong>an</strong>tage if you’re more of <strong>an</strong><br />
introvert <strong>an</strong>d don’t need to socialise<br />
all day to feel satisfied. That’s not so<br />
import<strong>an</strong>t for me. I work from home. Of<br />
course, I could also go to a co-working<br />
space if I w<strong>an</strong>ted to socialise.<br />
But c<strong>an</strong> you ever switch off properly if<br />
you are working from home?<br />
I’ve actually never had <strong>an</strong>y problems with<br />
that. I close my laptop, <strong>an</strong>d then I don’t<br />
think about it <strong>an</strong>y more – no more th<strong>an</strong><br />
when I started working in the Dresden<br />
office. I c<strong>an</strong> separate them both quite<br />
well – staying focused at work <strong>an</strong>d then<br />
it’s time to call it a day. I also like the fact<br />
that I c<strong>an</strong> org<strong>an</strong>ise my day more flexibly.<br />
You c<strong>an</strong> spread the housework out a bit<br />
throughout the day, <strong>an</strong>d you don’t always<br />
have to do everything after work, so you<br />
c<strong>an</strong> make better use of the times when<br />
you’re really focused.<br />
Would you say that the future viability<br />
of comp<strong>an</strong>ies also depends on whether<br />
they offer their employees remote<br />
working?<br />
I’m actually pretty sure of that. I think<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y employees are interested in<br />
whether they c<strong>an</strong> work remotely – at<br />
least a few days a week. Even before<br />
the p<strong>an</strong>demic, there were always a<br />
few colleagues working from home<br />
because chemmedia AG has always<br />
been very considerate of families with<br />
children <strong>an</strong>d employees who had a<br />
particularly long journey to the office.<br />
But now, after the p<strong>an</strong>demic, it’s <strong>an</strong><br />
exception for someone to actually be<br />
working in the office every day. I’m<br />
convinced that this is a more attractive<br />
way of working.<br />
Will your colleagues still see you at the<br />
Christmas party in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>?<br />
Definitely! I’ve already been to <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
twice this year for comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
events, <strong>an</strong>d I’m looking forward to<br />
seeing everyone again.<br />
Fotos: chemmedia<br />
Fotos: Dental Wings, Joh<strong>an</strong>nes Richter<br />
FOR PUTIN“<br />
If you live in a peaceful country,<br />
you c<strong>an</strong> forget that things are not as<br />
harmonious everywhere in the world<br />
as they are in Germ<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
Just 1,500 kilometres away, Ukraine<br />
is fighting for its survival: since the<br />
Russi<strong>an</strong> war of aggression last year,<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y Ukraini<strong>an</strong> families have fled to<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y. But what is rarely mentioned<br />
are the people in Russia who are<br />
against the war <strong>an</strong>d don’t w<strong>an</strong>t to be<br />
used in Putin’s dreams of conquest.<br />
Andrey is one such person. In September<br />
2022, Putin ordered the<br />
general mobilisation of his country.<br />
This me<strong>an</strong>t that men of fighting age<br />
were to go to war against Ukraine.<br />
The police were already at the house<br />
of the then 49-year-old mech<strong>an</strong>ical<br />
engineer. Without further ado, he fled<br />
to Kazakhst<strong>an</strong> to avoid serving in a<br />
war he opposed.<br />
In the past, Andrey had worked for<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y Russi<strong>an</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches of Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
comp<strong>an</strong>ies, including BOSCH <strong>an</strong>d<br />
BASF. In exile, he wrote letters to Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
friends. One recipient was Fr<strong>an</strong>k<br />
Stockm<strong>an</strong>n, the m<strong>an</strong>aging director of<br />
the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> site of the Straum<strong>an</strong>n<br />
subsidiary DENTAL WINGS. Fr<strong>an</strong>k already<br />
knew Andrey’s older daughter,<br />
who was spending her year abroad in<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> <strong>an</strong>d living with the Stockm<strong>an</strong>n<br />
family. It was clear to Fr<strong>an</strong>k that<br />
he <strong>an</strong>d his team had to help. So his<br />
HR m<strong>an</strong>ager Madlen Lauterbach got<br />
on the ball <strong>an</strong>d took charge of org<strong>an</strong>ising<br />
<strong>an</strong> accelerated skilled worker<br />
procedure <strong>an</strong>d a work visa. And their<br />
efforts were rewarded: Andrey was<br />
able to start at DENTAL WINGS as a<br />
test engineer in J<strong>an</strong>uary 2023. His<br />
new employer paid for his further<br />
training.<br />
The fact that he no longer works in<br />
his actual profession doesn’t bother<br />
Andrey. “I enjoy the work, <strong>an</strong>d I like<br />
the atmosphere in the team,” explains<br />
the family m<strong>an</strong>. Having breakfast<br />
each day with his friendly colleagues,<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y of whom have foreign roots,<br />
certainly helps.<br />
Not just a professional<br />
home in <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
One of them is Mona from Ir<strong>an</strong>. She<br />
came to Germ<strong>an</strong>y with her husb<strong>an</strong>d<br />
in 2017. Mona is responsible for the<br />
quality assur<strong>an</strong>ce of DENTAL WINGS’<br />
medical software within the international<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y. This me<strong>an</strong>s that, before<br />
the software’s launch, she checks<br />
which legal requirements it must<br />
fulfil for the respective market <strong>an</strong>d<br />
documents precisely that the criteria<br />
are met. As she works in <strong>an</strong> international<br />
environment <strong>an</strong>d the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
documentation is also in English,<br />
integration was very easy for her. She<br />
also learnt Germ<strong>an</strong> to B2 level in just<br />
six months.<br />
Skilled workers like Mona with her<br />
international professional experience<br />
are in dem<strong>an</strong>d on the labour market.<br />
While the authorities don’t always<br />
make immigration easy, there are still<br />
opportunities to gain a foothold. Comp<strong>an</strong>ies<br />
with international operations<br />
such as DENTAL WINGS are happy<br />
to welcome qualified immigr<strong>an</strong>ts, as<br />
the <strong>Chemnitz</strong> site communicates with<br />
other comp<strong>an</strong>y locations all over the<br />
world: in C<strong>an</strong>ada, the USA <strong>an</strong>d even<br />
Brazil, to name just a few.<br />
Russi<strong>an</strong> engineer Andrey now feels at<br />
home in Germ<strong>an</strong>y, as do his wife <strong>an</strong>d<br />
young son, who have joined him. He<br />
doesn’t like the political situation in<br />
his home country at all, which is why<br />
he has made a new home here. He<br />
has already bought a small house in<br />
a suburb of <strong>Chemnitz</strong>. “But it never<br />
would have worked without Madlen<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Fr<strong>an</strong>k,” says Andrey.<br />
Dental Wings GmbH<br /><br />
Our nationalities:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Israel, Russia, Fr<strong>an</strong>ce, Pol<strong>an</strong>d, India, Nigeria,<br />
Turkey, Ir<strong>an</strong>, Peru, China <strong>an</strong>d Vietnam<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
12<br />
E-commerce is a growing industry, including in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>.<br />
There are several online shops in the area that<br />
have experienced considerable success, <strong>an</strong>d in specialised<br />
niches at that. PIXXASS is one of them. The retail<br />
br<strong>an</strong>d of the Revolte Group’s e-commerce subsidiary<br />
primarily sells board games <strong>an</strong>d torches. Games are<br />
sometimes tested by the team around the lunch table.<br />
It’s <strong>an</strong> unusual product mix that pays off th<strong>an</strong>ks to<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y years of hard work. Revolte Campus, the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
behind the PIXXASS br<strong>an</strong>d, also takes on other<br />
tasks for the agency group, including selling successful<br />
br<strong>an</strong>ds such as MOY beer on the web.<br />
Mahshid stayed true to her dream<br />
Fotos: Revolte GmbH / Stef<strong>an</strong> Lorse<br />
E-commerce is more varied th<strong>an</strong> some<br />
people realise. Selecting <strong>an</strong>d purchasing<br />
products is just as much a part of the<br />
job as photographing <strong>an</strong>d editing the<br />
product displays, <strong>an</strong>d roles r<strong>an</strong>ge from<br />
order processing to h<strong>an</strong>dling customer<br />
feedback. Employees c<strong>an</strong> utilise their<br />
creative streaks as well as their business<br />
<strong>an</strong>d technical skills, swapping the shop for<br />
a cosy office.<br />
So it’s no wonder that training in e-commerce<br />
was a long-held dream for Mahshid.<br />
The 23-year-old grew up in Ir<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d<br />
came to Germ<strong>an</strong>y with her family back in<br />
2015, graduating from secondary school<br />
here in 2020. However, she dropped out<br />
of her vocational baccalaureate <strong>an</strong>d started<br />
working in a different field.<br />
Mahshid stayed true to her<br />
dream<br />
She had been interested in e-commerce<br />
since her school days, as it was one of the<br />
areas her career counsellor believed she<br />
was suited to. However, the teams in the<br />
region’s online shops are often too small<br />
to provide the necessary resources for<br />
a trainee position. After all, it takes time<br />
to train young people, plus the cost of a<br />
training licence.<br />
In 2023, Mahshid contacted the employment<br />
agency <strong>an</strong>d joined a pre-vocational<br />
training programme. She was encouraged<br />
to go directly to the online shops in<br />
the region <strong>an</strong>d enquire about <strong>an</strong> apprenticeship.<br />
One day, Mahshid was st<strong>an</strong>ding<br />
in the corridor at Revolte. The bosses<br />
didn’t think twice. Mahshid was able to get<br />
a taste of the comp<strong>an</strong>y very quickly, familiarising<br />
herself with the various areas<br />
of the Group, including its websites, print<br />
media <strong>an</strong>d campaigns. It quickly became<br />
clear that Mahshid was a perfect fit for<br />
the world of e-commerce.<br />
Her current trainer Robert was impressed<br />
by the 23-year-old from the outset.<br />
When she successfully created a product<br />
for the first time, Mahshid’s delight was<br />
obvious. “You c<strong>an</strong> teach a lot of things,<br />
but you c<strong>an</strong>'t teach people to enjoy their<br />
One of the first e-commerce<br />
trainees in the region<br />
work”, explains the 39-year-old e-commerce<br />
professional. So Robert sat down<br />
with his team to make a decision: could<br />
they run a training programme for the<br />
first time in the comp<strong>an</strong>y’s 20-plus year<br />
history? What would they need to bear<br />
in mind? Would everyone w<strong>an</strong>t to be<br />
involved?<br />
One of the first e-commerce<br />
trainees in the region<br />
The result? Mahshid beg<strong>an</strong> her apprenticeship<br />
as <strong>an</strong> e-commerce clerk in<br />
October 2023, giving up her other job.<br />
Her dream has now come true in a place<br />
where training in this field is still a real rarity.<br />
Robert spent several weeks at night<br />
school to obtain his training licence <strong>an</strong>d<br />
appreciates the theory he learned. “At<br />
one time I w<strong>an</strong>ted to be a nursery school<br />
teacher. By doing this, I c<strong>an</strong> bring some of<br />
my old career aspirations to the table <strong>an</strong>d<br />
learn something interesting.”<br />
So Mahshid has made her mark <strong>an</strong>d<br />
her family <strong>an</strong>d four siblings are proud of<br />
her. Her vocational school is in Zwickau,<br />
so she will have to commute there for a<br />
few weeks at a time in the future. She is<br />
already looking forward to this <strong>an</strong>d to the<br />
variety in her job. Further training in specialised<br />
English is still to come, <strong>an</strong>d next<br />
year she will be attending a trade fair for<br />
the first time. But she is already able to<br />
complete tasks independently <strong>an</strong>d is a<br />
natural part of the team. “I look forward to<br />
my work every day <strong>an</strong>d am happy to have<br />
received my dream training at Revolte<br />
Campus.”<br />
Revolte GmbH<br /><br />
Nationalities in the comp<strong>an</strong>y:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Sweden, Afgh<strong>an</strong>ist<strong>an</strong>, Ir<strong>an</strong><br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
4<br />
Fotos: Joh<strong>an</strong>nes Richter<br />
In times of a shortage of skilled workers, comp<strong>an</strong>ies are<br />
faced with the difficult task of promoting their own young<br />
talent <strong>an</strong>d ensuring their training <strong>an</strong>d qualification. In<br />
the best-case scenario, there is someone in the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
who c<strong>an</strong> inspire future trainees <strong>an</strong>d employees with<br />
enthusiasm for their daily work. This is especially true for<br />
professions that seem less exciting at first gl<strong>an</strong>ce, such as<br />
the police service, pilot training or <strong>an</strong> apprenticeship as a<br />
game designer. Petra Lüth is one such “door opener”. The<br />
hum<strong>an</strong> resources m<strong>an</strong>ager is the first point of contact for<br />
students <strong>an</strong>d professionals who w<strong>an</strong>t to gain a foothold at<br />
the SRS Audit-Group. What beg<strong>an</strong> in 1988 as a small law<br />
firm in Cologne now offers comprehensive auditing <strong>an</strong>d<br />
consulting services at five locations across Germ<strong>an</strong>y –<br />
including tax <strong>an</strong>d m<strong>an</strong>agement consulting. The SRS team<br />
in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> has around 25 employees, four trainees, two<br />
BA students <strong>an</strong>d three student trainees. In our interview,<br />
Petra Lüth reveals why it is difficult – but not impossible –<br />
for professionals from abroad to succeed in this industry.<br />
Her maxim: behind every application is a person who is<br />
much more th<strong>an</strong> a portfolio of certificates or a qualification<br />
(that is not recognised in Germ<strong>an</strong>y)...<br />
H<strong>an</strong>d on heart, Ms Lüth, how m<strong>an</strong>y of your<br />
applic<strong>an</strong>ts have always had a childhood dream<br />
of working in the tax sector when they<br />
grew up?<br />
(laughs) I have to admit it rarely happens.<br />
That makes it all the more import<strong>an</strong>t for us<br />
to share our enthusiasm for this profession<br />
from <strong>an</strong> early stage <strong>an</strong>d to dispel<br />
<strong>an</strong>y misconceptions. Of course, this is part<br />
of diligent public relations work. We are<br />
represented at trade fairs, take part in<br />
open days, go to schools <strong>an</strong>d give young<br />
people the opportunity to get a taste of<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>y through a work placement<br />
at <strong>an</strong>y time. Anyone who dares to experiment<br />
<strong>an</strong>d take a look behind the scenes<br />
at our comp<strong>an</strong>y will quickly realise how<br />
exciting this field of work c<strong>an</strong> be <strong>an</strong>d that<br />
we don’t just leaf through tax documents<br />
in a quiet room. Th<strong>an</strong>ks to our active work<br />
with young people, we have been training<br />
assist<strong>an</strong>t tax consult<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d office m<strong>an</strong>agement<br />
assist<strong>an</strong>ts in our comp<strong>an</strong>y for<br />
over 30 years. In addition, we are a training<br />
partner for the vocational academies in<br />
Dresden <strong>an</strong>d Glauchau.<br />
What makes the work so exciting in your<br />
eyes?<br />
First <strong>an</strong>d foremost, it’s working with people<br />
who come from a wide variety of industries<br />
– from car mech<strong>an</strong>ics to book authors,<br />
from cabaret artists to corporate groups.<br />
It’s import<strong>an</strong>t to have a good underst<strong>an</strong>ding<br />
of figures <strong>an</strong>d to be able to interpret<br />
those figures in the context in which the<br />
individual client operates. This is the foundation<br />
of our consulting work. The increasing<br />
digitalisation of our industry is also <strong>an</strong><br />
exciting process. And no one should shy<br />
away from familiarising themselves with<br />
the wording of the legislation. It ch<strong>an</strong>ges<br />
frequently, which is why our profession<br />
never st<strong>an</strong>ds still.<br />
Speaking of legislation, sometimes even we<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>s find it difficult to underst<strong>an</strong>d those<br />
texts. I c<strong>an</strong> imagine that they are <strong>an</strong> even<br />
greater hurdle for people with a migration<br />
background.<br />
That’s right: it me<strong>an</strong>s that good Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage skills are the be-all <strong>an</strong>d end-all.<br />
For international skilled workers, further<br />
training such as Germ<strong>an</strong> l<strong>an</strong>guage courses<br />
is stipulated in their employment contract<br />
<strong>an</strong>d regulated in terms of remuneration.<br />
On the other h<strong>an</strong>d, we offer free English<br />
lessons for all employees to minimise l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />
barriers. This is particularly import<strong>an</strong>t<br />
in the context of increasing internationalisation.<br />
Quite a few of our clients are<br />
exp<strong>an</strong>ding abroad, for example. To support<br />
such comp<strong>an</strong>ies with overseas operations,<br />
we work with Inpact International, <strong>an</strong> international<br />
alli<strong>an</strong>ce of auditors. They know the<br />
legal regulations in the country in question,<br />
so they c<strong>an</strong> support us.<br />
That has got to be easier th<strong>an</strong> bringing<br />
international experts into the comp<strong>an</strong>y...<br />
Definitely. Nevertheless, we are open<br />
to every professional from abroad who<br />
w<strong>an</strong>ts to gain a foothold in our industry<br />
<strong>an</strong>d especially at SRS Audit. But unlike<br />
in IT comp<strong>an</strong>ies, for example, where you<br />
c<strong>an</strong> get very far with a good comm<strong>an</strong>d of<br />
English, it is much more difficult in the tax<br />
sector because of the legal texts I mentioned.<br />
Unfortunately, there have been some<br />
applic<strong>an</strong>ts from abroad in the past who<br />
ultimately failed because of the l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />
barrier.<br />
On the other h<strong>an</strong>d, have there also been<br />
some positive examples?<br />
Yes, a Ukraini<strong>an</strong> wom<strong>an</strong>, who had previously<br />
worked as <strong>an</strong> interpreter, became very<br />
familiar with the subject matter as <strong>an</strong> office<br />
m<strong>an</strong>ager <strong>an</strong>d eventually completed <strong>an</strong> apprenticeship<br />
as <strong>an</strong> assist<strong>an</strong>t tax consult<strong>an</strong>t.<br />
She was even able to bring the exam forward<br />
because of her existing qualifications.<br />
An employee from Thail<strong>an</strong>d, who moved to<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> for love, also worked really hard<br />
to overcome the l<strong>an</strong>guage barrier <strong>an</strong>d<br />
successfully complete her training with us.<br />
I c<strong>an</strong> only take my hat off to so much drive,<br />
ambition <strong>an</strong>d enjoyment in the work.<br />
Are there <strong>an</strong>y exceptions for trainees from<br />
abroad, such as more time during exams?<br />
Hardly <strong>an</strong>y, sadly. A dictionary is allowed,<br />
but there is still no extended writing time<br />
in the exam. This is one area where I’d like<br />
our country to move with the times a bit<br />
more <strong>an</strong>d recognise the need for international<br />
professionals. The recognition of<br />
training <strong>an</strong>d qualifications is also <strong>an</strong> issue<br />
in Germ<strong>an</strong>y. It sometimes makes it incredibly<br />
difficult for comp<strong>an</strong>ies to integrate<br />
skilled workers from abroad into the local<br />
labour market.<br />
How does SRS Audit facilitate getting<br />
started in the comp<strong>an</strong>y for international<br />
professionals?<br />
Anyone starting their professional journey<br />
with us c<strong>an</strong> be sure that they’ll receive the<br />
necessary support in all areas. We are<br />
open to different religions <strong>an</strong>d also take religious<br />
traditions into account. Depending<br />
on how far away their home country is, we<br />
sometimes gr<strong>an</strong>t four weeks’ leave as a<br />
single block so that they c<strong>an</strong> spend a lot of<br />
time with friends <strong>an</strong>d family. It is import<strong>an</strong>t<br />
that we always see the person first – no<br />
matter where they come from, what the<br />
grades are on their report card or what<br />
qualifications they have. If they have the<br />
right motivation, everybody c<strong>an</strong> achieve<br />
fulfilment in our comp<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
SRS Audit GmbH<br />
Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft •<br />
Steuerberatungsgesellschaft<br /><br />
Apply to:<br /><br />
Applications are welcome in Germ<strong>an</strong>, English or Russi<strong>an</strong>.<br />
Fotos: Ernesto Uhlm<strong>an</strong>n<br />
Duc comes from Vietnam, Joey from<br />
Iraq – <strong>an</strong>d both have found a professional<br />
home at SITEC. What else connects the<br />
mech<strong>an</strong>ical engineering graduate <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
former interpreter?<br />
His full name is Ngyuen Viet Duc. “Duc”<br />
me<strong>an</strong>s Germ<strong>an</strong>y in Vietnamese – but<br />
the name is no coincidence. “My father<br />
has m<strong>an</strong>y friends in Germ<strong>an</strong>y, <strong>an</strong>d his<br />
doctoral supervisor also comes from<br />
here”, explains the younger Dr Nguyen.<br />
When he was working at H<strong>an</strong>oi University<br />
in Vietnam, joining a Germ<strong>an</strong>-<br />
Vietnamese exch<strong>an</strong>ge programme<br />
was <strong>an</strong> obvious choice. He obtained<br />
his doctorate at Dresden University of<br />
Technology in 2014, partly th<strong>an</strong>ks to a<br />
project with Chemitz-based firm SITEC.<br />
He has been working there since 2014,<br />
joining its Research & Development<br />
department in 2018. He <strong>an</strong>d two other<br />
colleagues work with partners to develop<br />
<strong>an</strong>d optimise pioneering technologies,<br />
such as laser material processing.<br />
The fact that SITEC is able to keep<br />
up with <strong>an</strong>d actively shape the major<br />
topics of our time is also down to Duc’s<br />
department: fuel cells, battery recycling<br />
<strong>an</strong>d automation are just a few of<br />
the m<strong>an</strong>y factors that play a major role<br />
in the automotive industry <strong>an</strong>d beyond.<br />
The department is also involved in the<br />
digitalisation of m<strong>an</strong>ufacturing <strong>an</strong>d<br />
solar cells.<br />
import<strong>an</strong>t role in SITEC’s machine<br />
room. He has had m<strong>an</strong>y jobs in his<br />
life – he has worked as a hairdresser<br />
<strong>an</strong>d in the catering trade, <strong>an</strong>d he was<br />
<strong>an</strong> interpreter in the once booming<br />
textile industry in Turkey. He now uses<br />
his talent for communication when he<br />
helps colleagues with limited l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />
skills to underst<strong>an</strong>d instructions <strong>an</strong>d<br />
operate the machines correctly. “It’s<br />
import<strong>an</strong>t to learn Germ<strong>an</strong>, because<br />
you won’t get very far without it”, explains<br />
the 44-year-old Turkm<strong>an</strong>. As he<br />
also speaks Turkish <strong>an</strong>d Arabic, he c<strong>an</strong><br />
be a real help to colleagues just arriving<br />
from abroad. His openness <strong>an</strong>d<br />
warmth are appreciated by m<strong>an</strong>agers<br />
<strong>an</strong>d colleagues alike.<br />
lot, although he didn't have the opportunities<br />
for support that his children<br />
have today. Duc used to d<strong>an</strong>ce too, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
also enjoys photography.<br />
At SITEC, employees with international<br />
experience are welcome in all of its<br />
departments, from machine operation<br />
to development. And the 250 or so<br />
colleagues get to meet up regularly at<br />
events like the Easter barbecue, the<br />
summer party <strong>an</strong>d the departmental<br />
Christmas parties. “Everyone simply<br />
knows everyone here, from the technici<strong>an</strong>s<br />
to the m<strong>an</strong>aging director”, says<br />
Duc. And Joey adds “The atmosphere<br />
here is just super nice.”<br />
“Make or buy“<br />
SITEC’s unique nature also gave Joey<br />
his job. The comp<strong>an</strong>y not only m<strong>an</strong>ufactures<br />
large machines, but c<strong>an</strong> also<br />
make the products itself if customers<br />
so wish. The “make or buy” concept<br />
me<strong>an</strong>s that customers decide for<br />
themselves whether they w<strong>an</strong>t to have<br />
products mass-produced by SITEC, or<br />
buy the machine <strong>an</strong>d do it themselves.<br />
Machine operator Joey plays <strong>an</strong><br />
A family employer for<br />
family people<br />
Joey <strong>an</strong>d Duc are both family men.<br />
Joey is proud of his older daughter,<br />
who is studying acting <strong>an</strong>d has already<br />
performed for Dieter Bohlen on<br />
“Deutschl<strong>an</strong>d sucht den Superstar”.<br />
“She got four yeses!”, he says proudly.<br />
He is also musical <strong>an</strong>d used to d<strong>an</strong>ce a<br />
SITEC Industrietechnologie<br />
GmbH<br /><br />
We have employed people of the<br />
following nationalities:<br />
Vietnamese, Iraqi, Afgh<strong>an</strong>, Czech, Syri<strong>an</strong>, Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
6<br />
Jihed Lazibi is a computer scientist, a<br />
sought-after commodity on the labour<br />
market, <strong>an</strong>d yet, after arriving in Germ<strong>an</strong>y,<br />
he initially trained as a nurse. Jihed’s<br />
new professional home is SIGMA.<br />
Foto: Joh<strong>an</strong>nes Richter<br />
“There’s always someone<br />
here I c<strong>an</strong> ask.<br />
It’s a bit like family.”<br />
The IT service provider <strong>an</strong>d its subsidiaries<br />
with locations in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Dresden operate in various fields of IT,<br />
including IT security <strong>an</strong>d infrastructure,<br />
ERP software, embedded systems <strong>an</strong>d<br />
RFID/Auto-ID. Although <strong>Chemnitz</strong> University<br />
of Technology offers computer<br />
science programmes, the number of<br />
graduates does not meet the dem<strong>an</strong>d.<br />
Immigration is therefore essential in<br />
the IT sector. Jihed studied information<br />
technology in Tunisia, specialising in embedded<br />
systems, <strong>an</strong>d learned Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
to level B2. He worked in the Tunisi<strong>an</strong> IT<br />
sector for a year <strong>an</strong>d a half before <strong>an</strong> old<br />
school friend recommended he come to<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y <strong>an</strong>d gain a professional foothold<br />
here. In September 2022, he made<br />
the leap, but instead of being welcomed,<br />
he was met with bureaucratic hurdles.<br />
Matthias from SIGMA was <strong>an</strong> early ray of<br />
hope. The RFID/Auto-ID software developer<br />
met Jihed in <strong>an</strong> Arabic café <strong>an</strong>d was<br />
quickly taken with the young m<strong>an</strong>. What<br />
followed was a year-long wait on the Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
authorities until Jihed was finally<br />
able to start at SIGMA in August 2023<br />
<strong>an</strong>d contribute his professional expertise<br />
to the comp<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
Instead of quickly finding a suitable job<br />
as <strong>an</strong> urgently needed specialist with<br />
good Germ<strong>an</strong> l<strong>an</strong>guage skills, Jihed first<br />
had to start a non-specialist training programme<br />
in nursing to obtain a residence<br />
permit. This is because foreign skilled<br />
workers only have six months to find a<br />
job before their temporary residence<br />
permit expires.<br />
Bureaucracy <strong>an</strong>d a willingness<br />
to help<br />
But Jihed also received some guid<strong>an</strong>ce:<br />
a friend helped him find accommodation<br />
<strong>an</strong>d his colleagues at SIGMA supported<br />
him in obtaining the urgently needed<br />
recognition of his Tunisi<strong>an</strong> qualification.<br />
Once all the documents were submitted<br />
in March 2023, it took until July for<br />
the Central Office for Foreign Education<br />
(ZAB) to send its decision.<br />
Fortunately, everyone at SIGMA was ready<br />
to go. Everything was quickly finalised<br />
contractually <strong>an</strong>d Jihed was able to start<br />
the very next month. “I feel welcome<br />
because I’m not just <strong>an</strong> employee here”,<br />
explains the 30-year-old Tunisi<strong>an</strong>. He<br />
appreciates the friendly atmosphere,<br />
even if he still has a little difficulty with<br />
how quickly everyone speaks. “For me,<br />
challenges are always opportunities”, he<br />
adds. He has learnt m<strong>an</strong>y new words in<br />
a short amount of time, has been able to<br />
get a flavour of all the departments, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
his colleague Arvid actively helps him.<br />
Jihed is one of m<strong>an</strong>y international employees<br />
at SIGMA. The IT comp<strong>an</strong>y values<br />
what people from different cultures <strong>an</strong>d<br />
regions bring to the table. From the m<strong>an</strong>y<br />
l<strong>an</strong>guages in which they c<strong>an</strong> speak to<br />
their customers to the new perspectives<br />
<strong>an</strong>d approaches that make <strong>an</strong> international<br />
team so successful. A collegial<br />
atmosphere where everyone treats each<br />
other as <strong>an</strong> equal is part of the recipe<br />
for success. Team events such as the<br />
summer <strong>an</strong>d Christmas parties <strong>an</strong>d participation<br />
in sporting competitions also<br />
contribute to rapid integration.<br />
Jihed, for one, feels at home at SIGMA:<br />
“There’s always someone here I c<strong>an</strong> ask.<br />
It’s a bit like family.”<br />
SIGMA <strong>Chemnitz</strong> GmbH<br /><br />
Our nationalities:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Ir<strong>an</strong>, Pakist<strong>an</strong>, Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
6<br />
2.0<br />
Foto: Niles Simmons<br />
What if the internationalization of<br />
teams was no longer just a necessity<br />
in the fight against the shortage of<br />
skilled workers, but a multiplier from<br />
which everyone involved could benefit<br />
equally? And how much more motivated<br />
<strong>an</strong>d perhaps also more satisfied could<br />
foreign employees be if their diverse<br />
cultural backgrounds were no longer<br />
just a challenge, but a valuable asset?<br />
As <strong>an</strong> international machine tool<br />
m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer with numerous service<br />
locations on all continents, NILES-SIM-<br />
Group for short) knows only too well<br />
how enormous the potential of cultural<br />
education is for opening up new markets.<br />
Marketing m<strong>an</strong>ager Pierre Seidel<br />
explains: “India, for example, is one of<br />
the emerging markets that we c<strong>an</strong> only<br />
tap into if we supply more th<strong>an</strong> just<br />
machines there. We need to know the<br />
culture. So if we succeed in establishing<br />
a mech<strong>an</strong>ical engineer with us, then<br />
we also benefit from his cultural background<br />
– <strong>an</strong>d not just vice versa. For us,<br />
it’s about exch<strong>an</strong>ge, helping each other<br />
to become better established in the<br />
other country.”<br />
Integration within the comp<strong>an</strong>y is correspondingly<br />
extensive <strong>an</strong>d unaffected:<br />
joint activities, hikes, private leisure<br />
groups, comp<strong>an</strong>y runs, etc. At the NSH<br />
Group, it is common practice for colleagues<br />
to travel together. Nazhmiddin<br />
Bakhridinov, originally<br />
from Tajikist<strong>an</strong>, discovered<br />
climbing this<br />
way <strong>an</strong>d regularly goes<br />
climbing with the team<br />
in Bohemi<strong>an</strong> Switzerl<strong>an</strong>d.<br />
But now that it’s<br />
getting cold, he’s looking<br />
forward to a group skiing<br />
holiday: he estimates<br />
that 30 to 40 people<br />
will be joining them this<br />
year, if colleagues bring<br />
their partners <strong>an</strong>d friends with them, as<br />
they did recently.<br />
„We have a lot of people who aren’t just<br />
called ‘integration m<strong>an</strong>ager’ on paper,<br />
but really embody it – perhaps because<br />
they have traveled a lot themselves,<br />
perhaps because they are often abroad<br />
for the NSH Group. And then, of course,<br />
there are also those who have studied in<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, speak very good English <strong>an</strong>d<br />
then offer integration from the professional<br />
side,” says Seidel, explaining<br />
how the comp<strong>an</strong>y has so far m<strong>an</strong>aged<br />
without traditional integration m<strong>an</strong>agement<br />
despite having 30 internationals.<br />
His magic word for success: individuality.<br />
„Our machines are highly individual.<br />
When customers show us a workpiece<br />
<strong>an</strong>d ask for a technical solution, the<br />
result is machines that are often only<br />
available once in the world in such a<br />
customer-specific design. And that’s<br />
exactly how we see our internationals:<br />
each person comes with their own biography<br />
<strong>an</strong>d their own problems, so we<br />
c<strong>an</strong>’t follow a rigid pl<strong>an</strong>; we always need<br />
personalized support.”<br />
Nevertheless, Pierre Seidel is aware that<br />
even <strong>an</strong> NSH Group with its progressive<br />
integration policy has much more potential.<br />
“Imagine if we could offer young<br />
people a complete package. An apprenticeship<br />
with guar<strong>an</strong>teed employment<br />
including low-cost or perhaps even free<br />
accommodation in the form of a young<br />
shared flat with 360-degree support... I<br />
imagine that the apprentices could cook<br />
together, go out together, not be alone<br />
<strong>an</strong>d come to work as a team in the morning.”<br />
He hopes to be able to implement<br />
this vision in just one to three years – a<br />
speed that, in his opinion, is mainly due<br />
to the fact that the comp<strong>an</strong>y is still family-run.<br />
“In a large corporate structure,<br />
we wouldn’t be able to implement things<br />
so quickly.” If the pl<strong>an</strong> succeeds, the NSH<br />
Group could perhaps even be the first<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> to offer its trainees<br />
such a comprehensive program.<br />
NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH<br /><br />
Our nationalities:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Central <strong>an</strong>d Southern Europe, Asia, America,<br />
Russia, Africa <strong>an</strong>d India<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
30<br />
DEEP END<br />
Ms Hofm<strong>an</strong>n, what motivated you to take<br />
the brave step of applying to become <strong>an</strong><br />
integration m<strong>an</strong>ager for 72 international<br />
specialists?<br />
The thought of our future! We will be<br />
500,000 nursing staff short by 2035.<br />
That’s why we’ve been focusing on<br />
recruiting specialists from abroad for<br />
ten years now. I think it’s very import<strong>an</strong>t<br />
to offer support not just to those who<br />
are just coming over, but also to those<br />
who are already here to see how we c<strong>an</strong><br />
grow together better. And that’s why I<br />
said: „OK, I’ll jump in at the deep end!”<br />
Where do you see the biggest challenges<br />
right now?<br />
Despite the B2 certification requirement,<br />
it’s more the l<strong>an</strong>guage barriers<br />
that are challenging, especially here<br />
in Saxony where most people speak a<br />
dialect. Of course, Germ<strong>an</strong> employees<br />
are also required to speak more clearly,<br />
perhaps choose a simpler l<strong>an</strong>guage, or<br />
label the devices they work with.<br />
Dealing with the authorities is even<br />
more difficult. The trainees who come to<br />
us are only allowed to enter the country<br />
when they start their training contract –<br />
from the airport straight to the classroom,<br />
so to speak. This me<strong>an</strong>s that we<br />
c<strong>an</strong> only deal with the authorities during<br />
school hours. The residents’ register<br />
office, health insur<strong>an</strong>ce, opening a b<strong>an</strong>k<br />
Having started out as the coordinator of a residential<br />
centre for people with disabilities, J<strong>an</strong>et Hofm<strong>an</strong>n<br />
moved into the challenging role of integration coach<br />
at Heim gGmbH in June 2023 – no easy task with<br />
more th<strong>an</strong> 50 international employees from over 25<br />
nations to look after. She is happy to share <strong>an</strong> insight<br />
into the measures she uses to make it easier for the<br />
international staff to settle into the country <strong>an</strong>d work,<br />
but also speaks honestly about the hurdles she has to<br />
overcome.<br />
Fotos: Joh<strong>an</strong>nes Richter<br />
themselves to decide whether they w<strong>an</strong>t<br />
to make contact or not. After all, I don’t<br />
w<strong>an</strong>t to patronise them – they are adults<br />
after all. My main concern is to make<br />
sure that the offer is there.<br />
account, immigration office, it goes<br />
on <strong>an</strong>d on. Just imagine: you arrive,<br />
perhaps from Africa or Asia, where the<br />
structures are completely different,<br />
move into a flat, don’t even know the local<br />
tr<strong>an</strong>sport system – it’s not easy when<br />
everything is new all of a sudden. I would<br />
at least like to pick them up <strong>an</strong>d then<br />
drive them back to the training centre<br />
so that they don’t miss out on so much.<br />
Are you taking <strong>an</strong>y other measures to<br />
support integration?<br />
We are currently in the process of<br />
drawing up a concept for integration<br />
m<strong>an</strong>agement. We are primarily focusing<br />
on the three trainees who arrived from<br />
Togo <strong>an</strong>d Morocco in September, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
looking at where the biggest construction<br />
sites are. We’ll then use this information<br />
to develop concept <strong>an</strong>d process<br />
diagrams.<br />
At the same time, I am endeavouring not<br />
only to integrate the young people on a<br />
professional level, but also to offer them<br />
things that will help them feel at home<br />
in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> so that they will hopefully<br />
remain with us as perm<strong>an</strong>ent employees<br />
after completing their training.<br />
This starts with me asking them what<br />
sports they like to do, for example, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
then looking for suitable clubs for them.<br />
There are also pl<strong>an</strong>s to set up a Café<br />
International in-house, where <strong>an</strong>yone<br />
who is interested c<strong>an</strong> come together to<br />
practise Germ<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d talk about their<br />
cultures. But that’s not easy, of course,<br />
as we work in shifts.<br />
We are also currently developing a<br />
cycling proficiency course because<br />
the trainees often arrive here without<br />
a driving licence <strong>an</strong>d our facilities are<br />
scattered all over the city. They often<br />
don’t dare to cycle because they don’t<br />
know the Germ<strong>an</strong> road traffic regulations.<br />
We hope that the course will give<br />
them a little more confidence.<br />
I’m also working on a welcome pack<br />
with the most import<strong>an</strong>t information for<br />
them to read. When you are told a lot<br />
in a foreign l<strong>an</strong>guage, some information<br />
always gets lost. Medical care, local<br />
tr<strong>an</strong>sport, waste separation – it’s all in<br />
there.<br />
And what’s the atmosphere like among<br />
the employees?<br />
Due to the great diversity, it is sometimes<br />
difficult to build connections between<br />
the international staff – in m<strong>an</strong>y<br />
cases we only have a single person from<br />
<strong>an</strong>y one country. Of course, I still try<br />
<strong>an</strong>d ask employees if I c<strong>an</strong> pass on their<br />
contact details if <strong>an</strong>other person from<br />
their home country joins us. Ultimately,<br />
however, I leave it up to the employees<br />
How did you gain your knowledge for<br />
your new role as integration m<strong>an</strong>ager so<br />
quickly?<br />
Further training courses in the field of<br />
corporate integration m<strong>an</strong>agement are<br />
rather rare at the moment, with most<br />
focusing on the integration of refugees.<br />
That’s why I’ve read around a lot, especially<br />
about the laws. There are const<strong>an</strong>t<br />
ch<strong>an</strong>ges <strong>an</strong>yway, for example in immigration<br />
law. You really have to stay on the<br />
ball. I also do a lot of liaising with others<br />
in similar roles. There is now a network<br />
of comp<strong>an</strong>y integration m<strong>an</strong>agers <strong>an</strong>d<br />
luckily, I have also found competent contacts<br />
at the Immigration Advice Centre.<br />
And of course it’s import<strong>an</strong>t to take part<br />
in the online events that are org<strong>an</strong>ised<br />
on the topic. You c<strong>an</strong> also make valuable<br />
contacts there.<br />
And the success of Heim gGmbH’s longst<strong>an</strong>ding<br />
internationalisation strategy is<br />
something to be proud of.<br />
Definitely! We no longer have to actively<br />
recruit at all as we receive enough applications.<br />
As the org<strong>an</strong>iser of the voluntary<br />
service, we also receive m<strong>an</strong>y international<br />
applications <strong>an</strong>d quite a few of<br />
the graduates stay with us afterwards to<br />
start <strong>an</strong> apprenticeship.<br />
Heim gemeinnützige GmbH<br /><br />
We have employed people of the<br />
following nationalities:<br />
72 nations<br />
Applications in English or Germ<strong>an</strong> to:<br /><br />
72<br />
“KOMSA, they’re the ones who repair mobile phones.” True enough, but it doesn’t do<br />
justice to the comp<strong>an</strong>y’s portfolio. Eastern Germ<strong>an</strong>y’s largest family business<br />
by turnover has established itself as a telecommunications wholesaler <strong>an</strong>d<br />
specialist for digital infrastructures. In a world where mobile living<br />
<strong>an</strong>d working is commonplace, this me<strong>an</strong>s bringing the necessary<br />
technologies to where they are needed. Almost 1,200 men <strong>an</strong>d<br />
women ensure that people all over the world c<strong>an</strong> communicate<br />
<strong>an</strong>d work digitally. Because “it’s here to stay”. KOMSA<br />
CEO Pierre-Pascal Urbon is certain of this.<br />
What also “won’t go away” is the international orientation of the<br />
Hartm<strong>an</strong>nsdorf-based comp<strong>an</strong>y. Its merger with the British IT<br />
service provider Westcoast has been a catalyst for markets,<br />
partnerships <strong>an</strong>d employees. Press spokeswom<strong>an</strong> Andrea Fiedler-Braunschweig<br />
adds: “We have been living ch<strong>an</strong>ge <strong>an</strong>d tr<strong>an</strong>sformation<br />
for thirty years. We have reinvented ourselves almost<br />
every year. In all this time, we have always been caught between<br />
what technology produces in terms of innovation <strong>an</strong>d what our<br />
customers dem<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d ultimately buy. If you w<strong>an</strong>t to be successful<br />
in a field like this, you have to be const<strong>an</strong>tly ready to ch<strong>an</strong>ge.”<br />
44<br />
Inner attitude is crucial<br />
A working environment that is <strong>an</strong>ything but rigid requires <strong>an</strong><br />
appropriate mindset. What does it take to work, grow <strong>an</strong>d develop<br />
at KOMSA? Openness in terms of dynamism <strong>an</strong>d innovation,<br />
<strong>an</strong> open-minded nature <strong>an</strong>d the ability to work in a team. All of<br />
this characterises Olena Ayari. How she came to Saxony from<br />
Ukraine is a story of motivation, strength <strong>an</strong>d potential opportunities<br />
within Europe. „ first came to Germ<strong>an</strong>y when I was ten years<br />
old. I was allowed to stay with a host family for a week as part of<br />
a school exch<strong>an</strong>ge programme. I was impressed by everything<br />
– from the food to the waste separation. Because that still isn’t<br />
really a thing in Ukraine today. In <strong>an</strong>y case, I w<strong>an</strong>ted to live in a<br />
country like Germ<strong>an</strong>y. And I wondered why I was born in Kiev<br />
Fotos: Leo<strong>an</strong> Haubner / KOMSA
<strong>an</strong>d not here,” says the 38-year-old. So<br />
impressed, she decides to learn Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
at the Goethe-Institut in Kiev while<br />
studying marketing. This fun comes at<br />
a cost. Olena works for it. She uses her<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong> skills privately. Nothing more.<br />
But she c<strong>an</strong>’t let go of Germ<strong>an</strong>y. The<br />
desire for ch<strong>an</strong>ge keeps popping up.<br />
“It’s now or never,” she thought when<br />
she was on parental leave with her second<br />
child in 2018. From Kiev, she sends<br />
unsolicited applications to various<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>ies in Saxony, on the recommendation<br />
of her Germ<strong>an</strong> brother-inlaw.<br />
He, in turn, is firmly convinced that<br />
“<strong>an</strong>ything is possible” in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> <strong>an</strong>d<br />
that the city has real potential. Ayari<br />
also sends her CV to KOMSA, but does<br />
not know the comp<strong>an</strong>y. “How could I?<br />
VW, Siemens, Bayer, etc. These are the<br />
br<strong>an</strong>ds that are local <strong>an</strong>d well-known<br />
in Ukraine,” she says, describing her<br />
situation. “If you’re in a third country<br />
like me <strong>an</strong>d then get invited to a job<br />
interview, it’s like winning the jackpot.<br />
Because it’s really difficult to find<br />
a job in the EU from abroad.” She is<br />
convincing, receives her employment<br />
contract <strong>an</strong>d has to wait. Without a visa,<br />
of course, there is no entry, no first day<br />
of work. This bureaucratic hurdle tests<br />
both sides’ patience. Me<strong>an</strong>while, Ayari is<br />
sitting on packed suitcases, struggling<br />
to get her diploma recognised <strong>an</strong>d not<br />
knowing when she will be able to move<br />
to Hartm<strong>an</strong>nsdorf without her husb<strong>an</strong>d<br />
<strong>an</strong>d children. The time will come in mid-<br />
February 2019. She flies to Germ<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
Three days later, she starts at KOMSA.<br />
You c<strong>an</strong>’t drink coffee together in English<br />
in Saxony.<br />
But you c<strong>an</strong> in Germ<strong>an</strong>.<br />
„The first few days were really exhausting.<br />
From one day to the next, I only<br />
spoke Germ<strong>an</strong>. Processing all the<br />
information in <strong>an</strong>other l<strong>an</strong>guage... In the<br />
evening, when I was lying in bed, the<br />
sentences were still running round <strong>an</strong>d<br />
round in my head. And KOMSA is big. It<br />
takes months to underst<strong>an</strong>d the structures,”<br />
she recalls. What irritated <strong>an</strong>d<br />
impressed her at the same time was<br />
the question: How are you? Colleagues<br />
<strong>an</strong>d m<strong>an</strong>agers keep asking her this. “In<br />
Ukraine, nobody at work asked me how<br />
I was doing. Why should that be of interest?<br />
I’m here voluntarily; I c<strong>an</strong> m<strong>an</strong>age.<br />
And if I was feeling bad, I wouldn’t say<br />
so. At some point, I realised that I really<br />
me<strong>an</strong>t it.” She realises that people tick<br />
differently in Germ<strong>an</strong>y <strong>an</strong>d experiences<br />
a small culture shock. “In Ukraine, what<br />
counts is what expensive h<strong>an</strong>dbag you<br />
have. You have to impress with your<br />
appear<strong>an</strong>ce. Here, m<strong>an</strong>agers are completely<br />
relaxed about wearing shoes<br />
under 100 euros. It doesn’t matter what<br />
iPhone you have. I was accepted for<br />
who I am. What counts is how open <strong>an</strong>d<br />
hard-working you are. And whether you<br />
c<strong>an</strong> learn quickly <strong>an</strong>d work well.” She<br />
approaches her job at KOMSA with ambition,<br />
discipline <strong>an</strong>d courage, const<strong>an</strong>tly<br />
improving her Germ<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d familiarising<br />
herself with the job. Her husb<strong>an</strong>d<br />
<strong>an</strong>d children join her after a good three<br />
months; the family is finally complete<br />
again. There are still a few hurdles to<br />
overcome: driving licence from scratch,<br />
recognition of her husb<strong>an</strong>d’s physiotherapy<br />
diploma, waiting for the integration<br />
course, etc. Olena Ayari is not discouraged.<br />
On the contrary. Her motto is: Don’t<br />
get scared. Keep going. Keep learning.<br />
Don’t give up. Most things come with<br />
experience <strong>an</strong>d time.<br />
M<strong>an</strong>y different characters make a great,<br />
multi-faceted whole<br />
On the road to internationality, KOMSA<br />
remains true to itself. There have never<br />
been <strong>an</strong>y special recruitment campaigns<br />
<strong>an</strong>d probably never will be. Recruitment<br />
takes place via the internet, social media<br />
ch<strong>an</strong>nels, networks <strong>an</strong>d by word of<br />
mouth. What has ch<strong>an</strong>ged over the years<br />
is the time window in which you have<br />
to react. “Speed is the be-all <strong>an</strong>d end-all.<br />
Today, we are the ones who introduce<br />
ourselves to applic<strong>an</strong>ts. We have to show<br />
what we are actually like. The diversity of<br />
our employees c<strong>an</strong> be a key reason for<br />
choosing us. Different perspectives <strong>an</strong>d<br />
openness towards each other make us<br />
richer <strong>an</strong>d more considerate as a team.<br />
Without these skills, we run the risk of<br />
becoming rigid,” summarises Andrea<br />
Fiedler-Braunschweig.<br />
A perfect match then. For Olena Ayari<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the comp<strong>an</strong>y.<br />
KOMSA AG<br /><br />
We have employed people of the<br />
following nationalities:<br />
Alb<strong>an</strong>ia, China, Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Greece, Iraq, Italy, New Zeal<strong>an</strong>d,<br />
Netherl<strong>an</strong>ds, Austria, Pol<strong>an</strong>d, Rom<strong>an</strong>ia, Syria, Czech Republic,<br />
Ukraine, Hungary<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
15<br />
AND ONE IN 250,000.<br />
Foto: Joh<strong>an</strong>nes Richter<br />
4,000 EMPLOYEES, 26 OF-<br />
what do the people who work in <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
City Council do? M<strong>an</strong>age l<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d<br />
buildings? Issue building permits, registration<br />
certificates, parking tickets<br />
<strong>an</strong>d birth certificates? Authorise social<br />
assist<strong>an</strong>ce? Facilitate foreign nationals’<br />
arrival in Germ<strong>an</strong>y?<br />
The City is the second largest employer<br />
in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>. Anyone who thinks that<br />
only administrative staff <strong>an</strong>d civil serv<strong>an</strong>ts<br />
work here is mistaken: lifeguards,<br />
urb<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ners, doctors, educators,<br />
road builders, gardeners – everyone is<br />
helping to shape the present <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
future of <strong>Chemnitz</strong>. Immigr<strong>an</strong>ts from all<br />
over the world have long been playing<br />
their part in its development.<br />
Maya Alkurdi is <strong>an</strong> honest, respectable<br />
wom<strong>an</strong>. Behind her quiet nature lies a<br />
good dose of ambition, plenty of confidence<br />
<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong> even temperament. Her<br />
engaging nature is matched by a life of<br />
escape, loss, courage <strong>an</strong>d resist<strong>an</strong>ce to<br />
the adversities of moving<br />
to a foreign country. She<br />
grew up in Syria, graduated<br />
high school in Egypt <strong>an</strong>d<br />
studied English literature<br />
in Damascus. For one year.<br />
She was then selected <strong>an</strong>d<br />
recognised as a refugee by<br />
the United Nations (UNHCR)<br />
as part of a “resettlement<br />
programme”. Within three<br />
months, she had to ab<strong>an</strong>don<br />
everything in Syria <strong>an</strong>d<br />
leave the country. She came<br />
to <strong>Chemnitz</strong> in 2015 at the<br />
age of nineteen, where she<br />
found her feet. In this interview,<br />
she <strong>an</strong>d her supervisor,<br />
Martin Weinert (Social<br />
Welfare Office, Accommoda-<br />
tion Department), explain why a job with<br />
the City was her biggest goal <strong>an</strong>d how<br />
she achieved it.<br />
What l<strong>an</strong>guages do you speak?<br />
Alkurdi: Arabic, English <strong>an</strong>d Germ<strong>an</strong>.<br />
After I arrived here, it took six months<br />
to get a place on <strong>an</strong> integration course.<br />
Six months of waiting! Then I reached<br />
level B1 within a year. That me<strong>an</strong>s you<br />
c<strong>an</strong> communicate quite well in Germ<strong>an</strong>.<br />
Then, in August 2016, I started <strong>an</strong> apprenticeship<br />
as <strong>an</strong> office m<strong>an</strong>agement<br />
assist<strong>an</strong>t.<br />
From English literature to a commercial/<br />
administrative job: why the ch<strong>an</strong>ge?<br />
Alkurdi: Despite achieving very good<br />
grades in high school, I was only recognised<br />
as having a school leaving certificate<br />
here. To resume my studies <strong>an</strong>d be<br />
authorised to do so, I would have had to<br />
pass a few exams at the Studienkolleg<br />
Sachsen in Leipzig. However, due to my<br />
family ties to <strong>Chemnitz</strong>, moving was out<br />
of the question. That’s why I decided on<br />
the apprenticeship instead.<br />
How did you end up at <strong>Chemnitz</strong> City<br />
Council?<br />
Alkurdi: I was a client of the social welfare<br />
office myself. The idea of working<br />
for the council came to me through <strong>an</strong><br />
acquaint<strong>an</strong>ce. Her tip gave me the idea<br />
to apply. I w<strong>an</strong>ted to be treated fairly. Be<br />
at the same pay grade as my colleagues,<br />
like all other Germ<strong>an</strong>s. I fought for<br />
that; that was my big goal. I w<strong>an</strong>ted to<br />
seize the opportunity <strong>an</strong>d accepted the<br />
challenge.<br />
It didn’t work right away, but after my<br />
second attempt, I received the letter<br />
saying “Welcome to the city administration.”<br />
That was in July 2020. I then<br />
moved to the social welfare office in August<br />
2022 via various other offices <strong>an</strong>d<br />
workplaces. My boss made sure that I<br />
had long-term prospects here.<br />
What exactly is your area of responsibility?<br />
Alkurdi: What exactly do I do? I draw up<br />
notifications for people so that they are<br />
officially registered <strong>an</strong>d<br />
then also receive money,<br />
etc. Because nothing<br />
works in Germ<strong>an</strong>y<br />
without a registration.<br />
Weinert: We are generally<br />
responsible for<br />
finding accommodation<br />
for homeless people,<br />
i.e. for asylum seekers<br />
assigned to the city of<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong>. But also for<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong> citizens who<br />
are homeless <strong>an</strong>d need<br />
help. We provide them<br />
with a place to sleep in<br />
our housing project, for example in the<br />
Nachtquartier.<br />
You have been in Germ<strong>an</strong>y for eight<br />
years now. Is there <strong>an</strong>ything that still<br />
impresses you?<br />
You have been in Germ<strong>an</strong>y for eight<br />
years now. Is there <strong>an</strong>ything that still<br />
impresses you?<br />
Alkurdi: The system. Actually, that word<br />
says it all. It doesn’t exist in Syria. There<br />
you pay a lot of money to get things org<strong>an</strong>ised.<br />
Here there are laws <strong>an</strong>d rules;<br />
they are adhered to. Sometimes they<br />
are a bit much. But you have peace of<br />
mind <strong>an</strong>d know what is right <strong>an</strong>d wrong.<br />
Mr Weinert, what stumbling blocks do<br />
you see in the integration of foreign<br />
skilled workers?<br />
Weinert: L<strong>an</strong>guage skills are the be-all<br />
<strong>an</strong>d end-all. In administration, the official<br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage is Germ<strong>an</strong>. It is therefore essential<br />
to be able to communicate well.<br />
As far as our work is concerned, administrative<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong> c<strong>an</strong> be a stumbling<br />
block.<br />
What have you learned from Ms Alkurdi?<br />
Weinert: She represents <strong>an</strong> exemplary<br />
career path in Germ<strong>an</strong>y. There are<br />
probably not m<strong>an</strong>y people who m<strong>an</strong>age<br />
to make such a career for themselves<br />
in such a short time. Starting out<br />
in administration involves more th<strong>an</strong><br />
just speaking Germ<strong>an</strong> because of the<br />
legalities <strong>an</strong>d the administrative l<strong>an</strong>guage.<br />
She is incredibly ambitious. Out<br />
of 17 employees in the department, Ms<br />
Alkurdi is the only person with a migr<strong>an</strong>t<br />
background. We chose her because she<br />
simply impressed us. With her knowledge,<br />
her cheerful nature, her willingness,<br />
her achievements <strong>an</strong>d because she fits<br />
into the team.<br />
How does the City of <strong>Chemnitz</strong> sell itself<br />
as <strong>an</strong> attractive employer?<br />
Weinert: We are now in competition<br />
with other administrations, institutions<br />
<strong>an</strong>d businesses. That is why we have<br />
worked so hard on establishing our<br />
employer br<strong>an</strong>d. Our aim is to highlight<br />
the benefits of a job in the public sector<br />
both internally <strong>an</strong>d externally. Among<br />
other projects, there will be a completely<br />
new online presence for the City of<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> soon, which will include a new<br />
careers website, for example. This will be<br />
advertised on all common social media<br />
ch<strong>an</strong>nels, job exch<strong>an</strong>ges, specialised<br />
media, etc.<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> to:<br /><br />
Stadt <strong>Chemnitz</strong> Hauptamt<br /><br />
Foto: Klinikum <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
Broadly speaking, the integration of international skilled<br />
workers has at least two levels: <strong>an</strong> external <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong><br />
internal one. On the outside, new arrivals with foreign<br />
roots have to fight their way through a jungle of regulations<br />
<strong>an</strong>d legal provisions that are difficult or impossible<br />
for them to underst<strong>an</strong>d on their own. What do I need<br />
to bear in mind? Which contact points c<strong>an</strong> I turn to for<br />
help? Which forms do I have to submit, by when <strong>an</strong>d<br />
where? And where do I even find them in the first place?<br />
On the other h<strong>an</strong>d, there is the inner, hum<strong>an</strong> level,<br />
which raises questions about how to integrate socially.<br />
The feeling of being a str<strong>an</strong>ger needs to be overcome.<br />
And sometimes, when the feeling of homesickness is<br />
simply overwhelming, a hug is needed.<br />
Anyone who has ever spent some time<br />
with Maria Süß <strong>an</strong>d Heike Palm at Klinikum<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> gGmbH (<strong>Chemnitz</strong> Hospital) will<br />
never get rid of the feeling that both levels<br />
are brought together here. The team of two<br />
looks after the international specialists at<br />
the hospital. They know how to h<strong>an</strong>dle external<br />
factors <strong>an</strong>d internal attitudes to create<br />
harmony. Which one of them is the pragmatic,<br />
conscientious side for the external factors<br />
becomes clear at the latest when Maria<br />
Süß pulls out a folder: “All our international<br />
skilled workers get one of these from me,”<br />
she explains. “Experience has shown that<br />
piles <strong>an</strong>d piles of documents accumulate<br />
during the integration process. It helps us<br />
keep track of everything.” Heike Palm sees<br />
people first <strong>an</strong>d foremost, as she demonstrates<br />
by calling them colleagues right from<br />
the start. They’re not “the newbies” or “the<br />
others”. “No, they’re people like you <strong>an</strong>d me.<br />
They all have their own history, their hopes,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d they often have their own baggage to<br />
carry, too,” she says. It’s absolutely clear that<br />
respect, toler<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d attentiveness are import<strong>an</strong>t<br />
to her – not only between local <strong>an</strong>d<br />
international professionals, but also on the<br />
part of the patients. “In Saxony, we still have<br />
some catching up to do here. The process<br />
of internationalisation in the field of nursing<br />
professionals has been firmly embedded<br />
in everyday working life in the old federal<br />
states for a long time. It’s only just begun<br />
here. We w<strong>an</strong>t to reach out to local people<br />
<strong>an</strong>d make it clear that it doesn’t matter<br />
whether a carer is called Arndt or Mohammed.<br />
Qualifications <strong>an</strong>d expertise are what<br />
count.” As a rule, international colleagues<br />
have a lot to contribute, as almost all nursing<br />
staff from the EU <strong>an</strong>d other countries do<br />
not complete <strong>an</strong> apprenticeship, but rather<br />
a bachelor’s degree programme with <strong>an</strong> integrated<br />
practical component. Only Germ<strong>an</strong>y<br />
takes a different approach: <strong>an</strong>yone who<br />
w<strong>an</strong>ts to become a carer here completes a<br />
three-year<br />
training<br />
course.<br />
However,<br />
specialised<br />
knowledge alone is not enough to create<br />
accept<strong>an</strong>ce. Communication plays a particularly<br />
import<strong>an</strong>t role: “Developing Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage skills is extremely import<strong>an</strong>t – <strong>an</strong>d<br />
not just for dealing with patients. You c<strong>an</strong>’t<br />
make a home here with English alone,” says<br />
Heike Palm, firmly convinced. This is where<br />
the hospital’s one-year “adaptation courses”,<br />
which were launched in 2022, come into<br />
play. “They are held in Germ<strong>an</strong>. The particip<strong>an</strong>ts<br />
discuss not only underst<strong>an</strong>ding what<br />
is being said, but also knowing what is me<strong>an</strong>t.”<br />
A sound <strong>an</strong>d wide-r<strong>an</strong>ging underst<strong>an</strong>ding<br />
of the l<strong>an</strong>guage is import<strong>an</strong>t to prevent<br />
misunderst<strong>an</strong>dings in everyday working life<br />
<strong>an</strong>d beyond. Only after the adaptation year,<br />
during which the particip<strong>an</strong>ts also learn a lot<br />
about the system, do they spend six months<br />
familiarising themselves with a defined area<br />
of work. This gives them a sense of security.<br />
Of around 2,500 nursing staff in the hospital<br />
network, a total of 111 have their roots in<br />
other countries. There are even international<br />
specialists in the “st<strong>an</strong>d-in pool”, which<br />
consists of 80 employees. This is remarkable,<br />
as these employees “have to be even<br />
quicker on the uptake,” explains Heike Palm.<br />
“They have to const<strong>an</strong>tly reorient themselves<br />
at different workstations <strong>an</strong>d get to grips<br />
with their tasks as quickly as possible.” This<br />
is a challenge even for local native speakers.<br />
All things<br />
considered,<br />
you have to<br />
take your<br />
hat off to<br />
all the international specialists who have<br />
found their feet here. “The path in Germ<strong>an</strong>y<br />
is extremely difficult, <strong>an</strong>d we should<br />
do everything we c<strong>an</strong> to make sure these<br />
colleagues stay with us. The social environment<br />
is crucial here. Everyday racism<br />
on the way to work, being stopped by the<br />
police more frequently because they have<br />
a different skin colour or bouncers refusing<br />
them entry to the club doesn’t help. Sadly,<br />
this has all happened before,” says Maria<br />
Süß, who is responsible for a special tool as<br />
part of the culture of welcome at Klinikum<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> – a weekly newsletter. “I regularly<br />
send out tips on everyday life in Germ<strong>an</strong>y,<br />
what traditions we have, what holidays we<br />
celebrate <strong>an</strong>d what makes us tick.” From<br />
<strong>2024</strong>, a regulars’ table is also pl<strong>an</strong>ned as <strong>an</strong><br />
opportunity for international specialists <strong>an</strong>d<br />
other staff members to exch<strong>an</strong>ge ideas. “We<br />
w<strong>an</strong>t to know what we still need to work on in<br />
terms of integration so that we c<strong>an</strong> use this<br />
knowledge to keep on improving.”<br />
MARIA SÜß<br />
Klinikum <strong>Chemnitz</strong> gGmbH<br /><br />
We have employed people of the<br />
following nationalities:<br />
40 nations<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> to:<br /><br />
40<br />
Foto: Ernesto Uhlm<strong>an</strong>n<br />
He c<strong>an</strong> hardly believe it himself:<br />
next April, Alex Quint will have<br />
been with OMEGA Blechbearbeitung<br />
Limbach-Oberfrohna AG for<br />
20 years. The production forem<strong>an</strong><br />
in the assembly department originally<br />
comes from Siberia. And he is<br />
not the only specialist with international<br />
roots at the Limbach-based<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y. Almost a dozen nations –<br />
from Russia to Kazakhst<strong>an</strong>, Pol<strong>an</strong>d,<br />
Algeria, Syria, Afgh<strong>an</strong>ist<strong>an</strong>, Georgia<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Hungary – work together at<br />
OMEGA. “And very successfully<br />
too,” says CEO Ingolf Baum.<br />
For more th<strong>an</strong> 25 years, the name<br />
OMEGA Blechbearbeitung has stood for<br />
high-quality machine housing as well as<br />
laser, bended <strong>an</strong>d welded components.<br />
OMEGA products c<strong>an</strong> be found in pl<strong>an</strong>t<br />
engineering as well as in mech<strong>an</strong>ical<br />
<strong>an</strong>d apparatus engineering, container<br />
<strong>an</strong>d vehicle construction, medical<br />
technology <strong>an</strong>d machine tool construction.<br />
Switch cabinets for the electrical<br />
industry <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong> in-house production<br />
line for medical cabinets, doctors’ cabinets<br />
<strong>an</strong>d hospital equipment round off<br />
the product r<strong>an</strong>ge. All of this requires a<br />
strong team. “We have m<strong>an</strong>y international<br />
employees who have been with us<br />
for ten, 15 or 20 years,” says Baum. This<br />
speaks for a good relationship between<br />
employer <strong>an</strong>d employee, but also between<br />
colleagues themselves. And this<br />
c<strong>an</strong> be seen, for example, in the support<br />
provided to foreign specialists when it<br />
comes to finding accommodation or<br />
dealing with the authorities. “If there<br />
are l<strong>an</strong>guage barriers at the beginning,<br />
the employees help each other,” Baum<br />
continues. This reduces inhibitions <strong>an</strong>d<br />
quickly conveys a feeling of accept<strong>an</strong>ce.<br />
Alex Quint reports on day-to-day production.<br />
Over the last 20 years, it has<br />
not been uncommon for employees not<br />
to speak a word of Germ<strong>an</strong> when they<br />
start out. “But people w<strong>an</strong>t to integrate<br />
<strong>an</strong>d develop,” he says. After all, his comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
is also a modern one that provides<br />
incentives to persevere <strong>an</strong>d make <strong>an</strong> effort.<br />
And not just during working hours.<br />
“We also org<strong>an</strong>ize celebrations, such<br />
as a summer party where families are<br />
invited, <strong>an</strong>d a Christmas party. That kind<br />
of thing brings people together,” says<br />
Quint, whose wife also works at OMEGA.<br />
She works in the secretarial department<br />
<strong>an</strong>d has also been happy at the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
for years.<br />
The continuous growth of the team <strong>an</strong>d<br />
its expertise, combined with a strong<br />
customer focus, has made OMEGA<br />
Blechbearbeitung Limbach-Oberfrohna<br />
AG a valued partner for customers all<br />
over the world. “Our employees are the<br />
most import<strong>an</strong>t factor in our success,”<br />
says Ingolf Baum. The comp<strong>an</strong>y is currently<br />
looking primarily for welders <strong>an</strong>d<br />
fitters for perm<strong>an</strong>ent positions. Applications<br />
c<strong>an</strong> be sent to<br />
at <strong>an</strong>y time. Apprenticeships<br />
as metalworkers specializing in construction<br />
technology are also available<br />
for the <strong>2024</strong>/2025 training year. There<br />
are also internship opportunities to get<br />
to know the Limbach-based comp<strong>an</strong>y at<br />
<strong>an</strong>y time.<br />
OMEGA Blechbearbeitung<br />
Limbach-Oberfrohna AG<br /><br />
Our international specialists<br />
come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Russia, Kazakhst<strong>an</strong>, Pol<strong>an</strong>d, Algeria, Syria, Afgh<strong>an</strong>ist<strong>an</strong>,<br />
Georgia <strong>an</strong>d Hungary<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
9<br />
Fotos: Starrag Group<br />
Starrag GmbH is a comp<strong>an</strong>y with a long history, but also with a great future<br />
ahead of it. It has been m<strong>an</strong>ufacturing milling machines in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> for well<br />
over a century, <strong>an</strong>d today is part of the Starrag Group, a leading global supplier<br />
of machining centres <strong>an</strong>d technological m<strong>an</strong>ufacturing systems. Heckert<br />
machines made in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> are renowned for their precision, reliability, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
high level of technical innovation, particularly in the production of automotive<br />
<strong>an</strong>d industrial parts. Every day, 460 employees ensure that the comp<strong>an</strong>y continues<br />
along this upward path of growth.<br />
SAP consult<strong>an</strong>t. Anyone interested in <strong>an</strong><br />
apprenticeship is also welcome to contact<br />
Simone Pinarski or Kirsten Olomek.<br />
One of them is Inhw<strong>an</strong> Choi. The 29-yearold<br />
from South Korea has been working<br />
for Starrag as a service technici<strong>an</strong><br />
since the summer. “I was given a very<br />
warm welcome, especially from the area<br />
m<strong>an</strong>ager. He made sure that I was well<br />
integrated into the team”, says Choi, who<br />
has been living in Germ<strong>an</strong>y since 2017.<br />
The trained precision mech<strong>an</strong>ic w<strong>an</strong>ted to<br />
develop his technical skills in the machine<br />
tool industry, which is how he became<br />
aware of the comp<strong>an</strong>y. “There were several<br />
training courses to help him familiarise<br />
himself with the job. Nobody is left to fend<br />
for themselves here”, says HR M<strong>an</strong>ager<br />
Simone Pinarski. As well as Korea, Starrag<br />
also employs skilled workers from China,<br />
Russia, Syria <strong>an</strong>d Afgh<strong>an</strong>ist<strong>an</strong>.<br />
There are various steps that all new<br />
employees go through when they join<br />
Starrag. “We look at their individual<br />
skills <strong>an</strong>d knowledge”, explains Kirsten<br />
Olomek from the Training <strong>an</strong>d Development<br />
department. Those who opt for a<br />
job at the <strong>Chemnitz</strong>-based comp<strong>an</strong>y are<br />
also offered all kinds of extra benefits.<br />
For example: 13 monthly salaries, <strong>an</strong><br />
employee stock option <strong>an</strong>d profit-sharing<br />
scheme, a childcare allow<strong>an</strong>ce, capital-forming<br />
benefits, <strong>an</strong>d birthday <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Christmas presents. In most areas, staff<br />
are also offered flexible working hours to<br />
help them achieve a better work/life bal<strong>an</strong>ce.<br />
Individual training opportunities, a<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y health m<strong>an</strong>agement programme<br />
– which includes ergonomic workstations,<br />
sports facilities <strong>an</strong>d bicycle leasing<br />
– plus a children’s Christmas party, round<br />
off the benefits.<br />
Starrag is currently looking for CNC milling<br />
machine operators, service technici<strong>an</strong>s,<br />
industrial mech<strong>an</strong>ics, <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong> in-house<br />
Starrag GmbH<br /><br />
Our international specialists<br />
come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Korea, China, Russia, Syria <strong>an</strong>d Afgh<strong>an</strong>ist<strong>an</strong><br />
Send applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
6<br />
“We started out with great ambitions <strong>an</strong>d visions,<br />
which we realised, occasionally overturned or simply<br />
rethought, as is only natural” says Matthias Domes,<br />
one of the founders of domeba GmbH, looking back<br />
on the beginnings of the “classic garage start-up”.<br />
Their ambition to set up <strong>an</strong> agency specialising in<br />
web applications has grown into a comp<strong>an</strong>y that c<strong>an</strong><br />
rightly claim to save lives every day: domeba GmbH<br />
is now one of the leading providers of compli<strong>an</strong>ce<br />
m<strong>an</strong>agement software <strong>an</strong>d develops digital solutions<br />
for occupational health <strong>an</strong>d safety, quality assur<strong>an</strong>ce<br />
<strong>an</strong>d sustainability.<br />
Modular software in 30 l<strong>an</strong>guages helps<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>ies from almost all sectors to<br />
implement internal or legally prescribed<br />
rules <strong>an</strong>d objectives. domeba GmbH<br />
marked two milestones in 2023: the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y celebrated its 25th <strong>an</strong>niversary,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d its employee headcount simult<strong>an</strong>eously<br />
entered the three-digit r<strong>an</strong>ge.<br />
Test Engineer Robert Montell is one of<br />
the new employees. The Finnish floorball<br />
player is a guest player with the Floor<br />
Fighters <strong>Chemnitz</strong> this season. Matthias<br />
Domes: “Before the start of the new<br />
season, we as a sponsor were informed<br />
that the new guest player was looking<br />
for a job at <strong>an</strong> IT comp<strong>an</strong>y. He had just<br />
completed his bachelor’s degree in programming.”<br />
The successful application<br />
process beg<strong>an</strong> immediately, <strong>an</strong>d Robert<br />
Montell has been a perm<strong>an</strong>ent member<br />
of the “domebi<strong>an</strong>ers” team since mid-<br />
October. Being international has been<br />
on domeba’s agenda for some time, says<br />
Matthias Domes, who prefers a “healthy<br />
pace” when it comes to internationalisation.<br />
“Cultural worlds collide [during<br />
international encounters], which c<strong>an</strong> be<br />
enriching <strong>an</strong>d challenging at the same<br />
time. We need a workforce that has not<br />
just been persuaded to accept this process,<br />
but firmly believes in it. And that<br />
takes time.” The best way to find out how<br />
international specialists have settled in<br />
at domeba <strong>an</strong>d in Germ<strong>an</strong>y is for them<br />
to tell us themselves:<br />
Khaoula Bouguerra<br />
Khaoula Bouguerra from Tunisia,<br />
IT Application Development Trainee<br />
Why did you decide to work in Germ<strong>an</strong>y,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d what expectations did you have?<br />
First <strong>an</strong>d foremost, it was for family<br />
reasons, as my spouse works here. I also<br />
w<strong>an</strong>ted to take the opportunity to adv<strong>an</strong>ce<br />
my career <strong>an</strong>d exp<strong>an</strong>d my CV. A<br />
good work-life bal<strong>an</strong>ce, career development<br />
opportunities <strong>an</strong>d a friendly, cooperative<br />
team were some of the things<br />
I expected to find. I also hoped to gain<br />
intercultural experiences <strong>an</strong>d improve<br />
my l<strong>an</strong>guage skills.<br />
Did you encounter <strong>an</strong>y particular challenges<br />
or positive experiences?<br />
My integration into the comp<strong>an</strong>y has<br />
been very positive. All the employees<br />
here are very nice <strong>an</strong>d co-operative,<br />
which has made my experience of<br />
working here very pleas<strong>an</strong>t. In terms<br />
of the local community, I’ve had a few<br />
difficulties adjusting socially, but nothing<br />
serious. I’m happy with my life here.<br />
What advice would you give to other<br />
international professionals?<br />
Be open to new experiences. Accept cultural<br />
differences <strong>an</strong>d respect diversity.<br />
Be patient <strong>an</strong>d focus on your professional<br />
development.<br />
domeba GmbH<br /><br />
Our international specialists<br />
come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Colombia, Italy, Finl<strong>an</strong>d, India, Tunisia,<br />
Kazakhst<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d Fr<strong>an</strong>ce<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
8<br />
Fotos: Domeba<br />
Luz Patricia Arévalo Pardo<br />
Luz Patricia Arévalo Pardo from Colombia,<br />
Test Engineer<br />
In Germ<strong>an</strong>y since 2007<br />
How was integration into the comp<strong>an</strong>y <strong>an</strong>d<br />
the local community for you?<br />
At the beginning, it’s import<strong>an</strong>t to find social<br />
networks that already exist. Initially, I had the<br />
support of my husb<strong>an</strong>d’s family <strong>an</strong>d a group<br />
of Latin Americ<strong>an</strong> women who advised me<br />
on m<strong>an</strong>y legal <strong>an</strong>d cultural issues. However,<br />
to avoid remaining isolated <strong>an</strong>d to integrate<br />
into the new culture, it’s essential to create<br />
your own networks over time.<br />
How welcome <strong>an</strong>d accepted do you feel in<br />
your new environment?<br />
At domeba in particular, everyone has<br />
made me feel part of the org<strong>an</strong>isation, both<br />
at work <strong>an</strong>d socially. I feel respected <strong>an</strong>d<br />
considered when I suggest concepts or give<br />
my opinions on professional topics. They let<br />
me be myself, <strong>an</strong>d they’re interested in my<br />
culture <strong>an</strong>d professional experiences.<br />
What is the biggest difference between<br />
Colombia <strong>an</strong>d Germ<strong>an</strong>y?<br />
We Colombi<strong>an</strong>s are happy with, <strong>an</strong>d proud<br />
of, what we do <strong>an</strong>d who we are. Although the<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>s have achieved much more th<strong>an</strong><br />
others c<strong>an</strong> achieve, they aren’t able to be<br />
proud of themselves. That’s something they<br />
should ch<strong>an</strong>ge. I love both countries, but I<br />
have pl<strong>an</strong>ted my roots here, <strong>an</strong>d that makes<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y special.<br />
Mari<strong>an</strong>gela Gi<strong>an</strong>nattasio<br />
Mari<strong>an</strong>gela Gi<strong>an</strong>nattasio from Italy, International<br />
Activities Coordinator<br />
In Germ<strong>an</strong>y since 2020<br />
How was integration into the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the local community for you?<br />
At the beginning, my Germ<strong>an</strong> l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />
skills weren’t good enough. That led<br />
to some challenges. But the Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage is really beautiful <strong>an</strong>d rich<br />
in nu<strong>an</strong>ces. And by working here <strong>an</strong>d<br />
attending intensive Germ<strong>an</strong> courses, I<br />
was able to familiarise myself not only<br />
with the l<strong>an</strong>guage but also with the local<br />
mentality. My colleagues have always<br />
been helpful <strong>an</strong>d interested in Itali<strong>an</strong><br />
culture.<br />
What helped you the most to find your<br />
feet in your new work <strong>an</strong>d social environment?<br />
I firmly believe that the core values on<br />
which a comp<strong>an</strong>y is based have a signific<strong>an</strong>t<br />
impact on the onboarding process<br />
<strong>an</strong>d everyday work. Having friendly <strong>an</strong>d<br />
patient colleagues naturally makes a big<br />
difference. What I c<strong>an</strong> recommend to<br />
everyone as a way to exp<strong>an</strong>d their social<br />
circle is to take part in Germ<strong>an</strong> courses<br />
<strong>an</strong>d join sports groups.<br />
Robert Montell<br />
Robert Montell from Finl<strong>an</strong>d,<br />
Test Engineer<br />
In Germ<strong>an</strong>y since 2023<br />
What cultural differences or similarities<br />
are there between Finl<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d Germ<strong>an</strong>y?<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>s are generally much more<br />
open-minded th<strong>an</strong> Finns. Outside Finl<strong>an</strong>d,<br />
this makes it much easier to enter<br />
unfamiliar environments. There’s also a<br />
clear difference in the way of thinking:<br />
in Germ<strong>an</strong>y, there isn’t much thinking<br />
<strong>an</strong>d more doing, which gives me extra<br />
motivation. People here also don’t try<br />
to simply shirk their responsibilities, but<br />
face up to them instead.<br />
Do you have <strong>an</strong>y advice or suggestions<br />
for improving the culture of welcome in<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y?<br />
The locals should practise their English<br />
more. This could improve communication<br />
with international workers who speak<br />
little or no Germ<strong>an</strong>.<br />
What tips would you give to other international<br />
professionals facing a similar<br />
career ch<strong>an</strong>ge?<br />
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes,<br />
be curious <strong>an</strong>d take every opportunity<br />
– whether it’s at work or in your free<br />
time. In the beginning, everything will be<br />
new <strong>an</strong>d seem overwhelming, but that’s<br />
completely fine.<br />
Let’s turn back time three<br />
years: it’s the end of 2020<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the world is in the<br />
middle of a p<strong>an</strong>demic. We<br />
are st<strong>an</strong>ding in line at the<br />
supermarket, waiting for <strong>an</strong><br />
employee to disinfect <strong>an</strong>d<br />
allocate us the next shopping<br />
trolley. We spend our<br />
free time going for walks<br />
because Christmas markets,<br />
concerts <strong>an</strong>d other gatherings<br />
of people no longer<br />
exist. And we are learning<br />
to appreciate the adv<strong>an</strong>tages<br />
of the digital age.<br />
Fotos: Bildungsportal Sachsen GmbH<br />
We meet via video link, spend more of<br />
our working days in the home office or<br />
use online learning platforms. During<br />
this time, BPS Bildungsportal Sachsen<br />
GmbH was booming, as the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
has spent 20 years working on the very<br />
e-learning tools that were invaluable<br />
during the p<strong>an</strong>demic. Even before the<br />
first year of Covid-19, around 30,000 students<br />
<strong>an</strong>d teachers across Saxony were<br />
already using BPS’s learning platform<br />
OPAL, short for Online Platform for Academic<br />
Teaching <strong>an</strong>d Learning, on a daily<br />
basis. “During the p<strong>an</strong>demic, the number<br />
of users rose to up to 60,000 a day<br />
– a level that has almost been maintained<br />
to this day,” says m<strong>an</strong>aging director<br />
Sven Morgner, who has been with the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y since 2001. The idea behind<br />
OPAL: a comprehensive integration of<br />
e-learning <strong>an</strong>d new media in everyday<br />
university life in Saxony. BPS Bildungsportal<br />
Sachsen GmbH was founded at<br />
the end of 2004 by a total of eleven<br />
Saxon universities in order to establish<br />
a Saxony-wide st<strong>an</strong>dard. Today, the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y’s ONYX examination software<br />
also offers the option of creating tests,<br />
exams <strong>an</strong>d final examinations online<br />
<strong>an</strong>d conducting them securely <strong>an</strong>d digitally<br />
– <strong>an</strong>other area where dem<strong>an</strong>d has<br />
grown since Covid-19. The BLok training<br />
record also provides trainers <strong>an</strong>d trainees<br />
with a digital report booklet. With<br />
its innovative products, Bildungsportal<br />
Sachsen now operates far beyond the<br />
borders of the Free State of Saxony. To<br />
ensure that everything runs smoothly<br />
at the comp<strong>an</strong>y, this reliable partner for<br />
digitalization in education <strong>an</strong>d training<br />
brings together a total of 33 employees<br />
from the fields of economics <strong>an</strong>d social<br />
sciences, IT <strong>an</strong>d media m<strong>an</strong>agement,<br />
among others. They work in product<br />
m<strong>an</strong>agement, software development,<br />
quality assur<strong>an</strong>ce, admin <strong>an</strong>d customer<br />
support. From time to time, international<br />
specialists also embark on their educational<br />
<strong>an</strong>d career path at BPS GmbH.<br />
Maria Kretz, m<strong>an</strong>agement assist<strong>an</strong>t, for<br />
example, has Russi<strong>an</strong> roots <strong>an</strong>d underst<strong>an</strong>ds<br />
the challenges of being a native<br />
speaker of <strong>an</strong>other l<strong>an</strong>guage. As a rule,<br />
however, applic<strong>an</strong>ts rarely lack knowledge<br />
of Germ<strong>an</strong>: “Specialists from abroad<br />
usually have a good level of Germ<strong>an</strong>.<br />
Most of them come from a university<br />
background <strong>an</strong>d have already settled<br />
in well in Germ<strong>an</strong>y before they apply to<br />
us.” This is necessary, as the day-to-day<br />
work mainly takes place in Germ<strong>an</strong>. To<br />
ensure that new colleagues are “taken<br />
on board” from the outset, they are<br />
supported by experienced employees<br />
during the initial phase. “Of course, this<br />
applies to all applic<strong>an</strong>ts regardless of<br />
their origin,” says Sven Morgner. Further<br />
support is provided by the works<br />
council, which is <strong>an</strong> import<strong>an</strong>t point of<br />
contact in all matters. For example, the<br />
employee representatives recently supported<br />
a colleague from Kyrgyzst<strong>an</strong> who<br />
had already been working at the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
while studying at Zwickau University<br />
of Applied Sciences. The boss summarises:<br />
“Basically, geographical roots are<br />
not a deciding factor for us. What interests<br />
us are professional qualifications<br />
<strong>an</strong>d what makes someone tick.” And how<br />
exactly does someone have to tick to be<br />
shortlisted at BPS? Morgner laughs, but<br />
then paints a surprisingly clear picture<br />
of future colleagues: “You have to have a<br />
good dose of pragmatism <strong>an</strong>d, above all,<br />
enjoy our work. We work a lot as a team,<br />
which is why a certain level of communication<br />
skills is <strong>an</strong> adv<strong>an</strong>tage. If you also<br />
have good social skills, you should get in<br />
touch with us today.”<br />
BPS Bildungsportal Sachsen<br />
GmbH<br /><br />
Our employees currently<br />
come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Kazakhst<strong>an</strong>, Russia<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
3<br />
Fotos: Intenta<br />
It crunches softly when you bite into it. Waferthin<br />
sheets of pastry melt in your mouth, then<br />
come the nuts <strong>an</strong>d the sugar shock. Because<br />
the magnificent oriental dessert baklava is<br />
one thing above all: very sweet.<br />
Why are we drifting into the world of<br />
food at this point in a magazine with<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y profiles? Quite simply because<br />
at Intenta GmbH it is not uncommon<br />
for the boss to bring some of the Syri<strong>an</strong><br />
specialities from his home country<br />
into the office. H<strong>an</strong>g on a minute, don’t<br />
those pastries come from Turkey? No,<br />
the Turkish national pastry originally<br />
comes from Syria <strong>an</strong>d was “Turkified”<br />
in the Ottom<strong>an</strong> Empire. CEO Dr Basel<br />
Fardi insists on this correction with a<br />
wink. At Intenta, integration starts on<br />
the m<strong>an</strong>agement floor: “The topic is<br />
embedded in our comp<strong>an</strong>y DNA, so to<br />
speak,” laughs HR officer Steph<strong>an</strong>ie<br />
Blönau, one of almost 70 employees in<br />
the entire Intenta universe. This universe<br />
stretches from <strong>Chemnitz</strong> via Hamburg<br />
to Aachen <strong>an</strong>d is home to a wide<br />
r<strong>an</strong>ge of expertise in software <strong>an</strong>d<br />
hardware development. The Software<br />
Engineering Department in Hamburg<br />
specialises in areas such as traditional<br />
application development, automotive<br />
Steph<strong>an</strong>ie Blönau. Nevertheless, the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y attaches great import<strong>an</strong>ce<br />
to gradually improving l<strong>an</strong>guage skills<br />
over time. “Because at some point work<br />
is over, <strong>an</strong>d you’re on your own again.<br />
Without Germ<strong>an</strong> l<strong>an</strong>guage skills, integration<br />
into society is scarcely possible.<br />
You c<strong>an</strong>’t rely on everyone speaking<br />
English, even for small everyday things<br />
like dealing with the authorities, visiting<br />
the doctor or doing the weekend<br />
shopping. Communication on <strong>an</strong> equal<br />
“small city” of <strong>Chemnitz</strong> with its abund<strong>an</strong>ce<br />
of nature. This is also th<strong>an</strong>ks to<br />
the people who have accomp<strong>an</strong>ied him<br />
over the years: “From fellow students<br />
to my current colleagues, I’ve always<br />
had friendly <strong>an</strong>d helpful people around<br />
me. That makes integration so much<br />
easier.” At some point, the newcomers<br />
to the Intenta family should feel just<br />
as if they were at home. Steph<strong>an</strong>ie<br />
Blönau: “Of course, this only works if<br />
you take them out of their ‘community’,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d they get to know the country <strong>an</strong>d<br />
its people better through team events.<br />
We make sure that integration is not<br />
a one-way street. This me<strong>an</strong>s that we<br />
share typical Germ<strong>an</strong> customs, too,<br />
such as group trips to the Christmas<br />
market. On the other h<strong>an</strong>d, we also<br />
adapt to the cultural customs of the<br />
countries represented at team events,<br />
for example by taking cultural <strong>an</strong>d<br />
religious specificities into account with<br />
the catering.” Jaroslav Dousa advises<br />
all new arrivals who w<strong>an</strong>t to gain a professional<br />
foothold in Germ<strong>an</strong>y to not<br />
just sit at home, but to immerse themselves<br />
in cultural life. His insider tip for<br />
learning the l<strong>an</strong>guage: “Germ<strong>an</strong> folk<br />
songs,” smiles the passionate accordion<br />
player. “In the early days, they were<br />
my best l<strong>an</strong>guage lessons, even if they<br />
weren’t always popular with everyone<br />
around me.”<br />
Software developer Jaroslav Dousa <strong>an</strong>d personnel officer Steph<strong>an</strong>ie Blönau<br />
software <strong>an</strong>d exciting new AI algorithms.<br />
The development, production<br />
<strong>an</strong>d sale of intelligent, camera-based<br />
sensor systems for recognising people<br />
is based in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>, <strong>an</strong>d so, too, is the<br />
Group’s administration, which focuses<br />
on image processing. Across all the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>ies in the Group, a total of 20<br />
per cent of employees have foreign<br />
roots. “This is due to the fact that software<br />
development is a highly suitable<br />
field for international specialists with a<br />
limited knowledge of Germ<strong>an</strong>,” explains<br />
footing is also essential to overcome<br />
cultural differences,” says Jaroslav<br />
Dousa. The software developer learnt<br />
this 20 years ago. At that time, his<br />
home country, the Czech Republic,<br />
had just become a member of the<br />
Europe<strong>an</strong> Union. A semester abroad at<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> University of Technology was<br />
to seal his career path in Germ<strong>an</strong>y. “It<br />
could have also been the UK,” says Jaroslav<br />
Dousa. “But Saxony’s proximity<br />
to my home country was the deciding<br />
factor.” He has since embraced the<br />
Intenta GmbH<br /><br />
Our skilled workers come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, the Czech Republic, Syria <strong>an</strong>d Leb<strong>an</strong>on<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
4<br />
Fotos: Ernesto Uhlm<strong>an</strong>n<br />
“We bridge the gap between science<br />
<strong>an</strong>d industry, so we serve as a research<br />
partner for SMEs. This me<strong>an</strong>s that our<br />
scientific staff use their expertise to<br />
develop application-orientated <strong>an</strong>d industry-oriented<br />
solutions for small <strong>an</strong>d<br />
medium-sized enterprises.” So Bi<strong>an</strong>ka<br />
Albrecht introduces the Institut <strong>Chemnitz</strong>er<br />
Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V.,<br />
or ICM for short. The non-profit research<br />
org<strong>an</strong>isation focuses on regional project<br />
partners; international projects are only<br />
worked on selectively. The approximately<br />
80 employees are primarily active<br />
in Central Germ<strong>an</strong>y, me<strong>an</strong>ing that their<br />
expertise benefits both the economy<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the university l<strong>an</strong>dscape in Saxony<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Thuringia.<br />
However, the ICM does not “only” work<br />
on innovative solutions in mech<strong>an</strong>ical<br />
engineering. It also builds bridges<br />
between people, their home countries<br />
<strong>an</strong>d their values, including <strong>an</strong> intercultural<br />
working atmosphere. The l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />
barrier, however, poses daily challenges.<br />
As a result of various aspects, there<br />
is a mix of nationalities in the teams.<br />
This situation is not so easy to master.<br />
Communication with partners is primarily<br />
in Germ<strong>an</strong>. Project <strong>an</strong>d funding<br />
applications must necessarily be written<br />
in Germ<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d formulated in a generally<br />
underst<strong>an</strong>dable, scientific way. Even<br />
for native speakers, this is a complex<br />
task. Writing specialised articles, interim<br />
<strong>an</strong>d final reports is often difficult even<br />
for Germ<strong>an</strong> students, let alone those<br />
working in Germ<strong>an</strong> as a foreign l<strong>an</strong>guage.<br />
The institution relies on the students;<br />
they bring fresh ideas to the teams.<br />
Everyone benefits from their thoughts<br />
<strong>an</strong>d innovative approaches.<br />
On the other h<strong>an</strong>d, <strong>Chemnitz</strong> offers<br />
certain study conditions that attract<br />
young people from all over the world. A<br />
bachelor’s degree without basic Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage skills? Not <strong>an</strong> issue. English is<br />
the l<strong>an</strong>guage of study, even at <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
University of Technology. What is <strong>an</strong><br />
adv<strong>an</strong>tage for students – from China or<br />
India, for example – proves to be rather<br />
difficult in terms of recruitment, staff<br />
retention <strong>an</strong>d their roots here in the region.<br />
After all, <strong>an</strong>yone who dares to take<br />
the step of moving to <strong>an</strong>other country<br />
to study is flexible in their choice of job<br />
<strong>an</strong>d place of residence. So it’s a complex<br />
matter.<br />
This makes Álvaro Oteros Pérez’s career<br />
all the more interesting. The 29-year-old<br />
comes from north-east Spain<br />
– Catalonia, to be precise. He grew up in<br />
the small town of Olot, which is surrounded<br />
by (inactive) volc<strong>an</strong>oes. An idyllic<br />
corner of the world, but unfortunately<br />
with few future prospects for young<br />
people. In order to create prospects, the<br />
Europe<strong>an</strong> Union is counteracting this<br />
with support programmes, for example.<br />
Integration through exch<strong>an</strong>ge is one<br />
such instrument. Oteros Pérez came to<br />
the ICM via a comp<strong>an</strong>y internship abroad.<br />
After eight weeks, he knew he w<strong>an</strong>ted<br />
to stay in Germ<strong>an</strong>y. Today, he is part<br />
of the Information <strong>an</strong>d Communication<br />
Technology team <strong>an</strong>d programs web<br />
<strong>an</strong>d database applications. His expertise<br />
is put to use in the MINTsportRegion<br />
project, which aims to get children <strong>an</strong>d<br />
teenagers interested in maths, IT, science<br />
<strong>an</strong>d technology outside of school.<br />
The app for one of ICM’s latest in-house<br />
developments – the Innvelo scooter,<br />
<strong>an</strong> electric cargo scooter – also bears<br />
his signature. When asked whether he<br />
has arrived, he replies: “I w<strong>an</strong>ted to<br />
experience working in <strong>an</strong>other country<br />
<strong>an</strong>d learn something new. So I took this<br />
opportunity. I stayed at the ICM because<br />
the team spirit is good. The work<br />
content is exciting. We have breakfast<br />
together every day; no one eats alone<br />
at lunchtime either. Sometimes we have<br />
cake <strong>an</strong>d occasionally play skat. And<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> is the right size for me, not too<br />
big <strong>an</strong>d not too small. Everything is well<br />
connected <strong>an</strong>d accessible.”<br />
Álvaro is <strong>an</strong> example of successful integration<br />
<strong>an</strong>d a valuable employee at the<br />
ICM. Intercultural work c<strong>an</strong> succeed. We<br />
would like to see more people follow in<br />
his footsteps.<br />
ICM - Institut <strong>Chemnitz</strong>er Maschinen-<br />
und Anlagenbau e.V.<br /><br />
Our international specialists<br />
come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Ir<strong>an</strong>, India, China, Pakist<strong>an</strong>, B<strong>an</strong>gladesh,<br />
Spain, Russia<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d English to:<br /><br />
8<br />
Group structures c<strong>an</strong> make perfect<br />
sense for a comp<strong>an</strong>y – for example, to<br />
spread out the economic risk, to optimise<br />
production processes or to separate<br />
operational <strong>an</strong>d administrative parts of<br />
the business. However, factors such as<br />
flexibility <strong>an</strong>d speed often suffer in these<br />
environments. “Unfortunately, these<br />
are precisely the dem<strong>an</strong>ds the market<br />
places on technological developments”,<br />
says Karsten Schulze. He is one of<br />
FDTech’s five founders, all of whom had<br />
previously worked in structures like<br />
this within the automotive industry.<br />
Until 2017, that is, when they created a<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y that aligned with their requirements<br />
for adaptable further development<br />
in the field of mobility. Their vision:<br />
self-determined mobility for everyone.<br />
Anytime, <strong>an</strong>ywhere. Today, the comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
specialises in automated driving,<br />
devising processes, methods <strong>an</strong>d tools<br />
<strong>an</strong>d developing algorithms for automated<br />
driving functions. FDTech is just as<br />
flexible as it is in its core business when<br />
it comes to recruiting qualified personnel.<br />
Just six years in, it already has 175<br />
employees, including 25 students <strong>an</strong>d<br />
trainees on dual training programmes.<br />
Thirty of them have international roots,<br />
covering a total of 14 different nationalities.<br />
And the upward trend is continuing.<br />
Schulze sees <strong>an</strong> adv<strong>an</strong>tage in the<br />
international specialists’ high level of<br />
motivation. “It starts with training <strong>an</strong>d<br />
extends to the energy they put into<br />
their everyday working lives.” People<br />
with roots in other cultures are often<br />
highly educated <strong>an</strong>d highly motivated.<br />
“M<strong>an</strong>y people in this country could take<br />
Fotos: Ernesto Uhlm<strong>an</strong>n<br />
a leaf out of their book”, says Schulze.<br />
Now, you might think that FDTech<br />
operates in <strong>an</strong> industry where international<br />
specialists c<strong>an</strong> rest on their<br />
laurels somewhat <strong>an</strong>d communicate<br />
largely in English. “Not at all”, replies<br />
Schulze. “Of course we are bilingual in<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>y, but a good knowledge<br />
of Germ<strong>an</strong> is a must for our staff with<br />
international roots. In our customer-facing<br />
environment, most meetings are<br />
held in Germ<strong>an</strong>. And you also need to<br />
be able to communicate well in your<br />
life outside of work.” FDTech provides<br />
support in the form of Germ<strong>an</strong> courses<br />
with a local service provider, among<br />
other things. Saba Abdollahi adds that<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>y is also on h<strong>an</strong>d to help<br />
with finding accommodation, getting<br />
visas <strong>an</strong>d naturalisation. The 33-yearold<br />
Ir<strong>an</strong>i<strong>an</strong> completed her degree in<br />
Biomedical Engineering at <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
University of Technology <strong>an</strong>d joined the<br />
FDTech team at the start of 2020. Germ<strong>an</strong>y<br />
was her first choice, followed by<br />
Australia <strong>an</strong>d C<strong>an</strong>ada. “Order, security,<br />
the quality of the degree programme<br />
<strong>an</strong>d, above all, the country’s democratic<br />
values were the deciding factors<br />
in the end”, she says. But her start in<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y was <strong>an</strong>ything but easy. “To<br />
open a b<strong>an</strong>k account, you need confirmation<br />
from the immigration office. This<br />
requires a registration certificate, which<br />
in turn requires <strong>an</strong> address. However,<br />
you need a b<strong>an</strong>k account to get a flat<br />
– <strong>an</strong>d the cycle starts all over again”,<br />
says Saba, who would like to see better<br />
org<strong>an</strong>isational support for international<br />
skilled workers. “It really hurts when<br />
you realise how high the dem<strong>an</strong>d for<br />
skilled workers from abroad is <strong>an</strong>d how<br />
poor Germ<strong>an</strong>y is at welcoming them.”<br />
The months-long struggle to obtain<br />
a visitor's visa for her parents is one<br />
example. “We skilled workers from abroad<br />
are not machines. We are people<br />
who w<strong>an</strong>t their parents to be present<br />
at import<strong>an</strong>t events like weddings <strong>an</strong>d<br />
births.” Despite all the hurdles, she<br />
now describes Germ<strong>an</strong>y as her second<br />
home. “When I return here from holidays,<br />
I feel at home. I’m grateful because<br />
I’ve been able to evolve <strong>an</strong>d develop<br />
the way that I w<strong>an</strong>t to here.” Ary Frigeri<br />
from Brazil was also motivated by the<br />
search for a better quality of life. The<br />
28-year-old software developer w<strong>an</strong>ted<br />
to work in a welcoming <strong>an</strong>d pluralistic<br />
environment in which he could openly<br />
share his experiences. “However, this<br />
step requires patience. There’s a lot of<br />
paperwork to do in the first few months.<br />
At the same time, you have to create a<br />
new routine for yourself – at work <strong>an</strong>d<br />
at home.” He had less difficulty adapting<br />
to the Germ<strong>an</strong> habit of making <strong>an</strong> appointment<br />
for almost everything, even for<br />
“smaller” social activities. “Punctuality<br />
goes h<strong>an</strong>d in h<strong>an</strong>d with appointments.<br />
In Brazil, on the other h<strong>an</strong>d, it’s st<strong>an</strong>dard<br />
to be late for social activities.” Ary<br />
also quickly felt welcome in his new working<br />
environment. “My colleagues were<br />
very interested in my culture right from<br />
the start <strong>an</strong>d w<strong>an</strong>ted to know more<br />
about the food, cities <strong>an</strong>d Brazili<strong>an</strong><br />
customs.” This culture of togetherness<br />
– regardless of background – is firmly<br />
<strong>an</strong>chored in the comp<strong>an</strong>y philosophy,<br />
explains Schulze. Anyone who lacks<br />
respect <strong>an</strong>d toler<strong>an</strong>ce has no place in<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>y, he says. “Of course, this<br />
applies to both sides – to our Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
workforce as well as our international<br />
specialists.” Saba adds: “Integration is<br />
a two-way street. Anyone who w<strong>an</strong>ts to<br />
gain a foothold here should respect the<br />
country’s values <strong>an</strong>d, ideally, appreciate<br />
them. On the other h<strong>an</strong>d, successful<br />
integration also requires the help of<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong> society. In a perfect world, both<br />
sides should approach each other with<br />
respect <strong>an</strong>d work together.” To enable<br />
both sides to get to know each other<br />
outside the working environment at<br />
FDTech, the comp<strong>an</strong>y regularly org<strong>an</strong>ises<br />
barbecue afternoons, games evenings<br />
<strong>an</strong>d participation in various public<br />
events. Families <strong>an</strong>d partners also come<br />
along to the <strong>an</strong>nual comp<strong>an</strong>y <strong>an</strong>niversary<br />
party. Schulze: “We promote these<br />
events in the interests of cultural education.<br />
But it's not compulsory, otherwise<br />
it wouldn't be authentic.”<br />
FDTech GmbH<br /><br />
Our international specialists<br />
come from :<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, India, Italy, Brazil, China, Pakist<strong>an</strong>, Syria, Czech<br />
Republic, Cameroon,<br />
Pol<strong>an</strong>d, India, Ir<strong>an</strong>, Azerbaij<strong>an</strong>, Kyrgyzst<strong>an</strong>, Ukraine<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
15<br />
Developing intelligent IT solutions <strong>an</strong>d consulting<br />
approaches, having scope for ideas <strong>an</strong>d experiencing<br />
teamwork in a spirit of partnership. If you w<strong>an</strong>t all this<br />
<strong>an</strong>d more, the msg group is the place for you. The international<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y, which works in IT consulting <strong>an</strong>d<br />
software development, offers challenging <strong>an</strong>d varied<br />
tasks. The comp<strong>an</strong>y has been on the market for over<br />
40 years <strong>an</strong>d has 170 employees on site in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>.<br />
Ingo Gringer has been with the comp<strong>an</strong>y for 25 years.<br />
As the current site m<strong>an</strong>ager, he is joined by numerous<br />
colleagues who have been with msg for decades. “There<br />
is no hierarchical atmosphere here; everything is open,<br />
cooperative <strong>an</strong>d always challenging due to project business<br />
<strong>an</strong>d technological ch<strong>an</strong>ge,” says Gringer.<br />
Fotos: Ernesto Uhlm<strong>an</strong>n, privat<br />
Nagima Mendigulova<br />
The comp<strong>an</strong>y thrives on innovation <strong>an</strong>d<br />
internationality. In addition to Germ<strong>an</strong>y,<br />
employees also hail from China, Russia,<br />
Kyrgyzst<strong>an</strong>, Ukraine <strong>an</strong>d Turkey. The<br />
foundations for successful collaboration<br />
are often laid during studies: strong<br />
collaborations with <strong>Chemnitz</strong> University<br />
of Technology, Zwickau University of Applied<br />
Sciences <strong>an</strong>d Mittweida University<br />
of Applied Sciences, resulting in ongoing<br />
research projects with students from all<br />
over the world, pay dividends.<br />
This is exactly how Iuli<strong>an</strong>a Schreiber<br />
came to msg. Born in St. Petersburg,<br />
she has been living in Germ<strong>an</strong>y since<br />
2015. In the third semester of her<br />
master’s degree in computer science at<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong> University of Technology, she<br />
was thinking about where she should<br />
complete her m<strong>an</strong>datory internship.<br />
With this in mind, she attended a lecture<br />
series on the industrial application of<br />
computer science. The event gave her<br />
<strong>an</strong>d her fellow students <strong>an</strong> insight into<br />
the IT l<strong>an</strong>dscape in <strong>Chemnitz</strong>. “One of<br />
the comp<strong>an</strong>ies was msg, <strong>an</strong>d I still re-<br />
Iuli<strong>an</strong>a Schreiber<br />
member the presentation by Ingo Gringer<br />
on the topic of digitalization, which<br />
impressed me. What particularly stood<br />
out for me was the fact that the introduction<br />
of digitalization has signific<strong>an</strong>tly<br />
reduced the processing time for clerks.<br />
That’s what prompted me to apply<br />
directly to msg,” says Schreiber. She has<br />
never regretted this decision. She describes<br />
the working atmosphere at msg<br />
as extremely supportive <strong>an</strong>d collaborative.<br />
“From the very first day as <strong>an</strong> intern<br />
at msg, I felt like part of the team. I was<br />
given intensive induction <strong>an</strong>d support<br />
<strong>an</strong>d even now I always find someone to<br />
help me with problems straight away,”<br />
says the 30-year-old. Her comp<strong>an</strong>y<br />
attaches great import<strong>an</strong>ce to promoting<br />
a diverse <strong>an</strong>d inclusive working environment<br />
that offers space for different perspectives<br />
<strong>an</strong>d backgrounds. In addition,<br />
msg regularly org<strong>an</strong>izes joint celebrations<br />
<strong>an</strong>d events that allow employees to<br />
get to know each other better, not only<br />
professionally but also personally, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
to build a strong, supportive community.<br />
Iuli<strong>an</strong>a Schreiber gives international<br />
specialists a clear recommendation to<br />
apply to msg.<br />
Her colleague Nagima Mendigulova<br />
feels the same way. She comes from<br />
the Central Asi<strong>an</strong> country of Kyrgyzst<strong>an</strong><br />
<strong>an</strong>d has been living in Germ<strong>an</strong>y<br />
since 2020. She was looking for a<br />
suitable job after her studies <strong>an</strong>d found<br />
msg on LinkedIn. “What I particularly<br />
liked about the msg job offer were<br />
the good working conditions <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
comp<strong>an</strong>y values such as ‘people first’<br />
<strong>an</strong>d ‘diversity & variety’,” says Mendigulova.<br />
She works at the comp<strong>an</strong>y as<br />
<strong>an</strong> IT consult<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d finds the working<br />
atmosphere friendly <strong>an</strong>d supportive. If<br />
you need help, you c<strong>an</strong> always turn to a<br />
colleague. “I was impressed by the flat<br />
hierarchy <strong>an</strong>d the ‘you culture’, because<br />
these are rare in my home country,”<br />
says the 26-year-old. All employees<br />
also go on various training courses<br />
when they start work. This onboarding<br />
really helps to underst<strong>an</strong>d the import<strong>an</strong>t<br />
topics for working at msg. “For<br />
example, I learned a lot about insur<strong>an</strong>ce<br />
<strong>an</strong>d brushed up on some IT skills.<br />
It was also very import<strong>an</strong>t for me that<br />
msg was underst<strong>an</strong>ding about my visa<br />
matters,” Mendigulova remarks.<br />
In the more th<strong>an</strong> two decades since the<br />
site was founded, the employees have<br />
achieved a great deal. msg is not only a<br />
reliable employer, but also plays a key<br />
role in the lives of its employees <strong>an</strong>d<br />
their families. It is particularly import<strong>an</strong>t<br />
to msg to extend its responsibility<br />
beyond the business world <strong>an</strong>d it greatly<br />
values being part of the community in<br />
<strong>Chemnitz</strong>.<br />
msg systems AG<br /><br />
Our international specialists<br />
come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, China, Russia, Kyrgyzst<strong>an</strong>, Ukraine, Turkey<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
6<br />
Foto: Ernesto Uhlm<strong>an</strong>n<br />
Hardly <strong>an</strong>y other sector reflects Germ<strong>an</strong>y’s shortage<br />
of skilled labour to the extent that nursing<br />
does. There will be a deficit of up to 120,000 qualified<br />
nursing assist<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d carers in Saxony alone<br />
in the coming years. The Federal Government’s<br />
response has been to reorg<strong>an</strong>ise training structures.<br />
The generalised nursing training programme<br />
introduced at the beginning of 2020 now combines<br />
the once separate areas of paediatric, nursing<br />
<strong>an</strong>d geriatric care. The government w<strong>an</strong>ted this<br />
reorg<strong>an</strong>isation to increase the number of trainees<br />
by ten per cent by 2023. Instead, it actually fell by<br />
7 per cent nationwide in 2022 compared to the<br />
previous year (Saxony: down 2 per cent).<br />
“The fact that a total of nine years<br />
of training experience is now being<br />
crammed into three c<strong>an</strong> be taken m<strong>an</strong>y<br />
different ways”, says Jörg Ahner diplomatically.<br />
However, a failure rate of around<br />
20 per cent speaks for itself. Ahner is<br />
the director of the Rembr<strong>an</strong>dtstraße<br />
nursing home for the elderly, one of the<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y facilities run by the ASB (Workers’<br />
Samarit<strong>an</strong> Federation) in <strong>Chemnitz</strong><br />
<strong>an</strong>d the surrounding area. In addition<br />
to providing care for the elderly across<br />
three nursing homes in <strong>Chemnitz</strong> <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Burgstädt, the association also has<br />
involvement in outpatient care services,<br />
a residential care home for people with<br />
severe physical disabilities, <strong>an</strong>d rescue<br />
services – from emergency rescue to<br />
disaster m<strong>an</strong>agement. The org<strong>an</strong>isation<br />
currently has 630 employees <strong>an</strong>d 46<br />
trainees, with people from 17 countries<br />
working across the facilities, from the<br />
laundry to the nursing homes. This impressive<br />
number reflects the fact that<br />
the ASB started looking at international<br />
skilled workers at <strong>an</strong> early stage: “In<br />
2010, it was not yet <strong>an</strong> issue in the care<br />
sector, but it was definitely on our minds<br />
by 2013. That was when it slowly became<br />
apparent that m<strong>an</strong>y expert predictions<br />
would come to fruition”, says Ahner.<br />
To mitigate the shortage of skilled<br />
workers, the ASB has been working with<br />
BIP <strong>Chemnitz</strong>, the Berufliches Schulzentrum<br />
für Gesundheit und Sozialwesen<br />
(Vocational School Centre for Health<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Social Services) at the Markthalle,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Medicampus <strong>Chemnitz</strong> since 2014.<br />
The F&U gGmbH facility started training<br />
young Vietnamese people to become<br />
nurses in the same year. The practical<br />
portion of the training is completed<br />
with the local ASB br<strong>an</strong>ch, among other<br />
org<strong>an</strong>isations, where m<strong>an</strong>y of the trainees<br />
also gain a foothold in perm<strong>an</strong>ent<br />
employment after their training. “To<br />
make integration easier, we regularly<br />
org<strong>an</strong>ise trainee events. There are also<br />
team building activities <strong>an</strong>d team days<br />
that c<strong>an</strong> be org<strong>an</strong>ised by the individual<br />
teams”, explains Katharina Busch, Central<br />
Practice Instructor. To get students<br />
in Germ<strong>an</strong>y interested in training in the<br />
care sector at <strong>an</strong> early age, she partners<br />
with schools, attends training fairs<br />
<strong>an</strong>d is active on relev<strong>an</strong>t social media<br />
ch<strong>an</strong>nels. “However, most applic<strong>an</strong>ts still<br />
find their way to us through recommendations<br />
from friends or acquaint<strong>an</strong>ces.”<br />
Thi Nhung Pham was one of those to become<br />
aware of the career opportunities<br />
at ASB through a tip from a friend. She<br />
came to Germ<strong>an</strong>y in 2014 <strong>an</strong>d completed<br />
her nursing training in 2018. She<br />
had previously undertaken a three-year<br />
pharmacy apprenticeship in Vietnam<br />
before working in a pharmacy there for<br />
very little pay. “That wasn’t my future.<br />
I w<strong>an</strong>ted a better life”, recalls the now<br />
31-year-old. The step into a completely<br />
new environment was not easy for her,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the biggest hurdle was the Germ<strong>an</strong><br />
l<strong>an</strong>guage. After all, a good knowledge<br />
of Germ<strong>an</strong> is extremely import<strong>an</strong>t for<br />
carers as it enables them to communicate<br />
well with people in need of care<br />
or receiving inpatient treatment. With<br />
good Germ<strong>an</strong> l<strong>an</strong>guage skills, carers<br />
from abroad c<strong>an</strong> support patients <strong>an</strong>d<br />
give them confidence <strong>an</strong>d a sense of<br />
security. In Saxony, l<strong>an</strong>guage skills at<br />
level B2 are a prerequisite for taking<br />
up a position in the medical or nursing<br />
sector. However, the Germ<strong>an</strong> l<strong>an</strong>guage<br />
is not the only hurdle that needs to be<br />
overcome in care facilities. As Ahner<br />
explains: “In addition to the staff, our<br />
care home residents, too, need to be<br />
involved in the integration of international<br />
specialists. This is a task that we take<br />
very seriously, as different cultures <strong>an</strong>d<br />
ways of thinking come together here.”<br />
In the event of problems, <strong>an</strong> integration<br />
officer is always ready to listen to the<br />
200 or so employees. Thi Nhung Pham’s<br />
advice to skilled workers from abroad?<br />
“Follow your path, be diligent <strong>an</strong>d learn<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>. Then m<strong>an</strong>y opportunities will<br />
be open to you.”<br />
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund<br />
Ortsverb<strong>an</strong>d <strong>Chemnitz</strong> und<br />
Umgebung e.V.<br /><br />
Our international specialists<br />
come from:<br />
Germ<strong>an</strong>y, Afgh<strong>an</strong>ist<strong>an</strong>, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria,<br />
Eritrea, Georgia, Ir<strong>an</strong>, Kazakhst<strong>an</strong>, Leb<strong>an</strong>on, Nigeria, Pol<strong>an</strong>d,<br />
Russi<strong>an</strong> Federation, Syria, Czech Republic, Ukraine,<br />
Venezuela, Vietnam<br />
Applications in Germ<strong>an</strong> or English to:<br /><br />
18<br />
me, Bien<br />
овать, Καλώς ορίσατε, Hoş geldin<br />
обредојдовте, Sveiki atvykę, Laipni lūdzam, Tere tulemas<br />
lutem, Chào mng, Selamat dat<strong>an</strong>g, Maligay<strong>an</strong>g pagdating, A<br />
kwemukela, Ndiy<strong>an</strong>ith<strong>an</strong>da, E ku abo, Nnabata, Soo dhaw<br />
o/a, Bem-vindo/a, Welkom, Välkommen, Tervetuloa, Добро<br />
ítejte, Vitajte, Dobrodošli, Добре дошли, Bun venit, Mirë s<br />
ast, Velkomin(n), Fàilte, Croeso, Weelcume, Bonvenon, Sa<br />
, Aloha, Haere mai, Afio mai, Malo e lelei, Ni sa bula, Ka<br />
hawow, Welcome, Bienvenido/a, Bienvenue, Willkommen, B<br />
о пожаловать, Καλώς ορίσατε, Hoş geldiniz, Üdvözöljük, W<br />
se vini, Добредојдовте, Sveiki atvykę, Laipni lūdzam, Tere<br />
, Salutem, Chào mng, Selamat dat<strong>an</strong>g, Maligay<strong>an</strong>g pagdat<br />
Ngiyakwemukela, Ndiy<strong>an</strong>ith<strong>an</strong>da, E ku abo, Nnabata, Soo<br />
enuto/a, Bem-vindo/a, Welkom, Välkommen, Tervetuloa, До<br />
j, Vítejte, Vitajte, Dobrodošli, Добре дошли, Bun venit, Mir<br />
ast, Velkomin(n), Fàilte, Croeso, Weelcume, Bonvenon, S<br />
g, Aloha, Haere mai, Afio mai, Malo e lelei, Ni sa bula, K<br />
dhawow,Welcome, Bienvenido/a, Bienvenue, Willkommen,<br />
ро пожаловать, Καλώς ορίσατε, Hoş geldiniz, Üdvözöljük,<br />
se vini, Добредојдовте, Sveiki atvykę, Laipni lūdzam, Tere<br />
e, Salutem, Chào mng, Selamat dat<strong>an</strong>g, Maligay<strong>an</strong>g pagda<br />
, Ngiyakwemukela, Ndiy<strong>an</strong>ith<strong>an</strong>da, E ku abo, Nnabata, So<br />
venuto/a, Bem-vindo/a, Welkom, Välkommen, Tervetuloa, Д<br />
aj, Vítejte, Vitajte, Dobrodošli, Добре дошли, Bun venit, Mi<br />
mast, Velkomin(n), Fàilte, Croeso, Weelcume, Bonvenon, S<br />
ing, Aloha, Haere mai, Afio mai, Malo e lelei, Ni sa bula, K<br />
dhawow, Welcome, Bienvenido/a, Bienvenue, Willkommen<br />
бро пожаловать, Καλώς ορίσατε, Hoş geldiniz, Üdvözöljük<br />
ë se vini, Добредојдовте, Sveiki atvykę, Laipni lūdzam, Ter<br />
lve, Salutem, Chào mng, Selamat dat<strong>an</strong>g, Maligay<strong>an</strong>g pagd<br />
u, Ngiyakwemukela, Ndiy<strong>an</strong>ith<strong>an</strong>da, E ku abo, Nnabata, S<br />
nvenuto/a, Bem-vindo/a, Welkom, Välkommen, Tervetuloa,<br />
taj, Vítejte, Vitajte, Dobrodošli, Добре дошли, Bun venit, M<br />
omin(n), Fàilte, Croeso, Weelcume, Bonvenon, S<br />
lelei, Ni sa bula, Karibu<br />
66<br />
chemnitz-<strong>zieht</strong>-<strong>an</strong>.de<br />
loha, Haere mai, Afio ma<br />
ow, Welcome, Bienvenido/a, Bienvenue, Willkomm<br />
пожаловать, Καλώς ορίσατε, Hoş geldiniz, Üdvözöljük, Wie<br />
vini, Добредојдовте, Sveiki atvykę, Laipni lūdzam, Tere<br />
lve, Salutem, Chào mng, Selamat dat<strong>an</strong>g, Maligay<strong>an</strong>g pag<br />
ribu, Ngiyakwemukela, Ndiy<strong>an</strong>ith<strong>an</strong>da, E ku abo, Nnabata<br />
envenuto/a, Bem-vindo/a, Welkom, Välkommen,Tervetuloa<br />
itaj, Vítejte, Vitajte, Dobrodošli, Добре дошли, Bun venit<br />
tulemast, Velkomin(n), Fàilte, Croeso, Weelcume,Bonvenon<br />
ing, Aloha, Haere mai, Afio mai, Malo e lelei, Ni sa bula, Ka<br />
dhawow, Welcome, Bienvenido/a, Bienvenue, Willkommen<br />
бро пожаловать, Καλώς ορίσατε, Hoş geldiniz, Üdvözöljük<br />
ë se vini, Добредојдовте, Sveiki atvykę, Laipni lūdzam, Ter<br />
alve, Salutem, Chào mng, Selamat dat<strong>an</strong>g, Maligay<strong>an</strong>g pag<br />
aribu, Ngiyakwemukela, Ndiy<strong>an</strong>ith<strong>an</strong>da, E ku abo, Nnabat<br />
Benvenuto/a, Bem-vindo/a, Welkom, Välkommen, Tervetulo<br />
Witaj, Vítejte, Vitajte, Dobrodošli, Добре дошли, Bun ven<br />
tulemast, Velkomin(n), Fàilte, Croeso, Weelcume, Bonveno<br />
ting, Aloha, Haere mai, Afio mai, Malo e lelei, Ni sa bula, K<br />
o dhawow, Welcome, Bienvenido/a, Bienvenue, Willkomme<br />
обро пожаловать, Καλώς ορίσατε, Hoş geldiniz, Üdvözöljü<br />
rë se vini, Добредојдовте, Sveiki atvykę, Laipni lūdzam, Te<br />
alve, Salutem, Chào mng, Selamat dat<strong>an</strong>g, Maligay<strong>an</strong>g pa<br />
aribu, Ngiyakwemukela, Ndiy<strong>an</strong>ith<strong>an</strong>da, E ku abo, Nnaba<br />
, Benvenuto/a, Bem-vindo/a, Welkom, Välkommen, Tervetul<br />
, Witaj, Vítejte, Vitajte, Dobrodošli, Добре дошли, Bun ve<br />
e tulemast, Velkomin(n), Fàilte, Croeso, Weelcume, Bonven<br />
ating, Aloha, Haere mai, Afio mai, Malo e lelei, Ni sa bula,<br />
oo dhawow, Welcome, Bienvenido/a, Bienvenue, Willkomm<br />
Добро пожаловать, Καλώς ορίσατε, Hoş geldiniz, Üdvözöl<br />
irë se vini, Добредојдовте, Sveiki atvykę, Laipni lūdzam, T<br />
alve, Salutem, Chào mng, Selamat dat<strong>an</strong>g, Maligay<strong>an</strong>g pag<br />
, Ngiyakwemukela, Ndiy<strong>an</strong>ith<strong>an</strong>da, E ku abo, Nnabata, Soo d<br />
uto/a, Bem-vindo/a, Welkom, Välkommen, Tervetuloa, До<br />
i, Добре дошли, Bun venit, Mirë<br />
non, Sa<br />