The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1928 - Springfield-Greene ...

The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1928 - Springfield-Greene ...

The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1928 - Springfield-Greene ...


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Mr. W. 4. Hutton. car forcm;in <strong>The</strong> following boys have been cm- Jliss Ruth Harris. dauglttrr of iis-<br />

Sorth yard. is the proud owner of a ~)loyed rccen tly as appren ticc.s ill thc. sistant yardmaster. J. 1.:. Harris, re))-<br />

11c.w Ford.<br />

Kansas City shops: Harry A. Stiller. resented the <strong>Frisco</strong> Linca in a popu-<br />

<strong>The</strong> long-looked for flowers ztrrivecl \Vm. Parker Le\v:*llen and John Wes- larity co~~trst put on by the .4rn1*ric,n11<br />

last week and were ~)lantrd in thv It.? Ehni.<br />

I.e~ion in r:onjunction with thclir KI.;LII(~<br />

flower boscs recently inst;~llrd at the \\'c can't conccive of 11 molt uncom- c:oron::ti~r~~ and community ],arty at<br />

two most ~irominent windows of this fortahle feclin~ than to bv tlrivili~ Alemoriai 1in11. Kansas City, K;~ns;ts.<br />

office. We are glad to report tl~ry ;tlon~; :L country road with ;I number Snturrl;i? light. May 5.<br />

;Ire thriving on the coal dust. ~tc. of ~~rc:iclicrs in the c:ir, sliclr 011' into Herlilr)- Hennrson, tirnckeepcr in till3<br />

Someone suagested puttir~g mtizzl(,s ;I muddv ditc.11, a ~ not ~ d he nhlr: to es- office, h:hd his car stolen thr r~ight of<br />

OII thc. xoldtish, as onc oI' the-ln bit I!IY.SS thc, resuitnr~t fevII11~ ill :III ill!- April 29 ~vhile 11e and his wife woru<br />

.\liss Hoffman on thc! fingcr. \Ve think o i 1 1 1 i 1 i niinn Tiitit IS attendinfi. ,z sho\v. Howrvrr, th~' cilr<br />

thry could be tau~ht I)c-~tlc.r m;rl:ller:. what r~,(,~.ntlJ- hn~>l)c~ncd to Mr. H. I.. was re(~ov~~red and I3rrlcley says il runs<br />

.I. R. Parrish. Icnd car m:in :it t h ~ .l~~hnro~~, timc.lit.romoted to till MI.. Yc

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