The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1928 - Springfield-Greene ...

The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1928 - Springfield-Greene ...

The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1928 - Springfield-Greene ...


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Jzrirc, <strong>1928</strong> Page 57<br />

>rifts days Christine centy Vanderford i spent t he- a has C. been I. Marfield, quite sick locomotive with ~yumonia<br />

engineer. Choked AII Might<br />

parents at Sherman, Texas. fever<br />

>lax Oldenhage has returned to his RO;' H. Baker, from <strong>Springfield</strong>. has<br />

duties after an absence of several days een_-pr:tecting extra switching at From Asthma<br />

account of illness.<br />

sewourg.<br />

Among the victims that have suc- W. E. Counts. roadmaster on second<br />

cumbrd to thr auto fever are JIax track division, reports his first Per-<br />

Every Sign of the Trouble Gone. Tells<br />

Oldenhage and William Chri-tinn, JIas<br />

sonal injurv this year. On May 9. G.<br />

How She Got Well.<br />

having purchased a new Dodge Vic-<br />

F. Smith, section foreman. Steeleville.<br />

tory six and \Yilliqn a new Oakland<br />

No., while removing rail which was All who suffer from asthma and<br />

sun-kinked rail flew out breaking bronchial cough will be glad to learn<br />

coupe.<br />

bone In his right and left leg, and how Jlrs. Rr, G. Pierson, Route 1. Colby.<br />

To prove our <strong>Frisco</strong> boys are one- hla hack - - ... and hin were badly bruised. Kas.. conauered her trouble. She writes:<br />

hundred per cent for our railroad, Jess He mill probabiy be off five or six "For 16 j.eirs I had usthmn in scvere form.<br />

R. Neergaard, yard clerk, recently had weeks.<br />

I couldn't sleel), irnd ri~rely tried to go to bed<br />

occasion to persuade a friend who was Mlss Mary Slckles who has been llefore 1 :SO a. m. I kcpt getting weaker and<br />

going to Siioam Springs and from there visiting her sister Lillian, has returned h~d ii terrible cough. I was in Akron. '331..<br />

to a point in Alabama, to make the home.<br />

when I started tnking Nacor in February, 1925.<br />

trlp to Siloam Springs and then re- L. J. Planchon, third trick yard In 3lorcli I felt so much better I returned to<br />

turn to Tulsa and take our train No. clerk, is laying off account being sick. 3lisaouri. One night in Missouri used to mnke<br />

6 to Uirmingham, thus riding <strong>Frisco</strong> He is under the weather wlth rheu- nle choke terrlbIp, but I don't have a sign of<br />

all the way.<br />

matism. Hope he will soon be able asth~ui~ now, not evcn in rainy weather. I<br />

H - - . .T. - . - 1)rilev - . - . , < varrlmnstrr.. - - - - . - - - - - , has . - - - hppn - to .- return to work.<br />

sleei) nli night, have wined 10 pounds and<br />

absent from his duties account of ill- <strong>The</strong> entire transportation depart- IPPI' . rtrnnn - .. . ind wcll."<br />

ness. We hone to see . JIr. Dailev hack ment extend their sympathy to F. C. IIundreda of other sugerers from~ asthma.<br />

-<br />

on the job sdon.<br />

Fulton, engineer, and son Clyde, in the hrorrrilitld and cl1ro111c coughs have reported<br />

Wardy C. Castle, yard clerk, recently recent death of Xrs. Fulton. Mrs. Ful- their recnvory. t~Pl.er Scars of alfliction. <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

moved into his new home at Red Fork. ton was buried at Newburg. BIay 14. letters and a booklet full of valuable InfonitIiss<br />

Frances Harrison. who is at- Her death was due to pneumonia fever. tion ahout Ihffle stubborn diseases, will be sent<br />

tending the University of Oklahoma,<br />

free - bv . Sawr JIediclne Co.. 705 State Life<br />

vinlted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G.<br />

Bldg., Ind!ani~polis. Ind. So matter how se-<br />

Harrison. recently.<br />

SEVENTH STREET STATION rious your c.rse seem?. \Trite for this free book-<br />

ST. LOUIS, MO.<br />

let lndn,. It nlay gi\.e your llfe a now mean-<br />

InC.<br />


AGNES 31. L.4RKIN. Reporter<br />

OTIS RULE, Reporter<br />

Mrs. Allen Moore. wife of timekeeper.<br />

Seventh Street has a membership of has just returned from a visit in Vertwnntv<br />

in the newly organized Saint non, Texas. where she visited her<br />

Mr. Stone and family contemplate ~~;is-~erminals Club.<br />

sister.<br />

spending a few days in <strong>Springfield</strong>, the L. G. Roseman, special officer, who Ray Caudlc. formerly employed as<br />

flrst part of <strong>June</strong>.<br />

1s Scout Master of Boy Scout Troop roundhoi~se 'lerk this terminal, died<br />

Mrs. Otis R. Rule and children spent NO. 41, has been presented with Presi- after o. brief illness May 16. This office<br />

the week-end, May :, and 6, visiting dent Howai,d's streamer for the year as well as the north roundhouse, towith<br />

Mr. Rule's parents at Holdenville. 19'8<br />

gether with other Brisco employes es-<br />

Dwisht L. Irby visited with his par-<br />

deenest -. svm~athy is extended tend their sympathy to the bereaved<br />

ents at Afton. Okla., on May 13. to Harry '~ewco;n~r. ~.heck clerk. in family.<br />

<strong>The</strong> family of Mr. S. R. Gardner inthe<br />

loss of his mother and father.<br />

tend spending their vacation in Chiwhose<br />

deaths were just one week<br />

cago and Indianapolis. <strong>The</strong>y are planapart.<br />


ning on leavinz just as soon as school<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Frisco</strong> Best Service Baseball<br />

Club and the Saint Louis Terminal?<br />


is out.<br />

Club held a joint river excursion on<br />

Mr. Otis R. Rule left for Rochester. the Steamer St. Paul. JIay 23. BIATILDA C. HOFFMAN, Reporter<br />

Mlnn., Sunday. Xay 20, accompanying<br />

his stepfather, Mr. E. M. Bailey. who<br />

is being taken to Mayo Bros.<br />

EASTERN DIVISION-MECHANICAL Mr. Raymond Troth has returned<br />


from a short vislt wlth his parents at<br />

Valley Falls, Kansas.<br />

Carl Thompson and mother spent a<br />


JIILLARD F. BROWN. Eeporter recent week end visiting relatives at<br />

Rolla, Mo.<br />

I C. H. Eergstrom, boilermaker forc-<br />

Xessrs. Owen. Troth, Thompson and<br />

Ball have returned from a fishing trip<br />

TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT man, north roundhouse, attended the to Bennett Sprlngs. <strong>The</strong>y report a very<br />

NEWBURG, MO.<br />

Master Boilermaker's convention at good time but are reluctant to talk<br />

Cleveland. After the convention Carl about the'flsh they caught.<br />

and the Nrs. are ~Aanning a vacation in Inspectors Harry Barron and Charles<br />

LILLIAN 11. SICKLES, Reporter the state of Pennsylvania.<br />

Smith were in Bollgee. Ala.. May 2.<br />

I-Inl Lampkin, traveling time keeper. to place in servlce new interlocklng<br />

Eastern division, is back on his old plant just completed at A. G. S. cross-<br />

Spring has arrived at last and thc job again after spending some three ing, that point.<br />

banks of Little Piney. Big Piney, the or four months oil special work.<br />

Gasconade and JIeramec Rivers are W. B. Brandt, general foreman, north<br />

very inviting, so much so that F. H. !ounclhouse, advises that engine 1527 OFFICE SUPT. TRANSPORTATION<br />

Donaldson, trainmaster, <strong>Springfield</strong>, is being equipped with floating engine<br />


contemplates on spending his vacatlon truck brasses, which is the new wrinat<br />

his old haunts with his fishing rod kle on this division.<br />

and line.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new viaduct at Benton Avenue EULA STRATTON. Reporter<br />

A. C. Holeman, agent. Pacific, Mo., and Grant Street over the <strong>Frisco</strong> tracks<br />

reports the sand and gravel business is nearing completion. <strong>The</strong> Houlevr~rd IVith the corning of the ;ne, warm<br />

at that point as very good this year. viaduct was open to the public April summer-like davs, many of our gang"<br />

Last year 6,369 cars of gravel were 26.<br />

are enjoyinq the facilities of the <strong>Frisco</strong><br />

shipped from Pacific, which would<br />

for pleasure trips.<br />

make n train 84 miles lon~. the revenue<br />

Carlotta Lane journeyed to Chlcago<br />

from this business amounted to<br />

recently and shopped a bit.<br />

$192.000.<br />

I CLASSIFIED ADS I Mary Camphell rlwnt a recent week-<br />

R. Stephans, agent at Cuba. 310.. for<br />

end in St. Louis visiting relatives.<br />

the past 10 years and In the servlce<br />

- Dora Gado npencls nearl; every weekfor<br />

over forty years, holds white pass CIasslfled advertlsln~ under thh headlng will end in Billings, while Clarence Wllkes<br />

and is entitled to most any kind of be charged for at the rate of 5 cents per word can't he kept away from Carthage.<br />

transportation he could desire, yet he with a mlnlmum of 75 cents. Cash must ac- Pearl Townes and Carmen Bowman<br />

tells us that he has not been west of company copy.<br />

went to Kansas City for a visit last<br />

Rolla. Mo.. but one time in the past AGESTS-WE START YOU IS BUSI- month: Harlin Boehm went to Joplin<br />

20 years and has only made a few ness and help you succeed. Eio capital with the Shrine Patrol for a ceretrlps<br />

to St. Louis, Mo.. during that or experience needed. Spare or full monial: Merle Platte leaves soon for<br />

time.<br />

time. You can easily earn $50-$100 Xinneapolis to visit Mr. and Nrs. Geo.<br />

Miss Maud Snyder, roadmaster's weekly. Write Madison Factorles, 564 Ruzrles. JIrs. Ruwzles was formerly<br />

clerk snent the week-end with her Broadway. Sew Yorli.<br />

Ruth Snlith. clerk -in this department<br />

fath& J. E. Snyder in Lebanon.<br />

Some traveling this office is doing!<br />

W. H. Owens, locomotive inspector. FOR SALE-Ten acre tracts, good \Ve've been havin~ troubles as we11<br />

vlsited his father and mother Mr. and poultr,, truck, fruit land, $350.00 each. as travels too: Louise Boren was in<br />

Mrs. John Owens at ~ogers\:llle, 310.. all long time. Reeve Nursery, Cot- quite a serious automobile accident on<br />

recently.<br />

tage Hill, Florida.<br />

Highway 65 in which her companlon,

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