The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1928 - Springfield-Greene ...

The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1928 - Springfield-Greene ...

The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1928 - Springfield-Greene ...


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Ilxrc~ltl Ilar returned from the West- vidcntally Carl is quitc a banjo artist son's officv, but his posltion was<br />

ern division and now holds the posi- and has promised to bring his banjo abolished April 1. and IIC displaced C.<br />

lion of instrunlentman in the division clown to thv office and give 'us a real I(. Hornung. Another change in the<br />

t'n~ir~t'cr's office at this point.<br />

treat soon.<br />

clerical force at east yard resulted in<br />

11. I,:. Drake, chief tic. and timber It won't trr long now. Dewey Bass the losing of Miss Elma Williams, who<br />

inspc'ctor of the <strong>Frisco</strong>, !)aid this of- was setan \vIiil)l)iug the air with his has been stenographer for Mr. Flill.<br />

f1iv :L short visit while on his way fly rod.<br />

assistant superintendent for the past<br />

to ;\lanstirltl, Arkansas, to nirct tlic tit, Nr. Ilonalrl Hrnxii, who 11;~s been thr 18 mol~tli*. JIiss Orna Ad:~ms displacm(~d<br />

I r:rln.<br />

aul.st of hliss Kathryn JI~;\Iatioll. iias<br />

-<br />

JIisx IVilliams, she having been tlisplircreturned<br />

to h~s hoke in Hartford. ed ;rs roiidmastcr's clerk by 15. 0. \Vest.<br />


JVe now have two reporters in the<br />

.John Pcndrrrrass. instrumentnlan.<br />

FT. SMITH, ARK.<br />

resigned on A~II:~~ 28, to ;lcc:ept a sir nil:^^: I)uilili~~~ with the ~rdrlition (.if Miss<br />

,\dams.<br />

position with the Cottori Reit ;it JIour~t<br />

l'lc*asanton. Texas. and H. V. Yerbv Thr bl'itigc men are rc~rewing the,<br />

I l:I.:NI.: \VOESTJIXS. Reporter h:rs been ;~ppointe& his xuwessor. bVb<br />

long bridge just west of the ylrrd<br />

arc all very glad to hare "Skwitch" office. <strong>The</strong> job will take about L'<br />

Mr. :in@ Airs. J. T. Baker of Mansfield. hack with us again.<br />

lnonths, und it is said that the walk<br />

;\rlc;~ns:rs. were 1)ainfully injured when Clarence Rollingcr has achieved his way wbich was formerly on the south<br />

their ;rutomobile turned over' while life time ambition. which was :recon- ridc of the bridge will bc: placrd on the<br />

t.nruute from JIansfield to I'ort Smith plished sevc*r;~i Suntlrrss ago at our lu- 11ort11 sltle.<br />

on the night of hlay 1". and were v:11 flying fleld, wheu 11c had his first<br />

-.<br />

i)ruuyrht to :L Fort Smith hospitnl f~)r airplane ridc.<br />

nirdical attention. :\t this wl'itinrr. Iiate \'og:.pl hiis a new niecc, who has TULSA FREIGHT OFFICE<br />

liotll 1):rrties have Itaft the hospital and l)csen named C!atherine Mane.<br />

ikrv w~th Mrs. Baker's sistrr in Bort<br />

TULSA, OKLA.<br />

Jlrs. Ed. ('randall and son. 1~:dward.<br />

Smith but are still under the doctor's .Jr.. are visiting relativc*~ at Cnl~e Cirvaru.<br />

Mr. Raker is engineer on the :rrdeau. Chnffec! and Sprin~tleld. \\'hil~.<br />

.\Iitnsfic.ld Hrancli, running betwee11 at Sl~ring-fleld Mrs. Crandnll will he thv<br />

1*'111.1 Smith and Mansfield.<br />

au(,st of her sistrr, Mrs. JI. W. .\her-<br />

Mr. J. U. 1leyl)urn i~.is rrt~~rned fror~~<br />

Herman Holen, assistant casl~ler, 11;rd<br />

nathy. Jlr. 2\l)ernatl~y wns for~~~vri)<br />

the 8r11nual Fuel Conrer~tio~~ in Chi- clivisior~ ;icc7ountxnt at Fort Smith.<br />

the idea a tonsil operation was sornccsaro.<br />

.. . which was held from JIuv 7 to Is'ranlc Trower. spccial ncrnt. has I.(.thing<br />

kids had done on their way homta<br />

11, inclusive. and reports a reln;u.lz- turned from the hospital in Sonthvr~~<br />

from school and anklccl on home; hut<br />

:~bln xttendancc at the niectings ;rnd Texas where he as heen Tor the past ask him now that he's had one. His<br />

OIIC uf the best. if not the hest. fuel sevcr;ll months. and reports that he is ol)inion is the same as Sherman's w;rs<br />

vonvention he ever attendad.<br />

freling :I little better. We trust he of war.<br />

This department extcnds sympathy will soon be strong anourh to return Gcorgc Kerns, demurrage clerk, is<br />

lo Mr.. and Mrs. Fred JIorlev in tllv to work.<br />

suflcring :L had burn on the hand from<br />

loss of their son Harry J~oriey, age 24 llrs. Sxi~nie Relar~cl is filling trm- frying I~r~!nch fried potatoes at his<br />

sears, who died May 17, after u ver) ~ ) o ~ v:rcanc..v ~ r y during the itbscnca ol' don~icilr.<br />

rhort jllness.<br />

Thc Tulsa warehouse bunch :irv<br />

Mr. ;rnd Mrs. I*'. C. Fry :rnd son, Genc. A m(setin6 of section forf~~nen :111d H. e i rour'ni~. Thuy lost tl~c! per!-<br />

1b1 Ibrt Smith. ~\rk.. and 311'. and JII-s. .Y- H. foremen was held at PayetteviIlV.<br />

('leal.?. was carrying :r short time :LEO,<br />

and tl!,. 1)ro;rtl grin. which the anxious<br />

I St. Charles Hotel I look turned into, was the r~~sult of JII..<br />


(!ie:rry hecoming :r "Grandpa" to twin<br />

boys. IIOI.I~ to Mr. (!1enryss daughter,<br />

E. G. GRAMLING, Owner and Proprieror Mrs. I.:. 31. \\ro~.le~~.<br />


BONDS<br />

American Plan<br />



I Southeast Missourian I<br />

I<br />


Has More Subscribers Than Any Other<br />

Daily Newspaper in a Missouri City<br />

Under 40.000<br />

.\ftcr sc~veral nlonths of watchin1<br />

waiting. we have Ford Iius sc.rvicv hetween<br />

I*::lst Yard and South Yard, via<br />

Cqitol Hill. This is a big help. rspecially<br />

in had weather, but it loolcs as<br />

though some of the boys will Iw de-<br />

1,rived of tl~cir t,xe~'oise now that they<br />

1,:11i rid(. both wi~ys to irnd from work.<br />

'rht, 1\vo drivers arc Socl Sllcrman and<br />

11. I\-. Henry.<br />

h groul, c~f rirst yirr~l rnil,loyes. with<br />

\.;~i,d e11:i11e 3,542 111 t)ic IIRCI

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