The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov

The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov

The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov


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for time, I linally lircd the depot, as well as a large outbuilding to the south, containing<br />

tents, and the various jjiles of tents, poles, etc., lying near together, with some half-<br />

dozen vacant wall and A tents that were jiitched close l)y.<br />

Moving now to the summit of the hill north of Strashurg, I found that my own<br />

command, as well as a jjortion of the First Vermont C avalry, a portion of (ieneral<br />

Hanks' body guard, and Hampton's battery, were cut off from the main body by the<br />

rebels. Infantry, cavalry and wagons were streaming back in wild confusion along the<br />

road and the fields on either side as far as the eye could reach. <strong>The</strong> battery having<br />

been at once ordered to the summit of the hill, I supported it with my cavalry, formed<br />

in line of l)attle in the (ield on either side. A few shell checked the small force of<br />

rebels who were jiressing on us from Middletown. After a hasty consultation Colonel<br />

Tompkins, Captain Hamilton, and myself decided to try and rejoin the main body by a<br />

mountain road on the west of the pike. Colonel Tompkins stating that he had a cap-<br />

tain who could guide us. Colonel Tompkins, forming the advance with a portion of<br />

his regiment, was to move out the cross road a jiiece and halt until the column should<br />

be formed, the battery and my own command following. I ordered forward companies<br />

A and F. to support the battery. I would earnestly call your attention to the fact that<br />

'I have not since seen Colonel Tompkins and his command, and to the critical<br />

situation in which I was placed by his desertion, as he took with him the only guide<br />

we had, the \'ermont cajitain. I have subse(|uently learned that Colonel Tompkins<br />

pushed on without the battery, and that cimipanies .A. and E, of my regiment, entered<br />

Winchester about I A. M. on Sunday with the battery. Captain Hampton and his two<br />

l)altery wagons remained with me. 1 halted a few minutes for Captain Hampton to<br />

bring u|) tiiese two battery wagons from the rear, and llien moved rapidly on, hut could<br />

not overtake the battery.<br />

Hefore moving 1 ordered Capt. Foster, of Ct)mpany M, to bring out of the village a<br />

loaded supply train of thirty-live wagons that remaineil there, which he did in the face<br />

of a large bt)dy of rebel cavalry who ajipeared to the south of the village. I also<br />

i)rought up a portion of (ieneral Hank's body guard, and some of the First <strong>Maine</strong>,<br />

I'irst Michigan, First Maryland, First Virginia, Tenth <strong>Maine</strong>, and Fifth Connecticut,<br />

some telegraph operators, one of the signal corps, etc., who had been cut off near<br />

Midilletown.<br />

Now, about five 1'. M., I moved forward as rapidly as the battery wagons allowed,<br />

and without halting, along rough roads i)arallel with the pike, making inijuiries at<br />

every step. Late in the evening we reached a grade running to Winchester and join-<br />

ing the Strasburg pike, say one and one half miles south of Winchester.<br />

At one time, just before reaching this grade, we heard the beating of the enemy's<br />

drums, and I ascertained that they were not more than three-tiuarters of a mile from<br />

us. About eleven miles from Winchester 1 came upon a road runnmg westerly again<br />

to I'ughtown, fourteen miles, easterly six miles to Newtown. Learning that the grade<br />

I was on entered the Winchester and Strasburg pike, and thinking I might be com-<br />

]>elled to take a more westerly road, I halted here, to be sure of a way of retreat, and<br />

throwing out j)ickets on the Newtown road, ordered forward Captain Hammond's company<br />

to reconnoiter as far as the pickets of (General Hanks', if possible, and send me<br />

report. While standing here signaling was going on from a height many miles in our<br />

rear for a long lime, and two rockets, possibly in reply, were sent up from near Win-<br />


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