The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov

The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov

The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov


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One night while we were at Camp Lawton, the Millen prison,<br />

we were called up by the rebels, to come right out, for a cartel<br />

of exchange had been effected for all prisoners that they could<br />

deliver at Fort Jackson, bciovv Savannah, before dark the next<br />

day, and if we hurried we would all get exchanged or paroled;<br />

that all they (the rebels) wanted, was to get rid of us at any<br />

price. Well, most of us swallowed that bait quick and rushed<br />

out and aboard their old leaky freight cars and were soon on<br />

the way to Savannah. It rained hard all day and we got thf)r-<br />

oughly drenched through, but we were packed like sardines in<br />

a box and were warm enough. Arrived at Savannah a little<br />

before sunset. <strong>The</strong> cars stopped, and a mounted guard formed<br />

each side of the cars. <strong>The</strong>y saluted us with expressions like<br />

these :<br />

" You'll be in your own lines in two hours, boys," " We've<br />

seen quite a number of you fellers off for home to-day, boys,"<br />

" We've just come up from Fort Jackson where we took a lot<br />

of your fellers down and saw them aboard one of your steamers."<br />

Well, didn't we feel good. I rather guess we did. It would be<br />

hard conveying to your mind how well we did feel. I doubt if<br />

a believer ever experienced more ecstatic joy when he knew he<br />

was about to be released from a bed of pain to enter the rest,<br />

peace and joy of heaven than we poor wretches experienced<br />

then. But why don't we start? What means this delay ? Time<br />

seemed long, we were so eager to go to God's country and see<br />

God's flag again, as many earnestly expressed it. An hour<br />

passed. <strong>The</strong> mounted guards were relieved by infantry, and a<br />

train of i)latforin cars ran alongside of us on another siding.<br />

By and by the guards called to us, " Every man get a stick<br />

of that cord wood and get on this train of flats." What did it<br />

mean? What did we want of that wood down at Fort Jackson?<br />

Some of the prisoners yelled " Another bull pen," " No exchange<br />

this time," " More rebel lies." Our hearts sunk like lead. All<br />

the bright virions of liberty were gone in an instant. Jiut hope<br />

that can " hang men on an archer's arrow though it drop deep<br />

poison " whispered to us that they must be having more trouble<br />

with the Yankee army than they would admit. May be we will

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