The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov

The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov

The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov


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Rockland and Her Ocean Outlook<br />

Vinalhaven & Rockland Steamboat Company.<br />


Between Vinalhaven and Rockland. Commencing Monday, April 2, <strong>1894</strong>, the<br />


Caff. Wm. R. CREED,<br />

Will leave Vinalhaven for Rockland, every week-day at 7 A. M. and 2 P. M. Return-<br />

ing, leave Rockland, (Tillson's Whaif,) for Vinalhaven, at 9.30 A. M. and 4 p. M.,<br />

landing at Hurricane Isle, each trip both ways.<br />

By taking the 9.30 A. M. boat the above service gives three hours at Vinalhaven<br />

or three and one-halt hours at Hurricane Island.<br />

W. S. WHITE, General Manager.<br />

Rockland and Friendship Line.<br />


Cait. I. E. ARCHIBALD,<br />

Will leave Tillson's Wharf at 7.30 A. M., weather permitting, on Mondays, Wednesdays<br />

and Saturdays, for High Island, Spruce Head, Tenant's Harbor, Clark Island,<br />

Port Clyde and Friendship.<br />

Returning, leave Friendship for above named landings and Rockland, connecting<br />

with boats to and from Boston.<br />

Round trip tickets from Friendship and Port Clyde to Rockland and return, $1.50<br />

Smgle tickets, 85c. From Tenant's Harbor to Rockland and return, ^i.oo; single<br />

tickets, 75c. .Spruce Head to Rockland and return, 75c; single tickets, 50c,<br />

Attention given to all orders and freight.<br />

Vinalhaven Steamboat Company.<br />


Weather permitting, will leave S.van's Island every week day at 6 a. m.; Green's<br />

Landing at 7.10 A. M.; Vinalhaven at 8.30 A. M.; arrive at Rockland about 9.45 \. M.<br />

Returning, will leave Rockland at 2 P. M.; Vinalhaven at 3.30 p. M.; Green's<br />

Landing at 5 p. M.; arrive at Swan's Island at 6 p. M.<br />

Connections: At Rockland wita 1.35 p. M. train of M. C R. R., arriving at Portland<br />

5.20 V. M. and Boston 9.30 p. M. same day; at Swan's Island with steamer Electa<br />

for Black Island. R,- R. Tickets sold at reluced rates to Portland and Boston from<br />

all landings. Round trip tickets between Rockland and Vinalhaven, 25c.<br />

H. P. JONES, Manager, Rockland.<br />

Bluehill & Ellswoth Steamboat Line.<br />

Consisting of the new and favorite<br />


OSCAR A. CROCKErr, Captain. RALPH H. CROCKETT, Captain.<br />

Leaving Rockland on arrival of steamers from Boston about 6 a. m. daily (except<br />

Monday) for Dark Harbor and Hewes Point* (Islesboro),Castine, Blake's Point, Little<br />

Deer Isle, Herrick's Landing,* Sargentville, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Brooklin, South<br />

Bluehill,* Parker's Point,* Bluehill, Surry and Ellsworth.<br />

Returning, leave Ellsworth at 7 A. m., Surry 7.45 A. M. daily (except Sunday),<br />

making the above named landings, arriving at Rockland about 5 p. m. in season to<br />

connect with steamers for Boston. Tickets sold on board. Baggage checked through.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se steamers connect at Cascine with steamer Welcome for West Brooksville and<br />

Penobscot daily. O. A. CROCKETT, Manager.<br />

""Flag landings.

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