The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov

The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov

The Maine bugle ... campaign; 1-5 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1898 - Maine.gov


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A EWE IN BATTLE. 229<br />

A Ride in Battle.<br />

ISY (Ol.. M. I. V. r.iiWMAN, I.ATE KIKSl' I.I Kf I liNAM AMI CuMMlSsAUV Isl MK. CAV.<br />

On Ihc afternoon of ihc third day of July, 1863, after nearly<br />

three days hard fiiihlinj^^ at Gettysbiir;^, the two great armies<br />

met in deadly conflict for victory or defeat. General Picket's<br />

terrible charge and (leneral Stuart's cavalry charge on our right<br />

Hank were nearly simultaneous. <strong>The</strong> rebel artillery all along their<br />

line of battle belched forth their challenge, while ours from<br />

Little Round Top down the line answered back with deafening<br />

roar. On came Picket across the wheat fiekl with his iiifaiitr)-.<br />

On came Stuart with his cavalry. I was with our regiment of<br />

cavalr)', with another sent out under command of Col. Smith to<br />

meet an advancing column of the enemy in the attack on the<br />

right flank. It was some fi>ur miles from where i'icket made<br />

his charge to where our cayahy was engaged with Stuart. I<br />

luul become greatly e.xcited, as doubtless the great majority of<br />

my comrades were on that eventful afternoon, and when the roar<br />

of cannon on our side seemetl to abate for a short time and the<br />

rebels poured in more furiously their shot and shell, I had such<br />

a desire to knt)W more of the battle that I started with my man<br />

Rogers for Little Round Top— I call him Comrade Rogers for<br />

in my mind now his name was Rogers— so many years have<br />

clapsetl since then that I really have forgotten his name—on we<br />

spurred our horses through field aiul woods, all the while close<br />

to the line of battle. On coming near the crest of the hill that<br />

extends from Little and Hig Round Top around to Wolf's hill, we<br />

went through an opening in the woods through which a country<br />

road passed, and as we came near the top of the hill we halted,<br />

and I said to Rogers, "When wc return \ye will go through that<br />

strip of woods at the right of us, for by so doing wc will save<br />

a mile's travel." y\s we reached the crest of the hill wc saw<br />

below us hundreds of men firing and falling back. I supposed

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