CHAPTER I-V - Digilib UIN Malang

CHAPTER I-V - Digilib UIN Malang

CHAPTER I-V - Digilib UIN Malang


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In the name of Alloh, I’d like to send my thanks to Alloh and my beloved prophet<br />

‘Mohammad’ that have given me a spirit and direction by a beautiful sign to do the right<br />

things in the right way.<br />

Thanks to Prof. Dr. H Imam Suprayogo, Prof. H. Mudjia Raharjo, M.Si, Drs. H.<br />

Chamzawi, M. Hi, Ibu Galuh Nur Rohmah and Pak In’am for being my best motivator<br />

during my study time at <strong>UIN</strong> <strong>Malang</strong>.<br />

Thanks to Ibu Mei as my beloved supervisor, one thing that I can say is I am<br />

proud of being your student, having interaction with you has inspired me about<br />

enthusiasm in running my life.<br />

Thanks to Dra. Syafiyah, MA and Rohmani Nur Indah, M. Pd, as the board<br />

of examiners who have given me some suggestions in conducting research.<br />

Thanks to The lecturers of English Letters and Language Department for being so<br />

kind and patient in teaching me the invaluable knowledge. Especially, for Yai Marzuki as<br />

my Tasawuf lecturer for his guidance and advices.<br />

My best father in the world, Abah Ahmad Zaini, and my mother, Ummi Zainatu<br />

Arifah, both of you have given me endless love and prayers.<br />

Thanks to my beloved husband, Mahrus Ali, for your support to me during the<br />

beautiful and the hard time studying in <strong>Malang</strong>. Your smile and your joke have given a<br />

colourful atmosphere during my study time. I am sure that your decision accompanying<br />

me has been made as the way to build ‘keluarga sakinah mawaddah wa rohmah’. Amin…<br />

Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank my family in Situbondo and<br />

Banyuwangi, unforgettable all my friends that I cannot write their name one by one here,<br />

for their love and support.<br />

<strong>Malang</strong>, July 27 th 2009<br />

The writer,<br />


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