Discontinuous Galerkin methods Lecture 3 - Brown University

Discontinuous Galerkin methods Lecture 3 - Brown University

Discontinuous Galerkin methods Lecture 3 - Brown University


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where To summarize ℓ =[ℓ1(r),...,ℓNp matters, we have local approximations of the form<br />

(r)]T and ˜ P (r) =[ ˜ P0(r),..., ˜ PN (r)] T . W<br />

ested in the particular solution, ℓ, which minimizes the Lebesque<br />

This highlights that it is the overall structure of the nodes rather than<br />

the details of the individual node position that is important; for example, one<br />

could optimize these nodal sets Npfor<br />

various applications. Np<br />

Lets summarize this<br />

<br />

u(r) uh(r) = ûn ˜ we recall Cramer’s rule for solving linear systems of equations<br />

Pn−1(r) = u(ri)ℓi(r), (3.3<br />

So we have the local approximations<br />

n=1<br />

To summarize matters, we have local approximations i=1 of the form<br />

ℓi(r) = Det[VT (:, 1), VT (:, 2), . . . , ˜ P (r), VT (:,i+ 1),...,VT (:<br />

Det(VT )<br />

where ξi = ri are the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points. A centr<br />

Np <br />

u(r) uh(r) = ûn ˜ Np <br />

component of this construction is thePn−1(r) Vandermonde = u(ri)ℓi(r), matrix, V, which (3.3) estab<br />

lishes the connections<br />

n=1<br />

i=1<br />

It suggests that it is reasonable to seek ξi such that the denomina<br />

where ξi = ri are the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points. A central<br />

component of this u = construction Vû, V is the Vandermonde matrix, V, which establishes<br />

the connections<br />

T ℓ(r) = ˜ P (r), Vij = ˜ determinant of V), is maximized.<br />

Pj(ri).<br />

For this one dimensional case, the solution to this problem is<br />

relatively simple form as the Np zeros of [151, 159]<br />

and are the Legendre Gauss Lobatto points:<br />

u = Vû, V T ℓ(r) = ˜ P (r), Vij = ˜ By carefully choosing the orthonormal Legendre basis,<br />

Pj(ri).<br />

˜ ri<br />

Pn(r), and the nod<br />

points, ri, we have ensured that V is a well-conditioned object and that th<br />

resulting interpolation zeros of is well behaved. A script for initializing V is given i<br />

Vandermonde1D.m.<br />

By carefully choosing the orthonormal Legendre basis, ˜ f(r) = (1 − r Pn(r), and the nodal<br />

points, ri, we have ensured that V is a well-conditioned object and that the<br />

resulting interpolation is well behaved. A script for initializing V is given in<br />

Vandermonde1D.m.<br />

2 ) ˜ P ′ N (r).<br />

These This areleads closely to a related robust toway theof normalized computing/evaluating<br />

Legendre polynomi<br />

known a high-order as the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto polynomial approximation. (LGL) quadrature points<br />

library routine JacobiGL.m in Appendix A, these nodes can be co<br />

but is it accurate ?<br />

>> [r] = JacobiGL(0,0,N);

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