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atmosphere. Always in storage a damp sponge should be placed with<br />

them.<br />

No wonder many believe the pearl both lives and dies. The<br />

chemical changes that insensibly take place in its constitution are<br />

appalling. It would seem, indeed, as if its body sickened, and its<br />

soul passed away. One can understand how more credulous generations<br />

believed that pearls brought tears. They do, in a sense, even<br />

to this hour.<br />

Yet the pearl was not always significant of ill-luck, as are<br />

shown by some lines of Browning, who ought to know, being a poet,<br />

the magic of a gem:<br />

A simple ring, with a single stone,<br />

To the vulgar eye, no stone of price ;<br />

Whisper the right word, that alone<br />

Forth starts a sprite, like fire from ice,<br />

And lo, you are lord (says an Eastern scroll)<br />

Of Heaven and earth, lord whole and sole,<br />

Through the power in a pearl!<br />

The pearl is the one jewel in history connected with sorrow.<br />

All else were coveted by the great majority less for their beauty<br />

than their benign mystical influences. But the pearl as the herald<br />

of woe was feared throughout the Middle Ages and down even to<br />

our time. The night before her husband's assassination the wife<br />

of Henry IV. of France dreamed her diamonds were turned to<br />

pearls. Three nights in succession before the battle of Flodden<br />

Field, which made her a widow, the wife of James IV. of Scotland<br />

dreamed of pearls. There are women to-day, foolish maybe, who<br />

are afraid to wear a pearl. One such says the day has never<br />

dawned when she could put one on without trouble closely follow-<br />

ing. Pearls spell tears.<br />

Though unmistakably the herald of sorrow, the pearl at the<br />

same time stands for purity and innocence, and is, therefore, appropriate<br />

for the young. It is the alternate natal stone for February<br />

and June. Some mothers give their daughters a pearl for each<br />

birthday, and finally string them into a strand which charms, de-<br />

spite its hint of accummulated misfortune. Yet, while pleasing to<br />

the girls and the jewelers, such may become an inconvenient witness<br />

to the flight of time, unless one is careful to lose a few, or<br />

ceases the collection suddenly.<br />

"The high value attached to the pearl by the ancient Hebrews is<br />

illustrated by a beautiful Rabbinical story in which only one object<br />

in nature is ranked above them," says that repository of rare knowl-<br />

edge, "The Book of the Pearl," from whose influence it is difficult<br />

to break away :<br />


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