The Bible now in all 11 official languages - Die Erdekruik / The Vessel

The Bible now in all 11 official languages - Die Erdekruik / The Vessel

The Bible now in all 11 official languages - Die Erdekruik / The Vessel


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DES / JAN 2013 Koop die tyd uit > p6 CWSA takes a stand > p6 Tips to stay safe this holiday > p8<br />

TYDLOSE NUUS DIE ERDEKRUIK cc 2003/054257/23 / THE VESSEL NEWSPAPER (Pty)Ltd 2002/016478/07 • Timeless news each month / Tydlose nuus elke<br />

maand Landswye verspreid<strong>in</strong>g / Nationwide distribution • ISSN 9771-818-444-805 • www.thevessel.co.za; editor@thevessel.co.za • Jaargang 15/03 • Uitgawe / Edition 171<br />

Posbus 18844, Pretoria Noord, 0<strong>11</strong>6 • Tel 012 567 6987; 082 785 7527; 082 859 7391 Faks 086 620 9097; 012 543 2535<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>now</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>all</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>official</strong> <strong>languages</strong><br />

Mims Turley<br />

<strong>The</strong> first-ever complete <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>in</strong> isiNdebele has recently been published.<br />

With the launch of this <strong>Bible</strong>, there will be a complete <strong>Bible</strong> available <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>all</strong> of South Africa’s eleven <strong>official</strong> <strong>languages</strong> for the first time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> launch recently took place at the Solomon Mahlangu Stadium<br />

<strong>in</strong> Kwa-Mhlanga. <strong>The</strong> event started with a <strong>Bible</strong> walk to the stadium<br />

where various choirs and music groups performed. Pastor Mary Mathibela<br />

preached and the well-k<strong>now</strong>n gospel s<strong>in</strong>ger Solly Mahlangu and his<br />

band, Obrigado, appeared as guest artists. Some church and community<br />

leaders, as well as government <strong>official</strong>s, also attended.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gospel of Mark, the first book of the <strong>Bible</strong> ever published <strong>in</strong><br />

isiNdebele, appeared <strong>in</strong> 1977. In 1986 the New Testament and a selection<br />

of the Psalms were published. After this, work came to a standstill<br />

and it was only <strong>in</strong> 2000 that the translation of the Old Testament and a<br />

comprehensive review of the New Testament began.<br />

Three translators, pastor David Mahlangu, pastor Peter Mabena and<br />

professor Andries Breytenbach, also the source-text expert and project<br />

leader, worked fulltime on this task. <strong>The</strong>y were supported by a review<br />

committee which met regularly to work through the text prepared by the<br />

translators and to make recommendations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> consignment of <strong>Bible</strong>s arrived <strong>in</strong> the country aboard the ship Vecchio<br />

Bridge <strong>in</strong> October. “This is a historic event for the <strong>Bible</strong> Society. One million<br />

isiNdebele speakers will <strong>now</strong> have access to a <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>in</strong> their own language for<br />

the very first time. Setswana was the first <strong>in</strong>digenous language to receive a <strong>Bible</strong><br />

155 years ago. Now, the last language group is receiv<strong>in</strong>g their own <strong>Bible</strong> and the<br />

complete <strong>Bible</strong> is available <strong>in</strong> <strong>all</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>official</strong> <strong>languages</strong> of our country,” says reverend<br />

Gerrit Kritz<strong>in</strong>ger, chief executive officer of the <strong>Bible</strong> Society.<br />

To celebrate this event, the <strong>Bible</strong> Society has announced that these <strong>Bible</strong>s<br />

will be sold at just R25 a copy until the end of December. This will put<br />

many speakers of this language <strong>in</strong> a position to obta<strong>in</strong> a <strong>Bible</strong> of their own.<br />

For the first time ever <strong>in</strong> the history of the <strong>Bible</strong> Society of South<br />

Africa, the digital <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>in</strong> various formats will be launched alongside<br />

the pr<strong>in</strong>ted version.<br />

It is <strong>now</strong> possible to download a free isiNdebele cellphone <strong>Bible</strong> from m.bibles.co.za.<br />

Read the <strong>Bible</strong> onl<strong>in</strong>e at www.bibles.co.za or buy an e-<strong>Bible</strong> for your e-reader through<br />

the <strong>Bible</strong> Society’s onl<strong>in</strong>e store at www.biblesociety.co.za.<br />

R6.00<br />

Photo: Matt Re<strong>in</strong>ers

2 THE VESSEL Timeless News<br />

December/January 2013<br />

Dis heerlik om te weet dat teen die tyd wat u hierdie uitgawe lees, u<br />

<strong>in</strong> <strong>all</strong>e waarskynlikheid met vakansie is. Ons vertrou dat die ander wat<br />

nie so gelukkig is, ook ’n mate van positiewe seisoensverander<strong>in</strong>g sal<br />

beleef om saam die nuwe jaar met hoop en geloof <strong>in</strong> te gaan.<br />

Hierdie is ons laaste uitgawe vir 2012, nr 171. Ons eer die Here vir Sy ge-<br />

nade dat ons vir 171 maande <strong>Die</strong> <strong>Erdekruik</strong> kon uitgee oor die lengte en<br />

breedte van SA met meer as 3,5 miljoen kopieë. Glo my: dis genade.<br />

Ek is dankbaar teenoor elke hart en hand wat hiertoe bygedra het.<br />

Hoe kan ’n mens jou dankbaarheid teenoor elkeen uitspreek? Ek glo<br />

die naaste wat ek hieraan sal kan kom is om <strong>in</strong> liefde te leef, die<br />

groot gebod, en só naby aan my Skepper en Sy kudde te leef.<br />

For this reason I have chosen ‘love’ as our new year’s resolution. Once<br />

we realise that we were created by God for His purpose, we will move<br />

<strong>in</strong>to a whole new dimension of liv<strong>in</strong>g. This has to change the way we<br />

th<strong>in</strong>k, act and live (2 Tim 1:9 KJV). “Who hath saved us, and c<strong>all</strong>ed us<br />

with a holy c<strong>all</strong><strong>in</strong>g, not accord<strong>in</strong>g to our works, but accord<strong>in</strong>g to His<br />

own purpose and grace, which was given us <strong>in</strong> Christ Jesus before the<br />

world began.” With the new year, most people simply desire change,<br />

but the truth is that we re<strong>all</strong>y need change.<br />

We cannot escape our natural and imperfect thoughts with each and<br />

every new year. So with 2013, almost every person will reth<strong>in</strong>k their lives<br />

and proclaim a change <strong>in</strong> lifestyle, or whatever change is needed for a<br />

better new year. But let us live, love!<br />

We serve an awesome and powerful lov<strong>in</strong>g God. <strong>The</strong>refore, we must<br />

<strong>all</strong>ow Him to reveal to us what areas <strong>in</strong> our lives need to change for His<br />

purposes. Change is a must if we want to experience 2013 as the year<br />

where<strong>in</strong> we want to become the overcomer, to enter the year of abun-<br />

dance with miracles and overflow<strong>in</strong>g bless<strong>in</strong>gs, but also to make it the<br />

year to love. Love God and your neighbour – what a change this could<br />

br<strong>in</strong>g if we could truly take this to heart. But who is our neighbour? Go<br />

meditate on this question for your holiday homework.<br />

May you enter 2013 through love, live it <strong>in</strong> love and end it with love.<br />

Geniet ons artikels, raak betrokke by ons, bid vir ons, en mag die liefde<br />

ons dr<strong>in</strong>g en dryf tot elkeen van ons ’n 2013-getuienis van liefde sal<br />

hê tot eer van Jesus Christus ons Verlosser.<br />

Trots op reis met die evangelie van Jesus Christus sedert 1998<br />

<strong>Die</strong> <strong>Erdekruik</strong> behou die reg voor om berigte na aanleid<strong>in</strong>g van beskikbare spasie te verkort en<br />

taalversorg<strong>in</strong>g te doen om sodoende te verseker dat artikels koerant-vriendelik voorkom. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Vessel</strong><br />

reserves the right to shorten and alter articles accord<strong>in</strong>g to l<strong>in</strong>guistic standards <strong>in</strong> order to render<br />

them newspaper-friendly. While every care has been taken to ensure the validity of the content of<br />

the articles and advertisements conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> this publication, the views expressed <strong>in</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Vessel</strong> are<br />

not necessarily reflected by the management of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Vessel</strong> Newspaper (Pty) Ltd.<br />

Uitgewers/Publishers:<br />

Tydlose Nuus <strong>Die</strong> <strong>Erdekruik</strong> cc.<br />

Reg. No. 2003/054257 23.<br />

Advertensies/Advertisements:<br />

Tydlose Nuus <strong>Die</strong> <strong>Erdekruik</strong> cc - Standard Bank,<br />

Mokopane-tak 05 2648; Tjekreken<strong>in</strong>g 031 2568 48<br />

Verspreid<strong>in</strong>g/Distribution:<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Vessel</strong> Newspaper (Pty) Ltd - Standard Bank,<br />

Mokopane 05 2648; Tjekreken<strong>in</strong>g 031 6940 47<br />

Manag<strong>in</strong>g Editor: Ciska de Beer<br />

Co-Editor / Layout: Matt Re<strong>in</strong>ers<br />

Market<strong>in</strong>g / Distribution: Maugie Viljoen<br />

Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Coach: Jannie van der Merwe<br />

F<strong>in</strong>ance (Tydlose Nuus): Corlia Dzirba<br />

F<strong>in</strong>ance (<strong>The</strong> <strong>Vessel</strong> Newspaper):<br />

D<strong>in</strong>a Cronje, Elsabe de Beer<br />

Gedruk deur Spektrum Drukkers, Pretoria<br />

ISSN 9971-818-444-805<br />

TYDLOSE NUUS DIE ERDEKRUIK cc 2003/054257/23 • THE VESSEL NEWSPAPER (PTY) LTD 2002/016478/07<br />

E-pos: editor@thevessel.co.za; design@thevessel.co.za Webtuiste: www.thevessel.co.za<br />

Posadres: Posbus 18844, Pretoria-Noord, 0<strong>11</strong>6 Tel: 012 567 6987; 082 785 7527; 082 859 7391<br />

Faks: 086 620 9097; 012 543 2535<br />


Best Afrikaans Gospel Album<br />

Ilse de Beer<br />

In Verwonder<strong>in</strong>g, the gospel<br />

album by Retief Burger, Louis<br />

Brittz, Helmut Meijer and Neil<br />

Buchner, recently received the<br />

award for Best Afrikaans Gospel<br />

Album at the 2012 SABC Crown<br />

Gospel Music Awards that took<br />

place <strong>in</strong> Durban.<br />

This yearly gala event took<br />

place for the fifth time <strong>in</strong> the Durban<br />

ICC, honour<strong>in</strong>g gospel music<br />

<strong>in</strong> 31 categories. It was for Merchant<br />

Music and their artists an<br />

exceptional privilege to be part<br />

of this event. Merchant Music<br />

proudly boasts with four nom<strong>in</strong>ations,<br />

<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g In Verwonder<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

Louis Brittz (Psalms 2), DuisLig<br />

and Cjay (Jesus Freak Yes I Am).<br />

XrossBeat Media dra getuienisse uit<br />

Eon de Bru<strong>in</strong><br />

XrossBeat Media is ’n groot<br />

ondersteuner van Christelike mu-<br />

siek, aangesien musiek so ’n sterk<br />

middel is om met mense te kan<br />

kommunikeer. As hulle die boodskap<br />

van Jesus Christus deur die<br />

universiële taal van musiek versprei,<br />

kan hul net soveel meer effektief<br />

werk vir ons Kon<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

XrossBeat Media v<strong>in</strong>d dat dit<br />

belangrik is om opkomende sangers<br />

te help en soveel moontlik<br />

blootstell<strong>in</strong>g te gee. Sodoende help<br />

Cjay also performed live at the<br />

awards even<strong>in</strong>g and he clearly had<br />

the crowd on their feet.<br />

In Verwonder<strong>in</strong>g is the <strong>in</strong>credible<br />

story of the journey that four<br />

musicians and a camera crew took<br />

to the beautiful town of Sutherland<br />

<strong>in</strong> the Karoo earlier this year. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

were look<strong>in</strong>g for answers about<br />

the <strong>in</strong>timate presence of God and<br />

discovered more than they could<br />

ever imag<strong>in</strong>e. <strong>The</strong>y wrote twelve<br />

God-<strong>in</strong>spired songs <strong>in</strong> three days.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is also an accompany<strong>in</strong>g<br />

documentary DVD available that<br />

captured this amaz<strong>in</strong>g journey.<br />

For more <strong>in</strong>formation or <strong>in</strong>terview<br />

queries, contact Ilse de Beer<br />

at ilse@merchantmusic.co.za or<br />

phone 0<strong>11</strong> 316 8002.<br />

hulle die sangers met<br />

hul sang bedien<strong>in</strong>ge,<br />

en die groei van God<br />

se Kon<strong>in</strong>gkryk.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> Getuienis<br />

projek is geloods<br />

om talent wat<br />

die publiek nog<br />

nooit van gehoor<br />

het nie bekend<br />

te stel. Getuienis Vol.1<br />

het sangers opgelewer soos Luandri,<br />

wat na Getuienis Vol.1 ‘n<br />

plate kontrak gekry het. Sy was vir<br />

Cross Roads launched<br />

Leani Jansen van Vuuren<br />

After a long wait of five years, fans of the<br />

top-sell<strong>in</strong>g book, <strong>The</strong> Shack, should be delighted.<br />

Wm Paul Young has just released his second<br />

fiction title c<strong>all</strong>ed Cross Roads. His debut book,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Shack, is an <strong>in</strong>ternational phenomenon<br />

with more than eighteen million copies <strong>in</strong><br />

pr<strong>in</strong>t. It spent 50 weeks at number one on the<br />

New York Times bestseller list and has been<br />

translated <strong>in</strong>to 41 <strong>languages</strong>.<br />

Now, his new book is released and promises to once aga<strong>in</strong> take readers<br />

on a wonderful creative journey that will stir imag<strong>in</strong>ations and hearts.<br />

“Because each human be<strong>in</strong>g is a story, we resonate with story,” said<br />

Young. “I am thrilled that Cross Roads has coalesced as another unique<br />

and deeply mov<strong>in</strong>g human story, complete with humor and suffer<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

beauty and brokenness, and grace fill<strong>in</strong>g up the spaces <strong>in</strong>-between.”<br />

In Cross Roads, Young tells the story of a driven man who f<strong>all</strong>s <strong>in</strong>to<br />

a coma and experiences relational entanglements that <strong>all</strong>ow him to<br />

revisit choices he made dur<strong>in</strong>g his life. In ICU after a cerebral hemorrhage,<br />

powerful bus<strong>in</strong>essman Anthony Spencer awakens to f<strong>in</strong>d him-<br />

self <strong>in</strong> a surreal world. Liter<strong>all</strong>y able to see through the eyes and experiences<br />

of others, he is faced with the consequences of his own choices.<br />

Will he have the courage to make a choice that can undo a major<br />

<strong>in</strong>justice he set <strong>in</strong> motion before f<strong>all</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to a coma?<br />

Cross Roads is also available <strong>in</strong> Afrikaans as Kruispad. Both books<br />

are available at www.struikchristianmedia.co.za and at lead<strong>in</strong>g retailers<br />

nationwide.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Vessel</strong>, together with Struik Christian Media is giv<strong>in</strong>g away three Afrikaans,<br />

and three English copies of Cross Roads. Simply e-mail your name and<br />

postal address to editor@thevessel.co.za with ‘Cross Roads Competition’ <strong>in</strong><br />

the subject field. Alternatively, SMS your name and address to 082 785 7527.<br />

13 weke op die Kruiskyk Top10<br />

ranglys, en het ook <strong>in</strong> dié tydperk<br />

nommer een gehaal.<br />

Sy het op televisie<br />

programme verskyn<br />

soos DKNT Gospel,<br />

Infrarooi en IMPAK.<br />

Nog ’n sukses verhaal<br />

van Getuienis<br />

Vol.1 is RisenEvermore.<br />

Hulle het <strong>in</strong> November<br />

hul debuut album<br />

Beauty for Ashes<br />

vrygestel. Maar meer<br />

as dit, gaan een van hul liedjies<br />

ook nou gebruik word <strong>in</strong> die Afri-<br />

kaanse Christelike film ‘Hartsbegeertes’<br />

wat volgende jaar na die<br />

land se filmteaters gaan.<br />

XrossBeat Media het onlangs<br />

Getuienis Vol.2 vrygestel en bevat<br />

tien Afrikaanse Gospelsangers<br />

wat nog nie ’n plate kontrak het<br />

nie, maar wat wel die talent het<br />

om ’n groot impak te maak en hul<br />

getuienis met die land te deel.<br />

Stuur gerus ’n epos aan xrossbeat@gmail.com<br />

met ‘<strong>Die</strong> <strong>Erdekruik</strong><br />

CD kompetisie’ as boodskap onderwerp,<br />

saam met jou naam en posadres,<br />

om ’n kans te staan om een<br />

van vyf CDs te wen.

Desember/Januarie 2013 DIE ERDEKRUIK Tydlose Nuus<br />


Kerkleiers bid saam<br />

Dirkie van der Spuy<br />

Love Pretoria East (LPE) is ’n<br />

forum wat oor die afgelope aantal<br />

jare die geestelike leiers <strong>in</strong> die<br />

ooste van Pretoria byeenbr<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

’n Gemiddeld van ongeveer 120<br />

leiers woon die sewe byeenkomste<br />

elke jaar by en verteenwoordig<br />

’n wye spektrum van verskillende<br />

kerke en denom<strong>in</strong>asies. <strong>Die</strong> gereelde<br />

samekoms van kerkleiers<br />

bly iets baie merkwaardig en t<strong>all</strong>e<br />

van die sprekers het bevestig dat<br />

dit ’n wonderwerk van die Gees<br />

is dat soveel leiers en verskillende<br />

kerke saamkom en saamwerk.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> vyand probeer meestal dat<br />

Fulfill<strong>in</strong>g vows<br />

Os Hillman<br />

When you make a vow to God,<br />

do not delay <strong>in</strong> fulfill<strong>in</strong>g it. He has<br />

no pleasure <strong>in</strong> fools; fulfil your<br />

vow. (Ecclesiastes 5:4). Have<br />

you ever had a bus<strong>in</strong>ess relationship<br />

with someone who made a<br />

commitment but later said, “Well,<br />

th<strong>in</strong>gs have changed, so I cannot<br />

honour our orig<strong>in</strong>al agreement.”<br />

Sometimes this may be the case,<br />

but often it is simply an opportunity<br />

to avoid fulfill<strong>in</strong>g an agreement.<br />

God is big on fulfill<strong>in</strong>g<br />

vows. God’s nature is righteousness<br />

and truth. You will always see<br />

God honour His Word. He expects<br />

the same of His people.<br />

God says there are consequences<br />

when we do not fulfil<br />

our vows. Subsequent Scripture<br />

verses reveal the follow<strong>in</strong>g: It is<br />

better not to vow than to make a<br />

vow and not fulfil it. Do not let<br />

your mouth lead you <strong>in</strong>to s<strong>in</strong>. And<br />

kerkleiers mekaar wantrou en<br />

selfs vyandig teenoor mekaar<br />

staan.<br />

LPE glo dat die Here ’n spesiale<br />

plan vir ons stad het en dat<br />

Hy wonderlike beloftes gegee het<br />

vir leiers wat <strong>in</strong> eenheid saambid.<br />

Leraars word geestelik opgebou<br />

en versterk terwyl wonderlike<br />

verhoud<strong>in</strong>ge gebou en netwerke<br />

<strong>in</strong>formeel gevestig word. God se<br />

begeerte vir Pretoria is dat hier<br />

vrede, geregtigheid en liefde sal<br />

wees en dat hier gelukkige naasbestaan<br />

sal heers.<br />

Van die onderwerpe wat hierdie<br />

jaar hanteer is was: <strong>Die</strong> persoonlike<br />

welstand van die leier.<br />

do not protest to the temple messenger,<br />

“My vow was a mistake.”<br />

Why should God be angry with<br />

what you say and destroy the work<br />

of your hands? Much dream<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and many words are mean<strong>in</strong>gless.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore stand <strong>in</strong> awe of God?<br />

(Ecclesiastes 5:5-7).<br />

God tells us that He will destroy<br />

the work of our hands for<br />

failure to fulfil vows. That’s pretty<br />

strong language. It gives us an <strong>in</strong>dication<br />

of how important fulfill<strong>in</strong>g<br />

vows are to God. He will not<br />

prosper our work if there are unfulfilled<br />

vows <strong>in</strong> our lives.<br />

Are there any unfulfilled vows<br />

<strong>in</strong> your life that may be h<strong>in</strong>der<strong>in</strong>g<br />

your projects? Vows show up <strong>in</strong><br />

many areas of our lives: marriages,<br />

bus<strong>in</strong>esses and personal friendships.<br />

Unfulfilled vows <strong>in</strong> these<br />

could be the reason your work may<br />

be h<strong>in</strong>dered. Ask God if there are<br />

any unfulfilled vows <strong>in</strong> your life.<br />

If so, beg<strong>in</strong> today to make them<br />

right so that you may be successful<br />

<strong>in</strong> whatever God c<strong>all</strong>s you to do.<br />

Hoe groei ’n gemeente se f<strong>in</strong>ansies?<br />

<strong>Die</strong> hanter<strong>in</strong>g van konflik<br />

<strong>in</strong> die kerk en kerkpolitiek. Eenheid<br />

<strong>in</strong> die kerk, asook die <strong>in</strong>br<strong>in</strong>g<br />

van die oes. Rick Joyner van Morn<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Star USA, Dr Corne Bekker<br />

van Regent Universiteit, Tony<br />

Palmer van <strong>The</strong> Ark Community<br />

<strong>in</strong> Italië, en pastoor Andre Olivier<br />

van Rivers Church <strong>in</strong> Sandton<br />

was van die sprekers wat opgetree<br />

het. Elke byeenkoms was vooraf<br />

gegaan met lofprys<strong>in</strong>g en aanbidd<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

’n ware ontmoet<strong>in</strong>g met die<br />

lewende God. Mag die <strong>in</strong>vloed<br />

van Love Pretoria East steeds<br />

wyer uitkr<strong>in</strong>g en ons stad al meer<br />

’n stad van God word.<br />

Om <strong>in</strong> aanrak<strong>in</strong>g te kom met<br />

Love Pretoria East, stuur ’n epos<br />

aan <strong>in</strong>fo@lpe.org.za.<br />


Jaco Mostert<br />

Wie is die Heilige Gees?<br />

Jani Cloete<br />

“God is Gees en die wat Hom<br />

aanbid, moet Hom <strong>in</strong> gees en <strong>in</strong><br />

waarheid aanbid.” (Joh 4:24) Ons<br />

hoor so dikwels tydens aanbidd<strong>in</strong>gsfokus<br />

geleenthede van die<br />

Heilige Gees, maar wie is Hy<br />

werklik en waar pas Hy <strong>in</strong> ons<br />

moderne gejaagde lewens <strong>in</strong>? Pastoor<br />

Th<strong>in</strong>us en Retha Pretorius se<br />

Godgegewe opdrag handel spesifiek<br />

oor dié onderwerp.<br />

Th<strong>in</strong>us het vir ’n groot gedeelte<br />

van sy lewe meegemaak sonder<br />

kennis en die teenwoordigheid<br />

<strong>The</strong> sun sets on the last Rendezvous event of 2012<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Vessel</strong> / <strong>Die</strong> <strong>Erdekruik</strong> offici<strong>all</strong>y<br />

drew the curta<strong>in</strong> on 2012<br />

when the last Rendezvous event<br />

of the year took place at the end<br />

of November at Mielé G<strong>all</strong>ery <strong>in</strong><br />

Brooklyn. With guest speakers<br />

Lynette Beer and Myan Subrayan<br />

enterta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the audience with<br />

their humorous approach, the sun<br />

set on an eventful year for <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Vessel</strong> / <strong>Die</strong> <strong>Erdekruik</strong>.<br />

A thick slice of fun was served<br />

when Lynette Beer shared an <strong>in</strong>sightful<br />

look at how to identify<br />

and react to four of society’s ma<strong>in</strong><br />

personalities. Her clever and highly<br />

energetic performance left the<br />

audience roll<strong>in</strong>g on the ground<br />

with laughter.<br />

Similarly, Myan Subrayan left<br />

the audience with a chuckle when<br />

he shared the title of his latest<br />

book: ’n Boer maak ’n plan,<br />

van die Heilige Gees, totdat die<br />

Here ’n sterk profetiese woord vir<br />

hulle gestuur het <strong>in</strong> 2009. <strong>Die</strong> dag<br />

toe hulle georden is <strong>in</strong> die bedien<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

was die woord wat oor hulle<br />

uitgespreek is dat hulle deur die<br />

land en wêreld sal gaan en die<br />

Here se hart vir Sy volk sal leer.<br />

In Mei dié jaar het hulle weer<br />

<strong>in</strong> Mauritius bedien oor genes<strong>in</strong>g<br />

en die werk<strong>in</strong>ge van die Heilige<br />

Gees, en daar ervaar hulle dat<br />

hulle kampe moet beg<strong>in</strong> waar daar<br />

oor die funksie en krag van die<br />

Heilige Gees bedien word.<br />

“Ons doel met die kampe is<br />

maar jy het ‘n Indiër nodig om<br />

dit te verkoop. Dur<strong>in</strong>g the event<br />

Subrayan talked about his experiences<br />

as sports writer and his<br />

unconventional love for the Afrikaans<br />

language.<br />

While members of the audi-<br />

ence sipped on a selection of<br />

quality coffees, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Vessel</strong> editor<br />

Ciska de Beer praised the Lord for<br />

her readers, her staff and the opportunity<br />

that the newspaper has<br />

to serve <strong>in</strong> the K<strong>in</strong>gdom of God.<br />

om die waarheid oor die werk<strong>in</strong>g<br />

van die Heilige Gees te verkondig<br />

en mense te help om <strong>in</strong> ’n hegte<br />

verhoud<strong>in</strong>g met die Heilige Gees<br />

te leef.” vertel Th<strong>in</strong>us. Hulle beplan<br />

om die kampe landswyd<br />

op ’n kwarta<strong>all</strong>ikse basis aan te<br />

bied, waarvan die eerste kamp by<br />

Bergsig Tabernakel buite Pretoria<br />

e<strong>in</strong>de Februarie 2013 sal wees.<br />

“Ons glo dat die waarheid oor<br />

die Heilige Gees mense gaan vrymaak<br />

en hulle op ’n oorw<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gspad<br />

gaan neem tot eer van ons<br />

Kon<strong>in</strong>g. Almal is welkom en daar<br />

is geen beperkte ouderdomsgroep<br />

nie.” verduidelik Retha.<br />

Vir meer besonderhede oor<br />

Hananel M<strong>in</strong>istries of die Heilige<br />

Gees Bedien<strong>in</strong>gskamp, sien die<br />

advertensie hieronder.<br />

“This year was an <strong>in</strong>credible<br />

year for the newspaper and we<br />

have made so many new friends.<br />

At the end of the year I can truly<br />

say that <strong>The</strong> <strong>Vessel</strong> is stronger<br />

due to the fact that people, young<br />

and old have made the newspaper<br />

their own. <strong>The</strong>re are a lot of new<br />

faces who form part of the family<br />

<strong>now</strong>,” says De Beer.<br />

Contact Ciska to arrange a<br />

speak<strong>in</strong>g opportunity for Lynette<br />

and Myan <strong>in</strong> the new year.<br />


4 THE VESSEL Timeless News<br />

December/January 2013<br />


How adoption has changed us<br />

Marc Dewrance<br />

We are still fairly new adoptive<br />

parents. Our eldest is almost three<br />

years old and has been liv<strong>in</strong>g with<br />

us from five months old, although<br />

we first met him at three weeks old.<br />

Our process of go<strong>in</strong>g through<br />

the Department of Social Development<br />

was arduous, which probably<br />

started the process of change<br />

<strong>in</strong> me. Experienc<strong>in</strong>g the gross <strong>in</strong>competence<br />

of social workers and<br />

the absolute lack of support from<br />

superiors and the department <strong>in</strong><br />

general, has made me <strong>in</strong>credibly<br />

sad for the hope of the millions<br />

of orphans <strong>in</strong> SA. <strong>The</strong> sheer lack<br />

of attention to detail <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dividual<br />

cases is extraord<strong>in</strong>ary when one<br />

considers that it’s a human be<strong>in</strong>g’s<br />

life at stake.<br />

We chose to go through the<br />

Department, and not an adoption<br />

agency or private social worker.<br />

So much of one’s frustration can<br />

be avoided if one rather uses<br />

either of these channels.<br />

In terms of our son and how he<br />

has changed us, it’s hard to quantify<br />

it <strong>in</strong> words. Hav<strong>in</strong>g spoken<br />

about adoption as a couple from<br />

the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of our marriage I felt<br />

that we would be the ones help<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a young life and do<strong>in</strong>g society a<br />

service. I have realised that we are<br />

the ones who have been blessed<br />

and helped by this young life.<br />

Some feel that we are sa<strong>in</strong>tly for<br />

do<strong>in</strong>g what we have done. Yet the<br />

idea that an adopted child is harder<br />

to love and requires more effort<br />

from adoptive parents is ridiculous.<br />

<strong>The</strong> opposite is <strong>in</strong> fact true.<br />

He has blessed us with his life, his<br />

smile and his joy. When my wife<br />

was pregnant with our second son<br />

our concern was: would we love<br />

him as much as our eldest? Needless<br />

to say that God, as a lov<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Father, supplies us the grace and<br />

love we need to love both our<br />

boys with <strong>all</strong> our hearts. <strong>The</strong> gift<br />

of pa-renthood <strong>in</strong> any way shape or<br />

form is an amaz<strong>in</strong>g privilege.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ch<strong>all</strong>enges of <strong>in</strong>ter-racial<br />

adoption have shown me aspects<br />

of my character which I had<br />

thought were dead and buried. As a<br />

recover<strong>in</strong>g racist I have felt tw<strong>in</strong>ges<br />

of prejudice ris<strong>in</strong>g up <strong>in</strong> me<br />

when people pass comments about<br />

our son. To deal with this is sometimes<br />

pa<strong>in</strong>ful and frustrat<strong>in</strong>g. Experienc<strong>in</strong>g<br />

racist remarks and tendencies<br />

from many black people<br />

have come as quite a shock to us as<br />

it was rather unexpected. Perhaps<br />

this stems out of my wrong and<br />

selfish feel<strong>in</strong>gs of do<strong>in</strong>g ‘them’ a<br />

favour? Adoption has ch<strong>all</strong>enged,<br />

stretched and grown me. Above <strong>all</strong><br />

that we have learnt, is our m<strong>in</strong>ute<br />

by m<strong>in</strong>ute rem<strong>in</strong>der of what God<br />

has done through His Son. He has<br />

adopted us as His children.<br />

We want a <strong>Bible</strong> with an Old and New Testament<br />

Hadassah Dannhauser<br />

“God has been so faithful <strong>in</strong> our<br />

lives. He has saved and restored<br />

us. Today, we are also very blessed<br />

to have a m<strong>in</strong>istry for reconciliation<br />

between Jew and Gentile,”<br />

says Manfred Nochomowitz, a<br />

Messianic Jew.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> vision of our m<strong>in</strong>istry,<br />

Emet M<strong>in</strong>istries, is to m<strong>in</strong>ister the<br />

Werp jou brood op die water<br />

Michellé Burger<br />

Prediker <strong>11</strong>:1 sê: “Werp jou<br />

brood op die water, want na verloop<br />

van dae sal jy dit v<strong>in</strong>d.” Soms<br />

is dit moeilik vir ’n mens om afskeid<br />

te neem van jou geld en besitt<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

en om dan die geloof te hê<br />

en te vertrou dat dit wel veelvou-<br />

dig na jou toe sal terugkom.<br />

Omaru, ’n matriekseun uit een<br />

van Abraham Kriel K<strong>in</strong>dersorg se<br />

satelliethuise, kan hiervan getuig.<br />

“Omaru is ’n ster” spog sy huisma.<br />

Omaru het e<strong>in</strong>de November<br />

klaargemaak met matriek. Behal-<br />

Woord van hoop vir geestelike werkers<br />

Eckard Briedenhann<br />

In 2003 het die Here my geroep<br />

as ’n herder-leraar na Israel.<br />

Toe niks dadelik realiseer nie het<br />

ek daarvan vergeet, en vir die volgende<br />

sewe jaar ’n Dissipelskapskursus<br />

<strong>in</strong> die Hebreeuse taal- en<br />

leefwêreld ontwikkel en aangebied.<br />

In daardie tyd het ek beg<strong>in</strong><br />

om as voltydse geestelike werker<br />

f<strong>in</strong>ansieël van mense afhanklik te<br />

raak. In die w<strong>in</strong>tervakansie van<br />

2010 het die Here my gewaarsku<br />

om dit nie te doen nie en na Hom<br />

truth of the Gospel to the Jewish<br />

people, and the truth of the Jewish<br />

people and Israel to the church,”<br />

he says.<br />

Manfred, who was a practis<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Orthodox Jew, and his wife,<br />

Isit, a gentile, both became born<br />

aga<strong>in</strong>. He gave his heart to Jesus at<br />

a <strong>Bible</strong> study held by a Messianic<br />

Jew, where his sole purpose for<br />

attend<strong>in</strong>g was to refute the claims<br />

we vir die feit dat hy so geseënd<br />

was om werk vir volgende jaar te<br />

kry, was die res van sy sake, soos<br />

verblyf en etes nog onseker.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> huis waar hy gewoon het, se<br />

gemeente het ’n kers-emmer projek<br />

waar ’n omgee-groep by die<br />

kerk geld <strong>in</strong>samel om mense wat<br />

swaarkry se Kersfeestyd ’n bietjie<br />

op te kikker. Volgens die organiseerder<br />

van die projek was Omaru<br />

die eerste een wat geld vir die projek<br />

bygedra het en ’n R100-noot<br />

<strong>in</strong> die emmer gesit – sy hele maand<br />

se sakgeld. “Vir die arm mense,”<br />

het hy gesê. So werp Omaru toe<br />

sy brood op die water.<br />

<strong>all</strong>een te kyk vir voorsien<strong>in</strong>g. Aan<br />

die beg<strong>in</strong> van 20<strong>11</strong> toe die kursus<br />

ten e<strong>in</strong>de geloop het, het die<br />

Here weer my roep<strong>in</strong>g na Israel<br />

bevestig. Ons was egter nog <strong>in</strong> ’n<br />

voorbereid<strong>in</strong>gstyd.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> voorbereid<strong>in</strong>g het verskillende<br />

vorme aangeneem, maar<br />

deel daarvan was dat ons, ons<br />

water en ligte reken<strong>in</strong>ge nie<br />

meer kon betaal nie. Teen die<br />

agtergrond van die munisipaliteit<br />

se dreigemente dat hulle ons<br />

krag sou afsny het ek die Here<br />

se aangesig gesoek en ervaar dat<br />

that Jesus is our Saviour and the<br />

Messiah of the Jews. However,<br />

when he opened his mouth to argue<br />

with Lawrence, he heard him-<br />

self say that he wanted to give his<br />

life to Jesus. Soon afterwards, Isit<br />

also gave her heart to the Lord.<br />

With his characteristic tw<strong>in</strong>kle<br />

<strong>in</strong> the eye, he remembers how<br />

naive they were. “We wanted to<br />

buy a <strong>Bible</strong>. When the lady <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Omaru het vroeër die jaar al<br />

werk vir volgende jaar gekry. <strong>Die</strong><br />

maatskappy het gereël dat Omaru<br />

op kursusse sal gaan om meer te<br />

leer oor dié spesifieke bedryf.<br />

Omaru se huisma het by die<br />

huiskomitee-vergader<strong>in</strong>g gevra<br />

vir ’n ou fiets vir Omaru om mee<br />

werk toe te ry. “Want ’n fiets kos<br />

m<strong>in</strong>, en ’n taxi kos geld,” meen<br />

sy. Kort daarna bel iemand om<br />

te sê Omaru moet sy fiets kom<br />

haal, ’n spl<strong>in</strong>ternuwe een, sowat<br />

R8 000 werd, en so beg<strong>in</strong> die seën<strong>in</strong>ge.<br />

Pastoor Clay van die Baptiste<br />

kerk het vir hom ’n tweedehandse<br />

skootrekenaar, asook ’n klawer-<br />

Hy sê ek moes dit los, Hy wou<br />

verhoud<strong>in</strong>g bou met ons. So was<br />

ons krag dan vroeg <strong>in</strong> Desember<br />

20<strong>11</strong> afgesny terwyl ons op ’n vier<br />

weke lange ‘opleid<strong>in</strong>gsvakansie’<br />

was <strong>in</strong> Mosselbaai, waar ons letterlik<br />

die laaste oggend van ons<br />

verblyf nie geld gehad het om<br />

elders te gaan bly of terug te ry<br />

Pretoria toe nie.<br />

Ons het Januarie teruggekeer<br />

na ’n huis sonder krag en al die<br />

ongerief wat dit meebr<strong>in</strong>g, maar<br />

het werklik ook die Vader se bonatuurlike<br />

werk<strong>in</strong>g gesien: Daar<br />

was bonatuurlike vrede en vreugde<br />

<strong>in</strong> ons harte, en skielik was daar<br />

bookshop asked us which <strong>Bible</strong><br />

we wanted, we were tot<strong>all</strong>y taken<br />

aback. To us, a <strong>Bible</strong> was a <strong>Bible</strong>.<br />

After a bit of thought, however, I<br />

told her quite confidently that we<br />

wanted a <strong>Bible</strong> with an Old and a<br />

New Testament.”<br />

“We both love the Lord with <strong>all</strong><br />

our heart and our greatest passion<br />

is to see Jews and gentiles accept<br />

Jesus as their Lord and Saviour,”<br />

says Manfred.<br />

To contact Manfred at Emet<br />

M<strong>in</strong>istries, c<strong>all</strong> 082 571 6653.<br />

bord gegee waarop hy <strong>in</strong> die kerk<br />

speel. Toe hy hoor dat Omaru<br />

blyplek benodig vir volgende jaar,<br />

stel hy die nuutgeboude woonstel<br />

langs sy kerk vir hom beskikbaar.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> gemeente gaan ook sorg vir<br />

<strong>all</strong>es wat Omaru sal benodig.<br />

“God’s people look after God’s<br />

people,” sê pastoor Clay.<br />

“Gee my 100 Omaru’s en ek sal<br />

vir hulle sorg. Net ’n groot bus ook<br />

asseblief,” grap sy huisma. Abraham<br />

Kriel K<strong>in</strong>dersorg weet dat<br />

Omaru ’n sukses sal maak van<br />

sy lewe vorentoe. Al sy gebede is<br />

verhoor.<br />

Werp jou brood op die water<br />

en jy sal dit veelvoudig terugkry.<br />

R3 000 na R4 000 per maand om<br />

die agterst<strong>all</strong>ige reken<strong>in</strong>g te betaal,<br />

die kragopwekker twee ure lank<br />

<strong>in</strong> die aand aan die gang te hou,<br />

gas te koop, en die normale water<br />

en sanitasie te betaal. Toe ons nie<br />

geld gehad het nie, het God vir ons<br />

’n boom <strong>in</strong> die straat laat omwaai<br />

om op te saag vir brandhout vir<br />

kosmaak, en die kragopwekker<br />

bonatuurlik drie ure lank laat hardloop<br />

sodat ons die gras kon sny op<br />

net tien m<strong>in</strong>ute se petrol.<br />

Vir meer <strong>in</strong>ligt<strong>in</strong>g, besoek<br />

www.bges<strong>in</strong>.com, epos bges<strong>in</strong>@<br />

telkomsa.net of skakel 072 496<br />


Desember/Januarie 2013 DIE ERDEKRUIK Tydlose Nuus<br />


Top vrywillige werkers word vereer<br />

<strong>The</strong> great granddaughter of<br />

Smith Wigglesworth recently<br />

blessed audiences <strong>in</strong> Gauteng<br />

when she spoke at a women’s m<strong>in</strong>istry<br />

event. Lillian de F<strong>in</strong>, pastor<br />

at ACTS Christian Church <strong>in</strong> Midrand<br />

spoke at a K<strong>in</strong>g’s Daughters<br />

of Excellence event at Lewende<br />

Woord’s Brummeria campus<br />

about ‘God, our Helper’.<br />

About her great grandfather,<br />

Smith Wigglesworth, who was<br />

often referred to as ‘the Apostle<br />

of Faith’ and one of the pioneers of<br />

the Pentecostal revival a century<br />

ago, De F<strong>in</strong> speaks with great admiration<br />

for the rich heritage he<br />

has left her and her family. Like<br />

him, she has answered the c<strong>all</strong> of<br />

the Lord on her life. “We are liv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong> days where Father God is<br />

reveal<strong>in</strong>g Himself to His church<br />

like never before,” says De F<strong>in</strong>.<br />

Dur<strong>in</strong>g her message she po<strong>in</strong>t-<br />

ed out that God is our Helper. She<br />

referred to 1 Samuel 7:12 where<br />

Samuel set a stone between Mizpah<br />

and Shen and c<strong>all</strong>ed it Eben<br />

Ezer, say<strong>in</strong>g “Thus far the Lord has<br />

helped us.” To illustrate the message<br />

she handed out white stones<br />

to the audience. “Just like these<br />

rocks, we are <strong>all</strong> different shapes<br />

and sizes, but we are unified under<br />

the name of Jesus,” De F<strong>in</strong> said.<br />

She po<strong>in</strong>ted out that if it has<br />

not worked out for you, it means<br />

that it is not the end. De F<strong>in</strong> further<br />

encouraged the audience and<br />

prayed for breakthrough for them.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Lord is our helper. I believe<br />

that 2013 will be a year where<br />

God will come through <strong>in</strong> miraculous<br />

ways, <strong>in</strong> signs and wonders,”<br />

said De F<strong>in</strong>. She rem<strong>in</strong>ds<br />

us that we serve a God who does<br />

extra-ord<strong>in</strong>ary th<strong>in</strong>gs for ord<strong>in</strong>ary<br />

people like me and you. “It is time<br />

for change,” she said.<br />


Korrespondent<br />

aangekondig. Hulle versorg, huisves<br />

en gee berad<strong>in</strong>g aan meer as<br />

Correspondent<br />

<strong>Die</strong> Centurion Vrywillige vyftig mense <strong>in</strong> nood. Hulle werk<br />

Werkers van die Jaar is onlangs nou saam met die SAPD, Netcare<br />

tydens ’n toppresteerderfunksie 9<strong>11</strong> en die Christelike Maatskap-<br />

van ATKV Centurion, bekendlike Raad. Hulle word as vrywilgemaak.lige<br />

traumaberaders uitgeroep na<br />

<strong>Die</strong> kriteria is dat nom<strong>in</strong>ante <strong>in</strong> ongelukke en misdaadtonele.<br />

Centurion woonagtig moet wees, In die kultuurwerk afdel<strong>in</strong>g is<br />

vrywillige werk b<strong>in</strong>ne die grense Johanna van Biljon, voorsitter van<br />

van Centurion verrig moet word en die VLU-tak Eldoraigne, die wen-<br />

die vrywillige werker geen betalner. Sy gee leid<strong>in</strong>g en ondersteu<strong>in</strong>g<br />

ontvang vir hierdie werk nie. n<strong>in</strong>g aan lede ter voorbereid<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Sakkie Kotze, voorsitter van van hul deelname aan uitst<strong>all</strong><strong>in</strong>gs,<br />

ATKV Centurion het vrywillige kompetisies en so meer. Johanna<br />

werkers vir hul onbaatsugtige is vanjaar ook genom<strong>in</strong>eer as die<br />

diens aan die gemeenskap bedank VLU Vonkelvrou van die Jaar.<br />

en die wenners aangekondig. Philip de Kock is kommando-<br />

In die gemeenskapsbeveilig<strong>in</strong>g<br />

afdel<strong>in</strong>g was Krisjan Korf<br />

die wenner. Hy is sedert 2008 lid<br />

en tans voorsitter van Lyttelton<br />

Misdaadaksie en hy ry ook self<br />

patrollie. Hy is voorsitter van ’n<br />

leier van Sesmylspruitkommando<br />

en is <strong>in</strong> die jeugwerk afdel<strong>in</strong>g<br />

die wenner. Hy beplan, organiseer<br />

en bied verskeie kommandoaktiwiteite<br />

<strong>in</strong> samewerk<strong>in</strong>g met<br />

die kommandobestuur aan. Phil-<br />

Lillian de F<strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ister<strong>in</strong>g to members of K<strong>in</strong>g’s Daughters of Excellence<br />


Now is time for change<br />

Jaco Mostert<br />

d<strong>in</strong>amiese span wat omgee en ip is al 42 jaar by die Voortrek-<br />

<strong>in</strong> samewerk<strong>in</strong>g met die SAPD, kers betrokke en gee <strong>in</strong>diensopwaak<br />

oor die dag-en-nag veilig- leid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Centurion en wyer<br />

heid van <strong>in</strong>woners.<br />

prov<strong>in</strong>siale vlak aan volwassenes<br />

Walter en <strong>The</strong>resa Stander wat wil help met Voortrekkerak-<br />

is as wenners van welsynswerk tiwiteite.<br />

Sakkie Kotze saam met die Centurion Vrywillige Werkers van die Jaar<br />

Money Buddies a band of brothers<br />

As a leader <strong>in</strong> the marketplace,<br />

Steve Petzer, founder of Money<br />

Buddies, has long been an advocate<br />

of the ‘band of brothers’ or<br />

buddy system. Buddies can help<br />

one get through the often difficult<br />

ch<strong>all</strong>enges that life throws at us<br />

and are only good buddies when<br />

they truly help carry one ano-<br />

ther’s burdens.<br />

This form of car<strong>in</strong>g relationships<br />

is what Steve c<strong>all</strong>s covenant<br />

relationships. Although one will<br />

person<strong>all</strong>y benefit from such a relationship,<br />

it is never re<strong>all</strong>y about<br />

what you can get out of it. It is,<br />

however <strong>all</strong> about what you put<br />

<strong>in</strong>to it. To Money Buddies, giv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

is a precondition to receiv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and if one learns to be a true giver<br />

then one will without doubt also<br />

become a receiver.<br />

Money Buddies is a forum of<br />

likem<strong>in</strong>ded people who wish to<br />

work together mak<strong>in</strong>g life good<br />

for <strong>all</strong>. <strong>The</strong>y do this by promot<strong>in</strong>g<br />

covenant relationships. At<br />

Money Buddies they are committed<br />

to cultivat<strong>in</strong>g a generation<br />

of givers, start<strong>in</strong>g by giv<strong>in</strong>g from<br />

themselves, then from what they<br />

do and lastly also from what they<br />

have, they endeavour to make life<br />

good for <strong>all</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Money Buddies namesake<br />

Extract from: Dest<strong>in</strong>ed to reign (Joseph Pr<strong>in</strong>ce)<br />

simply refers to their focus on<br />

one’s <strong>in</strong>dividual pursuit of f<strong>in</strong>ancial<br />

freedom. <strong>The</strong>y empower one<br />

another through close collaboration<br />

with k<strong>now</strong>ledge, understand<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and wisdom specific<strong>all</strong>y aimed<br />

at creat<strong>in</strong>g, protect<strong>in</strong>g and grow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

wealth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Money Buddies motto,<br />

‘Mak<strong>in</strong>g life work,’ is deeply root-<br />

ed <strong>in</strong> an attitude encourag<strong>in</strong>g <strong>all</strong><br />

of us to put people first. <strong>The</strong>y promote<br />

servant leadership, mentorship,<br />

purpose driven lives, family<br />

wellbe<strong>in</strong>g, emotional wellness,<br />

education, bus<strong>in</strong>ess development,<br />

and personal character development<br />

as a prerequisite for f<strong>in</strong>ancial<br />

wellbe<strong>in</strong>g. <strong>The</strong>ir reason<strong>in</strong>g is that<br />

because they can only give from<br />

what they are or what they have,<br />

and these are the th<strong>in</strong>gs that makes<br />

them to strive for abundance.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are physical, f<strong>in</strong>ancial<br />

and psychological reasons to jo<strong>in</strong><br />

Money Buddies, but shouldn’t be<br />

the decid<strong>in</strong>g factor. <strong>The</strong>y’re not offer<strong>in</strong>g<br />

get rich quick solutions, but<br />

<strong>in</strong>stead ask for a commitment to<br />

mak<strong>in</strong>g a difference. Don’t focus<br />

on what’s lack<strong>in</strong>g, but rather look<br />

at what you are and what you do<br />

have, and to make that work.<br />

For more <strong>in</strong>formation on Money<br />

Buddies, contact Steve Petzer<br />

at 071 394 1889 or mail steve@<br />

ezihold.co.za.<br />

Look at Jesus and you will live<br />

Don’t look at yourself, your afflictions or your disease. Stop be<strong>in</strong>g<br />

preoccupied with yourself and your self-efforts and disqualify<strong>in</strong>g yourself.<br />

Start be<strong>in</strong>g occupied with Jesus and His f<strong>in</strong>ished work. Beg<strong>in</strong> to<br />

search the Scriptures for <strong>all</strong> the th<strong>in</strong>gs concern<strong>in</strong>g Himself and feel your<br />

heart burn<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong> you as the Holy Spirit unveils to you just how<br />

beautiful He is. You have a wonderful Saviour. Look away from your<br />

own wounds and hurts, and look to Jesus, who will save you.<br />


6 THE VESSEL Timeless News<br />

December/January 2013<br />

Koop die tyd uit<br />

Pieter Labuschagne<br />

Net waar ’n mens kom hoor<br />

jy “Hierdie jaar het darem v<strong>in</strong>nig<br />

gevlieg!” Dit is egter ’n uitdrukk<strong>in</strong>g<br />

wat ek van my k<strong>in</strong>dsdae af<br />

aan die e<strong>in</strong>de van elke jaar gehoor<br />

het. <strong>Die</strong> gevoel dat die tyd v<strong>in</strong>niger<br />

verbygaan hang af van hoe besig<br />

of hoe ledig elke persoon is; “Ek<br />

wens dit is al die e<strong>in</strong>de van die jaar<br />

dat ek net kan rus”; “Ek wens ek<br />

is al mondig dat ek my eie baas<br />

kan wees”, en so wens baie mense<br />

hulle hele lewe om sonder om veel<br />

te bereik.<br />

Niemand kan tyd aanjaag nie.<br />

Daar is vandag steeds dertig sekondes<br />

<strong>in</strong> elke m<strong>in</strong>uut en sestig<br />

m<strong>in</strong>ute <strong>in</strong> elke uur. <strong>Die</strong> horlosies<br />

loop nie v<strong>in</strong>niger nie. <strong>Die</strong> son neem<br />

nog net soveel tyd om op te kom<br />

en te sak.<br />

Een d<strong>in</strong>g is wel seker: Tyd gaan<br />

verby. Vandag se tyd behoort more<br />

aan gister en is vir ewig verby.<br />

Móre se tyd lê nog voor en mag<br />

nooit vir jou aanbreek nie. Dus,<br />

wat bly oor? Vandag. Nou. Hierdie<br />

oomblik. <strong>Die</strong> Bybel sê “koop die<br />

tyd uit”. Daar kom ’n dag dat ons<br />

gaan ontvang volgens wat ons met<br />

die tyd tot ons beskikk<strong>in</strong>g op die<br />

aarde gedoen het.<br />

2 Kor. 5:10 is ’n teks wat my<br />

vir baie jare onrustig en selfs bang<br />

gemaak het. Ek kon nie verstaan<br />

hoe hierdie teks pas by die genadeboodskap<br />

wat ons verkondig nie.<br />

Toe het ek ’n wedergebore Griek<br />

ontmoet. Hy ken die ou klassieke<br />

Grieks, die huistaal-Grieks en die<br />

Grieks waar<strong>in</strong> die Nuwe Testament<br />

geskryf is. Na sy verduidelik<strong>in</strong>g<br />

het dié teks vir my een van<br />

die mooiste tekste <strong>in</strong> die Bybel geword.<br />

Volgens verskillende Afrikaanse<br />

vertal<strong>in</strong>gs het die betekenis<br />

van dié twee woorde ‘regterstoel’<br />

en ‘oordeel’ vir ons onder die verkeerde<br />

<strong>in</strong>druk gebr<strong>in</strong>g. Paulus het<br />

dikwels wanneer hy vir die Grieke<br />

geskryf het, die atleet en die soldaat<br />

as voorbeelde gebruik. Hy<br />

het voorbeelde gebruik waarvan<br />

hulle die betekenis goed verstaan<br />

het. <strong>Die</strong> woord ‘regterstoel’ verwys<br />

nie na ’n regbank waarop ’n<br />

regter sit om te oordeel nie. Hierdie<br />

woord beteken ‘podium, rostrum’<br />

en verwys na die ‘platform’ of die<br />

verhoog waarop die wenners verskyn<br />

nadat hulle deelgeneem het<br />

aan hulle verskillende nommers.<br />

Ons het dit weer tydens die pas afgelope<br />

Olimpiese en Paralimpiese<br />

spele gesien. Ons het gesien hoedat<br />

die verskillende medaljes aan<br />

die atlete, naamlik goud, silwer en<br />

brons oorhandig was afhangende<br />

van hulle prestasie. Dit is na hierdie<br />

gebeurtenis wat Paulus verwys<br />

wanneer hy sê dat ons almal voor<br />

die regterstoel van Christus sal<br />

verskyn om te ontvang volgens<br />

wat ons op die aarde gedoen het.<br />

“Want die dag wanneer Christus<br />

al die mense sal oordeel, moet<br />

elkeen van ons voor Hom verskyn.<br />

Hy sal kyk wat elkeen gedoen het<br />

terwyl hy op die aarde geleef het -<br />

of dit goed was of sleg, en dan<br />

besluit watter belon<strong>in</strong>g Hy hom<br />

sal gee” (<strong>Die</strong> Lewende Bybel).<br />

K<strong>in</strong>gdom marriage: C<strong>all</strong><strong>in</strong>g and purpose vs. your wife<br />

Regular contributor<br />

Herman Bouwer<br />

Barefoot Trebuchet<br />

082 739 6537<br />

Adam did not recognize that he<br />

needed someth<strong>in</strong>g - God did. This<br />

void <strong>in</strong> Adam could not be filled<br />

with any other creation. When God<br />

presented Eve to Adam we see that<br />

Adam’s joy was fulfilled. Adam’s<br />

house was <strong>now</strong> surrounded by<br />

grace, beauty, love, health and<br />

prosperity.<br />

Eve was created to help Adam<br />

<strong>in</strong> the garden. One must identify<br />

one’s c<strong>all</strong><strong>in</strong>g before marriage.<br />

This is f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g your garden. God<br />

gave Adam a job, a mandate and<br />

a purpose before he gave him his<br />

wife. Your reason for marriage<br />

must be to advance God’s k<strong>in</strong>gdom<br />

and <strong>in</strong> that purpose you are safe.<br />

He who works his land will have<br />

an abundance of food. One’s wife<br />

is the best qualified person to help<br />

her husband <strong>in</strong> his c<strong>all</strong>.<br />

Your wife’s purpose is to help<br />

and support you <strong>in</strong> your K<strong>in</strong>gdom<br />

purpose. If you do not k<strong>now</strong> your<br />

purpose and are not work<strong>in</strong>g towards<br />

fulfill<strong>in</strong>g your c<strong>all</strong><strong>in</strong>g and<br />

purpose, you are wast<strong>in</strong>g the gift<br />

of what God has given to you <strong>in</strong><br />

the form of your wife.<br />

We see this clearly <strong>in</strong> 1 Peter<br />

3:7. <strong>The</strong> wife is the weaker vessel.<br />

She is not lesser than you as the<br />

man. She’s not your maid, your<br />

servant or sex object. Honour her<br />

as you would someone who is<br />

stronger than you. Your wife is<br />

your helpmeet.<br />

We often need a stronger person<br />

to help us. <strong>The</strong> word weak-<br />

In 1Kor<strong>in</strong>teers 3 skryf Paulus<br />

weer van goud, silwer en kosbare<br />

stene wat as loon ontvang gaan<br />

word, volgens wat ons op die fondament<br />

Jesus Christus gebou het.<br />

Om net te d<strong>in</strong>k dat daar ’n dag<br />

gaan kom dat ons op die podium<br />

gaan staan, en Christus Jesus vir<br />

ons gaan dankie sê volgens wat<br />

ons vir Hom gedoen het. As iemand<br />

geen loon ontvang nie, sal<br />

hy skade ly, alhoewel hy gered sal<br />

word, maar soos deur vuur heen -<br />

dít is genade. Wat die loon ookal<br />

gaan wees maak nie saak nie, net<br />

die wete dat Jesus Christus my<br />

eendags gaan dankie sê is vir my<br />

voldoende.<br />

Is dit nie genoeg aanspor<strong>in</strong>g<br />

om die tyd uit te koop nie? Volgens<br />

die Bybel is ons besig met<br />

goud, silver en kosbare stene, of<br />

hout, hooi en stoppels.<br />

Moenie jou tyd verkwis deur<br />

met hout, hooi en stoppels besig te<br />

bly nie. Koop die tyd uit en gaan<br />

vir goud.<br />

Pastoor Pieter Labuschagne<br />

kan by pastorpieter@lofpark.<br />

co.za gekontak word.<br />

er refers to one hav<strong>in</strong>g lesser<br />

strength. <strong>The</strong>refore it’s natural to<br />

see the Olympics for women and<br />

men as separate events. Do not<br />

th<strong>in</strong>k of her as weaker but give<br />

honour to her as you would treat<br />

someone you th<strong>in</strong>k is weaker.<br />

Show her respect and honour<br />

by open<strong>in</strong>g the door for her, carry<br />

the heavy bags, and lift heavy<br />

objects for her. Don’t boast of<br />

your physical strength to her,<br />

like punch<strong>in</strong>g the w<strong>all</strong> or punch<strong>in</strong>g<br />

her. She deserves your respect<br />

and honour. Remember that she<br />

conta<strong>in</strong>s the completion of your<br />

dest<strong>in</strong>y and purpose.<br />

’n Kanaal gefokus om die Evangelie<br />

van Christus te verkondig deur boodskappe,<br />

sang en musiek, aanbidd<strong>in</strong>g<br />

en ler<strong>in</strong>ge. Met ’n verskeidenheid van<br />

dienste, jeug- en k<strong>in</strong>derprogramme<br />

bied Kruiskyk ook paneelbesprek<strong>in</strong>gs,<br />

aktuele en kosprogramme asook vars<br />

nuwe Afrikaanse musiek. Kruiskyk<br />

saai uit 7 dae ’n week, 24 uur per dag<br />

op die ‘Free-to-Air’ netwerk, deur ’n<br />

dekodeerder aan te skaf of selfs deur<br />

verstell<strong>in</strong>gs op u DSTV<br />

CWSA wil cont<strong>in</strong>ue to<br />

look after <strong>all</strong> children<br />

Jessica Choga<br />

Child Welfare South Africa<br />

(CWSA)’s message dur<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

16 Days of Activism of Non-Violence<br />

aga<strong>in</strong>st women and children<br />

was that safe families protect children.<br />

Follow<strong>in</strong>g the theme ‘no excuse<br />

for abuse’, this campaign’s<br />

goal is to create a greater aware-<br />

ness of the negative impact of<br />

violence on children and also to<br />

equip <strong>in</strong>dividuals to assist <strong>in</strong> the<br />

fight aga<strong>in</strong>st domestic violence.<br />

Children are often the silent<br />

witnesses and victims of domestic<br />

violence and it impacts on<br />

how they develop emotion<strong>all</strong>y,<br />

soci<strong>all</strong>y, behaviour<strong>all</strong>y as well as<br />

cognitively.<br />

To raise awareness on the effects<br />

of domestic violence on children,<br />

CWSA will be conduct<strong>in</strong>g<br />

presentations to companies and<br />

organisations who would like to<br />

educate their staff on the Domestic<br />

Violence Act and the Child<br />

Protection Act.<br />

CWSA’s general assembly,<br />

their highest decision mak<strong>in</strong>g<br />

body, has raised serious concerns<br />

to the Broad Based Black Economic<br />

Empowerment (BBBEE)<br />

proposed amendments which were<br />

gazetted by the DTI on 5 October<br />

2012. <strong>The</strong> major objections to<br />

some of the proposed amendments<br />

refer to the legislation that states<br />

that the full value of socio economic<br />

development contributions<br />

made to beneficiaries is recognisable<br />

if at least 100% of the value<br />

directly benefits black people.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>in</strong>ference is that donors<br />

would only be able to get BBBEE<br />

po<strong>in</strong>ts if they make donations to<br />

organisations that only benefit<br />

black people.<br />

Based on this, the CWSA General<br />

Assembly have taken the follow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

stand: <strong>The</strong>y wish to re<strong>in</strong>force<br />

their commitment to respond<br />

to the needs of children irrespective<br />

of race, colour or creed and<br />

rejects to any proposed changes to<br />

the BBBEE codes, regard<strong>in</strong>g fund<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and donations made <strong>in</strong> terms<br />

of these proposals.<br />

<strong>The</strong> DTI is mak<strong>in</strong>g an assumption<br />

that only black and coloured<br />

children are <strong>in</strong> need of the services<br />

and protection offered and supplied<br />

by CWSA and its affiliates<br />

and this is a tot<strong>all</strong>y un<strong>in</strong>formed assumption<br />

as nation<strong>all</strong>y, <strong>in</strong> excess<br />

of 95% of the children serviced and<br />

supported by the association and<br />

its affiliates are African, Indian and<br />

coloured.<br />

CWSA and its affiliates are<br />

proud of this record and believe<br />

that it should not be scored with<br />

the proposed BBBEE Codes proposals.<br />

<strong>The</strong> primary focus for the<br />

scor<strong>in</strong>g of BEE po<strong>in</strong>ts for bus<strong>in</strong>ess<br />

<strong>in</strong> socio-economic development<br />

on <strong>in</strong>come generat<strong>in</strong>g charities,<br />

whilst laudable, does not help<br />

many child welfare organisations<br />

whose core function is child protection.<br />

CWSA is hopeful that the<br />

DTI takes note of these concerns <strong>in</strong><br />

ensur<strong>in</strong>g that <strong>all</strong> children, regardless<br />

of colour are protected and<br />

cared for.<br />

For more <strong>in</strong>formation on Child<br />

Welfare South Africa, visit www.<br />


Desember/Januarie 2013 DIE ERDEKRUIK Tydlose Nuus<br />

Terugvoer van Eksderde<br />

kamp met Gretha Wiid<br />

Danielle Louw<br />

Ek is een van die 225 tieners<br />

wat onlangs geraak is deur een<br />

van Gretha Wiid se geestelike<br />

Hoërskoolkampe wat tussen 28<br />

en 30 November plaasgev<strong>in</strong>d het,<br />

te Eksderde kampterre<strong>in</strong> net buite<br />

Pretoria.<br />

Ek glo ek praat namens baie<br />

as ek sê dat dit nie net ’n gewone<br />

kamp was nie, maar ’n lewensveranderende<br />

ervar<strong>in</strong>g: iets wat<br />

niemand ooit by jou kan weg-<br />

Skoliere help by Kotish<strong>in</strong>g skool<br />

Danielle Louw<br />

Twaalf vrywillige skoliere het<br />

onlangs ’n welsynsprojek aangepak<br />

by Kotisih<strong>in</strong>g Primary School,<br />

net buite Polokwane.<br />

Dié fl<strong>in</strong>k span het die dag<br />

deurgebr<strong>in</strong>g om vir die k<strong>in</strong>ders<br />

van hierdie skool nuwe speletjies<br />

te leer, hulle sportbykomstighede<br />

aan te skaf, bome aan te plant,<br />

buitebande te verf, asook hulle<br />

neem nie.<br />

Gretha het die tieners op haar<br />

humoristiese manier toegespreek<br />

oor verhoud<strong>in</strong>gs, wat baie van<br />

ons se oë laat oopgaan het oor die<br />

feit dat die keuses wat ons nou<br />

maak, ons gaan be<strong>in</strong>vloed die<br />

dag wanneer ons besluit om die<br />

knoop deur te haak. Ek het op hier-<br />

die kamp baie goeie vriende <strong>in</strong> Jesus<br />

gemaak met wie ek vir altyd<br />

kontak sal behou. <strong>Die</strong> d<strong>in</strong>ge wat ek<br />

by Gretha geleer het sal ek beslis<br />

koester vir die res van my lewe.<br />

speelgrond met nuwe speletjies<br />

aan te vul. Hierdie was nie net ’n<br />

saad wat hul <strong>in</strong> die lewe van die<br />

leerders en onderwysers se lewens<br />

geplant het nie, maar <strong>in</strong> elkeen van<br />

hul eie lewens ook.<br />

Mens besef nie altyd hoe bevoorreg<br />

mens e<strong>in</strong>tlik is nie, dis<br />

’n gawe om te kan gee. Realiteit<br />

skop <strong>in</strong> wanneer daar wel gekyk<br />

word na mense wat werklik niks<br />

het nie.<br />


Wat ’n fenom<strong>in</strong>ale jaar<br />

Jan Curt<strong>in</strong><br />

Liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> hol<strong>in</strong>ess<br />

Regular contributor<br />

Shirley Woolley<br />

Ignite the Fire M<strong>in</strong>istries<br />

082 895 9885<br />

Hol<strong>in</strong>ess is not a set of rules and<br />

regulations. It is simply follow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Christ. Jesus is our example and His<br />

hol<strong>in</strong>ess was <strong>in</strong>ward. It does not help<br />

to clean the outside of the cup and<br />

dish, while the <strong>in</strong>side is dirty, full of<br />

2012. Ek d<strong>in</strong>k ons almal het<br />

hierdie jaar <strong>in</strong>geloop met ’n magdom<br />

vrae. Gaan dit so goed wees<br />

soos wat ons hoop? Is dit die jaar<br />

wat my skip gaan <strong>in</strong>kom? Mag<br />

dit die jaar wees wat drome met<br />

realiteit vervang word?<br />

My persoonlike begeerte en<br />

dié van ons gemeente <strong>in</strong> Polokwane<br />

was eenvoudig: Ons wil<br />

die Woord <strong>in</strong> werk<strong>in</strong>g sien. Ons<br />

<strong>in</strong>spirasie uit Mattheus 22 is om<br />

die Here lief te hê met ons hele<br />

hart, om ons naastes so lief te hê<br />

soos onsself, om dissipels van<br />

<strong>all</strong>e nasies te maak en om hulle te<br />

doop, sowel as om mense te leer<br />

en om die kon<strong>in</strong>kryk van God<br />

te preek. Hierdie skrifte het deel<br />

van ons droom, passie en manier<br />

van leef beg<strong>in</strong> word.<br />

Dit was asemrowend om ons<br />

gemeente te sien lief hê en omgee<br />

- nie net vir mekaar nie, maar vir<br />

ons stad. Mense wat kospakkies<br />

aflaai by behoeftiges; ander wat<br />

beg<strong>in</strong> het om skoolgeld vir k<strong>in</strong>-<br />

evil and wickedness (Luke <strong>11</strong>:39).<br />

Jesus is the forerunner (Heb.<br />

6:20), who ran the same race that<br />

we have to run. But hol<strong>in</strong>ess for a<br />

human be<strong>in</strong>g, can come through<br />

temptation. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> says “Consider<br />

it <strong>all</strong> joy when you encounter<br />

various temptations” (James 1:2).<br />

You see that God wants you to become<br />

holy, and isn’t it so amaz<strong>in</strong>g<br />

that the scriptures say we must go<br />

through a test<strong>in</strong>g to become holy?<br />

ders te betaal wie se ouers dit nie<br />

meer kan bekostig nie. My vrou<br />

het my eendag aan die huil gehad<br />

toe ons by ’n verkeerslig stop en<br />

sy dadelik als moontlik eetbaar<br />

gryp om die k<strong>in</strong>ders wat by die<br />

hoek staan te kon voed. Sonder<br />

dat ek hiervan geweet het, was<br />

dit volgens my sewe-jarige dogter,<br />

’n standaard gebruik wanneer<br />

sy en mamma daar verby ry.<br />

So kan ek een storie op die<br />

ander vertel van mense wat die<br />

liefde van God deelagtig geword<br />

het, wat die stappe van geloof<br />

en liefde beg<strong>in</strong> neem het om<br />

hul naaste en God hierdeur te<br />

beg<strong>in</strong> lief kry. As deel van Jesus<br />

se opdrag, was ons so bevoor-<br />

reg om mense na Jesus te kon lei.<br />

Daar is niks op hierdie aarde so<br />

mooi soos ’n lewe wat draai na<br />

Jesus se genade deur die Woord<br />

van God nie net te hoor nie, maar<br />

ook ten volle te beg<strong>in</strong> leef.<br />

Saam met al die wonderlike<br />

d<strong>in</strong>ge wat die jaar gebeur het,<br />

was die fisiese genes<strong>in</strong>gs vir my<br />

Obedience is the key. Praise God<br />

for the power of the Holy Spirit. <strong>The</strong><br />

disciples were filled with the Holy<br />

Spirit on the day of Pentecost. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

received the power to do the works<br />

of obedience that Jesus did. We cannot<br />

overcome s<strong>in</strong> without the po-<br />

wer of the Holy Spirit. <strong>The</strong>re is a<br />

way that Jesus opened for us and it<br />

is c<strong>all</strong>ed “the new and liv<strong>in</strong>g way.”<br />

(Hebrews 10:19-20). We have confidence<br />

to enter <strong>in</strong> <strong>now</strong> because<br />

Jesus rent the veil. We do not have<br />

to rent the veil, but we have to follow<br />

Him <strong>in</strong> the way of the rent veil.<br />

hoogtepunte.<br />

Ek was besig om <strong>in</strong> ’n gemeente<br />

<strong>in</strong> Oudtshoorn te bedien<br />

waar ons ’n jeugfees gehad het.<br />

Tydens die tweede aand van die<br />

vyf dag fees, het ek beleef hoe<br />

die Heilige Gees ons daag om<br />

Hom te vertrou vir die bo-<br />

natuurlike. Om dit <strong>all</strong>es te<br />

kroon, het Hy ons gevra om die<br />

tieners toe te laat om mekaar te<br />

bedien vir genes<strong>in</strong>g (meeste van<br />

die tieners was nie gelowiges nie).<br />

Ons het die stap van geloof ge-<br />

neem en hulle gevra om mekaar<br />

te bedien, en hoe wonderlik toe<br />

ons die getuienisse sien en hoor<br />

van hoe God deur tienerhande genes<strong>in</strong>g<br />

van liggame bewerkstellig<br />

het. Getuienisse het <strong>in</strong>gesluit krom<br />

rue wat reguit trek, sowel as pyn<br />

wat dadelik verdwyn het.<br />

Hierdie jaar het vir my een baie<br />

spesiale les geleer: God is groter as<br />

wat ek d<strong>in</strong>k, en tot meer <strong>in</strong> staat as<br />

wat ek ooit kon glo. Ek wil u graag<br />

uitdaag met hoop op die res van<br />

die jaar en veral 2013. Verwag<br />

groot, waag groot, beleef groot.<br />

Kontak Jan Curt<strong>in</strong> by Agape<br />

Gemeente by 082 821 1401.<br />

<strong>The</strong> flesh has to be put to death by<br />

the way of the cross. Dy<strong>in</strong>g to the<br />

flesh and its lusts is the only way<br />

for the pure and the holy life of<br />

Jesus to be manifested <strong>in</strong> our body<br />

(2 Cor. 4:10).<br />

Let us purify our hearts from <strong>all</strong><br />

s<strong>in</strong> and deceit as it is only those pure<br />

of heart who will see the Lord.<br />

“Who may climb the mounta<strong>in</strong><br />

of the Lord? Who may stand <strong>in</strong><br />

His holy place? Only those whose<br />

hands and hearts are pure, who<br />

do not worship idols and never tell<br />

lies.” Psalm 24:3-4.<br />

Liv<strong>in</strong>g holy before<br />

our Father<br />

Extract from: Spirit Filled <strong>Bible</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong>refore gird up the lo<strong>in</strong>s of<br />

your m<strong>in</strong>d, be sober, and rest your<br />

hope fully upon the grace that is to<br />

be brought to you at the revelation<br />

of Jesus Christ, as obedient children,<br />

not conform<strong>in</strong>g yourselves to<br />

the former lusts, as <strong>in</strong> your ignorance;<br />

but as He who c<strong>all</strong>ed you is<br />

holy, you also be holy <strong>in</strong> <strong>all</strong> your<br />

conduct, because it is written “Be<br />

holy, for I am holy.” 1 Pet 1:13-16<br />

Understand that the Holy Spirit<br />

makes you holy, set apart by the<br />

blood of Jesus.<br />

Understand that God has made<br />

you holy, even as He is holy so<br />

that you can live a holy life by His<br />

grace and the power of His Spirit,<br />

who lives <strong>in</strong> you.<br />

Live <strong>in</strong> Hol<strong>in</strong>ess, honor<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

Lord. Remember that your life was<br />

bought with Jesus blood. Seek to<br />

be honest, s<strong>in</strong>cere and pure <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>all</strong> relationships, thirst for God’s<br />

Word. Apply it to your life so you<br />

will grow.<br />


8 THE VESSEL Timeless News<br />

December/January 2013<br />

GEORGE<br />

Vuurvliegieprojek verjaar<br />

Juanita van Wyk<br />

<strong>Die</strong> Vuurvliegieprojek het<br />

onlangs hulle sesde verjaarsdag<br />

gevier en ook die jaar op ’n baie<br />

hoë noot afgesluit. <strong>Die</strong> projek het <strong>in</strong><br />

November 2006 ontstaan toe daar<br />

geskenkies uitgedeel is (deur ma<br />

en dogter span Marietjie en Lizette<br />

Loots) aan kanker pasiënte<br />

en kanker vrywilligers <strong>in</strong> Groot<br />

Brakrivier.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> byeenkoms by Peperboom<br />

<strong>in</strong> Groot Brakrivier was<br />

die hoogtepunt van die ses jaar<br />

se byeenkomste en is An<strong>in</strong>a Wasserman<br />

(bekende Operasangeres)<br />

en Pierre van der Westhuizen<br />

staande toegejuig. An<strong>in</strong>a en Pierre<br />

het liedere soos When a Child is<br />

Born, Stille Nag, Joy to the World,<br />

We wish you a Merry Christmas<br />

Kanker pasiënte kry hulp<br />

Juanita van Wyk<br />

Mount Hope Hospice is <strong>in</strong><br />

2006 gestig met die doel om tuissorg<br />

en raadgew<strong>in</strong>g te verskaf<br />

aan pasiente met e<strong>in</strong>dstadium<br />

kanker. Sedert die stigt<strong>in</strong>g lewer<br />

Sr Tweezie Meir<strong>in</strong>g diens as verpleegkundige<br />

met ‘n spesifieke<br />

belangstell<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> die versorg<strong>in</strong>g<br />

van pasiente met gevorderde kanker.<br />

Pasiënte <strong>in</strong> George en Oudtshoorn<br />

word deur haar bedien.<br />

Vanaf e<strong>in</strong>de November 2012<br />

word die diens uitgebrei na pasiente<br />

<strong>in</strong> die area vanaf George<br />

tot en met Mosselbaai. Sr Bessie<br />

Barnard is as verpleegkundige<br />

aangestel, ook sy het ’n spesiale<br />

passie vir persone wat met kanker<br />

saamleef.<br />

Mount Hope Hospice is ’n<br />

nie-reger<strong>in</strong>gsorganisasie sonder<br />

w<strong>in</strong>sbejag wat uitsluitlik afhanklik<br />

is van die ondersteun<strong>in</strong>g van die<br />

Stay safe this summer<br />

Frikkie Gous<br />

It is no secret that together<br />

with the general festivities and<br />

annual leave of millions <strong>in</strong> our<br />

workforce that road fatalities and<br />

various types of accidents and <strong>in</strong>juries<br />

skyrocket. This is the time<br />

not only to get prepared, but also<br />

to be educated for summer’s blissful<br />

heat. To help you keep your<br />

family’s summer safe and fun,<br />

take a look at these hot safety tips.<br />

Protect your sk<strong>in</strong>: Two of the<br />

most well-k<strong>now</strong>n ways of keep<strong>in</strong>g<br />

your sk<strong>in</strong> safe from head to<br />

toe are sun block and sun screen.<br />

Sun block is used to deflect the<br />

sun’s harmful rays, and sun screen<br />

www.<strong>in</strong>frarooi.co.za<br />

Ice<br />

Dis weer Kersfees, en daar is<br />

steeds mense wat <strong>in</strong> redenasies betrokke<br />

raak en wonder of die vier<strong>in</strong>g<br />

van Kersfees reg of verkeerd<br />

is. Heidense tradisie of geldmaakstories?<br />

X-mas of Christmas? Ek<br />

wil regtig nie meer die debatte volg<br />

nie. Kersfees is ’n feestyd waar<strong>in</strong><br />

ons die geboorte van Jesus vier. Dit<br />

maak nie saak of dit die presiese<br />

dag is of nie.<br />

Ek wil die tyd met my familie<br />

deurbr<strong>in</strong>g. Ek wil hulle uit dankbaarheid<br />

geniet terwyl ek hulle<br />

nog by my het en ’n glasie kl<strong>in</strong>k<br />

op ons gesondheid. Ek wil kyk<br />

hoe die k<strong>in</strong>ders <strong>in</strong> die opblaasswembandjie<br />

mekaar natspat en<br />

so die kle<strong>in</strong> eenvoudige mooi<br />

d<strong>in</strong>ge van die lewe onthou en weer<br />

vir myself lag. Ek wil met my<br />

kamera spesiale oomblikke soek.<br />

Ek wil weer Ouma se malvapoed<strong>in</strong>g<br />

proe, en almal se nuutste staaltjies<br />

hoor. Ek wil die aand afsluit<br />

met geskenke wat uitgedeel word.<br />

en ’n Kers-keurspel ges<strong>in</strong>g. Ander<br />

sangers betrokke by die oggend<br />

was Danie du Plessis wat die klank<br />

hanteer het en Estelle Scott.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> musiek en sang was van<br />

uitstaande gehalte, die geregte<br />

voorgesit deur Peperboom uit<br />

die boonste rakke en met die restaurant<br />

vol gepak met mense (van<br />

oor die hele Suid Kaap) was dit ’n<br />

oggend wat lank onthou sal word.<br />

Verskillende houers was beskikbaar<br />

vir donasies aan projekte<br />

en Options Sorgsentrum se kaartjies<br />

is ook verkoop.<br />

Uit die donasieshouers by die<br />

vier byeenkomste het Solidariteit<br />

Helpende Hand, Meals on Wheels<br />

en CANSA gebaat. <strong>Die</strong> volgende<br />

Vuurvliegie byeenkoms word beplan<br />

vir Februarie 2013.<br />

publiek vir sy voortbestaan. Enige<br />

pasient met ongeneesbare kanker<br />

kwalifiseer vir die diens, ongeag<br />

van kankertipe, f<strong>in</strong>ansiële status<br />

of ras. Tuissorg word verleen met<br />

die pasient se familie of vriende<br />

as hoofversorgers; hulle word bygestaan<br />

deur opgeleide verpleegsusters<br />

wat deeglik bekend is met<br />

die behandel<strong>in</strong>g van simptome<br />

van gevorderde siekte en die beste<br />

raad en praktiese hulp kan verleen.<br />

Sorgwerkers word uitgeplaas<br />

waar versorg<strong>in</strong>g benodig word<br />

meer as dit wat deur die pasient se<br />

geliefdes behartig kan word. Mediese<br />

toerust<strong>in</strong>g word ook verskaf<br />

waar nodig.<br />

Mount Hope Hospice se doel is<br />

om persone te ondersteun op hul<br />

reis met gevorderde kanker. Om<br />

meer oor die organisasie uit te<br />

v<strong>in</strong>d, skakel 044 874 6490 of<br />

ondersteun hulle op Facebook.<br />

is used to absorb them. Both work<br />

as effectively as the other. It helps<br />

to prevent your child’s sk<strong>in</strong> from<br />

burn<strong>in</strong>g. <strong>The</strong>y also help to screen<br />

and block out the damag<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

potenti<strong>all</strong>y dangerous UVA and<br />

UVB rays that can later cause<br />

problems such as premature<br />

ag<strong>in</strong>g and various types of sk<strong>in</strong><br />

cancers. Always make sure that the<br />

SPF is not less than 30 and keep <strong>in</strong><br />

m<strong>in</strong>d that it will only offer maximum<br />

protection if applied properly<br />

and consistently. Also, try to limit<br />

outside playtime when the sun’s at<br />

its brightest and hottest between<br />

<strong>11</strong>:00 and 15:00.<br />

Dehydration: Dehydration<br />

comes on slowly, and the signs<br />

Maak nie saak of dit tradisie is nie,<br />

ek hou van geskenke, en om dit<br />

te gee en ontvang. Al is dit ietsie<br />

kle<strong>in</strong>s en al het ek dit nie regtig<br />

nodig nie, die opw<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g daarvan<br />

sorg vir genoeg kielie. Ek wil vir<br />

my ma ietsie moois koop, en ek<br />

wil vir my pa iets gee wat hy sal<br />

kan gebruik. Ek is lief vir hulle.<br />

Ons moenie skroom om mekaar te<br />

bederf nie, en ook nie verskon<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

soek om die kans te ontglip nie.<br />

God het vir die mens wat Hy lief<br />

het, ’n geskenk gegee – Jesus – ’n<br />

geskenk wat ons nooit kan ver-<br />

dien nie. Ek skuld Hom my lewe.<br />

Ek het meer as ’n dag of maand<br />

nodig om vir die kielie van hierdie<br />

geskenk dankie te sê. Ek gaan<br />

vir geen rede die Kerstyd oorslaan<br />

nie. Mag ons weer <strong>in</strong> hierdie<br />

Kerstyd ons gedagtes fokus op dit<br />

wat regtig saakmaak.<br />

Kyk elke Woensdagaand om<br />

20:00 Infrarooi op die Kruiskykkanaal.<br />

Besoek www.<strong>in</strong>frarooi.<br />

co.za.<br />


A special appeal by the SPCA<br />

Korky Levanon<br />

On many occasions the Tshwane<br />

SPCA gets c<strong>all</strong>s to collect stray<br />

animals roam<strong>in</strong>g the streets and<br />

highways of the Tshwane metro.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y greatly appreciate the publics’<br />

concern for these animals,<br />

but asks them please to also help<br />

and try to conf<strong>in</strong>e the animal and<br />


Barrie Burger<br />

dis vyfuur al verby toe die laaste<br />

sonstrale ook ’n e<strong>in</strong>de aan die dag<br />

probeer maak. ekself sou egter<br />

kan doen met ’n ekstra uur of twee<br />

want die drievertrekhuisie met sy<br />

buitekombuis onder s<strong>in</strong>k en paal<br />

is dalk nie so kort agter die vierde<br />

du<strong>in</strong> as wat gisteraand vir my beduie<br />

is nie. te veel keer al moes<br />

ek meer raai as iets anders <strong>in</strong> my<br />

probeer verstaan van wat bedoel<br />

word met ‘dissie so ver nie’... of<br />

met ‘dis net agter die hoë du<strong>in</strong><br />

daar by die vaalkameelbome.’ afstandaanduiers<br />

wat vir ’n perde-<br />

ruiter vaag en ongevoelig voorkom.<br />

al word dit opreg bedoel.<br />

maar hierdie keer is gisteraand<br />

se verduidelik<strong>in</strong>g van presies waar<br />

die twee <strong>all</strong>een mense agter die<br />

ver du<strong>in</strong>e woon reg. eenhonderd<br />

persent reg. want ek is die vierde<br />

du<strong>in</strong> skaars oor toe dwarrellende<br />

rook uit ’n skoorsteen duidelik sigbaar<br />

word <strong>in</strong> die koue lug van nog<br />

aren’t always obvious. It’s important<br />

to watch your children<br />

for signs such as dry cracked lips,<br />

sunken eyes, fast heartbeat, dark<br />

ur<strong>in</strong>e, or no daytime ur<strong>in</strong>ation<br />

for four hours or more, extreme<br />

fuss<strong>in</strong>ess or sleep<strong>in</strong>ess, difficulty<br />

breath<strong>in</strong>g or catch<strong>in</strong>g breath or<br />

tearless cry<strong>in</strong>g. On hot days when<br />

people are active, fluid <strong>in</strong>take<br />

must be <strong>in</strong>creased to eight to ten<br />

or more serv<strong>in</strong>gs per day. Dr<strong>in</strong>ks<br />

that conta<strong>in</strong> high amounts of sugar<br />

or caffe<strong>in</strong>e shouldn’t be given to a<br />

child, especi<strong>all</strong>y on very hot days,<br />

where it can do more harm than<br />

good. <strong>The</strong> most effective treatment<br />

for dehydration is Oral Rehydrate<br />

Solution. Severe cases of dehydration<br />

require urgent medical<br />

attention.<br />

Jaco Mostert<br />

soos ’n droom<br />

Dedication of a nation is a serious matter<br />

A nationwide prayer <strong>in</strong>itiative<br />

recently culm<strong>in</strong>ated <strong>in</strong> Pretoria<br />

when <strong>in</strong>tercessors, churches and<br />

m<strong>in</strong>istries from across the nation<br />

came together <strong>in</strong> Pretoria to<br />

dedicate South Africa and Gau-<br />

teng to the Lord. Prior to the day<br />

of dedication, a period of 40 days<br />

of prayer was held. <strong>The</strong> strategic<br />

prayer <strong>in</strong>itiative was facilitated by<br />

the Institute for Christian Leadership<br />

Development (ICLD), the<br />

South African Prayer Movement<br />

for Change (SAPMC), Jericho<br />

W<strong>all</strong>s International Prayer<br />

Network (JWIPN) and Pretoria<br />

br<strong>in</strong>g it to them. About 90% of the<br />

time they are c<strong>all</strong>ed to collect a<br />

stray animal and by the time they<br />

get there, the animal is <strong>now</strong>here<br />

to be found. Otherwise on arrival,<br />

it takes them a long time to catch<br />

the animal, to the detriment of respond<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to reports of cruelty.<br />

Without any government fund<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and no municipal remunera-<br />

’n w<strong>in</strong>tersnamiddag. <strong>in</strong> die kalahari.<br />

die skoongevede werf kom<br />

verlate voor al hang daar wasgoed<br />

oor die lae kampdraad. die water <strong>in</strong><br />

die vol krip glimlag bl<strong>in</strong>k <strong>in</strong> die leë<br />

bokkraal agter die skewe buitetoilet.<br />

die groot haan wat ’n diep pot<br />

vol kos sal maak steur hom nie<br />

aan perd en ruiter nie. en die tuie<br />

van tou en kett<strong>in</strong>g oor die donkiekar<br />

langs die geroesde draadhek<br />

is ook nêrens heen oppad nie.<br />

<strong>in</strong> elk geval nie vandag nie.<br />

dan kom twee honde uit die<br />

buitekombuis aangedraf en beg<strong>in</strong><br />

waarskuwend blaf. ’n man met<br />

karaktervolle plooie op sy donkerbru<strong>in</strong><br />

gesig loer versigtig oor<br />

die lae steenmuur en bly dan roerloos<br />

staan. gebukkend. en verbaas<br />

oor die ruiter te perd.<br />

sy oë deursoek die pakgoed<br />

ongelowig asof hy dit nie kan glo<br />

nie. die waterbottel. die sweep.<br />

die netjies opgerolde kombers<br />

agter die saal. die donkerbru<strong>in</strong> jas<br />

Insect bites: Insect bites are<br />

highly bothersome, but fortunately<br />

ants, bees and mosquitoes<br />

are an annoyance that can easily<br />

be avoided. One of the best and<br />

safest ways of protection is cloth<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Try to cover as much of your<br />

child, while keep<strong>in</strong>g them comfortable.<br />

Bugs are most active<br />

around sunset, so try to avoid outside<br />

play dur<strong>in</strong>g this time. Always<br />

read the labels or <strong>in</strong>structions on<br />

<strong>in</strong>sect repellents carefully, and<br />

check for possible <strong>all</strong>ergic reactions.<br />

Calam<strong>in</strong>e lotion helps to<br />

calm itchy bites. If your child is<br />

covered with itchy bites, a colloidal<br />

oatmeal bath can help br<strong>in</strong>g<br />

relief. For m<strong>in</strong>or st<strong>in</strong>gs or bites,<br />

apply ice wrapped <strong>in</strong> a clean towel.<br />

A hydrocortisone cream will<br />

Prayer Force (PPF).<br />

<strong>The</strong> annual conference of<br />

SAPMC was strategic<strong>all</strong>y placed<br />

to flow <strong>in</strong>to the f<strong>in</strong>al dedication<br />

of the nation together with that of<br />

the Gauteng Prov<strong>in</strong>ce. With the<br />

theme of ‘Build<strong>in</strong>g a Righteous<br />

Nation’, the SAPMC conference<br />

was recently held at Grace <strong>Bible</strong><br />

Church <strong>in</strong> Ga-Rankuwa. This<br />

<strong>in</strong>terdenom<strong>in</strong>ational prayer <strong>in</strong>itiative<br />

culm<strong>in</strong>ated with the f<strong>in</strong>al<br />

dedication of the nation.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> dedication of this nation<br />

to God is a prophetic matter, a serious<br />

and dest<strong>in</strong>y decid<strong>in</strong>g tran-<br />

saction. It <strong>in</strong>volves everyone with<strong>in</strong><br />

the body of Christ, representa-<br />

tion, the local SPCA’s five <strong>in</strong>spectors<br />

cover the whole of the 6 000<br />

km 2 Tshwane metro, with their<br />

ma<strong>in</strong> objective be<strong>in</strong>g the prevention<br />

of cruelty to animals. Because<br />

they care for animals, and there<br />

is no municipal animal pound <strong>in</strong><br />

Tshwane at the moment, where<br />

possible, they try and help with<br />

stray animals.<br />

<strong>The</strong> public has been superb <strong>in</strong><br />

help<strong>in</strong>g the SPCA with br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong> stray animals to their kennels.<br />

Com<strong>in</strong>g up to the ra<strong>in</strong>y season<br />

with many storms, they urge <strong>all</strong><br />

animal owners to get their animals<br />

microchipped, as well as gett<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a tag with one’s contact details<br />

on. Should your animal get lost,<br />

please report this to <strong>all</strong> local ani-<br />

oor die kam van die groot swart<br />

merrie met die lang stert en maanhare.<br />

die opgerolde haltertou wat<br />

aan die militêresaal langs die nerfaf<br />

koffiebeker hang. die twee bultende<br />

saalsakke. die ruiter met die<br />

kamaste van beesvel en die leerhandskoene.<br />

die wyerandhoed. die<br />

donkerbril. en die houtkruisie aan<br />

die spr<strong>in</strong>gbokvelriempie om my<br />

nek.<br />

sonder om eers te groet en<br />

voordat hy iets kon sê probeer ek<br />

die ys breek. ‘ek is verdwaal...<br />

maar sê my meneer... hoe ver is<br />

johannesburg nog.’ die verdroogde<br />

graspol met lang skaduwee is<br />

<strong>all</strong>eengetuie van iemand soekend<br />

na’n antwoord terwyl hy sy l<strong>in</strong>kerhand<br />

stadig oor sy gesig vryf.<br />

en dan die onverwagse vraag onseker<br />

antwoord terwyl hy soekend<br />

om hom rondkyk. ‘nee manee...<br />

jannesberg issie hie rontie.’<br />

heelwat later toe die lag verby<br />

is en die kouefront ons teen me-<br />

stop itch<strong>in</strong>g and reduce pa<strong>in</strong>. If<br />

severe swell<strong>in</strong>g occurs, or your<br />

child compla<strong>in</strong>s of difficulty<br />

breath<strong>in</strong>g, seek medical attention.<br />

Never take chances when you are<br />

<strong>in</strong> an area where poisonous spiders<br />

or snakes lurk.<br />

Swimm<strong>in</strong>g: <strong>The</strong> most dangerous<br />

of summer risks are also<br />

the most anticipated activity of<br />

the season. Swimm<strong>in</strong>g and water<br />

play must always be under<br />

responsible adult supervision. A<br />

child can drown <strong>in</strong> as little as an<br />

<strong>in</strong>ch of water. Supervisors and<br />

parents must be familiar with CPR.<br />

Devices such as <strong>in</strong>flatable tubes,<br />

rafts and arm floaters should not<br />

be used for sm<strong>all</strong> children. It only<br />

takes a second for a sm<strong>all</strong> child to<br />

lose balance or slip off and <strong>in</strong>to<br />

tives of each and every sector of<br />

society and <strong>all</strong> people groups of<br />

South Africa. <strong>The</strong> future of the<br />

nation and the resources of the<br />

land must be dedicated to Christ<br />

<strong>in</strong> order that His K<strong>in</strong>gdom may<br />

come and His will be done <strong>in</strong> South<br />

Africa as it is <strong>in</strong> heaven,” says<br />

Reverend Olusegun Olanipekun,<br />

CEO of the ICLD.<br />

He c<strong>all</strong>s each Christian <strong>in</strong> SA<br />

to sanctify their hearts and hands<br />

to present the nation and the land<br />

as an offer<strong>in</strong>g unto the Lord Jesus<br />

Christ. He further po<strong>in</strong>ts out<br />

that the dedication of a nation to<br />

God is more than a prayer session<br />

or a prophetic prayer action. “It<br />

mal welfare organisations, giv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

as much detail as possible. It<br />

would also help to put up flyers,<br />

preferably with a photograph at<br />

local vets and shops.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPCA is further extend<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a special appeal for any donations.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have a shortage of twelve<br />

tons of dry dog food needed for<br />

December and January. Between<br />

the three branches <strong>in</strong> Tshwane<br />

(Waltloo, Centurion and Kungw<strong>in</strong>i)<br />

R60 000 worth of dog food<br />

is consumed per month. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

entirely reliant on public support<br />

and receive no governmental support.<br />

For further <strong>in</strong>formation, contact<br />

the SPCA on 012 8035219 or<br />

send an email to adm<strong>in</strong>@spcapta.<br />

org.za. Visit www.spcapta.org.za.<br />

Geniet Barrie se unieke skryfstyl<br />

kaar vasdruk om die vuur op ’n<br />

stuk s<strong>in</strong>kplaat praat ons steeds oor<br />

die kruisig<strong>in</strong>g. en die god wat ons<br />

gered het. jare terug al.<br />

toe staan hy stil op terwyl hy<br />

steeds snik oor sy lank terug verloss<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

gooi die warm water <strong>in</strong><br />

die driepootpot <strong>in</strong> ’n ou skottel<br />

uit. trek my skoene en kouse uit<br />

en was my voete wat steeds moeg<br />

is van die lang tog <strong>in</strong> die stiebeuels.<br />

was dan my bene ook. tot by<br />

die knieë. steeds snikkend. maar<br />

nou oor die man van god se koms<br />

soos ’n droom.<br />

toe die suiderkruis ook lankal<br />

sku<strong>in</strong>s lê en die werf <strong>in</strong> die donker<br />

weer verlate voorkom draai ek om<br />

op die bed en matras wat hy vir my<br />

vroegaand al langs die vuur kom<br />

neersit het. maak my dan toe met<br />

die groot kombers wat sy vrou vir<br />

my oor die lae steenmuur gehang<br />

het en slaap verder <strong>in</strong> die koue<br />

langs die uitgebrande vuur.<br />

soos ’n droom.<br />

the water and drown. An appro-<br />

ved life vest can and should be<br />

worn for added protection and<br />

safety. Noth<strong>in</strong>g should ever be<br />

used as a replacement for adult<br />

supervision. Div<strong>in</strong>g br<strong>in</strong>gs further<br />

potential for <strong>in</strong>juries. People often<br />

misjudge the depth of a pool or<br />

dive <strong>in</strong> without test<strong>in</strong>g the depth<br />

first. Remember: Feet first, first<br />

time. Don’t run and dive, and<br />

don’t do back dives.<br />

Make sure you save the local<br />

emergency numbers on your<br />

phone, or save 0861 086 9<strong>11</strong> under<br />

‘Ambulance’ for LifeMed assistance.<br />

Summer should be a joyous<br />

season filled with fun and laughter,<br />

not tragedy. With a few preventative<br />

measures many unnecessary<br />

accidents can be avoided.<br />

should be seen as an <strong>official</strong> spiritual<br />

bus<strong>in</strong>ess transaction. It is<br />

<strong>official</strong> because it has to be recorded<br />

<strong>in</strong> heaven, on earth and <strong>in</strong><br />

hell. God has to receive the nation<br />

as an offer<strong>in</strong>g for His K<strong>in</strong>gdom<br />

and K<strong>in</strong>gdom purposes. <strong>The</strong> assembly<br />

of people has to be properly<br />

constituted <strong>in</strong> terms of repre-<br />

sentation and participation, various<br />

aspects and elements <strong>in</strong> the<br />

nation must also be adequately<br />

represented,” says Olanipekun.<br />

Accord<strong>in</strong>g to him the transaction<br />

must have a trans-generational<br />

impact and must be a refe-<br />

rence for posterity. “To offer an<br />

entity as a nation to God is a serious<br />

and scriptural undertak<strong>in</strong>g,”<br />

says Olanipekun.

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