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2-A Torol ftngtn of sblf in NAP....-........................-.............--................ ..........___........405<br />

2-B AEhivll R@(l in NAP.... ....--...............------........405<br />

2-C Privdc Callerions in NAP ............. ........_.........406<br />

2-D Tobf tugrh of si.f in Punjab archiB.............-'-',.---_._____......__.___...___...........447<br />

2-E Archival R@rd p6opd in Rdord Otfie of Amr Kali Tonb..................,.,,,,,,,,,408<br />

2-F AEbiv.l R@d in Punjab Archiv6 ,,,,.,,,,,,.'.'.----,.----_.............._....._...........409<br />

2-C AEhival Rord pserved in Punj.b Archiv6 rdo m6ii helds ,...............--.........409<br />

2-H Archival R@rd prcseryed in $e Libmri.s ofPunj.b Archirs.....................,,..,.,...410<br />

2l Tohl bdk in dce Librdies ol Ponjrb Archives..,,..........,,....................................4 t0<br />

2J Tot6lstEnghofsLltinBalochh$nArchives....,.,,,,,,..........................................,,4t0<br />

2-K AmsemenlsysleminBalochistlnArchiv.s.............................................,,,,,,,,,,,411<br />

2l- Archivll Rsord in Bal@hist n Archives ,,,,,,,,,...,,,.........................................,,,,,,,,,4 | |<br />

2-M Archivsl R6od in CivilS@rcraial Library ofBrloohhLn Archiv€s.............,,,,,,,,412<br />

2-N Toralsrrengrhofsr.finPeshlqaiAr.hiles,,,,,.....,,,,,,,...,........................................412<br />

2-O Amsehent of Rmrd in lhc Pohawlr Archiv6....................................................413<br />

2-P RMds in P6hawor Archi ..,......................-.........4 | 3<br />

2{ Nesprpe6 Coll*tion of P6h!w.i Aehir6 in Urdu dd English Ldg!agcs,,,,,416<br />

2-R L&al R@rd in Micbfiln, Photocopyor Giginol inNDc........-....................,,.,,,,,417<br />

2-S R@rds fiom OIOC sd.b'ord obtlined d micofilN in NDC-.....................-.....418<br />

I-A Suntury of Building Cosl for dc @.structaon of SAIAD --........-...............------..-.-423<br />

3-a Repi, Atedtioo dd Addnion olExisring BuildingofSAIAD.....................---.----423<br />

3{ Y@ wi* Mnary oftE bud8.r cl.r*d fom Oe govcmnmr or Sindh for th.<br />

@mpretion of the 3@nd pfie of SAIAD fom 1993 b 2000 ...--- ...........,..............424<br />

3-D Fmnrh.y620@1o2004 .....--......................,,...424<br />

3-E Me6uMnt olthc exldsionof SindhAnhiv.s Boildingst Krehi...........----..--.425<br />

3-F Air@nditionine ofsl€ctd aEaol2 Tom Powo ii Poj€ct.......,,.,.......,.,......,,,,,,,,426<br />

l-C CentFl ,A/C pler Ep6ns wilh ns n.rdial ii P@Fci.......... ...........................,,,,,,,,426<br />

3l Toralsrengrh orlnpoledenr & sftnBrhening prcjer stafofSA'AD ... ....,..,,,.,.428<br />

3-r The peEonak ofAd!kory Commife. s an iidcpend€ntdepsrtment.....................429<br />

I-K Wirh drawl ofthe menbes olthe Advisoiv Connilte ..........---...............-.-...........429<br />

I-L Name of m€mben alt nded nating of th. Advi$ry Comninee ......... .,.....,,,,,,,,,,,A9<br />

I-M Nameofm€mbes atiended lhe second m.dting of rhe Acquisition Commitl€,,,,,,,430<br />

5-A Miscelloeous Maps in SAIAD frcE 1830 lo l94l ,,........--............................-......,,,430<br />

5-a Coun fi16 rbour Kechi ol Disti.t Coun rschi,,,.,.......,,,.,......,.........,.....___........432<br />

6 -A ADBP epom pr*Red in SA1AD.,,,,,.,,,,.,........--'...----.........,,,....,.,,,......,,.,,,.,,14 |

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