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Archi!6 @ 6e holdcN of cultuol h.dlaee ol a nalion. For peimdc peserotion,<br />

orchivs nen sribbl. popcr legislation, sloBse sp@si profcsional nln.8ensr dd<br />

e.ri6.n.nt,ll pDt*do( The purpe of sindh AEhiv.s lnlomdion ud ArhiB<br />

Deponmd (SAIAD) is ro app6i*. &quirc od pl€swe pdmo), od wsdary euc<br />

declaEd as archivas havin8 historical, informat'oml, evid.ntial, lesal, fiscal dd monilory<br />

value. Archivalr*ord accumulated in SAIAD isunique in narure havinsrich infomarjon o.<br />

the hisror! md cultuE ofSindh.<br />

withod inEllero.l conuol of mhival l@d, o.quisition or qualiry !rchi6 dd i$<br />

pbF 4.lo{tion by fte Esemhd is .ot lcibl€. A @npah.nsiw study of SATAD h6<br />

been @nductd lor i ell.ctull conlol dd !o revdl $e l@suE uove. Deuil.d oalvsis of<br />

the Drimdrv sources h.s be.n @nd!ded.<br />

Tbe dis$nllion onpri*s ofti@ plrrs:<br />

L An ov.did or I€minoloaici lnmoF, dsdprio.s, funcrions dd cponsibililic of<br />

2. Hbtory, buildings, Esponsibilities .nd holdings of Naion.l Archives ofPski$d (NAP),<br />

Puojab Archives, Peshowd Archives. BrlochisrM Aohivcs. Nalionol Docuneotalion<br />

Ceitft (NDC) s a gcn.6l Gviw, 6 w.ll s oflhe pr€ent rcposiiory of SA|AD,<br />

3. Exrmi.ation of the holdings of SAIAD mpds ot @mmisions o{tc lgrd,<br />

nanu$riptsj naps! 6un fil.s, g@61 lib6!y, peNDal @ll..rio.r origin.l bound fi16<br />

of th. Cmmisiorcr Offc R@rd 6om t332 to 1860 Eld€d ro polnicst, judi.iat,<br />

SencBl! mililary, rev€nue dd public vorks et, A .olhlion of ?65 mlnuscripb<br />

comprhing 332 Anbici 3t0 Pesian, 25 Sindhi .hd thc bilinguah hale been Sivcn in<br />

labl4 dd imporbnl mlnuerip.s Maly4d. Tolol n6ps prepPe! in SAIAD e 935<br />

olcring dc Friod fmm l3l0 rol940, The mats @llefion includcs Et2 nap! of<br />

di,lent Tdluka or Sindh whilc 89 disltd@s mls of difr€Enr ounuic of rh.<br />

erld, Maps rl.t€d ro th. Sindh povine haE bea srudicd in d€kil md expldn d<br />

uod.r difieent districls olde povin*. Moe then two hundEd @un files cloted !o<br />

Kamchifion the bllk of l17,530lllesof l8/l9u colury have ben lholoushly sludi.d.<br />

Suil numbe, plaimin def€ndols, clain, slbjecrs, pe.iod and dsisions of th. 6€s narc<br />

b€d incllded in ihr rnaltsis. cencEl Libtuy of SAIAD hs been rhoeughly !trdyzd<br />

t.d drc b@ks €xploEd .eording to rhen ebj€ls, l.n8!.e€s dd runt. Pelsd<br />

colleclions ofditre@ $hol.6 ofth. prcvince als hav. be. expo*i .long *i1h |heir<br />

biogaphi.s ed oiher achidements.<br />

Ancr dobugh €xddinationofrhe\hol. etivities dd ehivsl lgd ofSAIAD. rhe<br />

inpon nt findings hale bq siv.n dd n6u6 for rhe idporcmcnr of SA|A D have b€n

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