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Th. differences between Archiles 6id LibFry 6d ds und.r:<br />

fable 1.1 Difertrces betveen Archfier chd LibtuAes<br />

what do th.y ln&t ive rccords rh'l have becn Pub tished nareria | { cu b€ in<br />

macnal $e crcaror<br />

slsted lor Dedsen p@ndion. many forno*, c.g. fitm,<br />

Usrallt unpublish.d (6 b. in dy hicofichq @rr.s) lhar is<br />

How is lhc ln lhe ord.r delemined and used by Accodins ro prcder.minej<br />

lo study, undenale rescarch<br />

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the mot€ri4l erious lcholas only. anyone ovq 18) cohmuiny(c.r.dre$hool<br />

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detGitd/donor<br />

Howdoyoufind Th mu gh consultaion of 8u ides, Byconsuhihgnamded<br />

what tou want inventorias lnd o$er documenbton $bjan @alogucs o, by<br />

nade alaillbl. ro ltgch.u bb*ing thmugh fie shclB<br />

Wh.Gdo you ln fi. seh mn o the ehiys On$epemh6oriftru<br />

consulr $e prenies snd under supcdision boFow, .hlwhcre you wish<br />

what is th.n Prolcctid ofehiv6 lnd thei Buitding app@priak rd<br />

obje.l iv.? evidenria I r.d infom ationa I vo tue con pEh€nsiv. coltection s<br />

lhal a@ ploFrty holed,<br />

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Wnydoyou Forp@foff&srionslndlcrions, For€dudionlnd<br />

Who loolaler A{hivisis<br />

tore This |!blc h6 b6n lalcn fmn lne b@k r,,p,,s 4tiBls;;i,rtich.

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