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mdnions by r@Ging on lh@ rh@ricatty @h*.r pdncipt€slhat can BUid€ appFiel<br />

selcctioh, rhe principle of impdiality, fie principle of prov€htuc., and lhe principt€<br />

cont.npoE l valuc (KlumFnhouwr, 1988).<br />

Curat and Futute BonNs Ne.dt, tdehtifying llle needs of busine$ inchd6<br />

a$sin8 how @rds conLiburc to a.lions of the orgeiaion. wh'r role thcy ploy in<br />

leountabilir),? whether $ey conribore !o erporale memory? And .nsuring that Ecdds e<br />

dqlt *nh .nicicntly dd d61myd qpeditiouslx if mt EquiEd.<br />

Leeal Md R.aulDit! S.qtizn r& Spsiffc minimln retention<br />

law or r€eularion dd echivsl .uthorily. Audit agcncr na, ale hole a<br />

CuMt o4d F.ture N..^ ofltt.rrol ond Exlnal Stak.,alde8. ldenrilying ti,.<br />

st k.hold.u ed $en paniculd needr is pobrbly th. nosl ditrcuh @ s rh* *ilt h.<br />

varied snd nay not be well known or aniculated (Dan, 2002, p. 74).<br />

Th. B6i. Yal@ oI R@.b lot Sd.dio"<br />

Reods aG Egarded a hovih8 rwo b$i. cha@l.rinics lhich daemin. whnher or<br />

Prindy vdlue of r@od is for $e inrc€st lo the agency which created dd us.d thfl<br />

loradmini(nriv., legrl and fi$rl us:<br />

Adninistr.tlw volk, lt is tne vahe of records for th. ongoing busin.s of thc<br />

eord c@ting q.ncy or i&.u@sr i! funcio, R@ds hsvc lhir value if lhcy h.tp s<br />

agcncy to perlom it5 curent worl, Thelime durinswhich rhh latue cxisr may bc tong or<br />

shon, d€pending on lhe purpoe ir sd€s<br />


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