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<strong>WORDS</strong> <strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />
Writers for Peace International Conference<br />
PROGRAM 1-4.12.2010<br />
Thursday 2.12.2010 9.00 – 18.30<br />
9.00 - Opening Ceremony of the Conference<br />
and inauguration of two exhibitions:<br />
*"Le Livre Pauvre", Collection of rare art books, by Daniel Leuwers, France,<br />
*"Cinema Jenin", Pictures by Fabian Zapatka, Germany.<br />
Allocutions: M. Yona Yahav, Mayor of Haifa,<br />
M. Sami Michael, Writer, Israel,<br />
M. Sylvestre Clancier, Writer & President of the French PEN<br />
Club.<br />
Place: Cinematheque, Central Carmel, Haifa.<br />
*simultaneous translation provided<br />
9.30-10.40 – Panel no. 1: "Languages of Writing"<br />
*names by alphabetical order<br />
* simultaneous translation provided (English/French/Hebrew/Arabic)<br />
Karen Alkalay-Gut (Israel)<br />
Colette Guedj (France)<br />
Nidaa Khoury (Israel)<br />
Giorgio Silfer (Pen Esperanto)<br />
Boris Zaidman (Israel)<br />
Moderator: Arié Yass (Israel)<br />
10.40-11.20 - Panel no. 2: "Literature Facing the Challenges of Our Times:<br />
Environment and Peace"<br />
Zeki Ergas (Switzerland)<br />
Edna Gorney (Israel)<br />
Edvard Kovac (Slovenia)<br />
Moderator and Speaker: Teresa Salema (Portugal)
11.45-12.30 – Panel no. 3: "Human Right to Peace"<br />
Sylvestre Clancier (France)<br />
Elizabeth Csicsery-Ronay (Hungary)<br />
Sabine Kebir (Germany)<br />
Rina Mitrani (Israel)<br />
Moderator and Speaker: Zeki Ergas (Switzerland)<br />
12.30-13.00 – Reading of poems in several languages<br />
Moderator: Arié Yass (Israel)<br />
15.00-15.45 – Panel no. 4: "The Right of Women to Write and<br />
Self-Censorship"<br />
Nazand Begikhani (Kurdistan – France)<br />
Ilana Bernstein (Israel)<br />
Nicole Gdalia (France)<br />
Marketa Hejkalova (Czech Republic)<br />
Moderator: Françoise Coulmin (France)<br />
15.45-16.40 - Panel no. 5: "The Right of Women to Write and<br />
Self-Censorship"<br />
Nicole Barrière (France)<br />
Maya Bejerano (Israel)<br />
Entela Kasi (Albania)<br />
Nurith Zarchi (Israel)<br />
Moderator: Nicole Gdalia (France)<br />
17.00-18.00 - Panel no. 6 : "Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of<br />
Expression"<br />
Yair Biran (Israel)<br />
Entela Kasi (Albania)<br />
Edvard Kovac (Slovenia)<br />
Jean-Luc Despax (France)<br />
Moderator: Sylvestre Clancier (France)
18.00-19.00 – Reading of poems written by women who don't have rights and<br />
reading of texts written by writers present in this conference.<br />
Moderator: Nicole Barrière (France)<br />
Friday 3.12.2010 9.30-13.30<br />
9.30-10.15 - Panel no.7: "Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Expression"<br />
Nicole Barrière (France)<br />
Tiziana Colusso (Italy)<br />
Zeki Ergas (Switzerland)<br />
Raj A. Prakash (Nepal)<br />
Moderator: Ouzi Elyada (Israel)<br />
10.15-11.00 – Panel no.8: "Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of<br />
Expression"<br />
Sylvestre Clancier (France)<br />
Solomon Hailemariam Erba (Ethiopia)<br />
Siham Issami (Morocco – France)<br />
Françoise Coulmin (France)<br />
Faisal Al Rfouh (Jordan)<br />
Moderator: Edvard Kovac (Slovenia)<br />
11.30 – 12.30 – Panel no. 9: "Writers during Periods of Conflict"<br />
Al Qassim Samih (Israel)<br />
Daniel Leuwers (France)<br />
Eshkol Nevo (Israel)<br />
Ronny Someck (Israel)<br />
Moderator: Ouzi Elyada (Israel)<br />
12.30 -13.00 - Reading of poems and other texts<br />
Moderator: Arié Yass (Israel)
21.00 – 23.00 - Projection of the documentary film "The Heart of Jenin"<br />
by the German Filmmaker and Producer Marcus Vetter<br />
("Deutscher Filmpreis 2010" for this film) with the participation<br />
of a delegation from Jenin. Discussion with the guests and the writers.<br />
Place: Auditorium, Beit Hagefen, Arab-Jewish Cultural Center, Haifa.<br />
Saturday 4.12.2010<br />
19.30-21.00 – Closing Debate: "Human Rights" in the presence of M. Yona<br />
Yahav, Mayor of Haifa.<br />
Place: Auditorium Krieger, French Cultural Center Haifa – Nazareth, French<br />
Carmel, Haifa<br />
Nazand Begikhani (Kurdistan – France)<br />
Salem Jubran (Israel)<br />
Sami Michael (Israel)<br />
XX (Egypt)<br />
Moderator: Aliza Shenhar (Israel)<br />
21.30 -22.30 – Mediterranean artistic evening in the presence of M. Yona<br />
Yahav, Mayor of Haifa<br />
Emcee: Erez Asherov (Israel)