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<strong>Obstacles</strong> in <strong>Bhakti</strong><br />

Sri Bhagavân said in Gitâ – “The one who does not envy any body, is friendly<br />

towards all, compassionate, impartial, rid of false ego, is balanced in<br />

happiness and sorrow, always satisfied, has self-control, extremely faithful,<br />

his mind and intellect are surrendered to me, he does not cause anxiety to<br />

any being and neither gets troubled by others, is free from joy, misery, fear,<br />

anxiety – he is dear to me. He is detached from material attractions, pure,<br />

enthusiastic in executing his duties, impartial, nothing can cause him sorrow,<br />

does not expect anything in return for his duties, such a devotee is dear to<br />

me. He is not pleased with material gain neither expects what he does not<br />

have, he does not care for good or bad result – he is dear to me. He is<br />

impartial to friends and foes, is balanced in respect and disrespect, cold and<br />

heat, joy and sorrow, is mentally balanced, is detached from every material<br />

object, is balanced in praise and criticism, is satisfied with he gets, does not<br />

consider his home and wealth his own, is of steadfast nature – such a<br />

devotee is dear to me. He is faithful, devout and follows the abovementioned<br />

path – such devotees are extremely dear to me.”<br />

– (Bhagavad Gitâ.12.13-20)<br />

So we understand that if we have these qualities Sri Govinda will be pleased<br />

with us. Therefore when we practice devotion and conduct ourselves in this<br />

manner it is favorable for bhakti. If we behave in the opposite manner it is<br />

unfavorable.<br />

We should have firm faith that Sri Krishna will protect us. If we do not<br />

believe this strongly it means we don’t have sharanâgati. Then we do not feel<br />

enthusiastic in bhajan. If a student feels that in spite of studying he will not<br />

pass in the examination, then he will become slack in his studies. And if he<br />

knows for sure that if he studies he will definitely pass then he will study with<br />

renewed vigor. Therefore if we want bhakti it is necessary to have this firm<br />

belief – “I may be a great sinner, yet I have taken His shelter, then He will<br />

most certainly purify me and will place me at His feet.”<br />

It is possible that a father throws his son out of the house due to misconduct.<br />

However when the son realizes his folly and comes to his father saying- “I<br />

will not misbehave again” – how can the father shut the door on his face?<br />

Similarly since eternity, we, who have been steeped in materialism, take His<br />

shelter and beg – “My dear Lord, I have indulged in many bad activities, but<br />

I promise not to repeat them; please protect me, I take Your refuge” then<br />

how can Sri Bhagavân reject His refugees? After all He is the soul of souls.<br />

When we take His shelter truly we shall have no fear, for it is His nature to<br />

dispel fear.<br />

“sakrideva prapanno yastavâsmiti cha vâchate,<br />

abhayam sarvadâ tasmai dadâmyetad-vratam mâm”<br />

Meaning - "When we take His shelter and pray even once – ‘I am Yours’ – I<br />

always grant him protection; this is my pledge.” – (Râmâyan)<br />

Putanâ offered Sri Krishna her breast smeared with poison and He gave her<br />

the status of His mother in turn. When I take the shelter of such<br />

compassionate Sri Krishna why do I fear? Fear is afraid of Him. I have<br />

nothing to worry once I accept His shelter.<br />


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