Apr 1966 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Apr 1966 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Apr 1966 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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. -*<br />

our<br />

*<br />

fit July<br />

Tfce Old House Tour in<br />

mgue. an organization infer-<br />

In authentic antique* and<br />

y American urMfectuw as<br />

u contemporary art.<br />

•" For a snail fee, visitors may<br />

.IWkMi • tour ticket which en-<br />

•ttiien than to vijit 16 or so historic<br />

"j*I house, <strong>of</strong> the county, ranging<br />

ytont a SMalte stretch from BOPS-<br />

Mat, juat <strong>On</strong>ce mile* (ram<br />

mart, aouthward to Cape<br />

All <strong>of</strong> fte houses an 100 to 300<br />

aU, and many <strong>of</strong> them have<br />

eXtenriwty restored to dupli.<br />

as nt^ as possible Ibeir art-<br />

?*l condition. Authentic furnish-<br />

-lng» abound in most <strong>of</strong> thprn, as<br />

"Iheir owner* cherish the historical<br />

t jfcqwi on fne outfor<br />

easy identification, these<br />

; jour honw aw opened for public<br />

ly on this one occasion<br />

year. The tourist may visit<br />

•Them In aagr order he efcoows, and<br />

*jtf his own pace,<br />

I* MNQF nones were built in the<br />

when tile early county settlers<br />

ngaced In whaling, boat<br />

t and othme pumuu whkh<br />

largely disappeared from the<br />

a . Sopw <strong>of</strong> the examples <strong>of</strong><br />

•^band-work in their construction are<br />

«4H •HNR Ifip rtydei^a <strong>of</strong> woodwork**<br />

•Jug and archHectuw even today.<br />

*&J, *>. .<br />

IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME, Note the itraw<br />

skimmers and inkle-length skirts worn by the strollers ui<br />

this Victorian vintage photograph <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> beachfront.<br />

The old Hippodrome Pier, later destroyed by fire, is<br />


seen in the foreground. In the upper right Is the facade <strong>of</strong><br />

the boardwalk Music Pier M Moorlyn turSuui the boardwalk.<br />

Everything Good to Eat Tabernacle Office Site<br />

Of First OC Schoolroom<br />

1249 Ajbwry<br />



Dial m-0316<br />

f-Campbeirs Seafood*-<br />



FRIDAY, MAY 13th, <strong>1966</strong><br />

;<br />

. - •>?.- - ' ^ '<br />


Cooked Seafood<br />

DIAL<br />

OjMii omf<br />

399-<br />


ft«crdy<br />

4337<br />

To S«rv* You<br />

_ . . . . _ , . . - V . * v . v ^,;T-._.i, , ; , - j - . ^ . ; v-, ^ . . ^ , ; , _ . - _ , « . . ^ . -<br />

• • : . * . • - '<br />

. ' ; • . , * "<br />

Thp founding fathers <strong>of</strong> O,van<br />

<strong>City</strong> apparently were awutv ••,.' :h •<br />

value <strong>of</strong> u funna] »if c..*:*.pri hcf>:.^.i.* h.>»? ua<br />

a! !h»* (iifin 1 ';fv<br />

y.- ,.ff ,; ,• t ,; ,,,<br />

fjid L. •• .i f ,r r<br />

pp fir ,T •,, ,<br />

is onp <strong>of</strong> the tr.iwuii irj.f<br />

by T,<br />

colksf oh th" n-.v<br />

trmces the hiffon, nf th..<br />

^immunity tmm thn t:m«» it wi,s<br />

a Bleak island before ITno up >,,.><br />

n't rnprirary times<br />

rrmri thp Past." Is ,,<br />

<strong>of</strong> rtwrtw items <strong>of</strong> ints'ri*<br />

culled from npw«napi.«r file' 1 *.<br />

old minute books and other sourtt > and<br />

) > r'ti>rt;tinnu.Mr thi- tint<br />

•i-Li--, m-i-Ai'l diplimi.is. 'ITii- ilasji<br />

1 ' (Mpi-H-.i >i:\ Mudi n'j. uhiim iiwii-<br />

l»!f*i»f ;it»Hit fhrii- yi-ars f »•.•-<br />

.•isln-% s. I-HIPI titijfl;,^<br />

In !;«ti thi- iir;yiri.il vtni. lurn<br />

^•'!.•> !• ni .juttTI .its! flic hi 1 :, k IMIII.I.<br />

iJiii iiriwntly liK-ainl .MI t|M> siu><br />

•A t« . ..nsinitiiii. liijiMm th.s |,tm,.<br />

!!•••• i liisM-s weiv wjiti, nsi ,n %lir,<br />

.••iii* .ifJiiTs arrt htiili!im:> .ir.N<br />

!•• -iirTK Wfis •t|n i m>m!s <strong>of</strong><br />

liiiaf Kiiii Unbar Bay thnt nro<br />

cii»ssifl by as many comreii 1 and<br />

sii^l liriducs on ihe stale highway<br />

Uuu'iti <strong>On</strong> in <strong>City</strong> .ind thr niaJn.<br />

liilid at Sntnel> I*oint,<br />

Tin first 'nit ymi cnm% rominsr<br />

JiiWJHl ih'- -.hm-f i^ Ship Qyiinnjjl,<br />

,ii Sunn is I'M Mi's wiHeiironf The<br />

h iiv (Ti.iMrK'l rinii lij'Hch Thor<strong>of</strong>iii'<br />

Tin- I.lit' i i* 1 'he main chan-<br />

• , | ij r:;- 'h'- li'i-.il li;i>!n>Mt.<br />


Po<br />

Ocwn<br />

10 and<br />

ing<br />

A few<br />

'or air<br />

rate <strong>of</strong><br />

at<br />

pjiday,<br />

hjstory <strong>of</strong><br />

by meant «|,<br />

flight<br />

un<br />

'Uke<br />

IF<br />

FOR THE<br />

GOOD OLE Ml<br />

YOU'LL FIND IVfln<br />

OLB FAS<br />

including THE FOOD at<br />





<strong>On</strong> The Boardwalk - Opposite<br />

«. . • ^ "s *.. . •<br />


, C3<br />

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Or*<br />

' J<br />

t '<br />

NEWSPAPER OFnCE. Thta Anbury av rtil<br />

was the location <strong>of</strong> the first newspaper printed<br />

y in 1881. It was also the post oMce<br />

s Events Since '81<br />

Oty had bnn-<br />

B pi in' "ti .ViJiury av<br />

M Mr IMiinwin WM» !!•<br />

| aal pubii-Ji.T fur X> yonrn,<br />

m^j«(»Ts m.i.li- Ihi-ir<br />

but thi> uniy HOC ttmt<br />

mtinuoiiKly WHM HIP<br />

It wti itartiii m 1WT by<br />

I CMi\rr ThL- ni'wupapi'r was<br />

the »iur*lit>K buRrri uf<br />

Qty AMii'iHtiiin. a fl.mi<br />

in ttw rcwirt during<br />

to ((«• (kitm l"ity<br />

ud NHuhinK Cunipuny,<br />

L inKmm pur-<br />

SpntinH. and in the<br />

\m. Thr S»-n-<br />

The ledger wen* vm-<br />

the (dem Oty<br />

tm Tu.—!<br />

|ti qnij n<br />

0n«n c<br />

|tkr<br />

iiiiUi law<br />

the .*wrtn#|.<br />

puUiiihth.-Srntim*l-<br />

in th«« punt<br />

riiimf '»f cir.<br />

"f^n. 1 vijumn and<br />

o*iuinimlH* at tba<br />

.if thi* year and<br />

Tu. Hilay ami Kri.<br />

i fte «uniMi( r numths from<br />

.i "4-|ilpiiiiior, efh<br />

journal,<br />

euMomen each w«* Thp g<br />

arc rtTiiliPd by the Audit Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Qrvulatian. nationally recog.<br />

nizpd asrwy avrving advc-rtiivra<br />

and publishers<br />

Thp dtwri- to give thp petit pr».<br />

•ihip KTvic-e to readprs and adv«-rtiscrs<br />

pmmpt^i UK- switch to<br />

twicr-a-wcek publii'ation in the<br />

summer mx ypars ag«, Combinod<br />

thf two papers v%.<br />

IJilJOU piT »w>k during Augu.st.<br />

I'rrKlui-im; ihis newspaper n>quirw<br />

a staff .if 15 fuli empiiiso*<br />

tin- jcar .irnumi VMIJI a<br />

fuuple (if extni harits mipi(^e«i<br />

in the suiimier rnimths whi-n the<br />


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