List 4-2013 - Libreria Antiquaria Alberto Govi

List 4-2013 - Libreria Antiquaria Alberto Govi

List 4-2013 - Libreria Antiquaria Alberto Govi


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S a C r e d r e p r e S e n tat i o n<br />

14) SACCHETTI, Cesare (fl. 2 nd half of the 16 th cent.). La gloriosa e trionfante vittoria donata dal grande Iddio al popolo<br />

Hebreo per mezzo di Giudith sua fedelissima serva. Ridotta in comedia. Composta per Cesare Sacchetti bolognese, et date<br />

[sic] in luce. Firenze, 1575.<br />

4to; modern stiff vellum, gilt title on spine; (34) ll. Large woodcut vignette on the title-page depicting the beheading of Holofernes by Judith.<br />

Text printed on two columns. Inner margin of the volume reinforced, some marginal repairs slightly affecting the text in a few pages (on l. B2<br />

the loss of text has been supplied by hand), otherwise a good copy.<br />

RARE SECOND EDITION. La gloriosa e trionfante vittoria was first published in Bologna<br />

in 1564 by Alessandro Benacci, together with the Rappresentatione di santo Christoforo<br />

martire by the same author. The two works were later included in Il terzo libro di feste,<br />

rappresentationi, et comedie spirituali di diversi santi e sante, del Testamento Vecchio, et<br />

Nuovo, composte da diversi autori (Florence, 1578), a collection issued by Giunta of 31 different<br />

texts, everyone bearing its own title-page and its own pagination (cf. A. Cioni, Bibliografia<br />

delle sacre rappresentazioni, Firenze, 1961, p. 28).<br />

It is a sacred representation in five acts in prose, in which the biblical story of Judith and<br />

Holofernes is told in a bizarre manner with the introduction of strange and imaginary characters,<br />

as the villain Frusto, who speaks in the dialect of Bologna, the parasite Formidabile, the<br />

blind Bacolo, the knaves Trinca and Tronco, the two crazy Pliny and Livy, the eunuch Vagho,<br />

the doctor Servius, the barber Ottone, etc. The volume concludes with fourteen scathing<br />

terzine of L’Autore a i finti amici (The Author to the fake friends) (cf. F. Capozzi, The Evolution<br />

and Transformation of the Judith and Holofernes Theme in Italian Drama and Art<br />

Before 1627, Madison, 1975, p. 127).<br />

Almost nothing is known about the Bolognese poet Cesare Sacchetti. He also published Il<br />

primo et secondo canto sopra i benemeriti di monsignore vescovo di Narni (Bologna, 1565),<br />

I tre canti per la nova creatione del sommo pontefice papa Pio quinto Ghiselieri bolognese<br />

(Bologna, 1566), Tre canti in lode del sommo, et Romano pontefice nostro sig. papa Sisto<br />

Quinto (Bologna, 1586), and the Stanze in materia della morte di Lodovico, e Hippolita<br />

amanti bolognesi (Bologna, 1587).<br />

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