Modul Mata Kuliah Journalisme Online - Ayo Menulis FISIP UAJY

Modul Mata Kuliah Journalisme Online - Ayo Menulis FISIP UAJY

Modul Mata Kuliah Journalisme Online - Ayo Menulis FISIP UAJY


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e traced to Thomas Paine and the pamphleteers of the 18th century, and to the antiwar,<br />

counterculture alternative press that prospered in the 1960s.<br />

A citizen journalist, Stephens notes, is not the same as a political blogger. The former can, and<br />

sometimes does, original reporting; the latter, for the most part, is a political junkie armed with opinions<br />

and has no bones about sharing them. But these definitions don't always fit.<br />

"There really is no simple definition for what a citizen journalist is, just lots and lots of examples," says<br />

Dan Gillmor, former technology columnist for the San Jose Mercury News and author of "We the Media:<br />

Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People."<br />

"It ranges from people who do journalism all the time to people who do what you might call a random<br />

act of journalism to people who don't consider themselves journalists but are in fact practicing<br />

journalism.<br />

"The publishing tools -- digital cameras, blogging software -- are at the people's disposal," Gillmor<br />

continues. "And for a lot of them, the underlying motivation is frustration with the traditional media."<br />

Take Anderson.<br />

Now off the D train, Ms. CJ continues with her rant. Her voice, low and pointed, grows more incredulous<br />

as she steps out of the subway and onto the streets of Brooklyn. She's railing against illegal immigration<br />

-- "What part of illegal," she snaps, "don't you get?" -- and wonders where the MSMers are in covering<br />

this "big, big, big" story.<br />

After the Democratic debate in Philadelphia earlier this month, when Sen. Hillary Clinton was criticized<br />

for her response to a question about granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, Anderson wrote on<br />

her blog: "If [Clinton] is the nominee, Republicans will go buck-wild with attack ads showing she was for<br />

licenses for illegals before she was against it."<br />

Tall and striking, Anderson was raised in the poor, rough streets of Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant<br />

neighborhood and first set foot on an airplane on her way to California to attend Stanford Law School.<br />

She looks like a cross between Meryl Streep, Chita Rivera and Pam Grier, with physical features as hard<br />

as to pin down as her politics. She grew up a Democrat, switched to the Republican Party in the Reagan<br />

years and bolted out of the GOP in 2000, following the election debacle that angered her to her core.<br />

She's been an independent ever since and supports none of the candidates right now.<br />

Journalism, as political MSMers in Washington practice it, is too inside-the-Beltway, too beholden to<br />

sources, Ms. CJ says, all about the horse race, the money haul, the strategists, the pollsters, all about<br />

ensuring that official Washington and its political class stay employed.<br />

"And not enough about the issues," Anderson points out, "never enough about the issues." She blogs<br />

about illegal immigration constantly and wrote extensively about the Jena Six case well before the MSM<br />

started covering the racial conflicts seething in that small Louisiana town. She credits black bloggers,<br />

alongside black radio, with closely following that story.

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