Annual Report 2005 - Tenaris

Annual Report 2005 - Tenaris

Annual Report 2005 - Tenaris


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<strong>Report</strong> of the Independent Auditors<br />

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders<br />

Confab Industrial S.A.<br />

1. We have audited the balance sheets of Confab Industrial S.A. and the consolidated balance sheets<br />

of Confab Industrial S.A. and its subsidiaries as of December 31, <strong>2005</strong> and 2004 and the related<br />

statements of income, of changes in shareholders' equity and of changes in the financial position<br />

of Confab Industrial S.A. and the corresponding statements of income and of changes in financial<br />

position for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the company's<br />

management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements.<br />

2. We conducted our audits in accordance with approved Brazilian auditing standards, which require<br />

that we perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements<br />

are fairly presented in all material aspects. Accordingly, our work included, among other procedures:<br />

(a) planning our audits taking into consideration the significance of balances and the accounting<br />

and internal control systems of the companies, (b) examining, based on tests, evidence and records<br />

supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, and (c) assessing the most<br />

significant accounting principles and estimates used by the company's management, as well as<br />

the overall presentation of the financial statements.<br />

3. In our opinion the financial statements examined by us present fairly, in all material aspects,<br />

the equity and financial position of Confab Industrial S.A. and Confab Industrial S.A. and its subsidiaries<br />

on December 31, <strong>2005</strong> and 2004, and the results of the operations, the changes in shareholders'<br />

equity and the changes in financial position of Confab Industrial S.A. for the years then<br />

ended, as well as the changes in consolidated financial position for the years then ended, in compliance<br />

with accounting practices adopted in Brazil.<br />

4. We conducted our audits with the objective of presenting an opinion about the financial statements<br />

referred to in the first paragraph, taken as a whole. The statement of cash flow, presented<br />

in the attachment to provide supplementary information about the company, is not required as an<br />

integral part of the financial statements. This statement of cash flow was submitted to the auditing<br />

procedures described in the second paragraph and in our opinion fairly presents, in all material<br />

aspects, the cash flow situation in relation to the overall presentation of the financial statements.<br />

São Paulo, January 27, 2006<br />

Independent Auditors<br />

CRC 2SP000160/O–5<br />

Paulo Cesar Estevão Netto<br />

Accountant CRC 1RJ026365/O–8 "T" SP

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