Java IO.pdf - Nguyen Dang Binh

Java IO.pdf - Nguyen Dang Binh

Java IO.pdf - Nguyen Dang Binh


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SecretKey blowfishKey = blowfishKeyGenerator.generateKey();<br />

Cipher blowfish = Cipher.getInstance("Blowfish/ECB/PKCS5Padding");<br />

blowfish.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, blowfishKey);<br />

<strong>Java</strong> I/O<br />

Generating random keys opens up the issue of how one stores and transmits the secret keys.<br />

To my way of thinking, random key generation makes more sense in public key cryptography,<br />

where all keys that need to be transmitted can be transmitted in the clear.<br /> Algorithm parameters<br />

The third possible argument to init() is a series of instructions for the cipher contained in an<br />

instance of the java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec interface or an instance of<br />

the java.security.AlgorithmParameters class. The AlgorithmParameterSpec interface<br />

declares no methods or constants. It's simply a marker for more specific subclasses that can<br />

provide additional, algorithm-dependent parameters for specific algorithms and modes (for<br />

instance, an initialization vector). If the algorithm parameters you provide don't fit the cipher's<br />

algorithm, an InvalidAlgorithmParameterException is thrown. The JCE provides several<br />

AlgorithmParameterSpec classes in the javax.crypto.spec package, including<br />

IVParameterSpec, which can set an initialization vector for modes that need it (CBC, CFB,<br />

and OFB), and PBEParameterSpec for password-based encryption.<br /> Source of randomness<br />

The final possible argument to init() is a SecureRandom object. This argument is only used<br />

when in encryption mode. This is an instance of the java.security.SecureRandom class, a<br />

subclass of java.util.Random that uses a pseudo-random number algorithm based on the<br />

SHA-1 hash algorithm instead of java.util.Random's linear congruential formula.<br />

java.util.Random's random numbers aren't random enough for strong cryptography. In this<br />

book, I will simply accept the default source of randomness.<br />

10.5.2 update( )<br />

Once the init() method has prepared the cipher for use, the update() method feeds data<br />

into it, encrypting or decrypting as it goes. There are four overloaded variants of this method.<br />

The first two return the encrypted or decrypted bytes:<br />

public final byte[] update(byte[] input) throws IllegalStateException<br />

public final byte[] update(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength)<br />

throws IllegalStateException<br />

These may return null if you're using a block cipher and not enough data has been provided<br />

to fill a block. The input data to be encrypted or decrypted is passed in as an array of bytes.<br />

Optional offsets and lengths may be used to select a particular subarray to be processed.<br />

update() throws an IllegalStateException if the cipher has not been initialized or it has<br />

already been finished with doFinal(). In either case, it's not prepared to accept data until<br />

init() is called.<br />

The second two variants of update() store the output in a buffer byte array passed in as the<br />

fourth argument and return the number of bytes stored in the buffer:<br />


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