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Conservator of last resort, in ves -<br />

ti gates need for conservatorship<br />

by Public Guardian for frail elderly<br />

and brain inpaired adults.<br />

What Can Be Done<br />

To Plan For The<br />

Management Of As sets?<br />

Durable Power of Attorney for<br />

Property Management may be<br />

con sid ered an alternative to trusts<br />

or Con ser va tor ship. It must be created<br />

while the person still has legal<br />

capacity. The creator of the power,<br />

or “prin ci pal,” may choose to have<br />

all his/her assets or only specifi ed<br />

assets managed by another person,<br />

the “agent” or “attorney in fact,”<br />

and may defi ne the manner in<br />

which the power is used. The principal<br />

may choose to have the power<br />

to be effective im me di ate ly upon<br />

its creation and not be affected by<br />

his/her subsequent in ca pac i ty, or<br />

to have it effective only after he/<br />

she later becomes in ca pac i tat ed.<br />

The principal may specify the<br />

cir cum stanc es under which his/<br />

her incapacity will be determined.<br />

Express powers are necessary to<br />

give the agent the powers needed<br />

for gifting and self-gifting, dealing<br />

with retirement benefi ts, government<br />

benefi ts, pension benefi ts or<br />

IRS matters. The prin ci pal may revoke<br />

a power of attorney for health<br />

or fi nancial affairs at any time as<br />

long as s/he is still com pe tent.<br />

The court can revoke this power if<br />

it determines that there has been<br />

mis man age ment. However, re vo -<br />

ca tions may be too late to recover<br />

assets. Thus as with the Durable<br />

Power of Attorney for Health Care,<br />

and Ad vance Health Care Di rec -<br />

tives, it is important to consult an<br />

attorney regarding the utilization<br />

of the Durable Power of Attorney<br />

for Property Management, even<br />

though it can be utilized without<br />

an attorney’s assistance. The agent<br />

has a great deal of control over<br />

an individual’s assets. Although<br />

the Civil Code provides for sanctions<br />

against those refusing to<br />

honor valid documents, banks and<br />

bro ker age houses may not accept<br />

the Durable Power of Attorney for<br />

Property Management (often they<br />

provide their own). It is important<br />

to check with your fi nancial institution<br />

to determine what they will<br />

require and to sign the institution<br />

forms.<br />

If a fi nancial institution resists<br />

honoring the agent, ask the su per -<br />

vi sor to send a copy of the Durable<br />

Power to their legal department for<br />

evaluation and approval.<br />

A Living Trust<br />

Can provide protection in a number<br />

of areas, including avoidance<br />

of probate, avoidance of Con ser va -<br />

tor ship, and the protection of privacy.<br />

It is an ar range ment through<br />

which the property of a person<br />

(the “settlor”) is transferred into a<br />

trust, including real estate, bank<br />

accounts, stocks and bonds, and<br />

insurance policies. The trust instru<br />

ment will specify how property<br />

is to be used during the benefi ciary’s<br />

life and who is to receive the<br />

contents of the trust after his/her<br />

death. The powers granted in the<br />

trust and the powers granted in the<br />

LEGAL<br />

Durable Power of Attorney should<br />

be consistent and parallel.<br />

Declaration of Homestead<br />

Persons who own their own home<br />

may be able to protect a portion<br />

of the equity value, in the event<br />

of a forced sale in order to satisfy<br />

unpaid debts, by pre par ing and<br />

recording a dec la ra tion of homestead.<br />

This cannot protect against<br />

Medi-Cal eligibility re stric tions<br />

regarding assets.<br />

Conservatorship of the Estate<br />

Similar to the Conservatorship<br />

of the person, this allows for the<br />

man age ment of the conservatee’s<br />

money and other property. Court<br />

pro ceed ings to designate a con ser -<br />

va tor are required. This is usually<br />

the last method considered, but<br />

may be necessary if the individual<br />

is already unable to manage his/<br />

her own affairs. A well-drafted Durable<br />

Power of Attorney for Property<br />

Management can avoid the need<br />

for a con ser va tor ship of the estate<br />

in most cases, if executed when the<br />

person still has legal capacity.<br />

Public Benefi ts Planning<br />

Planning for public benefi ts may<br />

be desirable if the incapacitated<br />

adult even tu al ly needs the care of<br />

Consultation and Representation for<br />

•Estate and Long Term Care Planning<br />

•Eligibility for Medi-Cal Benefits<br />

•Conservatorship Proceedings<br />

•Durable Powers of Attorney<br />

•Trust, Probate and Conservatorship Litigation<br />

David C. Turpin<br />


National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys<br />

735 State Street Suite 623 • Santa Barbara, CA 93101<br />

805-965-3079 • dturpin@turpinlaw.com<br />


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