WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - State Law Publisher

WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - State Law Publisher

WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - State Law Publisher


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JULY 1, 11)38.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 11147<br />

Registrar General's Office,<br />

Perth. 30th june .1938.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the name of the undermentioned Minister lies been duly removed from<br />

the register in this office of Ministers registered for the celebration of Marriages throughout the <strong>State</strong> of Western Australia:-<br />

R.G. No.<br />

21/1937<br />

Date.<br />

1938.<br />

june 25<br />

Denomination and Name.<br />

The Rev. W. b'Collins<br />

1-lomoa Catholic C/meet.<br />


(under section 5 of Registi'ation of Deaths and Mnr<br />

riages Amendnient Act, 1907, and section 2 of the<br />

Registration of' Births, Deaths, and Slnrri::g's Act<br />

Amendment Act, 1914).<br />

Registrar Generals 09i':e,<br />

Perth, 28th done, 1938.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general infornintion, that Mr.<br />

J. F. Morris has been appointed to act, temporarily,<br />

as District Registrar of Births, Deallis and Marriages<br />

for the York Registry District, to reside at York during<br />

the absence on leave of Mr. 1V .A.Petterson; appointment<br />

to date from 7th July, 1938.<br />

Registrar c er;: l's Office,<br />

LEG. No. 105/33. Perth, 29th juin, 1938.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general 1:: ':r in;; Fin, that<br />

Sergt . Williani Michael Carinody has '<br />

act, temporarily, as Assistn iii District I l':gi si ra r of<br />

Births, Deaths and Marriages for the Freni; ii I- R-gistrv<br />

District, to reside at North Freniantle, iii-o t-ergt. N.<br />

O'Brien retired; appoitment to date fr oin 98th june,<br />

1938.<br />

W L. WILSON,<br />

Deputy Registrar General.<br />

;; '-'' I tel to<br />


Election of Workmen's Inspectors of .11lnie.,<br />

Department of Mines,<br />

Perth, 29th .June, I 938.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that, in accordance with ilegolation<br />

17, Part 2, Clause 7 (c), of the regulations published<br />

in. the Cover,, ncl)i Gazette of the 10th November,<br />

1934, 1 hereby appoint the undermentioned dates, times,<br />

and plares at whicli an Election will he held fur the 11 si -<br />

tions of Workmen 'a Inspector of 2-lines for tic- Si d<br />

District comprising North-East I oolga rdie, East Coolgardie,<br />

Coolgardic, Broad Arroic, Dundas, and Yilg;; rn<br />

(Ioldfields.<br />

Polling DayTuesday, 20th .5 nI-., 1938.<br />

flours of Polling'-7 an;, to 5.30 pin.<br />

Polling l'laees where vetiiig papers may he obtained<br />

and votes rn st hetn-e,- ii the ;,l eve,; len t ion el ii ours -<br />

Inspector of Nines, Nalgoorib (duet)<br />

Court house, Boulder.<br />

Associated (1 old hi inc. Fimnis i on, can<br />

Lake View- Shaft, 1:'iinisloii. -indle house.<br />

Chaffers Gold Mine, f'iniiai;i, candle louse.<br />

I1,usi,ami's Star Gold Mine, i-'i,lIou, c;uidle house.<br />

: Ivanhoe Gold Miie, Fii,nst:;i. :51- Is-;-c.<br />

Ilorscslioe No. 2 Gold Shin,-, FoI<br />

North IDdgurli (1912) Kalg;mrli<br />

candle house.<br />

North iKalgurhi (1912) Slain Phi; f'huiston.<br />

cans lIe house.<br />

I ) I oil, I Ii ( SI hi in h 1I I ,i<br />

(it. 1Jun11: r ITs. IbM. - ll;nnilion bi,;ift, l'iiiiiston.<br />

eandl- house.<br />

Psulli ltai;pirii (i,,isiid;itid (c-i., hn'hsi-s (liP-c;.<br />

Crocsns i'i-:-pric-tar5' Gull Mine, i'iiniston, -anIle<br />

house.<br />

P1;:,<br />

Pnhii ic F 11.<br />

Gormn;um 's<br />

Argus'<br />

Tindal 's Go'<br />

Or;i Baada<br />

Patch.<br />

(ion r 1 Id ousu.<br />

Co'pem'h-'-'i I:;:<br />

Slierie 'i .1;'hd<br />

Residence.<br />

(3 eraldton ... ... Ger;shlI on<br />

Boulder I'ersevera li-es .td., Ill ulistun, candle house.<br />

Kalgoorlie Enterprise, Ltd., Fimniston, e;nul Sc house.<br />

Iron Duke Gold Mine, Finiistou (slotS; loss 's 0111cc).<br />

Oroya South Gold Mimic, Fiinislou (shift boss's<br />

olliec).<br />

North Kalgnr]i tn ited Mines, Ltd., Fimiston, candle<br />

house.<br />

I;:;-ine.-;."i. & 15. Co., Ltd., Fimiston (unll shift<br />

is---.; 's oliiee).<br />

rIb - d Mine, Kalgoorlie, candle house.<br />

C- -: in cdie.<br />

Ltd., (olg;rdie (office).<br />

Mines, Spargovihle.<br />

nger.<br />

-il Shine, !lfimstore, battery.<br />

lil;iuda.<br />

Coolgirdie.<br />

;nuated Shines, N.L., Ill rant's<br />

or), Cross,<br />

flullfinchi,<br />

-iliac, Bullfinch.<br />

Edna Slav .\n,;;!-i,iiateci Slines, 'Westoni;,.<br />

YeIlowrl lime ('ci dJ'i-'.-t., LI 1,, Ml . I'ahner,<br />

Vilgarmi ((loll Bloc, Novena.<br />

.Edw;u-d's Find P1,1 Mine, Marvel Loch.<br />

Police Station, St;u'v,-1 Loch.<br />

Central Noi';':'ii;ao Icl I rp., isorsenian.<br />

Abhottshahl (odd 5-Si i;-:, N orse,nan.<br />

Ni,r-- -nine 0-li "I in:-.:, N.L. Norsenm;imi.<br />

1 joe<br />

P11 01 ne, Norseuman.<br />

Bird Phil 'I:: -: Norseiunn.<br />

- ' nnnies a nil<br />

;tes apprd,ve:.l Ii<br />

.1 ohn<br />

K;ilgoor Ii.<br />

llJerS;-e, julni. IS<br />

Ens<br />

IOu. -macas -<br />

Lam'; -; :'t,Fi', :1:<br />

-md, 'Job,<br />

anile.<br />

Registry District.<br />

IV. L. WILSON,<br />

Deputy Registrar (1 cur-cal.<br />

the dole nonnnatcd<br />

follows :-<br />

Piracy, 66 Ward sheet,<br />

street, Kalgourlic.<br />

Dank street, Boulder.<br />

) 1-Iewitt street, Kid-<br />

ticet, Boulc'ler.<br />

L5nhl street, Kalgoorlic.<br />

7 Pcei-s street, Kalgonrlie.<br />

l'alnser.<br />

cd, 1(10 Egan street, KB-<br />

8-5 llanhury street, Kal-<br />

18-f liesse street, Boulder.<br />

'1 Oreyc street. Boulder.<br />

street, Boulder.<br />

y. 'irafelgai'.<br />

':)i street, Bouhder.<br />

Kalgoorlic.<br />

ISalgoui'lie.<br />

sI reet, fiocilder.<br />

lg'oorlhe.<br />

street, Boulder.<br />

TriP--c--. I lilip Jol, Sill, l'al,uer.<br />

Turner, ('I;ireuce Chi;nfii's. P Robert street. l\aig-oorh;c.<br />

Pull-ri b'oloi, til;; ,h);ivis sti-eet, Boulder.<br />

\\ ;lli iii, I liii) i lou i 1h L wis t ccl Ii il<br />

goom-lie. -<br />

51. 19. Tli'OY,<br />

Acting Minister for Mines.

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