301 - Oklahoma State University - Library

301 - Oklahoma State University - Library

301 - Oklahoma State University - Library


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12 Ind. C1. Corn. <strong>301</strong><br />

particuler portion of the vzlley, of one of the sinall<br />

latsral streams. This locality was regarded as their<br />

horns, but was occupied, as a rule, only in winter; for<br />

during the rzrnainder of the year they were semi-nomadic.<br />

In the early spring tky repaired to t3e fisheries in<br />

tkz larger river, and fishing, hnting, and root-digging<br />

coctinued until midsummer, when they moved i9t3 the<br />

rnocrrains to gather berries. -As autmn approached they<br />

rzturned to ths valleys for the late fishhg, which continued<br />

u~til cold wzathzr forced the= into winter quarters.<br />

(Pet. Ex. 561, pp. 3-4)<br />

C~r.2is repcxted that a grozp of bands which Ee cazned the Sinkiuse<br />

were geogrtphically associated in the region between the Columbia River<br />

aad that series of de2ressions in ths earth's crust begicning in the<br />

Grand Coulee e~ld contin~irrg in a nilmbzr of small closed lakes, the<br />

lower courss of Crab Czezk, Moses Lake and the sink of Crab Creek.<br />

1) These Indians, he stated, were variously kzown as tke Columbias, the<br />

Isle de Pierre (referring to Rock Island in the Colmbia River below<br />

the mocth of the Wena~chi), Moses Band, and Sinkiuse. Curtis identified<br />

seven bands within this group and identifizd each with a separate village<br />

sLte on the Caiumbia between the nout5 of Crab Creek, on the south,<br />

and a site a short dlstance above the mouth of the Wenztchee on the north.<br />

Curtis wrote that the Wenatchee were a group of snall tribes whose<br />

territory extended froin Lake Chelan to the Wenatchee River. Within<br />

this group he enumerated six bands which were located as follows:<br />

(I) At the outlet of Lake Chelan,<br />

(2) Aloag Entiat Creek,<br />

(3) On the Columbiz River between Entiat Creek ar.d Wenatchee River,<br />

(4) At the mouth or' the Wenatchee River,

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