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while by Stokes’ theorem<br />


C te deg T<br />

Ct--emulto(V),<br />

7 )iT[r] 9Q .If[r] (’on<br />

which tends to zero as r ---> 0, thus proving (3.17).<br />

We note the general principle, already familiar from the use of polar coordinates<br />

in elementary calculus, that blowing up frequently simplifies singular integrals.<br />

In the next section we shall be considering varieties Vt acquiring an isolated<br />

singularity at the origin and shall show that suitable curvature integrals<br />

lim 0<br />

2k<br />

exist and have limits as e---> 0, and shall eventually give geometric interpretations<br />

of these. For k n the above limit is<br />

e2, vol V0[e], --<br />

which then<br />

tends to multo(V0) as e 0.<br />

(c) Volume of tubes in the complex case. We shall now derive the formula<br />

for the volume of the tube around a complex manifold M, C U. Proceeding as<br />

in the real case, we let N[r] denote the ball of radius r around M embedded as<br />

zero cross-section in its normal bundle, and by z(M) the image (counting multiplicities)<br />

of the map<br />

Points in the image are<br />

N[r] --> ([N,<br />

w z + Z t, e., litll-< r,<br />

and from the structure equations (3.1) and (3.2)<br />

dw (to. + tgto..)e. + (dt. + t(o.)e.<br />

with repeated indices being summed. Setting<br />

d to + t,to, toe t,h,(o<br />

(recall that II h,oto (R) e, is the 2nd fundamental form ofM C U), the

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