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For example, suppose that we consider the basic Schubert cycle 2;’*; then<br />

(- 1)’C t KdA<br />

is the Gauss-Bonnet integrand (we use dA instead of dVt), and (5.11) is<br />

(5.13) lim Iv Ct- KdA Ct- t-*0<br />

Iv KdA + (-1)’* # (A,<br />

If we assume that the origin is the only isolated singularity of V0 and set Vt[.]<br />

ilzll _< then by the discussion in section 3(c)<br />

which, when combined with (5.13) gives<br />

KdA 0<br />

(5.14) lim lim C te | KdA (-1)’*# (A, X’*).<br />

0 0 Jvt[]<br />

Now suppose that V0 c En + is a hypersurface with an isolated singularity<br />

at the origin. If V0 is given by an analytic equation f(za, ", z’* / 1) 0, then<br />

setting Vt {f(z) t} embeds V0 in a family {Vt} with Vt smooth for # 0. By<br />

(4.10) the Schubert cycles 2;’* are in one-to-one correspondence with the hyperplanes<br />

H through the origin, and by (4.12)<br />

#(T(V), H) {number of times the tangent plane to V is parallel to H}.<br />

We shall sketch the proof of the following result of Tessier: (6)<br />

For sufficiently small and H generic,<br />

[(n>}<br />

__ (’*+ (5.15) # (y(Vt), H) # (y(Vo), H) + 1> {/x<br />

where t (i) is the ith Milnor number of Vo.<br />

Proof. We recall (z) that for e, t sufficiently small and n -> 2, Vt[e] has the<br />

homotopy type of a wedge of n-spheres; the number of these is the top Milnor<br />

number (n / a). The remaining Milnor numbers are defined by:/z ("- k / a) top<br />

Milnor number of L N V0 where L is a generic (;N- k through the origin in N,<br />

and where we agree to set/x (a) mult0(V0) and/x () 1. Choose a generic<br />

linear coordinate system (z 1," ", z’*, u) such that the hyperplanes parallel to H<br />

are given by u constant. The projection<br />

u’V---,.<br />

fibres Vt by varieties Vt,,, of dimension n 1, and the critical values//1, ", //K<br />

correspond exactly to tangent hyperplanes Hu parallel to H. We may assume<br />

that each Hu is simply tangent, and thus by Lefschetz theory (8) as u ux the<br />

Vt,,, acquire an ordinary double point with there being a single vanishing cycle<br />

5 H,_ l(Vt,0). The picture in the (real) (t, u) plane is something like

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