(LATO) IN LOWERED SEAWATER pH - Central Visayas Campus ...

(LATO) IN LOWERED SEAWATER pH - Central Visayas Campus ...

(LATO) IN LOWERED SEAWATER pH - Central Visayas Campus ...


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The supernatant for each treatment was analyzed for the determination of the<br />

chlorophyll a content using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The chlorophyll a<br />

concentration was determined by measuring the absorbance (optical density - OD) of<br />

the extract at wavelengths 645 nanometer and 662 nanometer. The resulting<br />

absorbance measurements were then applied to a standard equation (ESS Method<br />

150.1: Chlorophyll-Spectrophotometric).<br />

The formula below was used to calculate the amount of chlorophyll a:<br />

C = (11.75) (A662) – (2.350) (A645)<br />

where C = Chlorophyll a concentration,<br />

3.5 Statistical Analysis<br />

A662 = absorbance at 662 nanometer<br />

A645 = absorbance at 645 nanometer.<br />

Treatment effects on the weight of the species were statistically tested for<br />

significance at the 5% level using t-test (Kurihara and Ishimatsu 2008). The initial and<br />

final weights of the species for the three trials were used and compared statistically.<br />

The program used was Past software in computing the t-test.<br />


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