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EN<br />



More information on the European Union is available on the Internet (http://europa.eu).<br />

Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication.<br />

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009<br />

ISBN 978-92-823-2673-2<br />

© European Communities, 2009<br />

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.<br />

Printed in Luxembourg<br />

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Directorate general for internal PolicieS<br />

Policy DePartment<br />

Structural anD coheSion PolicieS B<br />


The common fisheries policy

2<br />

AUTHOR<br />

Jesús Iborra Martín, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, European Parliament<br />


Original: FR<br />



Shutterstock, iStockphoto, European Parliament<br />


To contact the Policy Department or to subscribe to its monthly Newsletter<br />

please write to: poldep-cohesion@europarl.europa.eu<br />

Manuscript completed in April 2009.<br />

Brussels, © European Parliament, 2009.<br />


The opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent<br />

the official position of the European Parliament.<br />

Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged<br />

and the publisher is given prior notice and sent a copy.


FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................................... 7<br />

CONTEXT ................................................................................................................................................ 9<br />

THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE CFP ....................................................................21<br />

THE PRIORITIES FOR THE 7TH PARLIAMENTARY TERM ................................................29<br />


FOR PARLIAMENT’S WORK ..........................................................................................................33<br />


OTHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION ......................................................................................39<br />

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..............................................................................................................47<br />


FOR MARITIME AFFAIRS AND FISHERIES .............................................................................49<br />

TERMINOLOGICAL ANNEX ..........................................................................................................51<br />

CARTOGRAPHICAL ANNEX .........................................................................................................95<br />



‘Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change.<br />

When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend<br />

on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our<br />

basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies,<br />

to keep them alive and available until the politically<br />

impossible becomes politically inevitable.’<br />

Milton Friedman (1982)<br />

‘As soon as questions of will or decision or reason or<br />

choice of action arise, human science is at a loss.’<br />

Noam Chomsky (1978)<br />



Dear Member,<br />

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the European Parliament and to<br />

provide you with information on the in-house resources available in terms of expert advice.<br />

Effective parliamentary work relies on specialised, objective, high-quality, up-to-date information.<br />

To this end, five units responsible for research, known as ‘Policy departments’, have<br />

been created. Their activities cover all the European Parliament’s areas of competence. They<br />

produce high-quality independent research, which is carried out either in house or by external<br />

experts.<br />

Policy Department B ‘Structural and Cohesion Policies’ is in charge of five policy areas: agriculture<br />

and rural development, culture and education, fisheries, regional development, and transport and<br />

tourism. It delivers a wide variety of tools, ranging from in-depth analyses of complex legislative<br />

issues to short background notes and even workshops where experts are invited to make live<br />

presentations. The purpose of these tools is to support the work of parliamentary bodies, for<br />

instance by contributing directly to the legislative work of a specific committee or serving as<br />

background information for delegation visits by Members. Apart from a few confidential<br />

documents, all the texts produced by Policy Department B ‘Structural and Cohesion Policies’ are<br />

published on Parliament’s website for the benefit of MEPs and the wider public.<br />

In this publication you will find brief information on the major policy developments in the<br />

area of fisheries that occurred during Parliament’s last term. We also discuss the challenges<br />

that fisheries policy will face in the near future. Finally, we provide an introduction to the<br />

options available to you in terms of the in-house and external expertise provided by Policy<br />

Department B.<br />

I wish you a pleasant reading!<br />

Ismael Olivares Martinez<br />

Director<br />

Directorate B: Structural and Cohesion Policies<br />

Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union<br />





Despite the ambitious reform of the common fisheries policy<br />

(CFP) adopted in 2002, there has been little improvement in<br />

the situation of Community fishing activities. Many fish stocks<br />

are still being overexploited. The fishing fleet remains oversized<br />

and, in a quest for profitability, it is trying to push back the frontiers<br />

of its activities, by fishing over greater distances, at greater<br />

depths, and for smaller fish. The financial problems have been<br />

exacerbated by rising costs, pressure from imports (60% of consumption)<br />

and the increasing power of mass marketing.<br />

The crisis the sector is experiencing is due to a combination of<br />

factors. Fishing activities are suffering from reduced catches<br />

as a result of the poor situation of fish stocks and restricted<br />

access to certain stocks. The combined effects of overcapacity<br />

and the low level of many stocks are reflected in poor economic<br />

returns in the catching sector and low profitability in<br />

many fleets.<br />

Rising costs owing to increasing fuel prices and market trends<br />

are also having an effect on the fisheries sector’s economic<br />

results. The market is suffering the impact of, among other<br />

things, imports from third countries, concentrated distribution<br />

and the reduced purchasing power of consumers. The rate at<br />

which the crisis in the fisheries sector is developing, and its<br />

extent, are striking. Between 2005 and 2007 the value of the<br />

fresh products covered by the Common Market Organisation<br />

(CMO) fell by 50% and the quantities marketed by 60%.<br />

Following a period of sustained growth, world catches appear<br />

to have hit a ceiling of 145 million tonnes. In the early<br />

1990s, European Union catches represented 7% of world<br />

fishing activities, putting the EU in third place as a global<br />

producer, behind China and Peru. Between 1992 and 2006<br />

there was a gradual reduction of 21% in European production,<br />

even taking account of successive enlargements, to<br />

5.3 million tonnes. In 2005, Community production represented<br />

6% of world catches. In 2006, these catches could be<br />

broken down as follows: 75% of Community catches came<br />

from the north-east Atlantic, 11% from the Mediterranean<br />

and the Black Sea, 8% from the central-eastern Atlantic, and<br />

3% from the western Indian Ocean.<br />

The 2004 enlargement, with 10 new Member States, prompted<br />

a 9% increase in European Union catches. However, 97%<br />

of this increase came from catches in the four countries<br />

along the Baltic coast. Of these four countries, only Lithuania<br />

has maintained a steady level of catches throughout<br />

the past decade, whereas catches have decreased by 54% in<br />

Poland, 34% in Estonia and 21% in Latvia.<br />

In 2006, five Member States (Denmark, Spain, France, the<br />

UK and the Netherlands) accounted for 60% of Community<br />

production. There are major structural differences between<br />

these five countries. Sixty-nine per cent of Danish production<br />

and 6% of UK production is destined for industrial use,<br />

mainly for the manufacture of fish meal. In Spain, France and<br />

the Netherlands, 100% of production is destined for human<br />

consumption. This situation is fully reflected in the value of<br />

catches and employment in the fisheries sector. For example,<br />

the unit value of landings in Spain is seven times higher<br />

than that of landings in Denmark.<br />

The decline in the total production of fisheries products follows<br />

the downward trend in catches, and aquaculture is unable to<br />


10<br />


(NUTS 2, 2005)<br />

Source: Pavel Salz, Framian bv,<br />

Graeme Macfadyen, Poseidon Ltd.,<br />

Regional Dependency on Fisheries,<br />

European Parliament, 2007.

compensate for this reduction. 2002 is a reference year, since it<br />

marked the adoption of the last CFP reform and the strategy for<br />

the sustainable development of European aquaculture. Since<br />

then, however, aquaculture production has stagnated and<br />

catches have continued to decline.<br />

Aquaculture production seems to have reached a ceiling. In<br />

2006, aquaculture represented 19% of total production, with<br />

1 283 tonnes. European aquaculture production was valued<br />

at € 3 billion, with freshwater fish accounting for 46% of this,<br />

crustaceans and molluscs for 31%, and sea fish for 23%. Community<br />

aquaculture focuses primarily on four species: mussels,<br />

trout, salmon and oysters. However, production of species<br />

such as bass, sea bream and turbot is developing. Five<br />

production trends in the 27 Member States. 2002 = 100<br />

130<br />

120<br />

110<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

Total production Aquaculture Catches<br />

2003<br />

countries are responsible for 74% of the volume of Community<br />

aquaculture production – France, 20%; Spain, 17%; Italy,<br />

14%; UK, 14%; Greece, 8%. In Spain, France and Italy bivalve<br />

molluscs (mussels, oysters and clams) account for the bulk<br />

of production, but species vary from country to country. The<br />

UK essentially focuses on salmon and trout, while Greece primarily<br />

processes other sea-fish species. The differing values<br />

of aquaculture production are due to species distribution.<br />

France accounts for 19% of production value, Italy and the UK<br />

for 17%, Greece for 12% and Spain for 10%.<br />

The European fishing fleet is very diverse as a result of the<br />

wide range of fishing conditions in Community waters. Large<br />

vessels predominate in Belgium, the Netherlands and Lithuania,<br />

while small boats are in the majority<br />

in the fishing fleets of Portugal,<br />

Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania.<br />

There are also wide variations within<br />

the fleets of almost all the Member<br />

States.<br />

2004<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

The results of the CFP have been poor<br />

in terms of controlling the fishing<br />

fleet’s overcapacity. Fishing capacity<br />

depends, firstly, on the fishing gear<br />

used, but the EU employs only tonnage<br />

and power to manage the fleet.<br />

The Community fishing fleet is gradually<br />

reducing in size, in terms both of<br />

the number of vessels and of overall<br />

tonnage and power. Despite this, the<br />

fleet’s fishing capacity is increasing as<br />

a result of the replacement of small<br />



12<br />

boats by vessels of greater tonnage and power, and of technological<br />

advances.<br />

The fishing fleet’s overcapacity has a political impact in addition<br />

to its effects on economic performance. In particular, it is at<br />

the root of political pressure to increase quotas beyond those<br />

scientifically recommended. Member States are often susceptible<br />

to a short-term approach, and give maintenance of fleet<br />

activity priority over sustainable management of fisheries.<br />

When profitability is reduced as a result of declining catches,<br />

pressure increases and the vicious circle begins again.<br />

Fishing fleet distribution 2009<br />

25 %<br />

20 %<br />

15 %<br />

10 %<br />

5 %<br />

0 %<br />


% Boats % GRT % kW


In 1970 the EEC established equal access to Member State fishing<br />

zones for all fishermen, while reserving a coastal strip for<br />

the activities of local fishermen. It created Community market<br />

bases for fisheries products and a structural policy designed<br />

to modernise the fishing fleet and its infrastructure. In 1976,<br />

in line with international trends, the Member States extended<br />

their restricted zone for exploitation of marine resources from<br />

12 to 200 miles. Even though Member States recognised the<br />

importance of transferring to the Community fisheries management<br />

and the task of representing<br />

them in international negotiations, the<br />

1981 enlargement meant that the creation<br />

of the CFP was postponed until<br />

1983.<br />

The CFP was initially closely linked to<br />

agricultural policy, and this is still the<br />

case in the Treaties. However, the specific<br />

content that it has acquired in the<br />

course of successive reforms has differentiated<br />

it from the CAP. Since fish<br />

populations ignore national borders<br />

and are dependent on shared marine<br />

ecosystems, the CFP confers on the<br />

Community extensive competences<br />

as regards the management of natural<br />

marine resources.<br />

The CFP possesses a panoply of instruments<br />

of very different kinds, but<br />

these instruments have not always<br />

been interlinked in an optimum way, and the hoped-for synergies<br />

have suffered. The CFP was reformed in 2002 with a<br />

view to ensuring sustainable development of fishing activities<br />

from an environmental, economic and social perspective.<br />

The decision-making process was modified by basing it<br />

on scientific opinions and involving it more closely with the<br />

fisheries sector and with non-governmental organisations<br />

within regional advisory councils (RACs). The 2002 reform<br />

also sought to make the policy consistent with European<br />

environment and development policy. Despite the reform,<br />

virtually no improvement has been seen in terms of the<br />



14<br />

necessary synergies, for example between fleet management<br />

and conservation of resources.<br />

The new basic rules of the CFP have been in force since<br />

1 January 2003. Its main themes are as follows:<br />


The CFP provides for certain restrictions on access to waters<br />

and resources. For example, a restricted zone is in force until<br />

2012, restricting access to the 12-mile zone to fishing vessels<br />

that traditionally fish in those waters. There are other examples<br />

of restricted access, such as the Shetland Box. The principle<br />

of relative stability, which governs access to resources<br />

and is based on the allocation to each Member State of a fixed<br />

percentage of catches for each stock, has been retained.<br />

The CFP is far from having achieved the results anticipated in<br />

terms of resource conservation. Thirty per cent of stocks are<br />

currently below biological safety limits, and in the case of 80%<br />

of stocks the sector’s yield is falling as a result of overfishing.<br />

The 2002 reform was aimed at gradually implementing fisheries<br />

management based on ecosystems. It adopted a longterm<br />

vision with its implementation of multiannual plans<br />

for attaining and/or maintaining safe stock levels. However,<br />

deployment of the ecosystem-based approach comes up<br />

against institutionalised decisions on the allocation of TACs<br />

and quotas in the Council and, sometimes, against a lack of<br />

the scientific knowledge needed to enable it to be applied.<br />

The main conservation measures were more traditional, specifying<br />

total allowable catches (TACs), a restriction on fishing<br />

effort and technical measures (fishing gear and minimum<br />

landing sizes). They also impose an obligation to record and<br />

notify catches and landings.

In the European Union, 63% of<br />

landings involve species subject<br />

to TACs. Most (44% of catches) are<br />

pelagic species (herring, sprat, blue<br />

whiting, mackerel, horse mackerel,<br />

anchovy, swordfish and bluefin tuna),<br />

and 19% of landings are of demersal<br />

species (sandeels, cod, hake, plaice,<br />

Norway lobster, saithe, haddock,<br />

Norway pout, whiting, sole, monkfish,<br />

Northern prawn, flounder, rays,<br />

Greenland halibut, dab, megrims,<br />

beaked redfish, pollack, turbot, brill<br />

and salmon). Very high discard rates<br />

at sea that are highly prejudicial to<br />

fish stocks and to all ecosystems are<br />

a side-effect of the TAC and quota<br />

system. It is the Council that fixes<br />

fishing possibilities, and application<br />

of the principle of relative stability<br />

and fleet overcapacity encourages<br />

Member States to increase their shares to the detriment of<br />

sustai nable fisheries.<br />

Fish stocks are managed pursuant to multiannual management<br />

plans, in order to enable fishermen to manage their<br />

activities in the long term. Stocks below the biological safety<br />

threshold are subject to multiannual recovery plans.<br />

Various action plans have been adopted with a view to restricting<br />

the impact of fishing on sensitive habitats, protecting<br />

species not targeted by fishing, and reducing by-catches<br />

and eliminating discards.<br />


The CFP includes measures aimed at preventing any worsening<br />

of the imbalance between fleet overcapacity and actual<br />

fishing possibilities. Fleet management is fundamental to conservation<br />

of resources, but its methods and financing are dependent<br />

on structural instruments. However, Member States<br />

often prefer to channel Structural Funds into maintaining<br />

activities and employment, rather than using them to reduce<br />

fishing capacity. Moreover, there is a risk that the economic<br />

crisis will make it difficult to co-finance all the structural policies<br />

and, in particular, the reduction in fishing capacity.<br />



16<br />

Prior to 2002, the fleet was managed<br />

by multiannual guidance programmes<br />

(MAGPs), but these could not be used to<br />

resolve the Community fleet’s overcapacity<br />

problem. Since the 2002 reform,<br />

it has no longer been possible to replace<br />

any capacity for whose withdrawal public<br />

aid has been granted, and reference<br />

levels are automatically reduced by the<br />

amount of the capacity withdrawn with<br />

the aid of public funds. Any creation of<br />

new capacity must be offset by the withdrawal,<br />

without financial aid, of a capacity<br />

that is at least equivalent. Since 2005,<br />

aid has had to be allocated exclusively<br />

to improving safety and working conditions<br />

on board and product quality, or<br />

to switching to more selective fishing<br />

techniques or satellite vessel monitoring<br />

systems (VMSs).<br />

A ‘scrapping fund’ was created to help the sector to achieve<br />

the reductions in fishing effort required under the stock recovery<br />

plans. It will allocate premiums that are 20% higher<br />

than those available for decommissioning under the Financial<br />

Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG). Financial aid is<br />

also granted for the permanent transfer of EU vessels to third<br />

countries, in particular by creating joint enterprises.<br />

The new methods introduced with the 2002 reform have<br />

failed to reduce fleet overcapacity. Despite the restrictions introduced<br />

by the entry/exit regime, actual fishing capacity has<br />

continued to increase.<br />

Fishing fleets average tonnage. 2007 = 100<br />

101<br />

100<br />

99<br />

98<br />

97<br />

96<br />

95<br />

1992<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

Strictly speaking, fleet management does not employ fishing<br />

capacity parameters. It deals only with fleet tonnage and power,<br />

so that paradoxical situations can arise. Even though fleet<br />

tonnage and power are decreasing overall, average tonnages<br />

and power, as well as fishing capacity, often increase, while<br />

technological advances lead to substantial efficiency gains.<br />


The CFP has a budget of some € 3.8 billion for 2007-2013. This<br />

budget is administered by its financial instrument, the European<br />

Fisheries Fund (EFF).<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

EU 12 EU 15 EU 25 EU 27<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />


The EFF can finance measures designed to balance resources<br />

and fleet capacity, or to encourage more environmentally<br />

friendly fishing and production methods. It can also<br />

finance socio-economic measures to improve the sector’s<br />

competitiveness and economic viability, or to benefit persons<br />

employed in the sector, ensuring sustainable development<br />

of fishing zones. The 2002 reform modified the socioeconomic<br />

measures, extending aid to temporary cessation<br />

of activities. Moreover, aid for early retirement and for the<br />

retraining of fishermen in other activities allows them to<br />

continue fishing on a part-time basis. However, the EFF has<br />

not succeeded in meeting the needs caused by the crisis in<br />

the sector.<br />

Fishing fleets average tonnage. 2007 = 100<br />

101<br />

100<br />

99<br />

98<br />

97<br />

96<br />

95<br />

1992<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

EU 12 EU 15 EU 25 EU 27<br />


(CMO)<br />

The Common Market Organisation for fishery and aquaculture<br />

products (CMO) is the first element of the Common Fisheries<br />

Policy (CFP). The aim of the CMO is to balance supply and demand<br />

in the Community market. The CMO faces the challenge<br />

of reconciling fishermen’s interests with the growing demands<br />

of the Community market and, in particular, with those of the<br />

processing sector, while ensuring fair competition. The instruments<br />

available to the CMO to help it to achieve its aims are<br />

common marketing standards, producer organisations, a pricesupport<br />

system and a trade regime with third countries.<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

The architecture of the CMO for fishery<br />

products partly resulted from the link<br />

between fisheries and agriculture created<br />

by the founding Treaty. The CMO<br />

for fishery products is officially governed<br />

by the principles, objectives and<br />

instruments of the CMO for agricultural<br />

products. However, there are and have<br />

always been profound differences between<br />

agricultural and fishing activities,<br />

and these differences have only<br />

become more marked over time. While<br />

support mechanisms for agricultural<br />

operations have been adapted to new<br />

situations, the same cannot be said of<br />

aid for fishery enterprises.<br />

The CMO has very limited room for<br />

manoeuvre in the face of the crisis the<br />



18<br />

fisheries sector is currently suffering, owing to the nature of<br />

its mechanisms for intervention and its meagre funding. The<br />

fresh products covered by the CMO represent only 20% of<br />

total production in the Community fisheries sector, and the<br />

CMO’s expenditure on interventions amounts to only 0.6% of<br />

the value of the fresh products it covers.<br />


The EU has concluded a very large number of bilateral agreements<br />

with a view to opening up access for Community vessels<br />

to third-country fishing zones. With the reform of the CFP<br />

in 2002, these agreements evolved into partnership regimes<br />

in order to create sustainable fishing conditions.<br />

The EU also participates in international agreements on fishing<br />

and maritime law. It plays an important part in most of the<br />

Regional Fisheries Organisations (RFOs) in which the Community<br />

fleet has a presence. These RFOs manage fish stocks in<br />

open sea, and play an active part in combating illegal fishing<br />

and destructive fishing practices.<br />


BODIES<br />

Following the reform of the CFP, seven regional advisory councils<br />

(RACs) were created 1 . For each maritime or fishing zone<br />

concerned, they are made up of fishermen, scientific experts,<br />

and representatives of other sectors associated with fisheries<br />

1 North Sea RAC, Pelagic RAC, North Western Waters RAC, Baltic Sea RAC,<br />

South Western Waters RAC, Long-Distance Fleet RAC and Mediterranean<br />

Sea RAC.<br />

and aquaculture and of regional and national authorities, environmental<br />

NGOs and consumers.<br />

The RACs may be consulted by the Commission. They can also<br />

draw up recommendations and suggestions, or provide the<br />

Commission or Member States with information.<br />

The Commission has given the RACs priority over the European<br />

Parliament. For example, the agreement concluded by

the Commission on behalf of the European Communities<br />

with the International Council for the Exploration of the<br />

Sea (ICES) at the beginning of 2007 no longer provides for<br />

the automatic transmission of scientific opinions to the<br />

European Parliament, but does so for the RACs.<br />


The Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA), based<br />

in Vigo (Spain), was created to strengthen cooperation between<br />

Member States in the detection of and crackdown<br />

on offences.<br />

The Commission adopted a strategy of sustainable European<br />

aquaculture development and of communications<br />

on fisheries partnership agreements concluded with third<br />

countries, and the improvement of scientific advice on<br />

fisheries management.<br />

Within the framework of the reform, the Commission also<br />

submitted a series of Community action plans focusing on:<br />

• fishing in the Mediterranean;<br />

• incorporation into the CFP of environmental protection<br />

requirements;<br />

• eradication of illegal, undeclared and unregulated fishing<br />

(IUU fishing);<br />

• neutralisation of the social, economic and regional consequences<br />

of restructuring of the Community fisheries sector;<br />

• a reduction in fish discards.<br />

All too often, the legislative acts ultimately adopted were<br />

not equal to the objectives stated in the Commission’s<br />

communications.<br />




AND ThE CFp<br />



Annex VI of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure lays down the<br />

responsibilities of the Committee on Fisheries 2 , as quoted<br />

in the box below.<br />

The 2002 reform of the CFP further integrated fisheries with<br />

other policies. In 2005, the responsibilities of the European<br />

The role of the Committee on Fisheries<br />

Committee responsible for:<br />

• the operation and development of the common fisheries policy and its management;<br />

• the conservation of fishery resources;<br />

• the common organisation of the market in fishery products;<br />

• structural policy in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, including the financial instruments for fisheries guidance;<br />

• international fisheries agreements.<br />

2 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides<br />

Commission’s Fisheries Directorate-General were extended<br />

to include maritime affairs. In 2008, this DG was renamed<br />

the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries<br />

(DG MARE). In view of these developments, on 10 May 2007<br />

the Committee on Fisheries asked for its responsibilities to<br />

be extended as well.<br />


22<br />

With regard to conservation of resources, the Committee<br />

on Fisheries has asked for the following objectives to be<br />

added:<br />

• ensuring sustainable development of activities conducted<br />

in seas and oceans;<br />

• following up activities with an impact on marine biodiversity;<br />

• undertaking marine research and applied research in the<br />

fisheries sector.<br />

In a structural context, the Committee on Fisheries is proposing<br />

an amendment to provide a policy aimed at improving<br />

fisheries and aquaculture structures and the structures of<br />

processing of fishery products, including the financial instruments<br />

and funds.<br />

Finally, the Committee on Fisheries is calling for the external<br />

aspect to be adapted in line with the methods decided<br />

on in the 2002 reform of the CFP. For example, it suggests<br />

replacing the reference to ‘international fisheries agreements’<br />

with a reference to partnership agreements with third<br />

countries in the fisheries sector, regional fisheries organisations,<br />

and international forums and bodies.<br />

In view of the additional responsibilities bestowed on the<br />

Commission’s DG MARE and the gradual integration of fisheries<br />

policy with other policies, we can expect to see new<br />

horizontal proposals by the Commission, particularly in the<br />

context of integrated maritime policy. If this is the case,<br />

and if the EP’s Committee on Fisheries is not adapted to<br />

the new situation, we could see conflicts of competences<br />

resurfacing with other parliamentary committees.<br />

Even though the Committee on Fisheries is responsible for<br />

a common policy, up to the end of the sixth parliamentary<br />

term it had effectively been neutralised. This means that,<br />

unlike the situation with other committees, a titular member<br />

of the Committee on Fisheries could also be a titular<br />

member of another of Parliament’s standing committees. In<br />

its meeting of 12 March 2009, the Conference of Presidents<br />

of the European Parliament decided to ‘deneutralise’ the<br />

Committee on Fisheries. This decision should enable the<br />

Committee to exercise its increased powers ensuing from<br />

the Treaty of Lisbon more efficiently and receptively.<br />


FORCE<br />

Article 37(2), third subparagraph, of the Treaty lays down<br />

the procedure for drafting and implementing the CFP,<br />

which is based on a proposal from the Commission, the<br />

opinion of the European Parliament (expressed by the plenary<br />

following amendments by the Committee on Fisheries<br />

on subjects within its competence) (Box 3), the opinion, if<br />

applicable, of the Economic and Social Committee, and the<br />

final decision of the Council by a qualified majority.<br />

For the European Parliament it is therefore a simple consultation<br />

3 procedure, which has never been amended despite<br />

the new procedures (of cooperation or codecision) introduced<br />

by the Single European Act, the Treaty of Maastricht<br />

and the Treaty of Amsterdam.<br />

3 Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament, Title II: Legislative procedures.



LISBON<br />

The draft Treaty of Lisbon (OJ C 155 of 9.5.2008) 4 recognises<br />

codecision as the ‘ordinary legislative procedure’ for the CFP,<br />

in place of the consultation procedure in force. Thus, once the<br />

Treaty is ratified by all the EU Member States, the introduction<br />

of codecision will represent a major change for the CFP, conferring<br />

on the European Parliament a genuine co-legislative<br />

role in fisheries.<br />

However, the new Treaty poses certain problems of interpretation,<br />

inasmuch as it introduces exceptions to the ordinary<br />

procedure in favour of the Council, in particular as regards<br />

‘measures on fixing prices, levies, aid and quantitative limitations<br />

and on the fixing and allocation of fishing opportunities’<br />

(Article 43(3) TFEU).<br />

In the absence of a clear definition of the legislative powers<br />

of the European Parliament and the Council in respect<br />

of fisheries, political and legal problems could arise, even if<br />

case-law calls for a restrictive interpretation of the exceptions.<br />

It would be difficult for the European Parliament to<br />

accept general implementing reservations in favour of the<br />

Council, for example extending the scope of interpretation<br />

of ‘the allocation of fishing opportunities’ to other measures<br />

such as fishing effort or technical measures.<br />

These general implementing reservations in favour of the<br />

Council could qualify, or even invalidate, the EP’s codecision<br />

4 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/JOHtml.do?uri=OJ:C:2008:115:SOM:EN:HTML.<br />

powers, as conferred by the Treaty of Lisbon, particularly in<br />

the context of fundamental reforms of the CFP or of provisions<br />

necessary to pursue the objectives of the common fisheries<br />

policy. In the course of the new parliamentary term, the<br />

European Parliament will have to ensure that the structure<br />

and decision-making levels of the fisheries rules are clarified,<br />

without eroding its legitimate powers.<br />

It should be borne in mind that the Treaty of Lisbon requires<br />

the approval of the European Parliament (assent procedure),<br />

among others, for the conclusion of international<br />

agreements with recognised budgetary implications for the<br />

EU, or covering fields to which the ordinary legislative procedure<br />

or the special legislative procedure applies when the<br />

European Parliament’s approval is required. It follows that, in<br />

principle, regional agreements within the framework of the<br />

regional fisheries organisations (RFOs) and fisheries partnership<br />

agreements with third countries can be concluded only<br />

following Parliament’s approval.<br />

Moreover, the Treaty of Lisbon establishes that the European<br />

Parliament is to be immediately and fully informed at<br />

all stages of the procedure. This is particularly important in<br />

view of the European Parliament’s longstanding demands for<br />

transparency and speed in the transmission of information<br />

on negotiations that are under way. The European Parliament<br />

has also called for its representatives to take part in Community<br />

coordination meetings at the meetings of regional fisheries<br />

organisations and meetings of joint committees in the<br />

context of bilateral agreements.<br />



24<br />




The sixth parliamentary term was a period of transition between<br />

two reforms. The legislative acts implementing the<br />

2002 reform provided the basis for much of the work of the<br />

Committee on Fisheries. In addition to opinions, the Committee<br />

on Fisheries adopted 102 reports. Many of the reports relate<br />

to external agreements (29%), conservation of resources<br />

(19%), conservation of the marine environment (10%), control<br />

and monitoring of fisheries (8%), and governance of the CFP<br />

and its future guidelines (8%).<br />

The large number of reports on external agreements demonstrates<br />

their importance to Community fisheries. This fact must<br />

be considered in the light of the extension of the European Parliament’s<br />

competences that will ensue from ratification of the<br />

Distribution by subject of the reports of the<br />

Committee on Fisheries. 6 th legislature<br />

Statistics<br />

4 %<br />

Structures<br />

7 %<br />

Other<br />

16 %<br />

CFP<br />

8 %<br />

Control &<br />

monitoring<br />

8 %<br />

Environment<br />

10 %<br />

Fishing agreements<br />

29 %<br />

Conservation<br />

of resources<br />

18 %<br />

Treaty of Lisbon, both as regards application of the assent procedure<br />

and from the perspective of the EP’s right to be immediately<br />

and fully informed at each stage of the procedure.<br />

With regard to the policy of conservation of resources, most<br />

of the reports adopted by the Committee on Fisheries involved<br />

stock recovery and management plans. Three other<br />

reports were of sufficient political importance to be worth<br />

mentioning. By the end of the fifth parliamentary term, Parliament<br />

had blocked the proposed regulation concerning ‘management<br />

measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery<br />

resources in the Mediterranean Sea’. A compromise was<br />

subsequently reached between Parliament 5 and the Commission<br />

with a view to trying to restore a satisfactory situation as<br />

regards these resources as quickly as possible.<br />

Along very different lines is the report on ‘conservation of<br />

fish stocks through technical measures’ 6 . This dossier is important<br />

for more than one reason, as to some extent it serves<br />

as a bridge towards the forthcoming reform of the CFP.<br />

Lastly, in the report on ‘the policy of reducing unwanted catches<br />

and eliminating discards in European fisheries’ 7 , the European<br />

Parliament emphasised that the system of TACs was one of the<br />

main causes of discards, and that action needed to be taken to<br />

stop compulsory discards of species whose size is laid down in<br />

the regulations, and which are inevitably caught because they<br />

are not subject to any quota. Quotas of by-catches should be<br />

incorporated into the TACs, and all by-catches unloaded should<br />

5 T6-0234/2005, Official Journal: C 124, 25.05.2006, pp. 0421-0527 E.<br />

6 OEIL: www.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/file.jsp?id=5647852.<br />

7 T6-0034/2008, 31/01/2008.

e added to the quotas attributed, so that when a fishery exceeds<br />

its quota of by-catches, it risks being closed down. It has<br />

also been proposed that an excess of juveniles in catches should<br />

lead to closure of the fishery in real time. This quota should then<br />

be gradually reduced, in order further to encourage fishermen<br />

to improve the selectivity of their fishing gear.<br />

The large number of reports specifically covering conservation<br />

of the marine environment clearly demonstrates how<br />

important this subject is. In addition to these 10 reports, others<br />

were closely associated with environmental issues. For example,<br />

the subject of the report on ‘the CFP and the ecosystem<br />

approach to fisheries management’ 8 is of fundamental<br />

importance in the context of the forthcoming reform, as is the<br />

dossier on ‘fisheries and aquaculture in the context of integrated<br />

coastal zone management in Europe’ 9 , which mentions<br />

the integrated maritime policy.<br />

The report on ‘implementing sustainability in European<br />

Union fisheries through maximum sustainable yield’ 10 is<br />

also crucially important in the face of the forthcoming CFP reform.<br />

In an extremely critical report, the European Parliament<br />

warned that, for a large majority of scientists, the traditional<br />

maximum sustainable yield (MSY) model had been superseded<br />

by new cutting-edge approaches which considered<br />

the ecosystem in its entirety. It also cautioned that it would<br />

be difficult to apply the MSY model to multispecies fisheries.<br />

It lamented the deficient analysis and inadequate solutions offered<br />

by the Commission’s communication with regard to the<br />

8 T6-0009/2009.<br />

9 T6-0382/2008.<br />

10 T6-0382/2007, 06/09/2007.<br />

above aspects, and the absence of any in-depth evaluation of<br />

the implications of applying the MSY model. The EP called on<br />



26<br />

the Commission to establish a system<br />

of access to resources that put the emphasis<br />

on sustainability, discouraged<br />

discards, simplified the technical measures,<br />

eliminated discrimination and<br />

excessive competition for stocks, introduced<br />

the necessary flexibility, and<br />

boosted the sector’s competitiveness.<br />

It also stressed that any change to the<br />

management system must necessarily<br />

include compensation mechanisms<br />

based on an assessment of the social<br />

and economic impact of the proposal.<br />

In another report on rights-based<br />

management tools, the European<br />

Parliament 11 invited the Commission<br />

to study systems of rights-based management<br />

(RBM) currently applied in the Member States, and<br />

to evaluate their efficiency in terms of realising the aims of the<br />

common fisheries policy. The Commission has published an<br />

analysis of rights-based management instruments, which will<br />

be one of the key topics in the forthcoming reform 12 . Policy<br />

Department B organised a workshop on this subject 13 in September<br />

2007.<br />

11 T6-0113/2008, 10/04/2008.<br />

12 MRAG et al., Part I: An analysis of existing Rights Based Management<br />

(RBM) instruments in Member States and on setting up best practices<br />

in the EU, Part II: Catalogue of Rights-Based Management Instruments in<br />

coastal EU Member States. European Commission, 2009.<br />

13 Bjørn Hersoug, Torbjorn Trondsen, (The Norwegian College of Fishery<br />

Science, University of Tromsø); Luc van Hoof, Maud Evrard (Wageningen<br />

UR IMARES); Thórólfur Matthiasson (University of Iceland), Rights based<br />

management. European Parliament, 2007.<br />

Another important topic in the context of the forthcoming<br />

CFP reform will be governance and the part played in it by<br />

the regional advisory councils. The Committee on Fisheries<br />

adopted two reports 14, 15 on this subject.<br />

Of the eight reports adopted by the Committee on Fisheries<br />

on control and monitoring of fishing activities, particular importance<br />

is to be attached to the report on the ‘Community<br />

control regime to ensure compliance with the CFP rules (repeal<br />

of Regulations (EEC) No 2847/93 and (EC) No 1627/94)’,<br />

because it can be seen either as a bridge towards the future<br />

CFP or as belated implementation of the 2002 reform. In fact,<br />

14 T6-0159/2007, 26/04/2007.<br />

15 A6-0187/2009, 27/03/2009.

even though the European Parliament adopted this report<br />

at the end of the sixth parliamentary term, the Council is envisaging<br />

adopting the Regulation in 2010. Consequently, the<br />

Regulation will inevitably be coloured by the new directions<br />

of the CFP.<br />

There are many other important reports. For instance, there<br />

are the two reports on illegal, undeclared and unregulated<br />

(IUU) fishing 16 , 17 . The European Parliament stressed the need<br />

to create a list of vessels involved in IUU fishing activities and<br />

a system of state control of ports in order to prevent access to<br />

them by third-country vessels involved in IUU fishing activities.<br />

It has proposed prohibiting imports of IUU fishery products<br />

by means of compulsory certification on the part of the<br />

flag State, attesting the legality of its products. Parliament has<br />

also recommended developing a Community system for early<br />

warnings in the event that IUU fishery products are detected,<br />

and prohibiting fish imports from countries that have been<br />

identified as not cooperating with the system implemented<br />

by the EU.<br />

Throughout the sixth parliamentary term, the European Parliament<br />

was concerned about the crisis affecting the fisheries<br />

sector. Four reports were devoted to this (‘reform of the<br />

system of providing financial aid for fishermen’, ‘coastal fishing’,<br />

‘improvement of the economic situation in the fishing<br />

industry’ and ‘the implementation of the Common Market<br />

Organisation’), as was a resolution (on the ‘crisis in the fisheries<br />

sector caused by rising fuel prices’). Policy Department B<br />

16 T6-0044/2007, 15/02/2007.<br />

17 T6-0245/2008, 29/09/2008, Official Journal: L 286 29.10.2008, p. 0001.<br />

made a contribution to the work of the Committee on Fisheries<br />

on this topic, with two external studies 18 .<br />

Lastly, the Commission’s proposal on ‘a Community ecolabelling<br />

scheme (repeal of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000)’<br />

has currently revived Parliament’s report on ‘Launching a<br />

debate on a Community approach towards eco-labelling<br />

schemes for fisheries products’ 19 . Since the issue is likely to<br />

resurface in the next parliamentary term, it should be borne<br />

in mind that the European Parliament had urged the Commission<br />

to submit a communication going over the minimum<br />

requirements and the guidelines to which a Community ecolabelling<br />

system for fishery products should adhere. Parliament<br />

had stressed that the Commission should promote such<br />

a system, lay down its rules, and ensure the independence of<br />

the specialised accreditation and certification bodies, and the<br />

credibility of the claims to such labelling.<br />

18 Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación CETMAR Spain Inshore Fisheries and<br />

the Problems Encountered by Inshore Fishermen, European Parliament, 2005.<br />

LEI B.V., The Impact of the Increase of the Oil Price in European Fisheries, European<br />

Parliament, 2006.<br />

19 T6-0347/2006, 7 September 2006.<br />






Ever since it was created in 1983, the common fisheries policy<br />

(CFP) has been reviewed every 10 years. The last reform<br />

was adopted in 2002, and it will be re-examined in 2012 at<br />

the latest. The minimum content of the reform is laid down<br />

in Article 17(2) of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002, which<br />

provides for an examination by the Council of the arrangements<br />

for access to the waters up to 12 nautical miles from<br />

baselines under Member States’ sovereignty or jurisdiction.<br />

However, the deficiencies in the CFP should lead the European<br />

institutions to go well beyond this simple examination,<br />

with a view to ensuring that fisheries are economically<br />

and environmentally viable.<br />

The reform of the CFP formed the subject of an informal<br />

ministerial meeting on 29 September 2008 under the<br />

French Presidency. The discussions at this meeting focused<br />

in particular on conservation policy and management of<br />

the fishing fleet.<br />

The Commission began the re-examination of the CFP by<br />

publishing the Green Paper of 22 April 2009. The aim is to<br />

pinpoint avenues for further exploration, with a view to<br />

future action. In an initial phase, the strengths and weaknesses<br />

of the current policy will be analysed, and the way<br />

in which it operates will be evaluated by comparing it with<br />

other fisheries management systems.<br />

Following publication of the Green Paper, a six-month<br />

consultation period will begin. The Commission expects<br />

to publish a summary of the public debate early in 2010.<br />

It would then conduct an impact analysis in the course of<br />

2010, and go on to submit a reform proposal early in 2011.<br />

Under this timetable, the reform regulations should be adopted<br />

and enter into force in 2012.<br />

The Commission has on several occasions signalled its intention<br />

to relieve the European Parliament of questions<br />

that are too technical, which could delay or even impede<br />

the legislative procedures. It has already set out down this<br />

path, by providing for very extensive use of comitology in<br />

its proposal on conservation of fish stocks through technical<br />

measures. This approach would involve extensive delegation<br />

of legislative power. This delegation can bear only<br />

on non-essential elements of the legislative act in question,<br />

which it may, however, amend or supplement. Consequently,<br />

neither the general orientations of a legislative act<br />

nor the general principles that underpin it can be subject<br />

to delegation of power of this kind.<br />

In order to facilitate the legislative procedure without eroding<br />

the European Parliament’s remit as co-legislator, it is<br />

important to determine straight away, and for each part of<br />

the CFP:<br />


30<br />

• the key elements that cannot be subject to either delegation<br />

or execution in the traditional sense of the word;<br />

• the non-essential elements of the act open to delegation<br />

with a view to amending or supplementing them; and<br />

• the non-essential elements that could be specified or<br />

clarified (but not amended or supplemented), employing<br />

executive procedures.<br />

In order to play a part in the debates on the reform, the<br />

Commission has launched a series of studies on various<br />

aspects of the CFP 20 . For example, it has just published a<br />

study on rights-based management, one of the key themes<br />

of the reform 21 . In September 2007, Policy Department B<br />

organised a workshop on this topic 22 .<br />

The reform of the CFP will be supplemented by reform of<br />

the Common Market Organisation (CMO) of fishery and<br />

aquaculture products, adoption of the proposed regulation<br />

for which is expected in October 2009. Policy Department<br />

B has produced a briefing note and an internal study<br />

20 See http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/publications/studies_reports_en.htm<br />

21 MRAG et al., Part I: An analysis of existing Rights Based Management<br />

(RBM) instruments in Member States and on setting up best practices<br />

in the EU, Part II: Catalogue of Rights-Based Management Instruments in<br />

coastal EU Member States. European Commission, 2009.<br />

22 Bjørn Hersoug, Torbjorn Trondsen, (The Norwegian College of Fishery<br />

Science, University of Tromsø); Luc van Hoof, Maud Evrard (Wageningen<br />

UR IMARES); Thórólfur Matthiasson (University of Iceland), Rights based<br />

management. European Parliament, 2007.<br />

on the subject 23 , and an external study has been conducted<br />

for the Commission 24 .<br />

Another dossier of substantial political importance is the<br />

Commission’s Communication on a strategy for the sustainable<br />

development of European aquaculture. This<br />

Communication was adopted on 8 April 2009, following<br />

the organisation of public consultation on this topic in<br />

2007. It follows the lines of an earlier strategy adopted in<br />

2002. The 2002 strategy achieved only a limited number of<br />

its objectives, in particular as regards increasing production<br />

(by 4% a year) and creating jobs (between 8 000 and<br />

10 000). On top of the traditional obstacles and constraints,<br />

European aquaculture has since 2002 had to face up to increased<br />

competition from third-country production, crises<br />

in governance and, more recently, the effects of the economic<br />

crisis.<br />

An external study on this topic was conducted for the Commission<br />

25 . At the request of the Committee on Fisheries<br />

and to help in its work on this dossier, Policy Department B<br />

launched three external studies:<br />

23 Jesús Iborra Martín, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies,<br />

The Reform of the Common Organisation of the Market of Fisheries Products<br />

of 2000, European Parliament, 2007;<br />

Jesús Iborra Martín, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies,<br />

Producers’ Organisations and the Common Organisation of the Markets in<br />

Fisheries Products, European Parliament, 2008.<br />

24 Ernst & Young et al., Évaluation of the common organisation of the markets<br />

in fishery and aquaculture products. European Commission, 2008.<br />

25 Ernst & Young et al., Review of economic performance and competitive<br />

performance of the EU aquaculture sector. European Commission, 2008.

• Evaluation of the impact of the strategy for the sustainable<br />

development of European aquaculture (COM(2002) 0511<br />

final).<br />

• Regulatory and legislative constraints on Community<br />

aquaculture production.<br />

• Competitiveness of European Community aquaculture,<br />

limitations and possible strategies.<br />

In July 2008, the Council adopted Regulation (EC)<br />

No 744/2008 instituting a temporary specific action aiming<br />

to promote the restructuring of the European Community<br />

fishing fleets affected by the economic crisis. This<br />

Regulation is designed to alleviate the most pressing economic<br />

and social problems, while at the same time tackling<br />

the fleet’s systemic overcapacity. In the third quarter<br />

of 2009, the Commission is due to submit to the European<br />

Parliament and the Council a report evaluating the effects<br />

of this Regulation.<br />





WORK<br />



The Policy Departments were created in 2004 to provide the<br />

committees and the other political bodies with expertise and<br />

research work in line with the European Parliament’s legislative<br />

and political priorities. Policy Department B is responsible for<br />

supporting Parliament’s work in the specific field of fisheries 26 .<br />

This support task takes concrete form in a number of ways 27 :<br />

• The commissioning, follow-up and evaluation of external<br />

documents produced by experts (leading academics and<br />

consultants in a specific field) on specific subjects, exclusively<br />

at the request of coordinators of the Committee on<br />

Fisheries. These documents take the form of studies (of<br />

more than 30 pages), briefing notes (of fewer than 30 pages)<br />

and impact assessments. The consultants are selected<br />

through competitive tendering. The deadline for delivery<br />

of an external study or briefing note depends on the contractual<br />

procedure chosen, the scope of the subject and, if<br />

applicable, the <strong>language</strong>s requested. However, the average<br />

time to delivery is six to nine months. The budget for<br />

expertise in the field of fisheries was € 337 191 in 2008. The<br />

sum allocated for 2009 was reduced to € 244 924, owing to<br />

the elections in 2009.<br />

• Internal briefing notes or studies, produced by officials in<br />

Policy Department B, at the request of the coordinators,<br />

Chair or secretariat of the Committee on Fisheries or other<br />

26 Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies.<br />

27 Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies. Products<br />

political bodies. Internal briefing notes may relate to major<br />

topics in the development of the CFP. They may also<br />

provide support, in the form of reference documents, to<br />

delegations of the Committee on Fisheries and Parliament<br />

representatives at either internal or external events. Internal<br />

briefing notes may also serve as a basis for European<br />

Parliament publications and/or brochures. The average<br />

time for provision of an internal briefing note depends on<br />

the subject matter and the complexity of the analysis required.<br />

In addition, a minimum of 45 days is required to<br />

perform translation, editing and printing tasks.<br />

• Organisation of expert workshops on topics chosen by<br />

coordinators of the Committee on Fisheries. If necessary,<br />

joint workshops of the Committee on Fisheries and other<br />

committees can be organised. The participants (usually<br />

two to four) are covered by the expertise budget of Policy<br />

Department B in exchange for a briefing note and its presentation<br />

to a meeting of the Committee on Fisheries.<br />

• Organisation of panels of external experts to provide ongoing<br />

support for Members of the Committee on Fisheries<br />

on a dossier at the coordinators’ request. The experts are<br />

covered by the expertise budget of the Policy Department.<br />

• The staff of the Policy Department may also take part in<br />

project teams created by one or more parliamentary committees<br />

to provide reference material for the needs of the<br />

rapporteurs, coordinators and chairs. They may also provide<br />

rapporteurs with specialised advice on particularly<br />

important legislative proposals.<br />


34<br />

• Editing and updating of the Fact Sheets on the European<br />

Union, a European Parliament publication that offers, in<br />

the form of briefing papers, an overview of Community<br />

policies and of the European Parliament’s contribution to<br />

the evolution of European integration. The Common Fisheries<br />

Policy is specifically covered in six fact sheets (Fact<br />

Sheets → Themes → Common Policies → The Common<br />

Fisheries Policy). The online <strong>version</strong> of the Fact Sheets 28<br />

is available in three <strong>language</strong>s: French, English and German.<br />

It is updated regularly. This year, a revised <strong>version</strong> of<br />

the Fact Sheets has also been launched on CD in all the<br />

Community <strong>language</strong>s, as well as a paper <strong>version</strong> in six<br />

<strong>language</strong>s (EN, FR, DE, IT, ES, PL).<br />

The studies, external briefing notes and workshop documents<br />

produced in the field of fisheries are included in the European<br />

Parliament’s publications catalogue 29 .<br />

A monthly Policy Department B Newsletter is sent to the<br />

Members and bodies of the European Parliament with the<br />

latest information (studies published, workshops organised,<br />

etc.) 30 . From time to time, e-mails may also be sent, with documents<br />

of interest (studies, articles, statistics etc.).<br />

28 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/parliament/expert/staticDisplay.do?<strong>language</strong><br />

=EN&id=72<br />

29 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/catalog.do?<br />

<strong>language</strong>=EN<br />

30 Newsletter – PD B (Archives)<br />

If you would like further information, please e-mail Policy<br />

Department B at this address: poldep-cohesion@europarl.<br />

europa.eu<br />




Fisheries in Croatia. January 2009. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT. Author: Jesús Iborra<br />

Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Fisheries in Madeira. October 2008. Available in ES, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT and PT. Author: Jesús<br />

Iborra Martín (European Parliament)<br />

FEUFAR: the Future of European Fisheries and Aquaculture Research. September 2008.<br />

Available in EN. Author: Luc van Hoof (EFARO, Association of European Fisheries and Aquaculture<br />

Research Institutes)<br />

New Ways to Improve the Scientific Advice for Fisheries Management. September 2008.<br />

Available in EN. Author: Willy Vanhee (ILVO, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research,<br />

Unit Animal Science)<br />

New Opportunities Offered by the Data Collection Regulation in the Fields of Biology and<br />

of the Economy (Council Regulation No 199/2008/EC). September 2008. Available in EN.<br />

Author: Antonio Di Natale (Aquastudio Research Institute)<br />

Strategic Research Priorities to the Common Fishery Policy (CFP) with Regard to Global<br />

Commitments (MSY, EAF, MSFD). September 2008. Available in EN. Authors: Philippe GROS,<br />

Alain Biseau, Jean-Marc Fromentin and Olivier Thébaud (IFREMER)<br />

Operational Problems and Difficulties Encountered in the Production of Scientific Advice<br />

for Fisheries Management. September 2008. Available in EN. Author: John Casey<br />

Producers Organisations and the Common Organisation of the Markets in Fisheries Products.<br />

September 2008. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT. Author: Jesús Iborra Martín<br />

(European Parliament)<br />

Fisheries in Iceland. September 2008. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT. Author: Ana<br />

Olivert-Amado (European Parliament)<br />

Fisheries in the Dodecanese Islands. August 2008. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT.<br />

Author: Jesús Iborra Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Marketing and Price Formation of Fisheries and Aquaculture Products. August 2008.<br />

Available in EN. Author: Philip Rodgers (Erinshore Ltd)<br />

Technical measures in the CFP and the reform of Council Regulation 850/98. August 2008.<br />

Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT. Authors: Stuart A. Reeves, Andrew S. Revill, Trevor P.<br />

Hutton and John K. Pinnegar (CEFAS)<br />


36<br />

International Case Histories - Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries. May 2008. Available in EN.<br />

Author: Jake Rice (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada)<br />

Requirements for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management. May 2008. Available<br />

in EN. Author: Paul L. Connolly (The Marine Institute)<br />

Implementing an Ecosystem Approach in the Management of the Common Fisheries Policy.<br />

May 2008. Available in EN. Author: Adela Rey Aneiros (Sea Law Faculty, Coruña University)<br />

The Role of Women in the Sustainable Development of European Fisheries Areas. May 2008.<br />

Available in EN. Author: Katia Frangoudes (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, UMR-AMURE)<br />

Fisheries in Norway. May 2008. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT. Author: Ana Olivert-<br />

Amado (European Parliament)<br />

The Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone (ZERP) in Croatia. February 2008. Available in<br />

ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT. Author: Jesús Iborra Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Fisheries in Ireland. February 2008. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT. Author: Ana Olivert-<br />

Amado (European Parliament)<br />

Fisheries in Italy. January 2008. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, NL and PT. Author: Jesús Iborra<br />

Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Deep Sea Stocks Management. December 2007. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT. Authors:<br />

Antoine Dosdat, Pascal Lorance, IFREMER; Matthew Gianni, UICN; Philip A. Large, CEFAS<br />

Rights Based Management in Fisheries. December 2007. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and<br />

PT. Authors: Bjørn Hersoug, Torbjorn Trondsen (The Norwegian College of Fishery Science,<br />

University of Tromsø); Luc van Hoof, Maud Evrard (Wageningen UR IMARES); Thórólfur Matthiasson<br />

(University of Iceland)<br />

Environmental Effects of Fishing Gears and the Socioeconomic Consequences of Their<br />

Modification, Substitution or Suppression. September 2007. Available in EN. Author: Jose<br />

Franco (AZTI TECNALIA)<br />

Climate Change and European Fisheries. December 2007. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, and IT.<br />

Authors: Catriona Clemmesen, Jörn Schmidt (IFM-GEOMAR); Alexander Potrykus (BiPRO GmbH)<br />

Regional Dependency on Fisheries. July 2007. Available in EN. Authors: Pavel Salz, Framian,<br />

Graeme Macfadyen (Poseidon Ltd)

The Reform of the Common Organisation of the Market of Fisheries Products of 2000.<br />

June 2007. Available in ES, EN and FR. Author: Jesús Iborra Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Fisheries in Estonia. May 2007. Available in ES, DE, ET, EN, FR and SV. Author: Jesús Iborra<br />

Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Aquaculture in the Eastern Mediterranean: Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. March 2007. Available<br />

in ES, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT and PT. Author: Jesús Iborra Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Perspectives for the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement Study. February 2007. Available<br />

in ES, DE and EN. Author: (Oceanlaw Information and Consultancy Services)<br />

Fisheries in Martinique. January 2007. Available in ES, EL, EN, FR and IT. Author: Jesús Iborra<br />

Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Fisheries in Portugal. July 2006. Available in ES, DE, EL, EN, FR and PT. Author: Jesús Iborra<br />

Martín (European Parliament)<br />

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Developments, Challenges and<br />

Perspectives. June 2006. Available in EN, DE, FR, ES, IT and PT. Author: MegaPesca Lda,<br />

OceanLaw Information & Consultancy Services<br />

The Impact of the Increase of the Oil Price in European Fisheries. June 2006. Available in EN, DE,<br />

ES, FR, IT and PT. Authors: Pavel Salz (Framian), Jos Smit (LEI B.V)<br />

Fisheries in France. April 2006. Available in ES, DE, EN, FR, IT and PT. Author: Jesús Iborra<br />

Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Fisheries in Greece. April 2006. Available in ES, DE, EL, EN, FR and IT. Author: Jesús Iborra<br />

Martín (European Parliament)<br />

Fisheries in Italy. March 2006. Available in ES, DE, EL, FR, IT and NL. Author: Jesús Iborra<br />

Martín (European Parliament)<br />





Committee on Fisheries<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/homeCom.<br />

do?<strong>language</strong>=EN&body=PECH<br />

The Trawler/Le Chalutier<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/publicationsCom.<br />

do?<strong>language</strong>=EN&body=PECH<br />

Legislative Observatory<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/index.jsp?<strong>language</strong>=en<br />

Studies<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies.do?<strong>language</strong>=EN<br />

Fact Sheets<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/parliament/expert/displayFtu.do?<strong>language</strong>=EN&id=74&ftuId<br />

=index.html<br />

Library<br />

http://www.library.ep.ec<br />

Library briefings<br />

http://www.library.ep.ec/library-cms/services/briefings-sacp.jsp?pid=03-05-02<br />

Library publications catalogue<br />

http://www.library.ep.ec/library-opac/searchsimple.action?pid=04<br />


EUROPA – General information on the activities of the EU – Fisheries and maritime<br />

affairs section<br />

http://europa.eu/pol/fish/index_en.htm<br />

European Union policies<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/policies/index_en.htm<br />

Common fisheries policy<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp_en.htm<br />


40<br />

Aquaculture and processing<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp/aquaculture_processing_en.htm<br />

Fact sheet on the EU’s fishing fleet<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/fleet/index.cfm?lg=EN<br />

Maritime affairs<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/index_en.html<br />

FIDES (Fisheries Data Exchange System)<br />

http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/ida/Home/main<br />


http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page?_pageid=1090,30070682,1090_33076576&<br />

_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL<br />

Studies and reports on the CFP<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/publications/studies_reports_en.htm<br />

Fish and fish-based products – Lists of third-country establishments<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biosafety/establishments/third_country/index_en.htm<br />

Research Directorate-General<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/research/index_en.html<br />

Development Directorate-General (Fisheries)<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/development/policies/9interventionareas/environment/fisheries/fish_en.<br />

cfm?CFID=1426862&CFTOKEN=3880977939d6c1b3-CC197BE0-05F6-1944-79D8E1FCDF<br />

80181B&jsessionid=080695c4cdf973bb7061<br />

Environment Directorate-General (Fisheries)<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/fisheries_en.htm<br />

Enlargement Directorate-General<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/index_en.htm<br />

Trade and Fisheries<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/trade/issues/sectoral/agri_fish/fish/index_en.htm<br />


International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES/CIEM)<br />


Advisory Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture (ACFA/CCPA)<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp/governance/acfa_en.htm<br />

Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF/CSTEP)<br />

http://stecf.jrc.ec.europa.eu/home<br />

North Sea RAC<br />

http://www.nsrac.org/<br />

Pelagic RAC<br />

http://www.pelagic-rac.org<br />

North Western Waters RAC<br />

http://www.nwwrac.org<br />

Baltic Sea RAC<br />

http://www.bsrac.org<br />

South Western Waters RAC<br />

http://www.ccr-s.eu<br />

Long Distance Fleet RAC<br />

http://www.ldrac.eu<br />

Mediterranean Sea RAC<br />

Set up 1 April 2009<br />


Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA)<br />

www.cfca.europa.eu<br />

Council (Agriculture and Fisheries)<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/App/newsroom/loadbook.<br />

aspx?BID=100&LANG=2&cmsid=355<br />

Court of Justice<br />

http://curia.europa.eu/en/index.htm<br />

Court of Auditors<br />

http://eca.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eca_main_pages/splash_page<br />



42<br />

European Economic and Social Committee<br />

http://eesc.europa.eu/index_en.asp<br />

Committee of the Regions<br />

http://www.cor.europa.eu/pages/HomeTemplate.aspx<br />

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)<br />

http://www.efsa.europa.eu/EFSA/efsa_locale-1178620753812_home.htm<br />

European Environment Agency (EEA)<br />

http://www.eea.europa.eu/<br />


Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)<br />

www.ccamlr.org<br />

Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT)<br />

http://www.ccsbt.org/<br />

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM/CGPM)<br />

http://www.gfcm.org/gfcm<br />

Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC/CIATT)<br />

http://www.iattc.org/<br />

International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT/CICTA)<br />

http://www.iccat.int/en/<br />

Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic Fisheries (CECAF/COPACE)<br />

http://www.intfish.plus.com/orgs/fisheries/cecaf.htm<br />

Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission (WECAFC/COPACO)<br />

http://www.intfish.plus.com/orgs/fisheries/wecafc.htm<br />

North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC/CPANE)<br />

http://www.neafc.org/<br />

Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC/CTOI)<br />

http://www.iotc.org/English/index.php<br />

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO/OPANO)<br />


South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO/OPASE)<br />

http://www.seafo.org/<br />

North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO/OSCAN)<br />

http://www.nasco.int/<br />

International Dolphin Conservation Program (IDCP/PIPCD)<br />

http://www.iattc.org/IDCPENG.htm<br />

Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)<br />

http://www.wcpfc.int/<br />


FAO. Fisheries and Aquaculture Department<br />

http://www.fao.org/fishery/en<br />

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (CNUDM/UNCLOS)<br />

http://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/contents.htm<br />

Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas (ASCOBANS)<br />

http://www.service-board.de/ascobans_neu/index0101.html<br />

Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea (ACCOBAMS)<br />

http://www.accobams.org/<br />

Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission, HELCOM)<br />

http://www.helcom.fi/home/en_GB/welcome/<br />

Convention for the Protection of the marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic<br />

(OSPAR)<br />

http://www.ospar.org/<br />

Mediterranean Action Plan for the Barcelona Convention (MAP)<br />

http://www.unepmap.org/index.php?action=&catid=001001004&module=content2&mode<br />

=&s_keywords=&s_title=&s_year=&s_category=&id=&page=&s_descriptors=&s_type=&s_<br />

author=&s_final=&s_mnumber=&s_sort=&lang=en<br />



44<br />

OECD. Trade and Agriculture Directorate<br />

http://www.oecd.org/department/0,3355,fr_2649_33901_1_1_1_1_1,00.html<br />

The World Bank<br />

http://www.worldbank.org/<br />


Austria, Ministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft<br />

http://www.lebensministerium.at/en/home/<br />

Belgium, Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Beleidsdomein Landbouw & Visserij<br />

http://www2.vlaanderen.be/ned/sites/landbouw/visserij/index.html<br />

Bulgaria, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry<br />

http://www.mzgar.government.bg/mz_eng/default.asp<br />

Czech Republic, Ministry of Agriculture<br />

http://www.mze.cz/<br />

Denmark, Ministeriet for fødevarer, landbrug og fiskeri<br />

http://www.fvm.dk/<br />

Estonia, Ministry of Agriculture<br />

http://www.agri.ee/eng/<br />

Finland, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry<br />

http://www.mmm.fi/<br />

France, Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la pêche<br />

http://www.agriculture.gouv.fr/<br />

Germany, Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten<br />

http://www.bml.de/<br />

Greece, Ministry of Agriculture<br />

http://www.minagric.gr/<br />

Hungary, Ministry of Agriculture<br />


Iceland, Ministry of Fisheries<br />

http://eng.sjavarutvegsraduneyti.is/<br />

Ireland, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources<br />

http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/<br />

Italy, Pesca e Acquacoltura<br />

http://www.politicheagricole.it/default.htm<br />

Lithuania, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Department<br />

http://www.zum.lt/min/OS/dsp_struktura.cfm?StambesnisID=81&langparam=EN<br />

Luxembourg, Service Chasse et pêche<br />

http://www.environnement.public.lu/<br />

Malta, Ministry for Rural Affairs and the Environment<br />

http://mrae.gov.mt/<br />

The Netherlands, Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij<br />

http://www.minlnv.nl/<br />

Norway, Ministry of Fisheries<br />

http://odin.dep.no/fid/engelsk/index-b-n-a.html<br />

Norway’s official site on seafood safety and resource and aquaculture management<br />

http://www.fisheries.no/<br />

Poland, Ministry of Agriculture<br />

http://www.minrol.gov.pl/DesktopDefault.aspx<br />

Portugal, Direcção Geral das Pescas<br />

http://www.dg-pescas.pt/<br />

Portugal, Direcção Regional de Pescas da Região Autónoma da Madeira<br />

http://www.sra.pt/drp/<br />

Romania, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development<br />

http://mapam.ro/<br />

Slovakia, Ministry of Agriculture<br />

http://www.land.gov.sk/en/?start<br />

Slovenia, Ministry of Agriculture<br />

http://www.gov.si/vrs/ang/government/<br />



46<br />

Spain, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación<br />

http://www.mapya.es/<br />

Spain, Fondo de Regulación y Organización del Mercado de los Productos de la Pesca y<br />

Cultivos Marinos (FROM)<br />

http://from.mapa.es/<br />

Sweden, Jordbruksdepartementet<br />

http://jordbruk.regeringen.se/<br />

United Kingdom, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs<br />

http://www.defra.gov.uk/default.htm<br />

OTHER<br />

Aqualex Multimedia Consortium<br />

http://www.aqualex.org/<br />

Aquamedia<br />

http://www.aquamedia.org/home/default_en.asp<br />


http://www.copa-cogeca.be/http://www.copa-cogeca.be/index.asp<br />

European Association of Fish Producers Organisations<br />

http://www.eapo.com/<br />

European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE)<br />

http://www.eafe-fish.org/<br />

Europêche<br />

http://www.europeche.org/<br />

Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP)<br />

http://www.feap.info/<br />

Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law<br />

http://www.intfish.net/<br />

REFOPE - European Network for Fisheries Training and Employment<br />

http://www.refope.org/en/index.html<br />



ACCOBAMS Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean<br />

Sea and contiguous Atlantic area<br />

ACCP/CFCA Community Fisheries Control Agency<br />

ACFA/CCPA Advisory Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture<br />

ASCOBANS Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas<br />

CCAMLR Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources<br />

CECAF/COPACE Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic Fisheries<br />

CFP Common Fisheries Policy<br />

CMO Common Market Organisation<br />

EAGF European Agricultural Guarantee Fund<br />

EAGGF European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund<br />

EEC European Economic Community<br />

EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone<br />

EFF European Fisheries Fund<br />

EP European Parliament<br />

EPZ Ecological protection zone<br />

EU European Union<br />

FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation<br />

FIFG Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance<br />

FPAs Fisheries partnership agreements<br />

GFCM/CGPM General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean<br />

GOOS/SMOO Global Ocean Observing System<br />

HELCOM Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission)<br />

IATTC/CIATT Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission<br />

ICCAT/CICTA International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas<br />

ICES/CIEM International Council for the Exploration of the Sea<br />

IDCP/PIPCD International Dolphin Conservation Program<br />

IMO/OMI International Maritime Organisation<br />

IMP Integrated maritime policy<br />


48<br />

IO Interprofessional organisation<br />

IOTC/CTOI Indian Ocean Tuna Commission<br />

ISSCFG International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishing Gear<br />

IUU Illegal, undeclared and unregulated fishing<br />

MAP/PAM Mediterranean Action Plan for the Barcelona Convention<br />

MGPs Multiannual guidance programmes<br />

MS European Union Member State<br />

MSY Maximum sustainable yield<br />

NAFO/OPANO Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation<br />

NASCO/OSCAN North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation<br />

NEAFC/CPANE North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission<br />

OJEU Official Journal of the European Union<br />

OP Operational Programme<br />

OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the<br />

North-East Atlantic<br />

PO Producers’ organisation<br />

RACs Regional Advisory Councils<br />

RBM Rights-based management<br />

RFMOs Regional Fisheries Management Organisations<br />

RFOs Regional Fisheries Organisations<br />

SEAFO/OPASE South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation<br />

STECF/CSTEP Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries<br />

TACs Total allowable catches<br />

TFEU Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union<br />

UNCED/CNUED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development<br />

UNCLOS/CNUDM United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea<br />

(Montego Bay Convention)<br />

VMS/SNS Vessel Monitoring Surveillance/surveillance des navires par satellite<br />

WCPFC Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission<br />

WECAFC/COPACO Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission<br />





(DG MARE) at 08.05.2009<br />


Fokion FOTIADIS<br />

Assistant: Gilles BERTRAND<br />

Internal Audit: Lars MUHRBECK<br />



Advisers<br />

Scientific matters: Poul DEGNBOL<br />

Social matters and simplification: Giorgio GALLIZIOLI<br />

A/1 - Maritime policy Paul NEMITZ<br />

A/2 - Common fisheries policy and aquaculture Jean-Claude CUEFF<br />

A/3 - Structural policy and economic analysis Slawomir TOKARSKI<br />

A/4 - Fisheries control policy Valérie LAINÉ<br />


Pierre AMILHAT<br />

B/1 - International Affairs, Law of the Sea and Regional Fisheries Constantin ALEXANDROU<br />

Organisations<br />

B/2 - Fisheries control in international waters Willem BRUGGE<br />

B/3 - Bilateral agreements Fabrizio DONATELLA<br />

B/4 - Trade and markets Christian RAMBAUD<br />


Reinhard PRIEBE<br />

Advisers<br />

Norway and NEAFC: John SPENCER<br />

Conservation and environment: Armando ASTUDILLO<br />

C/1 - Maritime policy: Atlantic, outermost regions and Arctic Eddy HARTOG<br />


50<br />

C/2 - Fisheries conservation and controlAtlantic and outermost<br />

regions<br />

C/3 - Structural actions: Ireland, Spain, France, Portugal and United<br />

Kingdom; Horizontal management of data collection<br />

Maria De La Fuensanta CANDELA CASTILLO<br />

Veronika VEITS<br />


Carla MONTESI<br />

D/1 - Maritime policy: Mediterranean and Black Sea Fabrizia BENINI<br />

D/2 - Fisheries conservation and control: Mediterranean and Black John MALLETT<br />

Sea, and horizontal management of fisheries data<br />

D/3 - Structural actions: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Malta, Stephanos SAMARAS<br />

Romania, Slovenia<br />


Acting: Ernesto PENAS LADO<br />

Adviser<br />

Conservation and environment: Olle HAGSTRÖM<br />

E/1 - Maritime policy: Baltic and North Sea Acting: Haitze SIEMERS<br />

E/2 - Fisheries conservation and controlBaltic and North Sea Ernesto PENAS LADO<br />

E/3 - Structural actions: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Alberto SPAGNOLLI<br />

Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Finland, Sweden and<br />

landlocked Member States<br />


Daniela GHEORGHE<br />

Adviser Ilona JEPSENA<br />

F/1 - Budget, public procurement and control Mark JOHNSTON<br />

F/2 - Information, communication, interinstitutional relations,<br />

evaluation and programming<br />

Emmanouil-Giorgios PAPAIOANNOU<br />

F/3 - Human resources, IT and document management Agnes LINDEMANS<br />

F/4 - Legal matters Friedrich WIELAND<br />




EN: Surrounding nets<br />

FR: filets tournants<br />

ES: redes de cerco<br />

DE: umschließungsnetze<br />

DA: omkredsende net<br />

EL: Κυκλωτικά δίχτυα<br />

IT: reti da circuizione<br />

NL: ringnetten<br />

PL: Sieci okrążające<br />

SV: ringnot<br />

PT: redes de cercar<br />

1 Illustrations: Food and Agriculture Organization of<br />

the United Nations (FAO), www.fao.org.<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: PS<br />

EN: Purse seines<br />

FR: Sennes coulissantes<br />

ES: Redes de cerco con jareta<br />

DE: Ringwaden<br />

DA: Not<br />

IT: Ciancioli<br />

NL: Ringzegen<br />

PL: Okrężnice<br />

SV: Snörpvad<br />

PT: Redes de cerco com retenida<br />

EL: Γρι γρι<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: LA<br />

EN: Lampara nets<br />

FR: Sans coulisse (lamparo)<br />

ES: Sin jareta (lámparo)<br />

DE: Ohne Schließleine (Lamparo)<br />

DA: Uden snurpewire (lampara)<br />

IT: Lampare<br />

NL: Zonder sluitlijn (lampara)<br />

PL: Lampary<br />

SV: Utan snörplinor (lampara)<br />

PT: Sem retenida (lâmpara)<br />

EL: Χωρίς συστολέα (lamparo)<br />


52<br />

EN: Seines<br />

FR: Sennes<br />

ES: redes de jábega<br />

DE: Wadennetze<br />

DA: Vod<br />

EL: Γρίποι<br />

IT: Sciabiche<br />

NL: Zegen<br />

PL: ciągnione<br />

SV: not<br />

PT: redes envolventes arrastantes<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: SB<br />

EN: Beach seines<br />

FR: Sennes de plage<br />

ES: Artes de playa<br />

DE: Strandwaden<br />

DA: Strandvod<br />

IT: Sciabiche da spiaggia<br />

NL: Strandzegen<br />

PL: Niewody dobrzeżne<br />

SV: Landvadar<br />

PT: Redes de alar para a praia<br />

EL: Πεζότρατες<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: SDN<br />

EN: Danish seines<br />

FR: Sennes danoises<br />

ES: Redes danesas<br />

DE: Snurrewaden<br />

DA: Snurrevod<br />

IT: Sciabiche danesi<br />

NL: Deense zegen<br />

PL: Niewody duńskie (zakotwiczone)<br />

SV: Snurrevadar<br />

PT: Redes de cerco dinamarquesas<br />

EL: Δανέζικοι γρίποι

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: SSC<br />

EN: Scottish seines<br />

FR: Sennes écossaises<br />

ES: Cercos escoceses<br />

DE: Schottische Wadennetze<br />

DA: Flyshootervod<br />

IT: Sciabiche scozzesi<br />

NL: Schotse zegen<br />

PL: Niewody szkockie<br />

(trałująco–pływające)<br />

SV: Flytvadar<br />

PT: Redes escocesas<br />

EL: Σκοτσέζικοι γρίποι<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: SPR<br />

EN: Pair seines<br />

FR: Sennes manoeuvrées par deux<br />

bateaux<br />

ES: Cercos a la pareja<br />

DE: Zweischiff-Wadennetze<br />

DA: Vod trukket af to fartøjer<br />

IT: Sciabiche a due natanti<br />

NL: Spanzegen<br />

PL: Niewody tukowe<br />

SV: Parnotar<br />

PT: Redes manobradas por dois navios<br />

EL: Γρίποι<br />



54<br />

EN: trawls<br />

FR: chaluts<br />

ES: redes de arrastre<br />

DE: Schleppnetze<br />

DA: trawl<br />

EL: Τράτες<br />

IT: reti da traino<br />

NL: Sleepnetten<br />

PL: Włóczone<br />

SV: trålare<br />

PT: redes de arrasto<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: TBB<br />

EN: Beam trawl<br />

FR: Chaluts à perche<br />

ES: Redes de arrastre de vara<br />

DE: Baumkurren<br />

DA: Bomtrawl<br />

IT: Sfogliare<br />

NL: Boomkor<br />

PL: Włoki rozprzowe<br />

SV: Bomtrål<br />

PT: Redes de arrasto de vara<br />

EL: Δοκότρατες<br />

Source: Polet 2000<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: OTB<br />

EN: Bottom otter trawl<br />

FR: Chaluts de fond à panneaux<br />

ES: Redes de arrastre de fondo de puertas<br />

DE: Grundscherbrettnetze<br />

DA: Énbådsbundtrawl<br />

IT: Reti a strascico a divergenti<br />

NL: Demersale bordentrawl<br />

PL: Włoki denne<br />

SV: Trål med trålbord<br />

PT: Redes de arrasto pelo fundo<br />

EL: Τράτες βυθού με πόρτες

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: PTB<br />

EN: Bottom pair trawls<br />

FR: Chaluts-boeufs de fond<br />

ES: Redes de arrastre de fondo a la pareja<br />

DE: Zweischiff-Grundschleppnetze<br />

DA: Bundtrawl til partrawling<br />

IT: Reti a strascico a coppia<br />

NL: Bodemspannet<br />

PL: Tuki denne<br />

SV: Partrålar<br />

PT: Redes de arrasto pelo fundo para<br />

pesca em parelha<br />

EL: Τράτες βυθού με πόρτες<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: OTM<br />

EN: Midwater otter trawls<br />

FR: Chaluts pélagiques à panneaux<br />

ES: Redes de arrastre pelágico de puertas<br />

DE: Pelagische Scherbrettnetze<br />

DA: Énbådsflydetrawl<br />

IT: Reti da traino pelagiche a divergenti<br />

NL: Pelagische bordentrawl<br />

PL: Włoki pelagiczne<br />

SV: Trål med trålbord<br />

PT: Rede de arrasto pelágico comportas<br />

EL: Πελαγικές τράτες με πόρτες<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: PTM<br />

EN: Pelagic pair trawls<br />

FR: Chaluts-boeufs pélagiques<br />

ES: Redes de arrastre pelágico a la pareja<br />

DE: Pelagische Zweischiff-Netze<br />

DA: Flydetrawl til partrawling<br />

IT: Reti da traino pelagiche a coppia<br />

NL: Pelagisch spannet<br />

PL: Tuka pelagiczna<br />

SV: Partrålar<br />

PT: Redes de arrasto pelágico de parelha<br />

EL: Πελαγικές τράτες με ζευγαρωτά σκάφη<br />



56<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: OTT<br />

EN: Otter twin trawls<br />

FR: Chaluts jumeaux à panneaux<br />

ES: Redes gemelas de arrastre<br />

DE: Scherbrett-Hosennetze<br />

DA: Dobbelttrawl<br />

IT: Reti gemelle a divergenti<br />

NL: Dubbele bordentrawl<br />

PL: Zestaw dwuwłokowy<br />

SV: Dubbeltrål<br />

PT: Redes de arrasto geminadas com<br />

portas<br />

EL: Τράτες με πόρτες με ζευγαρωτά<br />

σκάφη<br />

EN: Dredges<br />

FR: Dragues<br />

ES: rastras<br />

DE: Dredgen<br />

DA: Skrabere<br />

EL: Δράγες<br />

IT: Draghe<br />

NL: Korren<br />

PL: Dragi<br />

SV: Skrapredskap<br />

PT: Dragas Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: DRB<br />

EN: Boat dredges<br />

FR: Dragues remorquées par bateau<br />

ES: Rastras para embarcación<br />

DE: Von Boot gezogene Dredgen<br />

DA: Skraber (trukket af fartøj)<br />

IT: Draghe tirate da natanti<br />

NL: Door een vaartuig gesleepte kor<br />

PL: Dragi łodziowe<br />

SV: Skrapor som används från fartyg<br />

PT: Dragas rebocadas por navio<br />

EL: Δράγες που σύρονται από σκάφος

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: DRH<br />

EN: Hand dredges used on board a vessel<br />

FR: Dragues à main utilisée à bord d’un<br />

bateau<br />

ES: Dragas de mano utilizadas a bordo<br />

de un buque<br />

DE: Von Boot eingesetzte Handdredgen<br />

DA: Håndbetjent skraber<br />

IT: Draghe a mano usate a bordo<br />

NL: Vanaf een vaartuig bediende handkor<br />

PL: Ręczne dragi statkowe<br />

SV: Handskrapor<br />

PT: Dragas de mão utilizadas a bordo<br />

de um navio<br />

EL: Δράγες χειρός των οποίων ο χειρισμός<br />

γίνεται από σκάφος<br />

Source: http://www.mapa.es/ Source: Ferretti 2000<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: HMD<br />

EN: Mechanised dredges including suction dredges<br />

FR: Dragues mécanisées incluses les dragues suceuses<br />

ES: Dragas mecanizadas incluidas las dragas de succión<br />

DE: Mechanische Dredgen einschließlich Saugdredgen<br />

DA: Mekaniserede skrabere, herunder sugeskrabere<br />

IT: Draghe meccaniche comprese le turbosoffianti<br />

NL: Gemechaniseerde dreg, eventueel met zuiger<br />

PL: Dragi mechaniczne<br />

SV: Mekaniska skrapor, även sugskrapor<br />

PT: Dragas mecanizadas, incluindo as dragas hidráulicas<br />

EL: Μηχανικές δράγες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των απορροφητικών δραγών<br />



58<br />

EN: lift nets<br />

FR: filets soulevés<br />

ES: redes izadas<br />

DE: Senk- und hebenetze<br />

DA: løftenet<br />

EL: Δίχτυα τύπου (αθερινολό-γου)<br />

IT: reti da raccolta<br />

NL: Kruisnetten<br />

PL: Podrywki<br />

SV: Sänkhåvar<br />

PT: redes de sacada<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: LNB<br />

EN: Boat operated lift nets<br />

FR: Filets soulevés manoeuvrés par bateau<br />

ES: Redes izadas maniobradas desde<br />

embarcación<br />

DE: Von Booten ausgesetzt (Senktuch)<br />

DA: Synkenot<br />

IT: Reti da raccolta manovrate da natanti<br />

NL: Vanaf een vaartuig bediend kruisnet<br />

PL: Podrywki łodziowe<br />

SV: Sänkhåvar som används från båtar<br />

PT: Redes de sacada manobradas por<br />

embarcações<br />

EL: Δίχτυα τύπου «αθερινολόγου», των<br />

οποίων ο χει-ρισμός γίνεται από<br />

σκάφος<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: LNS<br />

EN: Shore operated stationary lift nets<br />

FR: Filets soulevés fixes manoeuvrés du<br />

rivage<br />

ES: Redes izadas maniobradas desde la<br />

costa<br />

DE: Stationär vom Ufer eingesetzt<br />

DA: Faststående løftenet<br />

IT: Quadre<br />

NL: Vanaf de wal bediend kruisnet<br />

PL: Stacjonarne podrywki brzegowe<br />

SV: Fasta sänkhåvar som används från<br />

stranden<br />

PT: Redes de sacada manobradas de<br />

terra<br />

EL: Δίχτυα τύπου «αθερινολόγου»<br />

σταθερά των οποίων ο χειρισμός<br />

γίνεται από την ακτή

EN: gill nets and entangling nets<br />

FR: filets maillants et filets emmêlants<br />

ES: redes de enmalle y redes de<br />

enredo<br />

DE: Kiemen- und Verwickelnetze<br />

DA: garn<br />

EL: Απλάδια δίχτυα και δίχτυα<br />

εμπλοκής<br />

IT: reti da imbrocco e da posta<br />

impiglianti<br />

NL: Kieuw- en warrelnetten<br />

PL: Stacjonarne podrywki brzegowe<br />

SV: Bottengarn och insnärjningsnät<br />

PT: redes de emalhar e redes de<br />

enredar<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: GNS<br />

EN: Set (anchored) gillnets<br />

FR: Filets maillants calés (ancrés)<br />

ES: Redes de enmalle caladas (volantas)<br />

DE: Stellnetze<br />

DA: Bundsat garn<br />

IT: Reti da posta calate (ancorate)<br />

NL: Geankerd kieuwnet<br />

PL: Sieci skrzelowe stawne<br />

SV: Fasta bottengarn (förankrade)<br />

PT: Redes de emalhar fundeadas<br />

EL: Στάσιμα απλάδια δίχτυα<br />

(αγκυροβολημένα)<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: GND<br />

EN: Driftnet<br />

FR: Filets maillants dérivants (filets<br />

dérivants)<br />

ES: Redes de enmalle de deriva<br />

DE: Treibnetze<br />

DA: Drivgarn<br />

IT: Reti da posta derivanti<br />

NL: Drijfnet<br />

PL: Sieci skrzelowe dryfujące<br />

SV: Drivgarn med maskor<br />

PT: Redes de emalhar de deriva<br />

EL: Παρασυρόμενα απλάδια δίχτυα<br />



60<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: GNC<br />

EN: Encircling gillnets<br />

FR: Filets maillants encerclants<br />

ES: Redes de enmalle de cerco<br />

DE: Umschließende Kiemennetze<br />

DA: Omkredsende garn<br />

IT: Reti da posta circuitanti<br />

NL: Omringend kieuwnet<br />

PL: Sieci skrzelowe okrążające<br />

SV: Instängningsnät<br />

PT: Redes de emalhar envolventes<br />

EL: Κυκλωτικά απλάδια δίχτυα<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: GTR<br />

EN: Trammel nets<br />

FR: Trémails<br />

ES: Redes atrasmalladas<br />

DE: Trammelnetze<br />

DA: Toggegarn<br />

IT: Reti a tremaglio<br />

NL: Schakel<br />

PL: Sieci oplątujące<br />

SV: Grimgarn<br />

PT: Tresmalhos<br />

EL: Μανωμένα δίχτυα<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: GTN<br />

EN: Combined trammel and gillnets<br />

FR: Trémails et filets maillants combinés<br />

ES: Redes atrasmalladas y redes de enmalle<br />

combinadas<br />

DE: Kombinierte Kiemen/Trammelnetze<br />

DA: Kombineret garn og toggegarn<br />

IT: Incastellate<br />

NL: Gecombineerd kieuwnet en schakel<br />

PL: Sieci oplątująco-skrzelowe<br />

SV: Kombinerade botten- och grimgarn<br />

PT: Redes mistas de emalhar-tresmalho<br />

EL: Συνδυασμός μανωμένων και<br />

απλαδιών διχτυών

EN: traps<br />

FR: Pièges<br />

ES: artes de trampa<br />

DE: fallen<br />

DA: fælder<br />

EL: Παγίδες<br />

IT: trappole<br />

NL: Korven<br />

PL: Pułapkowe<br />

SV: fällor<br />

PT: armadilhas<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: FPO<br />

EN: Pots (traps)<br />

FR: Nasses (casiers)<br />

ES: Nasas<br />

DE: Fangkörbe (Korbreusen)<br />

DA: Tejne<br />

IT: Nasse<br />

NL: Korf (kubbe)<br />

PL: Narzędzia pułapkowe<br />

SV: Fallnät med fast ram<br />

PT: Nassas (covos)<br />

EL: Κοφινέλα (κιούρτοι)<br />



62<br />

EN: hooks and lines<br />

FR: lignes et hameçons<br />

ES: líneas y anzuelos<br />

DE: leinen und haken<br />

DA: liner og kroge<br />

EL: Παραγάδια και αγκίστρια<br />

IT: lenze e ami<br />

NL: lijnen en haken<br />

PL: haczykowe<br />

SV: Krokar och linor<br />

PT: linhas e anzóis<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: LHP<br />

EN: Hand lines and pole lines (hand operated)<br />

FR: Lignes à main et lignes à cannes<br />

(manoeuvrées à la main)<br />

ES: Líneas de mano y líneas de caña<br />

(maniobradas a mano)<br />

DE: Hand- und Angelleinen (von Hand<br />

bedient)<br />

DA: Håndsnøre og kastesnøre<br />

IT: Lenze a mano e a canna (manovrate<br />

a mano)<br />

NL: Handlijn of hengellijn (met de hand<br />

bediend)<br />

PL: Haczykowe<br />

SV: Pilk- och angelgarn (handstyrda)<br />

PT: Linhas de mão e linhas de vara (operadas<br />

manualmente)<br />

EL: Πετονιές χειρός και πετονιές με<br />

καλάμι (των οποίων ο χειρισμός<br />

γίνεται με το χέρι)<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: LHM<br />

EN: Hand lines and pole lines (mechanised)<br />

FR: Lignes à main et lignes avec cannes<br />

(mécanisées)<br />

ES: Líneas de mano y líneas de caña<br />

(mecanizadas)<br />

DE: Hand- und Angelleinen (mechanisiert)<br />

DA: Pilkemaskine<br />

IT: Lenze a mano e a canna (meccanizzate)<br />

NL: Handlijn of hengellijn (gemechaniseerd)<br />

PL: Wędy zmechanizowane<br />

SV: Pilk- och angelgarn (pilkmaskinsstyrda)<br />

PT: Linhas de mão e linhas de vara<br />

(mecanizadas)<br />

EL: Πετονιές χειρός και πετονιές με<br />

καλάμι (των οποίων ο χειρισμός<br />

γίνεται με τη βοήθεια μηχανής)

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: LLS<br />

EN: Set longlines<br />

FR: Palangres calées<br />

ES: Palangres calados<br />

DE: Langleinen<br />

DA: Langline til bundfiskeri<br />

IT: Palangari fissi<br />

NL: Grondbeug<br />

PL: Wędy zmechanizowane<br />

SV: Förankrade backor/långrevar<br />

PT: Palangres fundeadas<br />

EL: Στάσιμα παραγάδια<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: LLD<br />

EN: Longlines (drifting)<br />

FR: Palangres dérivantes<br />

ES: Palangres de deriva<br />

DE: Treibleinen<br />

DA: Flydeline<br />

IT: Palangari derivanti<br />

NL: Drijvende beug<br />

PL: Takle dryfujące<br />

SV: Drivande backor/långrevar<br />

PT: Palangres de deriva<br />

EL: Παρασυρόμενα παραγάδια<br />

Abbreviation CSITEP / ISSCFG: LTL<br />

EN: Troll lines<br />

FR: Lignes de traîne<br />

ES: Caceas<br />

DE: Schleppangeln<br />

DA: Dørgeline<br />

IT: Lenze trainate<br />

NL: Sleeplijnen<br />

PL: Troling<br />

SV: Dörjlinor<br />

PT: Corricos<br />

EL: Συρτές<br />



64<br />


SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Clupea harengus Sprattus sprattus<br />

Micromesistius<br />

poutassou<br />

FAO Code* her (P) FAO Code* spr (P) FAO Code* whb (P)<br />

% 2006 13,5 % 2006 9,3 % 2006 7,6<br />

EN Atlantic herring European sprat Blue whiting<br />

FR Hareng de l’Atlantique Sprat Merlan bleu<br />

ES Arenque del Atlántico Espadín Bacaladilla<br />

DE Atlantischer Fadenhering Sprotte Blauer Wittling<br />

DA Atlantisk trådsild Brisling Blåhvilling<br />

IT Alaccia vessillifera Spratto Melù<br />

NL Atlantische draadvinnige haring Sprot Blauwe wijting<br />

PL Opistonema atlantycka Szprot Błękitek<br />

SV Atlantisk trådsill Szprot Błękitek<br />

PT Machete do Atlântico Espadilha Verdinho<br />

EL Vηματόρεγγα του Ατλαντικού Παπαλίνα Προσφυγάκι<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Ammodytes spp Scomber scombrus Sardina pilchardus<br />

FAO Code* san (D) FAO Code* mac (P) FAO Code* pil<br />

% 2006 5,3 % 2006 4,7 % 2006 4,6<br />

EN Sandeels nei Atlantic mackerel European pilchard<br />

FR Lançons nca Maquereau commun Sardine commune<br />

ES Lanzones nep Caballa del Atlántico Sardina europea<br />

DE Sandaale Europäische Makrele Sardine<br />

DA Tobisslægt Almindelig makrel Europæisk sardin<br />

IT Cicerello Sgombro, Maccarello Sardina<br />

NL Zandspieringen Makreel Sardine<br />

PL Dobijakowate Makrela atlantycka Sardynka europejska<br />

SV Tobisar Makrill Sardin<br />

PT Amodíteo Sarda Sardinha<br />

EL αμμοδύτης ο λογχοειδής σκουμπρί Σαρδέλα<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Trachurus trachurus Engraulis encrasicolus Katsuwonus pelamis<br />

FAO Code* hom (P) FAO Code* ane (P) FAO Code* skj<br />

% 2006 3,1 % 2006 2,4 % 2006 7,6<br />

EN Atlantic horse mackerel European anchovy Skipjack<br />

FR Chinchard d’Europe Anchois Listao<br />

ES Jurel Boquerón Listado<br />

DE Holzmakrele Sardelle Echter Bonito<br />

DA Almindelig hestemakrel Europæisk ansjos Bugstribet bonit<br />

IT Sugarello Acciuga Tonnetto striato<br />

NL Horsmakreel Ansjovis Gestreepte tonijn<br />

PL Ostrobok Sardela europejska Bonito<br />

SV Taggmakrill Ansjovis Bonit<br />

PT Carapau-branco Biqueirão Gaiado<br />

EL σαμπανιός Γαύρος Παλαμίδα<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Gadus morhua Trachurus spp Thunnus albacares<br />

FAO Code* cod (D) FAO Code* jax (P) FAO Code* yft<br />

% 2006 2,3 % 2006 2,0 % 2006 1,6<br />

EN Atlantic cod Jack and horse mackerels nei Yellowfin tuna<br />

FR Morue de l’Atlantique Chinchards noirs nca Albacore<br />

ES Bacalao del Atlántico Jureles nep Rabil<br />

DE Kabeljau Stöcker Gelbflossenthun<br />

DA Atlantisk torsk Hestemakrelarter Gulfinnet tun<br />

IT Merluzzo bianco Suri Tonno pinna gialla<br />

NL Atlantische kabeljauw Horsmakrelen Geelvintonijn<br />

PL Dorsz Ostroboki Tuńczyk złoty<br />

SV Torsk Taggmakrillar Gulfenad tonfisk<br />

PT Bacalhau-do-atlântico Carapaus Atum-albacora<br />

EL γάδος Σαυρίδια τόνος κιτρινόπτερος<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



66<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Sardinella aurita Merluccius merluccius Pleuronectes platessa<br />

FAO Code* saa FAO Code* hke (D) FAO Code* ple (D)<br />

% 2006 1,5 % 2006 1,4 % 2006 1,3<br />

EN Round sardinella European hake European plaice<br />

FR Allache Merlu européen Plie d’Europe<br />

ES Alacha Merluza europea Solla europea<br />

DE Ohrensardine Seehecht Scholle<br />

DA Rund sardinel Europæisk kulmule Rødspætte<br />

IT Sardella d’Africa Nasello Passera<br />

NL Gouden sardinella Heek Schol<br />

PL Sardynela Morszczuk Gładzica<br />

SV Rund sardinell Kummel Rödspätta<br />

PT Sardinela lombuda Pescada-branca Solha<br />

EL φρίσσα Μπακαλιάρος ευρωπαϊκή χωματίδα<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Mytilus edulis Nephrops norvegicus Pollachius virens<br />

FAO Code* mus FAO Code* nep (D) FAO Code* pok (D)<br />

% 2006 1,3 % 2006 1,2 % 2006 1,2<br />

EN Blue mussel Norway lobster Saithe (=Pollock)<br />

FR Moule commune Langoustine Lieu noir<br />

ES Mejillón común Cigala Carbonero (=Colín)<br />

DE Pfahlmuschel Kaisergranat Seelachs<br />

DA Blåmusling Jomfruhummer Sej<br />

IT Mitilo comune Scampo Merluzzo carbonaro<br />

NL Mossel Langoustine Koolvis<br />

PL Omułek jadalny Homarzec Czarniak<br />

SV Blåmussla Havskräfta Gråsej<br />

PT Mexilhão vulgar Lagostim Escamudo<br />

EL μύδι Καραβίδα μαύρος μπακαλιάρος<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Melanogrammus<br />

aeglefinus<br />

Pecten maximus Crangon crangon<br />

FAO Code* had (D) FAO Code* sce FAO Code* csh<br />

% 2006 1,0 % 2006 0,9 % 2006 0,7<br />

EN Haddock Great Atlantic scallop Common shrimp<br />

FR Eglefin Coquille StJacques atlantique Crevette grise<br />

ES Eglefino Vieira (=Concha de Santiago) Quisquilla<br />

DE Schellfisch Südatlantische Kammuschel Granat<br />

DA Kuller Ribbet kammusling Sandhest<br />

IT Eglefino Cappasanta sudatlantica Gamberetto grigio<br />

NL Schelvis Zuidatlantische mantel Noordzeegarnaal<br />

PL Plamiak Przegrzebek zwyczajny Garnela<br />

SV Kolja Egentlig pilgrimsmussla Sandräka<br />

PT Arinca Vieira do Atlântico Sul Camarão negro<br />

EL μελανόγραμμος γάδος χτένι σταχτογαρίδα<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Trisopterus esmarkii Cancer pagurus Thunnus alalunga<br />

FAO Code* nop (D) FAO Code* cre FAO Code* alb<br />

% 2006 0,7 % 2006 0,7 % 2006 0,7<br />

EN Norway pout Edible crab Albacore<br />

FR Tacaud norvégien Tourteau Germon<br />

ES Faneca noruega Buey de mar Atún blanco<br />

DE Stintdorsch Taschenkrebs Weißer Thun<br />

DA Sperling Almindelig taskekrabbe Hvid tun<br />

IT Merluzzo norvegese Granciporro Alalunga<br />

NL Kever Noordzeekrab Witte tonijn<br />

PL Okowiel Krab kieszeniec Tuńczyk długopłetwy<br />

SV Vitlinglyra Krabbtaska Vit tonfisk<br />

PT Faneca-norueguesa Sapateira Atum-voador<br />

EL σύκο της Νορβηγίας κάβουρας Τόνος μακρύπτερος<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



68<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Scomber japonicus Merlangius merlangus Xiphias gladius<br />

FAO Code* mas FAO Code* whg (D) FAO Code* swo (P)<br />

% 2006 0,6 % 2006 0,6 % 2006 0,6<br />

EN Chub mackerel Whiting Swordfish<br />

FR Maquereau espagnol Merlan Espadon<br />

ES Estornino Plegonero, Merlán Pez espada<br />

DE Spanische Makrele Wittling Schwertfisch<br />

DA Spansk makrel Hvilling Sværdfisk<br />

IT Sgombro Merluzzetto bruno Pesce spada<br />

NL Spaanse makreel Wijting Zwaardvis<br />

PL Makrela japońska Witlinek Miecznik<br />

SV Stillahavsmakrill Vitling Svärdfisk<br />

PT Cavala-do-japão Badejo Espadarte<br />

EL κολιός νταούκι του Ατλαντικού Ξιφίας<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Sardinella spp Solea solea Prionace glauca<br />

FAO Code* six FAO Code* sol (D) FAO Code* bsh<br />

% 2006 0,5 % 2006 0,5 % 2006 0,5<br />

EN Sardinellas nei Common sole Blue shark<br />

FR Sardinelles nca Sole commune Peau bleue<br />

ES Sardinelas nep Lenguado común Tiburón azul<br />

DE Sardinellen Gemeine Seezunge Blauhai<br />

DA Sardineller Almindelig tunge Blåhaj<br />

IT Alacce Sogliola Verdesca<br />

NL Sardinella’s Tong Blauwe haai<br />

PL Sardynela Sola zwyczajna żarłacz błękitny<br />

SV Sardineller Tunga Blåhaj<br />

PT Sardinelas Linguado Tintureira<br />

EL τριχιοί γλώσσα γλαυκοκαρχαρίας<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Sebastes spp Buccinum undatum Thunnus obesus<br />

FAO Code* red FAO Code* whe FAO Code* bet<br />

% 2006 0,5 % 2006 0,5 % 2006 0,5<br />

EN Atlantic redfishes nei Whelk Bigeye tuna<br />

FR Sébastes de l’Atlantique nca Buccin Thon obèse (=Patudo)<br />

ES Gallinetas del Atlántico nep Bocina Patudo<br />

DE Rotbarsch Wellhornschnecke Großaugenthun<br />

DA Rødfiskarter Konksnegl Storøjet tun<br />

IT Scorfani del Nord Buccina Tonno obeso<br />

NL Roodbaarzen Wulk Grootoogtonijn<br />

PL Karmazyn Trąbik zwyczajny Opastun<br />

SV Kungsfiskar Valthornssnäcka Storögd tonfisk<br />

PT Cantarilhos-do-norte nia Búzio Atum-patudo<br />

EL κοκκινόψαρα βούκινο τόνος μεγαλόφθαλμος<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Chamelea gallina Lophius piscatorius Pandalus borealis<br />

FAO Code* sve FAO Code* mon (D) FAO Code* pra (D)<br />

% 2006 0,4 % 2006 0,4 % 2006 0,4<br />

EN Striped venus Angler (=Monk) Northern prawn<br />

FR Petite praire Baudroie commune Crevette nordique<br />

ES Chirla Rape Camarón norteño<br />

DE Gestreifte Venusmuschel Seeteufel Grönlandgarnele<br />

DA Stribet venusmusling Havtaske Dybvandsreje<br />

IT Vongola Rana pescatrice Gamberello boreale<br />

NL Venusschelp Zeeduivel Noorse garnaal<br />

PL Wenus kurza żabnica Krewetka północna<br />

SV Randig venusmussla Marulk Nordhavsräka<br />

PT Pé de burrinho Tamboril Camarão-boreal<br />

EL κυδώνι Βατραχόψαρο γαρίδα της Αρκτικής<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



70<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Octopus vulgaris Platichthys flesus Raja spp<br />

FAO Code* occ FAO Code* fle (D) FAO Code* ska (D)<br />

% 2006 0,4 % 2006 0,4 % 2006 0,4<br />

EN Common octopus European flounder Raja rays nei<br />

FR Pieuvre Flet d’Europe Pocheteaux et raies raja nca<br />

ES Pulpo común Platija europea Rayas raja nep<br />

DE Gewöhnlicher Krake Flunder Rochen<br />

DA Almindelig ottearmet blæksprutte Skrubbe Rokkeslægt<br />

IT Polpo di scoglio Passera pianuzza Razze<br />

NL Octopus Bot Roggen<br />

PL Ośmiornica Stornia Rajowate<br />

SV Vanlig åttaarmad bläckfisk Skrubbskädda Rocka<br />

PT Polvo-vulgar Solha das pedras Raias<br />

EL Χταπόδι φάσι σελάχια<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Reinhardtius<br />

hippoglossoides<br />

Thunnus thynnus Mullus spp<br />

FAO Code* ghl (D) FAO Code* bft (P) FAO Code* mux<br />

% 2006 0,4 % 2006 0,3 % 2006 0,3<br />

EN Greenland halibut Atlantic bluefin tuna Surmullets (=Red mullets) nei<br />

FR Flétan noir Thon rouge de l’Atlantique Rougets nca<br />

ES Fletán negro Atún rojo del Atlántico Salmonetes nep<br />

DE Grönland-Heilbutt Roter Thun Meerbarben<br />

DA Almindelig hellefisk Almindelig tun Mullearter<br />

IT Ippoglosso nero, Halibut, Halibut di Groenlandia Tonno rosso Triglie<br />

NL Groenlandse heilbot Blauwvintonijn Zeebarbelen<br />

PL Halibut niebieski Tuńczyk błękitnopłetwy Barweny<br />

SV Liten hälleflundra Tonfisk Mullar<br />

PT Alabote-negro Atum-rabilho Salmonetes<br />

EL ιππόγλωσσα Τόνος Μπαρμπούνια<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Cerastoderma edule Perca fluviatilis<br />

Parapenaeus<br />

longirostris<br />

FAO Code* coc FAO Code* fpe FAO Code* dps<br />

% 2006 0,3 % 2006 0,3 % 2006 0,3<br />

EN Common edible cockle European perch Deepwater rose shrimp<br />

FR Coque commune Perche europeenne Crevette rose du large<br />

ES Berberecho común Perca Gamba de altura<br />

DE Herzmuschel Flußbarsch Rosa Garnele<br />

DA Almindelig hjertemusling Almindelig aborre Dybvandsrosenreje<br />

IT Cuore Pesce persico Gambero rosa mediterraneo<br />

NL Kokkel Baars Roze diepzeegarnaal<br />

PL Sercówka jadalna Okon Krewetka głębokowodna<br />

SV Vanlig hjärtmussla Abborre Djuphavsräka<br />

PT Berbigão vulgar Perca europeia Gamba-branca<br />

EL μεθύστρα ποταμόπερκα Κόκκινη γαρίδα βαθέων υδάτων<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Merluccius hubbsi Conger conger Trisopterus luscus<br />

FAO Code* hkp FAO Code* coe FAO Code* bib<br />

% 2006 0,3 % 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2<br />

EN Argentine hake European conger Pouting (=Bib)<br />

FR Merlu d’Argentine Congre commun Tacaud commun<br />

ES Merluza argentina Congrio común Faneca<br />

DE Argentinischer Seehecht Meeraal Franzosendorsch<br />

DA Kulmule Almindelig havål Skægtorsk<br />

IT Nasello argentino Grongo Merluzzo francese<br />

NL Argentijnse heek Congeraal Steenbolk<br />

PL Morszczuk argentynski Konger Bielmik<br />

SV Argentinsk kummel Havsål Skäggtorsk<br />

PT Pescada argentina Congro Faneca comum<br />

EL μερλούκιος Αργεντινής Μουγγρί σύκο του Ατλαντικού<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



72<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Coryphaenoides<br />

rupestris<br />

Esox lucius Limanda limanda<br />

FAO Code* rng (H) FAO Code* fpi FAO Code* dab (D)<br />

% 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2<br />

EN Roundnose grenadier Northern pike Common dab<br />

FR Grenadier de roche Brochet du nord Limande<br />

ES Granadero de roca Lucio Lenguadina<br />

DE Grenadierfisch Hecht Kliesche, Scharbe<br />

DA Almindelig skolæst Almindelig gedde Almindelig ising<br />

IT Pesce sorcio Luccio Limanda<br />

NL Roundnose grenadier Snoek Schar<br />

PL Buławik czarny Szczupak Zimnica<br />

SV Skoläst Gädda Sandskädda<br />

PT Lagartixa-da-rocha Lúcio comum Limanda<br />

EL γρεναδιέρος των βράχων τούρνα γλώσσα λιμάντα<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Lepidorhombus spp Mullus barbatus<br />

Macruronus<br />

magellanicus<br />

FAO Code* lez (D) FAO Code* mut FAO Code* grm<br />

% 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2<br />

EN Megrims nei Red mullet Patagonian grenadier<br />

FR Cardines nca Rouget de vase Grenadier patagonien<br />

ES Gallos nep Salmonete de fango Merluza de cola<br />

DE Butte Streifenbarbe, Rotbart, Gestreifte Meerbarbe Patagonischer Grenadier<br />

DA Glashvarreslægt, Glashvarrearter Europæisk mulle, Stribet mulle Patagonisk langhale<br />

IT Lepidorombi Triglia di scoglio Merluzzo granatiere<br />

NL Scharretongen Mul Patagonische grenadier<br />

PL Smuklice Barwena Miruna patagonska<br />

SV Glasvarar Mulle Chilensk hoki<br />

PT Areeiros Salmonete legítimo, Salmonete vermelho Granadeiro-da-Patagónia<br />

EL γλώσσες, ζαγκέτες μπαρμπούνι γρεναδιέρος της Παταγωνίας<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Patagonotothen<br />

ramsayi<br />

Mullus surmuletus Cyprinus carpio<br />

FAO Code* pat FAO Code* mur FAO Code* fcp<br />

% 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2<br />

EN Longtail Southern cod, Ramsay’s icefish Surmullet Common carp<br />

FR Notothénia queue longue Rouget de roche Carpe commune<br />

ES Nototenia coluda Salmonete de roca Carpa<br />

DE Ramsays Notothenia Gemeine Goldmakrele Karpfen, Flußkarpfen<br />

DA Ramsays isfisk Guldmakrel Almindelig karpe<br />

IT Nototenia Lampuga Carpa comune<br />

NL Ramsays rotskabeljauw Goudmakreel Karper<br />

PL Nototenia falklandzka Koryfena Karp dziki a. sazan<br />

SV Ramsays noting Guldmakrill Karp<br />

PT Nototénia de Ramsay Doirado Carpa comum<br />

EL νοτοθένια Κυνηγός κυπρίνος<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Illex argentinus<br />

Chlamys (Aequipecten)<br />

opercularis<br />

Molva molva<br />

FAO Code* sqa FAO Code* qsc FAO Code* lin (H)<br />

% 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2<br />

EN Argentine shortfin squid Queen scallop Ling<br />

FR Encornet rouge argentin Vanneau Lingue<br />

ES Pota argentina Volandeira Maruca<br />

DE Argentinischer Kurzflossenkalmar Bunte Kammmuschel Leng<br />

DA Argentinsk blæksprutte Almindelig jomfruøsters Lange<br />

IT Calamaro Illex Canestrello, Pettine Molva<br />

NL Argentijnse rode pijlinktvis Wijde mantel Leng<br />

PL Kalmar argentyński Przegrzebek Molwa<br />

SV Argentinsk bläckfisk Drottningkammussla Långa<br />

PT Pota-argentina Leque Maruca<br />

EL θράψαλο της Αργεντινής χτένι ποντίκι<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



74<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Boops boops Dicentrarchus labrax Loligo spp<br />

FAO Code* bog FAO Code* bss FAO Code* sqc<br />

% 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2<br />

EN Bogue European seabass Common squids nei<br />

FR Bogue Bar européen Calmars nca<br />

ES Boga Lubina Calamares nep<br />

DE Gelbstriemen, Ochsenauge Wolfsbarsch Kalmar<br />

DA Okseøjefisk Almindelig bars Loligo-slægt<br />

IT Boga Spigola Calamari<br />

NL Bokvis Zeebaars Pijlinktvissen<br />

PL Bops Labraks Kalmary<br />

SV Oxögonfisk Havsabborre Bläckfiskar<br />

PT Boga-do-mar Robalo-legítimo Lulas<br />

EL γόπα Λαβράκι Καλαμάρια<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Microstomus kitt Brama brama Eledone spp<br />

FAO Code* lem (D) FAO Code* ocm FAO Code* grm<br />

% 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2 % 2006 0,2<br />

EN Lemon sole Atlantic pomfret Horned and musky octopuses<br />

FR Limande sole Grande castagnole Elédones communes et musquées<br />

ES Mendo limón Japuta Pulpos blancos y almizclados<br />

DE Limande Brachsenmakrele Zirrenkraken, Moschuskraken<br />

DA Rødtunge Havbrasen Ottearmet blæksprutteslægt<br />

IT Sogliola limanda Pesce castagna Moscardini<br />

NL Tongschar Braam Muskusoctopussen<br />

PL Złocica Brama Ośmiornica<br />

SV Bergskädda Havsbraxen Åttaarmade blåckfiskar<br />

PT Solha-limão Xaputa Polvos do alto<br />

EL λεμονόγλωσσα καστανόψαρο μοσχιοί, μοσχοτάποδα<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Aphanopus carbo<br />

Dissostichus<br />

eleginoides<br />

Squilla mantis<br />

FAO Code* bsf FAO Code* top FAO Code* mts<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Black scabbardfish Patagonian toothfish Spottail mantis squillid<br />

FR Sabre noir Légine australe Squille ocellée<br />

ES Sable negro Merluza austral negra Galera ocelada<br />

DE Schwarzer Degenfisch Mittelmeer-Miesmuschel Gemeiner Heuschreckenkrebs<br />

DA Sort sabelfisk Middelhavsblåmusling Søknæler<br />

IT Pesce sciabola nero Cozza Pannocchia<br />

NL Zwarte haarstaart Middellandse-Zeemosse Bidsprinkhaankreeft<br />

PL Pałasz czarny Omułek śródziemnomorski Krewetka modliszkowa<br />

SV Dolkfisk Blåmussla Mantis<br />

PT Peixe-espada-preto Mexilhão-do-Mediterrâneo Zagaia-castanheta<br />

EL μαύρο σπαθόψαρο Μύδι Κατσαρίδα της θάλασσας<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Sebastes mentella Pollachius pollachius Sepia officinalis<br />

FAO Code* reb (D) FAO Code* pol (D) FAO Code* ctc<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Beaked redfish Pollack Common cuttlefish<br />

FR Sébaste du nord Lieu jaune Seiche commune<br />

ES Gallineta nórdica Abadejo Sepia común<br />

DE Tiefenbarsch Pollak Gemeiner Tintenfisch<br />

DA Dybhavsrødfisk Lyssej Sepiablæksprutte<br />

IT Sebaste Merluzzo giallo Seppia<br />

NL Diepzeeroodbaars Pollak Gewone zeekat<br />

PL Karmazyn mentela Rdzawiec Mątwa<br />

SV Djuphavskungsfisk Bleka Sepiabläckfisk<br />

PT Peixe vermelho da fundura Juliana Choco<br />

EL κοκκινόψαρο του βυθού κίτρινος μπακαλιάρος Σουπιά<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



76<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Glycymeris glycymeris Stizostedion lucioperca Maja squinado<br />

FAO Code* gkl FAO Code* fpp FAO Code* scr<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,2<br />

EN Common European bittersweet, Dog cockle Pike-perch Spinous spider crab<br />

FR Amande commune Sandre Araignée européenne<br />

ES Almendra de mar Lucioperca Centolla europea<br />

DE Meermandel Sandart Seespinne<br />

DA Europæisk bittersødmusling Sandart Edderkopkrabbe<br />

IT Piè d’asino Sandra Granseola<br />

NL Amande Snoekbaars Spinkrab<br />

PL Grzebiolinek Sandacz<br />

SV Kammussla Gös Häxkrabba<br />

PT Castanhola do mar Lucioperca Santola-europeia<br />

EL γαϊρουδοχτένι ποταμολάβρακο καβουρομάνα<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Abramis brama<br />

Lepidorhombus<br />

whiffiagonis<br />

Glyptocephalus<br />

cynoglossus<br />

FAO Code* fbm FAO Code* meg (D) FAO Code* wit (D)<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Freshwater bream Megrim Witch flounder<br />

FR Brème d’eau douce Cardine franche Plie cynoglosse, Plie grise<br />

ES Brema común Gallo del Norte Mendo<br />

DE Bresen Migram Rotzunge<br />

DA Brasen Glashvarre Almindelig skærising<br />

IT Abramide Rombo quattrocchi Passera lingua di cane<br />

NL Brasem Viervlekkige scharretong Witje<br />

PL Leszcz aralsko-kaspijski Smuklica Szkarłacica<br />

SV Braxen Glasvar Rödtunga<br />

PT Brema Areeiro comum Pota europeia<br />

EL λεστιά ζαγκέτα θράψαλο<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Todarodes sagittatus Coregonus albula Spicara spp<br />

FAO Code* sqe FAO Code* fve FAO Code* pic<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN European flying squid Vendace Picarels nei<br />

FR Toutenon commun Corégone blanc Mendoles, Picarels nca<br />

ES Pota europea Corégono blanco Chuclas, carameles nep<br />

DE Pfeilkalmar Silbermaräne Laxierfisch<br />

DA Flyveblæksprutte Heltling Pikarel<br />

IT Todaro Coregone bianco Mennole<br />

NL Grote pijlinktvis Kleine marene Pikarel<br />

PL kałamarnica krótkopłetwa, kalmar illex Sielawa Pikarel<br />

SV Bläckfisk Siklöja Picarell<br />

PT Pota europeia Corégono-branco Trombeiros<br />

EL θράψαλο λευκοκορέγονος μενούλα<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Scyliorhinus canicula<br />

Micromesistius<br />

australis<br />

Chelidonichthys<br />

cuculus<br />

FAO Code* syc FAO Code* pos FAO Code* gur<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Small-spotted catshark Southern blue whiting Red gurnard<br />

FR Petite roussette Merlan bleu austral Grondin rouge<br />

ES Pintarroja Polaca austral Arete<br />

DE Fleckhai Südlicher Wittling Kuckucks-Knurrhahn<br />

DA Småplettet rødhaj Sydlig sortmund Tværstribet knurhane<br />

IT Boccanera Merlú australe Capone coccio<br />

NL Zwartmond-hondshaai Zuidelijke blauwe wijting Engelse poon<br />

PL Piłogon Błękitek południowy Kurek napłon<br />

SV Hågäl Verdinho austral Rödknot<br />

PT Pata-roxa-pequena Verdinho austral Cabra vermelha<br />

EL σκυλάκι προσφυγάκι της Αυστραλίας καπόνι<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



78<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Euphausia superba Rutilus spp Psetta maxima<br />

FAO Code* kri FAO Code* frx FAO Code* tur (D)<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Antarctic krill Roaches nei Turbot<br />

FR Krill antarctique Gardons nca Turbot<br />

ES Krill antártico Rutilos nep Rodaballo<br />

DE Antarktischer Krill Rotaugen Steinbutt<br />

DA Antarktisk krill Karpefiskarter Pighvar<br />

IT Krill antartico Triotti Rombo chiodato<br />

NL Antarctische krill Blankvoorns Tarbot<br />

PL Kryl antarktyczny Wyrozub Skarp<br />

SV Antarktisk krill Mörtar Piggvar<br />

PT Krill do Antárctico Pardelhas, bogardos e ruivacas Pregado<br />

EL κριλ της Ανταρκτικής δρομίτσες Καλκάνι<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Pagellus spp Sarda sarda Aristeus antennatus<br />

FAO Code* pax FAO Code* bon FAO Code* ara<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Pandoras nei Atlantic bonito Blue and red shrimp<br />

FR Pageots Bonite à dos rayè Crevette rouge<br />

ES Brecas nep Bonito del Atlántico Gamba rosada<br />

DE Meerbrassen Pelamide Afrikanische Tiefseegarnele<br />

DA Blankesten-slægt Rygstribet pelamide Blårød reje<br />

IT Pagelli Palamita Gambero viola<br />

NL Zeebrasems Atlantische boniter Blauwrode diepzeegarnaal<br />

PL Prażmowate Pelamida Krewetka niebiesko-czerwona<br />

SV Havsrudefiskar Ryggstrimmig pelamid Blåröd räka<br />

PT Besugos Bonito-listado Camarão-vermelho<br />

EL λυθρίνια ρίκι Κόκκινη γαρίδα<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Zeus faber Trachurus picturatus<br />

Spondyliosoma<br />

cantharus<br />

FAO Code* jod FAO Code* jaa (P) FAO Code* brb<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN John dory Blue jack mackerel Black seabream<br />

FR Saint Pierre Chinchard du large Dorade grise<br />

ES Pez de San Pedro Jurel de altura (=Chicharro) Chopa<br />

DE Heringskönig Blaue Bastardmakrele Streifenbrasse<br />

DA Atlantisk sanktpetersfisk Blå hestemakrel Almindelig havrude<br />

IT Pesce san Pietro Sugarello pittato Tanuta<br />

NL Zonnevis Blauwe horsmakreel Zeekarper<br />

PL Piotrosz Ostrobok czarny Kantar<br />

SV Sanktpersfisk Blå taggmakrill Havsruda<br />

PT Galo-negro Carapau-negrão Choupa<br />

EL χριστόψαρο μαυροσαύριδο της Αυστραλίας σκαθάρι<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Rutilus rutilus Penaeus kerathurus<br />

Trachurus<br />

mediterraneus<br />

FAO Code* fro FAO Code* tgs FAO Code* hmm<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Roach Caramote prawn Mediterranean horse mackerel<br />

FR Gardon Caramote Chinchard à queue jaune<br />

ES Rutilo Langostino Jurel mediterráneo<br />

DE Plötze Furchengarnele Mittelmeer-Bastardmakrele<br />

DA Skalle Rynket reje Middelhavshestemakrel<br />

IT Triotto rosso Mazzancolla Sugarello maggiore<br />

NL Blankvoorn Melicertus kerathurus Middellandse Zeehorsmakreel<br />

PL Wyrozub Ostrobok adeński<br />

SV Mört Gaffelräka Medelhavsmakrill<br />

PT Ruivaca Gamba manchada Carapau-do-mediterrâneo<br />

EL πλατίτσα γάμπαρη σαυρίδι<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



80<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Molva dypterygia Homarus gammarus Portunus spp<br />

FAO Code* bli(H) FAO Code* lbe FAO Code* crs<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Blue ling European lobster Portunus swimcrabs nei<br />

FR Lingue bleue Homard européen Etrilles nca<br />

ES Maruca azul Bogavante Jaibas, nécoras nep<br />

DE Blauleng Europäischer Hummer Schwimmkrabbe<br />

DA Byrkelange Europæisk hummer Svømmekrabbeslægt<br />

IT Molva azzurra Astice Granchi nuotatori<br />

NL Blauwe leng Kreeft Zwemkrabben<br />

PL Molwiniec Homar europejski Portunik, Włosiennik<br />

SV Birkelånga Hummer Sammetssimkrabba<br />

PT Maruca-azul Lavagante Caranguejos nadadores<br />

EL μουρούνα διπτερύγιος αστακογαρίδα κολυμβητικά καβούρια<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Sardinella maderensis Coregonus lavaretus Argentina sphyraena<br />

FAO Code* sae FAO Code* pln FAO Code* ary<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Madeiran sardinella European whitefish Argentine<br />

FR Grande allache Corégone lavaret Argentine<br />

ES Machuelo Lavareto Argentina<br />

DE Madeira-Sardinelle Peledmaräne Glasauge<br />

DA Madeirasardinel Almindelig helt Guldlaks<br />

IT Alaccia africana Coregone lavarello Argentina<br />

NL Madeira-sardinella Grote marene Zilvervis<br />

PL Sardynela maderska Sieja wędrowna Argentyna<br />

SV Afrikansk sardinell Lavaretsik Silverfisk<br />

PT Sardinela-da-Madeira Coregono lavareda Biqueirão branco<br />

EL φρίσσα Μαδέρας γαλάζιος κορέγονος γουρλομάτα<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Mustelus spp<br />

Merluccius<br />

senegalensis<br />

Anguilla anguilla<br />

FAO Code* sdv FAO Code* hkm FAO Code* ele<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Smooth-hounds nei Senegalese hake European eel<br />

FR Emissoles nca Merlu du Sénégal Anguille d’Europe<br />

ES Tollos nep Merluza del Senegal Anguila europea<br />

DE Glatthaie Senegalesischer Seehecht Europäischer Aal<br />

DA Glathajarter Senegalesisk kulmule Europæisk ål<br />

IT Palombi Merluzzo senegalese Anguilla<br />

NL Gladde haaien Senegalese heek Aal<br />

PL Mustel Morszczuk senegalski Węgorz europejski<br />

SV Hundhajar Senegalkummel ål<br />

PT Cações Pescada-negra Enguia europeia<br />

EL γαλέοι μπακαλιάρος της Σενεγάλης χέλι<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Isurus oxyrinchus<br />

Chelidonichthys<br />

lucerna<br />

Salmo trutta<br />

FAO Code* sma FAO Code* guu FAO Code* trs<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Shortfin mako Tub gurnard Sea trout<br />

FR Taupe bleue Grondin perlon Truite de mer<br />

ES Marrajo dientuso Begel Trucha marina<br />

DE Makrelenhai, Mako Roter Knurrhahn Meerforelle<br />

DA Makrelhaj, Makohaj Rød knurhane Havørred<br />

IT Squalo mako, Smeriglio mako Cappone Trota di mare<br />

NL Makreelhaai Rode poon Zeeforel<br />

PL Ostronos Kurek czerwony Troć<br />

SV Mako, Makrillhaj Fenknot Öring<br />

PT Anequim, Marracho-azul, Tubarão-anequim Cabra-cabaço Truta-marisca<br />

EL ρυγχοκαρχαρίας χελιδονάς πέστροφα<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



82<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Lepidopus caudatus Rapana spp Diplodus spp<br />

FAO Code* cgo FAO Code* rpn FAO Code* srg<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Goldfish Sea snails Sargo breams nei<br />

FR Poisson rouge (=Cyprin doré) Escargots de mer Sars, Sparaillons nca<br />

ES Pez rojo Caracoles de mar Sargos, raspallones nep<br />

DE Goldfisch Brassen<br />

DA Guldfisk Havrudearter<br />

IT Carassio dorato Saraghi<br />

NL Goudvis Zeebrasems<br />

PL Karaś złocisty a. chiński Rapana Prażmowate<br />

SV Guldfisk Havsrudefiskar<br />

PT Peixe-vermelho Sargos<br />

EL χρυσόψαρο σαργοι<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Osmerus eperlanus<br />

Scophthalmus<br />

rhombus<br />

Raja naevus<br />

FAO Code* sme FAO Code* bll (D) FAO Code* rjn (D)<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN European smelt Brill Cuckoo ray<br />

FR Eperlan européen Barbue Raie fleurie<br />

ES Eperlano europeo Rémol Raya santiguesa<br />

DE Stint Glattbutt Kuckucksrochen<br />

DA Smelt Slethvar Pletrokke<br />

IT Eperlano Rombo liscio Razza cuculo<br />

NL Spiering Griet Koekoeksrog<br />

PL Stynka Nagład Raja dwuplama<br />

SV Nors Slätvar Gökrocka<br />

PT Eperlano europeu Rodovalho comum Raia de dois olhos<br />

EL επερλάνος ρομβοπησί ψηφιδόβατος<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Squalus acanthias Phycis blennoides Sparus aurata<br />

FAO Code* dgs FAO Code* gfb FAO Code* sbg<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Picked dogfish Greater forkbeard Gilthead seabream<br />

FR Aiguillat commun Phycis de fond Dorade royale<br />

ES Mielga Brótola de fango Dorada<br />

DE Schokoladenhai Meertrüsche Goldbrasse<br />

DA Almindelig pighaj Almindelig skælbrosme Guldbrasen<br />

IT Zigrino Musdea Orata<br />

NL Doornhaai Gaffelkabeljauw Goudbrasem<br />

PL Koleń Widlak biały Dorada<br />

SV Pigghaj Fjällbrosme Guldsparid<br />

PT Galhudo-malhado Abrótea-do-alto Dourada<br />

EL σκυλόψαρο λασποσαλούβαρδος Τσιπούρα<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Salilota australis Ostrea edulis Solen spp<br />

FAO Code* sao FAO Code* oyf FAO Code* raz<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Tadpole codling European flat oyster Razor clams nei<br />

FR More têtard Huître plate européenne Couteaux nca<br />

ES Bacalao criollo Ostra europea Navajas (=Solénidos) nep<br />

DE Argentinischer Kabeljau Europäische Auster Meerscheiden<br />

DA Torsk østers Knivmuslingslægt<br />

IT Baccalà australe Ostrica europea piatta Cannolicchio<br />

NL Europese platte oester Messcheden<br />

PL Salilota patagonska Ostryga zwyczajna Nożenka<br />

SV Ostron Knivmusslor<br />

PT Bacalhau-argentino Ostra-plana-europeia Longueirões<br />

EL μπακαριάλος Αργεντινής στρείδι σωλήνες<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



84<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Trachinus draco Oncorhynchus mykiss Mugil cephalus<br />

FAO Code* weg FAO Code* trr FAO Code* muf<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Greater weever Rainbow trout Flathead grey mullet<br />

FR Grande vive Truite arc-en-ciel Mulet à grosse tête<br />

ES Escorpión Trucha arco iris Pardete<br />

DE Kleines Petermännchen Regenbogenforelle Großkopf-Meeräsche<br />

DA Lille fjæsing Regnbueørred Stribet multe<br />

IT Tracina vipera Trota arcobaleno Cefalo<br />

NL Kleine pieterman Regenboogforel Grootkopharder<br />

PL Ostrosz drakon Pstrąg tęczowy Mugil australijski, Mugil cefal<br />

SV Mindre fjärsing Regnbåge Storhovad multe<br />

PT Peixe-aranha menor Truta-arco-íris Tainha-olhalvo<br />

EL δράκαινα αμερικάνικη πέστροφα κέφαλος<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Argyrosomus regius Salmo salar Trisopterus minutus<br />

FAO Code* mgr FAO Code* sal(D) FAO Code* pod<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Meagre Atlantic salmon Poor cod<br />

FR Maigre commun Saumon de l’Atlantique Capelan de Méditerranée<br />

ES Corvina Salmón del Atlántico Capellán<br />

DE Adlerfisch Lachs Zwergdorsch<br />

DA ørnefisk Atlantisk laks Glyse<br />

IT Bocca d’oro Salmone atlantico Merluzzetto<br />

NL Ombervis Atlantische zalm Dwergbolk<br />

PL łosoś szlachetny a. atlantycki Karlik<br />

SV Havsgös Lax Glyskolja<br />

PT Corvina Salmão-do-atlântico Fanecão<br />

EL μαγιάτικο σολομός του Ατλαντικού σύκο<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Helicolenus<br />

dactylopterus<br />

Dicologlossa cuneata Genypterus blacodes<br />

FAO Code* brf FAO Code* cet FAO Code* cus<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Blackbelly rosefish Wedge sole Pink cusk-eel<br />

FR Sébaste chèvre Céteau Abadèche rose<br />

ES Gallineta Acedía Congribadejo rosado<br />

DE Blaumaul Bastardzunge Rosa Kingklip<br />

DA Blåkæft Senegaltunge Rosa kingklip<br />

IT Scorfano di fondale Sogliola cuneata Abadeco<br />

NL Blauwkeeltje Franse tong Roze koningsklip<br />

PL Sebdak przyladkowy Kunatka Abadecho, Miętus nowozelandzki<br />

SV Blåkäft Tjocktunga Golden kingklip<br />

PT Cantarilho-legítimo Língua Abadejo-rosado<br />

EL σεβαστός δικολόγλωσσα κοκκινοφίδιο<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Auxis thazard, A.rochei Pagellus erythrinus Raja clavata<br />

FAO Code* frz FAO Code* pac FAO Code* rjc (D)<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Frigate and bullet tunas Common pandora Thornback ray<br />

FR Auxide et bonitou Pageot commun Raie bouclée<br />

ES Melva y melvera Breca Raya de clavos<br />

DE Melvera-Fregattmackerel Kleine Rotbrasse Nagelrochen<br />

DA Auxide Rød blankesten Sømrokke<br />

IT Tombarello, Biso Pagello fragolino Razza chiodata<br />

NL Valse bonito, Fregattonijn, Kogeltonijn Rode zeebrasem Gewone rog<br />

PL Tazar Morlesz szkarłatny Raja ciernista<br />

SV Fregattmakrill Rödpagell Knaggrocka<br />

PT Judeu, Judeu liso Bica Raia-pinta<br />

EL Βαρελάκι, Κοπάνι, Κοπανέλι, Τερνέττα, Τουμπαρέλι Λυθρίνι καλκανόβατος<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



86<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Pagellus bogaraveo Procambarus clarkii Dentex dentex<br />

FAO Code* sbr FAO Code* rcw FAO Code* dec<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Blackspot (=red) seabream Red swamp crawfish Common dentex<br />

FR Dorade rose Ecrevisse rouge de marais Denté commun<br />

ES Besugo Cangrejo de las marismas Dentón<br />

DE Meerbrasse Louisiana-Flu Zahnbrasse<br />

DA Spidstandet blankesten Louisiana-Flußkrebs Tandbrasen<br />

IT Occhialone Gambero di palude Dentice<br />

NL Zeebrasem Louisiana-rivierkreeft Tandbrasem<br />

PL Morlesz bogar Chyba jakiś rak słodkowodny Kielec właściwy<br />

SV Fläckpagell Louisianaflodkräfta Tandbraxen<br />

PT Goraz Lagostim vermelho do rio Dentão<br />

EL Κεφαλάς βαλτογαρίδα Συναγρίδα<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Spisula solida Diplodus sargus<br />

Centroscymnus<br />

coelolepis<br />

FAO Code* ulo FAO Code* swa FAO Code* cyo<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Solid surf clam White seabream Portuguese dogfish<br />

FR Spisule épaisse Sar commun Pailona commun<br />

ES Almeja blanca Sargo Pailona<br />

DE Riesentrogmuschel Große Geißbrasse Portugiesenhai<br />

DA Tykskallet trugmusling Sorthale Portugisisk fløjlshaj<br />

IT Cappa americana Sarago maggiore Pailona<br />

NL Stevige strandschelp Witte zeebrasem Portugese hondshaai<br />

PL Maktra masywna Sargus Koleń iberyjski<br />

SV Mussla Vitblecka Pailonahaj<br />

PT Amêijoa branca americana Sargo-legítimo Carocho<br />

EL μάκτρα Ατλαντικού Σαργός πορτογαλικό σκυλόψαρο<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Belone belone Pagrus pagrus<br />

Merluccius capensis,<br />

M.paradox.<br />

FAO Code* gar FAO Code* rpg FAO Code* hkc<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Garfish Red porgy Cape hakes<br />

FR Orphie Pagre rouge Merlus du Cap<br />

ES Aguja Pargo Merluzas del Cabo<br />

DE Hornhecht Gemeine Sackbrasse Kaphecht<br />

DA Hornfisk Almindelig blankesten Sydafrikansk kulmule<br />

IT Aguglia Pagro mediterraneo Nasello del Capo<br />

NL Geep Gewone Zeebrasem Kaapse heken<br />

PL Belona pospolita Pagrus Morszczuk kapski<br />

SV Näbbgädda Rödbraxen Kapkummel<br />

PT Agulha Pargo Pescada da África do Sul<br />

EL ζαργάνα Φαγγρί μπακαλιάρος της Ν. Αφρικής<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Pagellus acarne Geryon quinquedens Venus verrucosa<br />

FAO Code* sba FAO Code* crr FAO Code* vev<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Axillary seabream Red crab Warty venus<br />

FR Pageot acarne Gériocrabe rouge Praire commune<br />

ES Aligote Geriocangrejo rojo, cangrejo colorado Escupina grabada<br />

DE Spanische Meerbrasse Rote Tiefseekrabbe Venusmuchel<br />

DA Akarnanisk blankesten Femtandet dybvandskrabbe Venusmusling<br />

IT Pagello mafrone Granchio rosso di fondale Tartufo di mare(venus verrucosa)<br />

NL Spaanse zeebrasem Rode diepzeekrab Venusschelp<br />

PL Morlesz krwisty Krab czerwony głębinowy Wenus brodawkowata<br />

SV Pagell Djuphavsrödkrabba Sandmussla<br />

PT Besugo Caranguejo vermelho da fundura Pé-de-burro<br />

EL Μουσμούλι κόκκινος κάβουρας αχιβάδα<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species<br />



88<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Lepidopus caudatus Lichia amia Polyprion americanus<br />

FAO Code* sfs FAO Code* lee FAO Code* wrf<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Silver scabbardfish Leerfish Wreckfish<br />

FR Sabre argenté Liche Cernier commun<br />

ES Pez cinto Palometón Cherna<br />

DE Strumpfbandfisch Große Gabelmakrele Wrackfisch<br />

DA Strømpebåndsfisk Stor gaffelmakrel Vragfisk<br />

IT Pesce sciabola Leccia Cernia di fondale<br />

NL Zilveren haarstaart Grote gaffelmakreel Wrakbaars<br />

PL Palasz ogoniasty Amia Wrakoń<br />

SV Strumpebandsfisk Stor gaffelmakrill Vrakfisk<br />

PT Peixe-espada Palombeta Cherne-legítimo<br />

EL ασημόψαρο λίτσα Βλάχος<br />

SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Sarpa salpa Raja montagui<br />

FAO Code* slm FAO Code* rjm(D)<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Salema Spotted ray<br />

FR Saupe Raie douce<br />

ES Salema Raya pintada<br />

DE Goldstrieme Fleckrochen<br />

DA Art havrude Storplettet rokke<br />

IT Salpa Razza maculata<br />

NL Goudgestreepte zeebrasem Gladde rog<br />

PL Salpa Raja nakrapiana<br />

SV Salpa Fläckrocka<br />

PT Salema Raia pintada<br />

EL σάλπα κηλιδόβατος<br />

* () Species subject to TACs and quotas. (D) Demersal species (P) Pelagic species (H) Deep-sea species


SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Mytilus<br />

galloprovincialis<br />

Oncorhynchus mykiss Mytilus edulis<br />

FAO Code msm FAO Code trr FAO Code mus<br />

% 2006 24,9 % 2006 15,3 % 2006 11,9<br />

EN Mediterranean mussel Rainbow trout Blue mussel<br />

FR Moule méditerranéenne Truite arc-en-ciel Moule commune<br />

ES Mejillón mediterráneo Trucha arco iris Mejillón común<br />

DE<br />

Mittelmeer-Miesmuschel, Seemuschel, Blaubartmuschel<br />

Regenbogenforelle Pfahlmuschel<br />

DA Middelhavsblåmusling Regnbueørred Blåmusling<br />

IT Cozza, Mitilo Trota arcobaleno Mitilo comune<br />

NL Middellandse-Zeemossel Regenboogforel Mossel<br />

PL Omółek śródziemnomorski, Nazwa proponowana Pstrąg tęczowy Omułek jadalny<br />

SV Medelhavsblåmussla Regnbåge Blåmussla<br />

PT Mexilhão do Mediterrâneo Truta-arco-íris Mexilhão vulgar<br />

EL μύδι αμερικάνικη πέστροφα μύδι<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Salmo salar Crassostrea gigas Sparus aurata<br />

FAO Code sal FAO Code oyg FAO Code sbg<br />

% 2006 11,3 % 2006 9,8 % 2006 5,6<br />

EN Atlantic salmon Pacific cupped oyster Gilthead seabream<br />

FR Saumon de l’Atlantique Huître creuse japonaise, Huître portugaise Dorade royale<br />

ES Salmón del Atlántico Ostión, Ostra japonesa Dorada<br />

DE Lachs<br />

Pazifische Felsenauster, Portugiesischer Auster,<br />

Riesenauster<br />

Goldbrasse<br />

DA Atlantisk laks Stillehavsøsters Guldbrasen<br />

IT Salmone atlantico Ostrica concava, Ostrica giapponese Orata<br />

NL Atlantische zalm Japanse oester Goudbrasem<br />

PL łosoś szlachetny a. atlantycki Dorada<br />

SV Lax Japanskt jätteostron Guldsparid<br />

PT Salmão-do-atlântico Ostra-portuguesa, Ostra-gigante Dourada<br />

EL σολομός του Ατλαντικού Τσιπούρα<br />



90<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Cyprinus carpio<br />

Ruditapes<br />

philippinarum<br />

Dicentrarchus labrax<br />

FAO Code fcp FAO Code clj FAO Code bss<br />

% 2006 4,8 % 2006 4,5 % 2006 4,1<br />

EN Common carp Manilla clam, Japanese clam, Short-necked clam European seabass<br />

FR Carpe commune Palourde japonaise Bar européen<br />

ES Carpa Almeja japonesa, Almeja italiana Lubina<br />

DE Karpfen, Flußkarpfen Japanische Teppichmuschel Wolfsbarsch<br />

DA Almindelig karpe Japansk tæppemusling Almindelig bars<br />

IT Carpa comune Vongola verace Spigola<br />

NL Karper Japanse tapijtschelp Zeebaars<br />

PL Karp dziki a. sazan Małż japoński Labraks<br />

SV Karp Japansk venusmussla Havsabborre<br />

PT Carpa comum Amêijoa-japonesa Robalo-legítimo<br />

EL κυπρίνος Λαβράκι<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Thunnus thynnus Anguilla anguilla Tapes decussatus<br />

FAO Code bft FAO Code ele FAO Code ctg<br />

% 2006 1,0 % 2006 0,7 % 2006 0,6<br />

EN Atlantic bluefin tuna European eel Grooved carpet shell, Calico clam<br />

FR Thon rouge de l’Atlantique Anguille d’Europe Palourde croisée d’Europe<br />

ES Atún rojo del Atlántico Anguila europea Almeja fina, Amayuela<br />

DE Roter Thun Europäischer Aal Teppichmuschel<br />

DA Almindelig tun Europæisk ål Stor tæppemusling, Gitret tæppemusling<br />

IT Tonno rosso Anguilla Vongola nera<br />

NL Blauwvintonijn Aal Tapijtschelp<br />

PL Tuńczyk błękitnopłetwy Węgorz europejski<br />

SV Tonfisk ål Stor venusmussla<br />

PT Atum-rabilho Enguia europeia Amêijoa-boa<br />

EL Τόνος χέλι χάβαρο, κυδώνι

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Psetta maxima Clarias gariepinus<br />

Hypophthalmichthys<br />

molitrix<br />

FAO Code stur FAO Code clz FAO Code svc<br />

% 2006 0,5 % 2006 0,5 % 2006 0,3<br />

EN Turbot North African catfish Silver carp<br />

FR Turbot Poissonchat nordafricain Carpe argentée<br />

ES Rodaballo Pez gato norteafricano, Claria Carpa plateada<br />

DE Steinbutt Afrikanischer Wels Gewöhnlicher Tolstolob<br />

DA Pighvar Afrikansk ålemalle Sølvkarpe<br />

IT Rombo chiodato Pesce gatto Carpa argentata<br />

NL Tarbot Afrikaaanse meervallen Zilverkarper<br />

PL Skarp Stawada Tołpyga biała<br />

SV Piggvar Åalmalar Silverkarp<br />

PT Pregado<br />

Clária africana, Gato de cabeça chata africano,<br />

Peixe-gato da África do Norte<br />

Carpa-prateada<br />

EL Καλκάνι Κλαρίας ασημοκυπρίνος<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Ostrea edulis<br />

Hypophthalmichthys<br />

nobilis<br />

Acipenseridae<br />

FAO Code oyf FAO Code bic FAO Code stu<br />

% 2006 0,3 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN European flat oyster Bighead carp Sturgeons<br />

FR Huître plate européenne Carpe à grosse tête Esturgeons<br />

ES Ostra europea Carpa cabezona Esturiones<br />

DE Europäische Auster Marmorkarpfen Störe<br />

DA Østers Marmorkarpe Stører<br />

IT Ostrica europea piatta Carpa testa grossa Storioni<br />

NL Europese platte oester Grootkopkarper Steur<br />

PL Ostryga zwyczajna Tołpyga pstra Jesiotrowate<br />

SV Silverkarp Marmorkarp Störfiskar<br />

PT Carpa-prateada Carpa cabeçuda Esturjões<br />

EL ασημοκυπρίνος μαρμαροκυπρίνος, κινέζικος κυπρίνος στουριόνια<br />



92<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Carassius auratus<br />

Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idellus<br />

Oreochromis niloticus<br />

FAO Code cgo FAO Code fcg FAO Code tln<br />

% 2006 1,0 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Goldfish Grass carp Nile tilapia<br />

FR Poisson rouge (=Cyprin doré) Carpe herbivore(=chinoise) Tilapia du Nil<br />

ES Pez rojo Carpa china (=herbívora) Tilapia del Nilo, Perca del Nilo<br />

DE Goldfisch Graskarpfen Nil-Buntbarsch<br />

DA Guldfisk Græskarpe Nilcichlide, Nilmundruger<br />

IT Carassio dorato Carpa erbivora, Amur Tilapia del Nilo<br />

NL Goudvis Graskarper Nijltilapia<br />

PL Karaś złocisty a. chiński Amur biały Tilapia nilowa<br />

SV Guldfisk Gräskarp Niltilapia<br />

PT Peixe-vermelho Carpa-do-limo Tilápia do Nilo<br />

EL χρυσόψαρο χορτοφάγος κυπρίνος τιλάπια του Νείλου<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Salmo trutta Silurus glanis Coregonus lavaretus<br />

FAO Code trs FAO Code som FAO Code pln<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Sea trout Danubian wels, Som catfish, Wels, Wels catfish European whitefish<br />

FR Truite de mer Salut, Silure glane Corégone lavaret<br />

ES Trucha marina Siluro europeo Lavareto<br />

DE Meerforelle Wels, Flusswels, Waller Peledmaräne<br />

DA Havørred Europæisk malle Almindelig helt<br />

IT Trota di mare Siluro Coregone lavarello<br />

NL Zeeforel Meerval Grote marene<br />

PL Troć Sum pospolity Sieja wędrowna<br />

SV Öring Mal Lavaretsik<br />

PT Truta-marisca Siluro europeu Coregono lavareda<br />

EL πέστροφα γουλιανός γαλάζιος κορέγονος

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Mugil cephalus Salvelinus spp Argyrosomus regius<br />

FAO Code muf FAO Code chr FAO Code mgr<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,1<br />

EN Flathead grey mullet Chars Meagre<br />

FR Mulet à grosse tête Ombles nca Maigre commun<br />

ES Pardete Salvelinos nep Corvina<br />

DE Großkopf-Meeräsche Saiblinge Adlerfisch<br />

DA Stribet multe Røddingslægt, Røddingarter Ørnefisk<br />

IT Cefalo Salmerini Bocca d’oro<br />

NL Grootkopharder Riddervissen Ombervis<br />

PL Mugil australijski, Mugil cefal Golec Kulbak pospolity<br />

SV Storhovad multe Rödingar Havsgös<br />

PT Tainha-olhalvo Salvelinos Corvina<br />

EL κέφαλος λιμνοπέστροφες, σαλβελίνοι μαγιάτικο<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Salvelinus fontinalis Gadus morhua Tinca tinca<br />

FAO Code svf FAO Code cod FAO Code fte<br />

% 2006 0,1 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Fountain salmon Atlantic cod Tench<br />

FR Saumon de fontaine Morue de l’Atlantique Tanche<br />

ES Salvelino Bacalao del Atlántico Tenca, Tinca, Aguijón<br />

DE Bachsaibling Kabeljau<br />

Grünschleie, Schlammler, Schleiforelle, Schuster,<br />

Schlüpfling, Schleie<br />

DA Kildeørred Atlantisk torsk Suder<br />

IT Salmerino di fonte Merluzzo bianco Tinca<br />

NL Bronforel Atlantische kabeljauw Zeelt<br />

PL Pstrąg źródlany Dorsz Lin<br />

SV Bäckröding Torsk Sutare<br />

PT Truta das fontes Bacalhau-do-atlântico Tinca, Tenca, Godião<br />

EL σαλβελίνος, λιμνοπέστροφα γάδος γλήνι<br />



94<br />

SpecieS SpecieS SpecieS<br />

Esox lucius<br />

Hippoglossus<br />

hippoglossus<br />

Ameiurus melas<br />

FAO Code fpi FAO Code hal FAO Code itm<br />

% 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0 % 2006 0,0<br />

EN Northern pike, Pike, Jack Atlantic halibut Black bullhead<br />

FR Brochet du nord, Brochet commun Flétan de l’Atlantique Poisson-chat<br />

ES Lucio Fletán Bagre, Coto negro, bagre torito negro<br />

DE Hecht, Flußhecht Atlantischer Heilbutt, Weißer Heilbutt Schwarzer Zwergwels<br />

DA Almindelig gedde Atlantisk helleflynder, Sort dværgmalle<br />

IT Luccio Ippoglosso atlantico, Halibut Pesce gatto<br />

NL Snoek Heilbot Zwarte dwergmeerval<br />

PL Szczupak Halibut atlantycki Sumik czarny<br />

SV Gädda Hälleflundra Svart dvärgmal, Svart kattfisk<br />

PT Lúcio Alabote do Atlântico Peixe-gato negro<br />

EL τούρνα χάλιμπατ του Ατλαντικού<br />

EN Carpet shell<br />

FR Clovisse<br />

ES Almeja babosa, Chocha<br />

SpecieS<br />

Venerupis pullastra<br />

DE Kleine Teppichmuschel, Teppichmuschel<br />

DA Almindelig tæppemusling<br />

IT Vongola, Longona<br />

NL Kleine tapijtschelp<br />

PL<br />

SV<br />

PT Amêijoa macha<br />

EL αχιβάδα, αμύγδαλο<br />

FAO Code cts<br />

% 2006 0,0<br />




Source: ICES<br />


96<br />

Source: ICES

Source: ICES<br />



98<br />



Source: CGPM


Source: FAO<br />



100<br />


European Parliament<br />

A practical guide — Fisheries<br />

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities<br />

2009 — p. 100 — 21 x 21 cm<br />

ISBN 978-92-823-2673-2<br />

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The Policy Departments are research units that provide specialised advice to committees,<br />

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Policy Areas<br />

Agriculture and Rural Development<br />

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Fisheries<br />

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Documents<br />

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