Western Electric Catalogue #1 - Wedophones.com wedophones

Western Electric Catalogue #1 - Wedophones.com wedophones

Western Electric Catalogue #1 - Wedophones.com wedophones


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Lapwing Answer by mail . Latent Will greatly ac<strong>com</strong>modate us if you<br />

Larboard Referring to our letter of. will .<br />

Larceny Referring to your letter of. Latently According to contract .<br />

Larch We write you fully to-day . Lateral Not according to contract.<br />

Largeness We have no letter from you . Lather To which add the cost of .<br />

Largess Will write you fully in a day or so . Lathered In addition to .<br />

Lariat Write giving full particulars . Lathering How did you address?<br />

Lark Answer by telegraph-day message . Latin Was addressed to .<br />

Larva Answer by telegraph-night mes- Latinize Please note an advance of .<br />

sage . Latitude Would you advise?<br />

Larynx Referring to our telegram of . Latterally Would advise you to .<br />

Lascar Referring to your telegram of . Latterly Would not advise you to .<br />

Lash Telegraph immediately . Lattice Unless otherwise advised will assume<br />

Lashed Telegraph reply soon as possible . that .<br />

Lashing We have no telegram from you . Laud Will you agree to?<br />

Lass Why do you not telegraph? Laudable Will agree to .<br />

Lasting Shall we? Laudably Must have answer by .<br />

Latch Will vou? Laudation Will be in .<br />

Laugh Utmost care must be used . Laudative Will be here .<br />

Laughable Cash on delivery . Lawrence What have you done about?<br />

Laughed Cash in 30 days . Lax Will deposit sight draft on you to-<br />

Laughter Will not allow any <strong>com</strong>mission . day, unless advised to the con-<br />

Laughing Commission will be allowed . trary, for . . . . . . dollars.<br />

Launch Your financial standing being un- Laxative Please accept our draft for . . . . . . . .<br />

known, we will send goods C . O . D . dollars .<br />

unless otherwise instructed . Laxity Send duplicate copy of invoice dated .<br />

Launched Kindly send us references as to your Laxness Have examined very carefully and<br />

financial standing, or shall we ship find .<br />

via freight with draft attached to Laymen Expenses to be paid by .<br />

bill of lading? Lazily Do not fail to .<br />

Laundress Will you agree to the conditions? Laziness Have figured as close as possible.<br />

Laundry Contract awarded . Lazy Freight must be prepaid .<br />

Laura Contract will be awarded . Leach Freight rate per hundred pounds to<br />

Laurate Will you extend credit? destination .<br />

Laurel Have you decided? Leaden What is freight rate per hundred<br />

Lava Have not decided . pounds?<br />

Lavation Have decided . Leader Guarantee the account .<br />

Lavatory Will guarantee delivery by the . Leading Hold subject to your order .<br />

Lavender Cannot guarantee delivery before Leafage Does not include .<br />

the . Leafing Must be included .<br />

Lawfully The diameter is . Leafless Will keep you fully informed .<br />

Lawfulness Will do the best we possibly can . Leafy Insist upon .<br />

Lawgiver Do the best you possibly can . League Await instructions .<br />

Lawgiving Shall we do so? Leagued Letter in transit with full particulars .<br />

Lawless Do so . Leak Shall we deliver goods on verbal<br />

Lawn Can do nothing until . order of vour Mr . . . . . . . ?<br />

Lateen Will you accept? Leakage Advisable for you to place order at<br />

Lateness Wire at once if accepted or not . once, prices tending to advance .<br />


Legatee At what price could you furnish? Legibly Can you ship immediately?<br />

Legation Quote us by telegraph . Legion Can you ship in?<br />

Legend Quote us by next mail . Legislate Have you in stock?<br />

Legendary Quote lowest price by telegraph Legislated Have you in stock? If not how soon<br />

F . O . B . New York . can ship?<br />

Legging Quote lowest prices by mail F . O . B . Legislating How soon can you ship?<br />

New York . Legislative How soon can you make first ship-<br />

Legible Telegraph lowest price, F . O . B . ment and how fast remainder?<br />

New York, and how soon can ship . Legislator What substitution can you make?<br />


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