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gun RightS alan Korwin<br />

Should Political<br />

RefugeeS Be aRmed?<br />

ameRica haS Plenty of them<br />

When a ruthless dictator seizes<br />

control of the power structure<br />

at some backwater nation in a<br />

dark corner of the planet, people tend<br />

to flee. They pack up their meager<br />

belongings, focusing on food, water,<br />

clothes and life’s necessities, and<br />

take to bomb-pocked roads, seeking<br />

safe haven. Rarely are they armed,<br />

leaving them potential victims to<br />

thugs along the way, or the new<br />

thugs running their government.<br />

It seems impossible for that to happen in our great nation, but increasingly,<br />

people are fearful it could occur. Certainly, American Indians faced<br />

it. Preppers, people who plan and prepare for catastrophe, with escape<br />

routes memorized, are increasing in number. Even mainstream TV is<br />

starting to sport ads for long shelf life food packages, “victory farm” seed<br />

assortments and other survival gear that used to be the bailiwick of deepend<br />

tin-hat survivalists. Hey, having at least some bottled water, flashlights,<br />

canned goods and a battery-powered radio is a basic requirement for any<br />

sensible person living in the world today.<br />

But I’m concerned here with a softer type of refugee. I’m concerned<br />

with increasing migration within the US, of people moving away from<br />

where their right to keep and bear arms is seriously infringed, to a place<br />

where that precious right is held in high esteem and well protected. I’m<br />

talking about armed political refugees within America.<br />

We have a supply of them here in Arizona. People who are proud to<br />

have left behind the highly repressive regimes in their home states for<br />

the relatively free air of constitutional carry in the Grand Canyon State.<br />

My good friend Charles Heller, formerly of Chicago, where even getting<br />

a firearm is a bureaucratic entanglement defying freedom, arrived here<br />

knowing and proclaiming he was a political refugee. That had an impact<br />

on me. And he has had a significant impact on Arizona. Arizona is arguably<br />

the gun friendliest state in the Union.<br />

Ultimately, this is about federalism, that brilliant idea of the Founders to<br />

make us subject to two sets of law instead of one. By being a citizen of both<br />

the nation and the state you are in, you have choice. Your feet can vote.<br />

Continued on page 105<br />


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