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Homoeopathic A Test Kit<br />

54 vials<br />

Homeopathic remedies, include arnica, arsen alb, hepar sulph, lachesis, lycopodium, merc sol, nux vom,<br />

petroleum, rhus tox, sulphur, thuja, etc. Each vial contains 2 tablets (30C potency).<br />

HPA1 Acid Nit<br />

Irritability. Pains as from splinters. Worse cold climate and hot weather. Warts.<br />

HPA2 Acid Phos<br />

Poor memory. Frequent urination at night. Pressure behind the sternum.<br />

HPA3 Aconite<br />

Rapid onset of colds and flu. Sore throat. Red rashes. Measles. Earache. Effect of fear and fright.<br />

HPA4 Antim Tart<br />

Cough with white, coated tongue. Unable to raise phlegm. Acute bronchitis.<br />

HPA5 Argent Nit<br />

Acidity. Headache. Conjunctivitis. Mental strain. Nervous anticipation. Colds. Diarrhoea. Nappy rash.<br />

HPA6 Arnica<br />

After injury. Mental and physical shock. Before operations. Visits to the dentist. Exhaustion.<br />

HPA7 Arsen Alb<br />

Stomach upsets from food poisoning. Diarrhoea. Vomiting.<br />

HPA8 Avena Sativa<br />

Exhaustion. Sleeplessness. Poor muscle tone. Loss of appetite after illness. Calcium loss in bones and<br />

teeth.<br />

HPA9 Bacillinum<br />

Tuberculosis. Humid asthma. Ringworm. Muco-purulent expectoration.<br />

HPA10 Baptisia<br />

Confusion. Offensive discharges. Stupor. Dark red face. Aching and soreness all over. Gastric flu.<br />

HPA11 Belladonna<br />

Hot, flushed face. Sore throat. Neuralgia. Throbbing headache. Earache. Boils. Fever. Mumps. Chicken pox.<br />

HPA12 Berberis<br />

Itchy skin eruptions. Improved by cold compresses. Infantile eczema.<br />

HPA13 Bryonia<br />

Chesty colds. Dry cough. Muscular pain - better when resting. Acute bronchitis.<br />

HPA14 Calc Carb<br />

Sensitive. Easily embarrassed. Profuse periods in young girls. Catches colds easily. Acne rosacea.<br />

HPA15 Calc Fluor<br />

Thick catarrh. Bleeding piles. Cracking joints. Indecision.<br />

HPA16 Calc Phos<br />

Severe stomach pain after eating. Early periods. Acne. Growing pains. Brain fag.<br />

HPA17 Carbo Veg<br />

Indigestion with excessive flatulence. Hoarseness. Acne. Debility.<br />

HPA18 Chamomilla<br />

Teething. Whining, demanding children. Frantic, unbearable pain. Nightmares. Irritability.<br />

HPA19 China<br />

Convalescence. Haemorrhage. Diarrhoea. PMT. Congestive headaches. Copious periods with dark clots.<br />

HPA20 Cocculus<br />

Irritability. Profound sadness. Constipation. Headaches with nausea. Period problems.<br />

HPA21 Drosera<br />

Hoarse barking cough. Constant tickling cough. Whooping cough. Ganglia.<br />

HPA22 Euphrasia<br />

Watering eyes. Streaming nose. Inflamed eyes. Conjunctivitis. Measles.<br />

Testing Kit Description Manual Copyright Jane Thurnell Read 2012 Page 75

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